============================================================================== = :::::: THE GUILTY GEAR X MANUAL ::::::: Act.1 ::::::: Revision r.02 :::::: = ============================================================================== ________ ________ \ \ / / \ \ / / __The___ __.__\ __ \ / __/_____ / _____/ __ __|__| |_/ |_ _\_/__. / _____/ ____ _____ _______ / \ ___| | \ | |\ __< | | / \ ____/ __ \\__ \\_ __ \ \ \_\ \ | / | |_| | \___ | \ \_\ \ ___/ / __ \| | \/ \______ /____/|__|____/__| // ____| \______ /\___ >____ /__| \/ / \/ \ \ \/ \/ \/Manual / / \ \ /_______/ \_______\ ============================================================================== = ::::::::::::: By Ben Cureton ::::::: (tragic@gamecombos.com) ::::::::::::: = ============================================================================== | .......... This file MUST be viewed in a monospace typeface. | | 1234567890 Please remember this before emailing me =P. | This document looks super awesome when printed from an MS-DOS prompt using the generic text editor, edit.com. It can be viewed with Notepad and also Wordpad and still look great. Make sure "word-wrap" is off, and you are using a mono- spaced typeface... like "courier new". Print from edit.com for best results!! ============================================================================== = ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: LEGAL :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: = ============================================================================== This guide is for the Guilty Gear community. It is also meant to be free. You may distribute this guide at your leisure, so long as you leave the content intact and receive no monetary compensation for it. All text, strategies, and other non-official information contained in this guide regarding Guilty Gear X and/or any of the Guilty Gear X characters is Copyright 2001 Ben Cureton. Reproduction in whole or part without the express written permission of Ben Cureton is prohibited. On a site note, I've done my share of published strategy guides, and if you are interested in my work for an upcoming book, drop me a line and we can work something out... if not... Don't be stupid! Copyright Infringement is a crime! I'll get you sucka! GUILTY GEAR X (C)2000 Sammy / 1998,2000 ARC SYSTEM WORKS CO.,LTD. All rights reserved. ============================================================================== = ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: TABLE OF CONTENTS :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: = ============================================================================== LEGAL ----------------------------------------------------------------- LEGAL | TABLE OF CONTENTS ---------------------------------------------------- T.O.C. | BASE STORY OF GUILTY GEAR X ------------------------------------------- STORY | INTRODUCTION --------------------------------------------------------- INTRO. | CONVENTIONS ----------------------------------------------------- CONVENTIONS | `- Command `- Notation `- Comments `- Hit Levels `- Format `- Button Layout | SYSTEM --------------------------------------------------------------- SYSTEM | `- Movement --------------------------------------------------------- SYSTEM | `- Walking | `- Dashing | `- Running | `- Jumping | `- Attack Effects --------------------------------------------------- SYSTEM | `- Attack Ranges | `- Guard Damage | `- Guard Gauge | `- Counter Hits | `- Character Defense | `- Damage Scaling | `- Move Stun | `- Tension Gauge System --------------------------------------------- SYSTEM | `- Increasing Tension | `- Overdrive Attack | `- Dead Angle Attack | `- Faultless Defense | `- Instant Kill | `- Roman Cancel | `- Negative Penalty | `- Other Elements -------------------------------------------------- SYSTEM | `- Dust Attack | `- Sweep | `- Tech (Ukemi) | `- Instant Block | `- Dizzies | `- Throws | `- Taunt & Respect | `- Combo System ---------------------------------------------------- SYSTEM | `- Beat | `- Gatling Combination | `- 2-1 | `- Off The Ground | `- Links | `- Trades | `- Gravity Effects | `- Advanced Tactics ------------------------------------------------- SYSTEM | `- Buffering | `- Dash Break | `- Jump Set | `- Faultless Defense Cancel | FIGHTERS ----------------------------------------------------------- FIGHTERS | `- 001. Anji Mito `- 002. Axl Low `- 003. Baiken `- 004. Chipp Zanuff `- 005. Dizzy (SECRET) `- 006. Faust `- 007. Jam Kuradoberi `- 008. Johnny `- 009. Ky Kiske `- 010. May `- 011. Millia Rage `- 012. Potemkin `- 013. Sol Badguy `- 014. Testament (SECRET) `- 015. Venom `- 016. Zato-1ONE | EXTRA STUFF ----------------------------------------------------- EXTRA STUFF | `- Secret Characters `- Alternate Costumes `- Survival Mode `- GG Mode `- Special Fight Intros `- Watch Mode | PROFILES ----------------------------------------------------------- PROFILES | CREDITS ------------------------------------------------------------- CREDITS ============================================================================== = ::::::::::::::::::::::: BASE STORY OF GUILTY GEAR X :::::::::::::::::::::: = ============================================================================== In the year 2180, Justice - the most powerful and diabolical Gear ever to have been encountered by humans - was defeated in the international fighting tournament. The remaining Gears, now leaderless, were hunted down and eliminated. Humankind was finally free from the catastrophic menace brought by the Gears. Less than a year after the incident, the discovery of a particular Gear rose to people's attention. The report stated, "This Gear is functioning properly, even though its activities should be inhibited by its lack of leadership. There are no signs of abnormalities or physical damage. It is also noted that no civilians have been harmed, either intentionally or accidentally. We have made several attempts to eliminate the Gear; because of its tremendous combat capabilities, we were unsuccessful. The number of casualties has yet to be confirmed. We are currently keeping the Gear under surveillance." Gears are biological weapons that are programmed to blindly obey the orders given them by their commander. In the absence of orders, they become passive and behave like their original forms. However, all existing Gears have had their memories erased by Justice, and without orders, they are incapable of doing anything; not only do they lack the instinct to protect themselves, they cannot even perform the essential activities to keep themselves alive. As long as a Gear is functioning properly, it should be following commands given by Justice. Understandably, the news of this Gear that seemed to have a will of its own stunned everyone. Terrified by the possible emergence of a second Justice, combined with the rumor that each country possesses their own Gears for military use, anti-Gear sentiment increased to protect their long-awaited peace. It was announced that whosoever succeeds in destroying the Gear will be rewarded with 500,000 World Dollars. ============================================================================== = :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: INTRODUCTION :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: = ============================================================================== Once in a while, a game comes along that deserves attention, warrants a second look, and demands respect. Knowing hardly anything about Guilty Gear X other than the fact that I didn't care for its predecessor, my interest grew as I began to hear of the huge following it had in Japan. I checked the internet for information and found that, aside from Japanese sites, there wasn't much out there for the English speaking players. Once the game was released, all of my hopes were satisfied and my appreciation has only grown as I play it. I have put this document together to help beginning players; to compile all I have learned for myself as well as others; and to show skeptics what they are missing. Quite possibly one of the greatest... ... Guilty Gear X is the game that raises the bar. ============================================================================== = :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: CONVENTIONS ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: = ============================================================================== - Command - P - Punch c.P - Crouch Punch j.P - Jump Punch K - Kick c.K - Crouch Kick j.K - Jump Kick S - Slash c.S - Crouch Slash j.S - Jump Slash HS - Heavy c.HS - Crouch Heavy j.HS - Jump Heavy (note: H can be used in place of HS) f - forward d/f - tap down+forward b - back d/b - tap down+back u - up u/f - tap up+forward d - down u/b - tap up+back QCF - quarter circle forward (d,d/f,f) QCB - quarter circle back (d,d/b,b) HCF - half circle forward (b,d/b,d,d/f,f) HCB - half circle back (f,d/f,d,d/b,b) DP - dragon punch (f,d,d/f) RDP - reverse dragon punch (b,d,d/f) CB - charge back (hold back, down+back, or up+back) CD - charge down (charge down, down+back, or down+forward) RC - Roman Cancel JC - Jump Cancel - Notation - + - do moves on either side of + together ~ - immediately followed by... / - use either button = - next part of sequence - - N/A ANY - any button ALL - P+K+S+HS - Comments - FL - this move, or part of the move, floats opponent KB - this move, or part of the move, knocks the opponent back RF - this move, or part of the move, floats if Roman Cancelled DF - this move Dust Floats the opponent # - "see note # below" - Hit Levels - h - HIGH (hold back to block. can be crouched under) m - MID (hold back or down+back to block) l - LOW (hold down+back to block. will hit stand-blocking opponents) o - OVERHEAD (this move hits crouch-blocking opponents) (note: hit levels refers to attacks versus a ground based opponent) - Format - Move Name Command Lev. Min/Max DMG Com. * - - - - - - Move Name: attack name Command: how to perform the attack Lev.: where the attack strikes Min/Max DMG: low / high damage of the attack (vs Chipp / vs Potemkin) Com.: comment column * (JC or RC): whether the attack can be Jump / Roman Canceled (note: in the Basic Attacks section for each character, O signifies that the move can be Jump Cancelled, X means it cannot. in the Special Attacks section, O signifies that the move can be Roman Cancelled, X means it cannot. take note of the special JC and RC comment columns.) - Button Layout - DreamCast (P)(S) (K)(HS) <- Square Style Layout Arcade (K)(S)(HS) (P) <- Horizontal Style Layout ============================================================================== = ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: SYSTEM ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: = ============================================================================== _____________.___. _____________________________ _____ / _____|__ | |/ _____|__ ___|_ _____/ / \ \_____ \ / | |\_____ \ | | | __)_ / \ / \ / \\____ |/ \ | | | Y Y \ /_______ // ______/_______ / |____| /_______ |____|__ / \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ ============================================================================== = ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: SYSTEM ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: = ============================================================================== The SYSTEM section was written to give players, beginning and experienced, a chance to learn something new. The goal of the GGX Manual is to be as complete as possible, covering all aspects of the game in depth. It can also be used to simply showcase the many outstanding features the game has! Study this section and learn as much as you can... then go play! Come back when you think you have it all figured out. Maybe there will be something you overlooked! ============================================================================== = :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: MOVEMENT :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: = ============================================================================== In order to be able to successfully attack and defend against your opponent, you need to know how to move around in order to gain the initiative. Moving around in Guilty Gear X is used to position yourself to attack and/or defend. Each of the different movement options has its own special uses and you should definitely be familiar with each of them before you try anything tricky. -Walking- Walking is the most basic of all movement options. It is also the least effective. Walking can be useful to move short distances in the place of a dash or run. Setups and combos benefit from walking. -Dashing- Dashing is a highly used movement technique within GGX. Not only can dashes be performed on the ground, but they can also be done in the air. Dashing can be performed either forwards or backwards and is done by quickly tapping the controller twice in that direction. Since dashing is much faster than walking, it's one of the best ways to get around. Take special note that a forward dash can be cancelled at any point into any ground option. This is very useful for Gatling Combos as your character will retain their forward momemtum. This helps add additional hits for Gatling Combos and keep you close to your opponent while rushing. Holding forward during the dash will put the character into their run. Backdashes cannot be cancelled and must complete animation before you can do anything else. Remember this when backdashing to evade attacks, as opponents will be able to attack you without fear of being countered. Thought you will be unable to attack during the backdash, one bonus is the fact that it is basically invincible for the first 2/3 of the animation. This can be a very useful tactic if mastered because you will be able to avoid / evade some attacks that would otherwise force you to block. Air dashes have much different properties than ground dashes. After the start up frames of the air dash/backdash, characters can cancel into any air move. If a dash is used, after a Jump or Superjump, your character will be unable to double jump (unless you are using Chipp or Dizzy, who have triple jumps). If a double jump is used, then your character will be unable to air dash (unless you are using Millia or Dizzy). A special benefit of air dashes is the ability to perform them in combination with a jump. This technique is called Instant Air Dash. In order to instant air dash you must first jump either forwards or backwards. Then, as soon as your character leaves the ground, press the appropriate direction to complete the actual air dash. The directional jump also serves as the first motion for the air dash so you only have to press the respective dash direction once to follow up. For example, if you wish to perform an instant air dash fowards, simple press up+forward, then as your character leaves the ground, quickly tap forward to complete the input. By perfecting this technique, you will be able to leave the ground and quickly advance upon your opponent much faster than if you had jumped and then manually performed an air dash. (note: Potemkin has no dashes aside from backwards. Also, because Johnny hops forward instead of dashes, he cannot cancel his ground dash into other moves. Millia and Dizzy can both perform two air dashes in a row. After a double air dash, they will be unable to double / triple jump.) - Running - Running is another excellent movement option within GGX. The run can be used to cover a lot of distance in a short amount of time. This can be useful for punishing whiffed moves and getting close to rising opponents after knockdowns or knockbacks. As with the dash forward, the run can be used to add additional hits in Gatling Combos and also to remain closer during a rush. - Jumping - Jumping is a key part of GGX gameplay. All characters can double jump, and two can triple jump (Chipp and Dizzy). Jumping can be performed in any upwards direction by simply pressing up, up+forward, or up+backwards. If no moves are performed while your character is in the air, you can double jump by pressing and upwards direction again. The triple jump works the same way for Chipp and Dizzy. If a jump attack is used, characters may be able to continue with their double / triple jump and air dash options. Each character is unique so it's important to know which moves prohibit further air options. Certain ground and air moves can be cancelled into another jump. This trick is called Jump Cancelling. In each characters move section, a list of every move with their Jump Cancel options is shown. Jump Cancels can be used to enhance combos and mix up offense / defense options. To perform a jump cancel, hold an upwards direction as a Jump Cancelable move is connecting. After the move connects, your character will cancel into a jump. Generally Jump Cancels still follow the same double / triple jump and air dash rules. In addition to the standard jump, there are two special jump options within GGX. The first option, Super Jumps, can be used in a variety of ways. A super jump is performed by first pressing any downward direction, then quickly pressing an upwards direction. The upwards direction will determine which way your super jump is aimed. If you use a super jump, your character will not be able to use double / triple jump options. You can, however, super jump, then perform an air dash. This can be a key tactic to get out of a rough corner trap or away from an overly agressive opponent. The other special jump option, Chase Jump, can only be performed after you have connected a Dust Attack. After a Dust Attack successfully hits your opponent, hold any upwards direction to "chase" after them. This is a prime opportunity for an air combo! Each character has a special frame of animation during the chase jump. Also, the chase jump shares the same double / triple jump and air dash rules as a regular jump. This means you can still utilize double / triple jumps, as well as air dashes after a chase jump depending on the options available to that character during a regular jump. Both the super jump and chase jump are signified by a blue aura surrounding your character as they leap. While a super jump can be performed in any of the upwards directions, the chase jump will always jump towards your opponent no matter which upwards direction you press. A special technique, known as Jump Set, will actually allow you to utilize a double / triple jump after a super jump. This technique is being researched thoroughly and will appear in the next version. ============================================================================== = ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: DAMAGE ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: = ============================================================================== An important part of gameplay is knowing how the damage system works. If you know how to inflict the most possible damage, while minimizing the damage you receive, you can greatly enhance your chances of winning. - Attack Ranges - The most important part of attacking and defending is understanding how attacks connect. You must guard your opponents attacks, and strike back where they are not defending. There are four basic hit ranges: High (h); Mid (m); Low (l); and Overhead (o). To guard against high attacks, hold back. Crouching is another alternative as high attacks will pass overhead. To guard against mid attacks, hold back or down+back. To guard against low attacks, hold down+back. To guard against overhead attacks, hold back. Holding back or down+back to defend attacks is called "standard guard". (note: because of size, most high attacks will strike Potemkin in his crouch.) An additional attack range / property is Unblockable. (!) This basically means the attack cannot be blocked using standard guarding techniques. - Guard Damage - Guard damage refers to any damage received while using standard guard. Most Special Attacks and Overdrive Attacks cause guard damage when blocked normally. It's important to remember that your character can die from guard damage so if you are low on life you will have to resort to alternative defensive tactics. - Guard Gauge - The Guard Gauge is located directly underneath your characters health meter. It always begins half full, and this is where attacks do normal damage. If the gauge goes above half full, you will receive more damage. If it goes below half full, you will receive less damage. Each time you block an attack using standard guard or Instant Block, the Guard Gauge will rise. At a certain point, if you have have continuously used standard guard or Instant Block to stop incoming attacks, the Guard Gauge will begin flashing. During the flashing period, all hits except basic Punch, Kick, and Dust Attacks will be considered Counter Hits. This includes standing, crouching, and jumping Punch / Kicks. If Faultless Defense is used to block incoming attacks, your Guard Gauge will not increase. If you are not blocking, your Guard Gauge will slowly deplete to the original, half full state. If you are hit, your Guard Gauge will lower. If the attack does not have a combo follow up, the Guard Gauge will instantly reset back to the original, half full state. During a combo, the Guard Gauge will continue to go down until the combo is finished. The lower it gets, the less damage you will receive. When it is completely empty, all hits will do one point of damage. - Counter Hits - If your character is struck while beginning an attack, or while the Guard Meter is flashing, your opponent will score a counter hit and the words "Counter Hit" will appear on screen. Attacks that connect on counter hit will have a much greater effect on the opponent. Basically, hits that knock the opponent off their feet will be untechable, and moves will inflict much more hit stun. Both offer increased combo potential. Contrary to popular belief, a counter hit attack does not inflict more damage than a normal attack. Just as with a flashing Guard Gauge, all hits except basic basic Punch, Kick, and Dust Attacks can score a counter hit. - Character Defense - Since Guilty Gear X features a very complex damage system, it's no surprise they have implemented character specific defense ratings. There are seven different defense ratings. Depending on which rating your character has, damage they receive will be adjusted accordingly. The chart below shows each characters defense modifier. As you can see, Chipp's defense modifier is the largest and Potemkin's is the smallest. This means an attack that inflicts 100 damage on Sol (x 1.00), would inflict 131 on Chipp (x 1.31) and only 88 on Potemkin (x .875). Anji Axl Baiken Chipp Dizzy Faust Jam Johnny x1.06 x1.00 x1.18 x1.31 x1.06 x1.00 x1.06 x1.00 Ky May Millia Potemkin Sol Testament Venom Zato x1.03 x1.06 x1.21 x.875 x1.00 x1.00 x1.00 x1.06 - Damage Scaling - Damage scaling refers to strengthening and weakening of hits depending on the situation. The two types are: Health Meter and Guard Gauge. The first is Health Meter scaling. It's based on how much health is remaining in the Health Meter. Basically the Health Meter is split into hidden sections, and depending on how much health a character has, attacks will inflict a specific percentage of normal damage. Guard Gauge scaling is based on how filled your Guard Gauge is. The more filled it becomes, the more damage you receive. The less filled it becomes, the less damage you receive. The Guard Gauge is directly linked to combos because it will not rise until a combo has finished. When both damage scaling features are combined, combos begin to do less and less overall damage nearing the end of the round. This often makes for faster and more efficient combos, thus keeping gameplay quick. Also, because the double damage scaling begins at the halfway mark, strategy comes heavily into play since one big combo usually won't finish the opponent off. This table is very easy to read. The left column is the Guts rating. The top column is how much health your character has remaining. The data within the table is the damage modifier. Depending on how much health your character has, the damage modifier will be different. As you can see, the lower the Guts rating, the more damage your character will take during the entire battle. Damage Scaling Chart ~56% ~42% ~31% ~21% ~15% ~9% ~4% ~0 Health 0 x1.00 x1.00 x1.00 x0.91 x0.75 x0.58 x0.48 x0.39 1 x1.00 x1.00 x0.94 x0.88 x0.69 x0.56 x0.47 x0.39 2 x1.00 x1.00 x0.91 x0.81 x0.66 x0.55 x0.45 x0.38 3 x1.00 x0.94 x0.88 x0.78 x0.64 x0.53 x0.44 x0.36 4 x1.00 x0.94 x0.88 x0.78 x0.63 x0.50 x0.39 x0.36 5 x1.00 x0.91 x0.83 x0.75 x0.58 x0.47 x0.38 x0.34 Guts Scaling Modifier Guts Rating Chart Anji Axl Baiken Chipp Dizzy Faust Jam Johnny 5 1 4 4 1 0 3 4 Ky May Millia Potemkin Sol Testament Venom Zato 2 3 3 4 1 2 2 1 - Move Stun (Recovery) - Each attack has a Level (LV) rating. Depending on the rating, the attack will inflict a different amount of hit / block stun (recovery). Use this chart to determine how much stun an attack will inflict. Level (LV) rating for each attack can be found in the individual Character Analysis sections. This chart is still being researched for accuracy. L1 L2 L3 Standing 10F 14F 19F Crouching 10F 15F 20F Usual Guard 9F 13F 18F F.Defense 10F 14F 19F Air Guard 12F 16F 22F Air F.Defense 14F 20F 26F Instant Block Ground 6F 9F 13F Instant Block Air 8F 12F 16F ============================================================================== = :::::::::::::::::::::::::: TENSION GAUGE SYSTEM :::::::::::::::::::::::::: = ============================================================================== The Tension Gauge System is one of the most important elements of GGX. The Tension Gauge is the meter on the bottom of the screen. Perfect utilization of the Tension Gauge can often be the deciding factor of a win or loss. Knowing each of the features and subtleties of the Tension Gauge System is a definite requirement for high level play. - Increasing Tension - To increase, or fill up, the Tension Gauge, you must perform some type of offensive action. This includes attacking your opponent, or simply advancing towards them. Each characters Tension Gauge fills up at a different rate, so it's important to be aware of the rate for each character you play. As a general rule: the more agressive the action against the opponent, the faster your Tension Gauge will fill up. Also, when an Instant Block is used, you will gain a small bit of Tension. There are basically two halves to the Tension Gauge. When the first half is filling up, the Tension Gauge will indicate this with blue. This signifies you are building Tension, but you havn't completed one half yet. At this point, the only use for the stored Tension is for Faultless Defense. When the first half is filled, and while the second half is building, the Tension Gauge will indicate this by changing to red. At this point, you can utilize either one Overdrive Attack, one Dead Angle Attack, one Roman Cancel, or continue to use it for Faultless Defense. Once the Tension Gauge is completely filled, it will indicate this by turning Yellow. At this point, you can utilize either two Overdrive Attacks, two Dead Angle Attacks, two Roman Cancels, or any combination of one each, two total. You can also remain using the stored tension for Faultless Defense. - Overdrive Attack - Much like "Supers" from other fighting games, Overdrive Attacks are one of the primary uses of the Tension Gauge. When you have at least 50% of your Tension Gauge filled, you can perform an Overdrive Attack. Each Overdrive Attack is character specific, and it's up to you to know what your characters variation does and what properties it contains. - Dead Angle Attack - Dead Angle Attacks are basically counters / reversals which require 50% of your Tension Gauge. To perform a Dead Angle Attack, you must first block any attack while on the ground. During the block stun, press towards your opponent and any two buttons simultaneously. When performed, your character will flash white, then immediately attack the opponent back. This can be useful when your opponent is rushing you down and you want to get them off your back. It can also be used to do a small amount of damage and set up possible combo follow ups. Since each characters Dead Angle Attack is different, it's important to know what each one does. Also, since each Dead Angle Attack has startup frames like every other attack, if you counter an opponents move that recovers quickly, your Dead Angle Attack may be guarded. It's best to use the Dead Angle Attack when you are certain it will connect. - Faultless Defense - Faultless Defense is an interesting and highly useful technique. It's mainly used to negate guard damage, but it has other, very effective uses. To perform Faultless Defense, hold any back direction and press P+K. As long as you hold b+P+K, your character will continue to remain in Faultless Defense. However, this gradually drains your Tension Gauge. If you have no Tension stored, your character will not perform the Faultless Defense. While Faultless Defense is active, your character will take no guard damage, and every hit blocked will force you and your opponent further apart than if the hit was blocked with a regular block. This is even more apparrent if you are in the corner. Since you cannot travel back, your opponent is forced even further away. Faultless Defense can also be performed in the air, which brings up another very important use. Since the majority of ground based attacks cannot be guarded against with an air block, Faultless Defense can be used instead. This will allow you to jump in at an opponent and block many anti-air attacks. During Faultless Defense, you still must remember to block the different attack levels correctly. If you remain standing with Faultless Defense active, low attacks will still connect. This holds true for overhead and jump in attacks if you remain crouching. You can also be thrown. Complete knowledge and mastery of Faultless Defense is critical to high level play. Always to try to keep Tension stored specifically for Faultless Defense. - Instant Kill - Though the Instant Kill was part of the original Guilty Gear system, it has been greatly adjusted for GGX. To perform an Instant Kill, you must first enter Instant Kill mode by pressing all four attack buttons at once. This can be done at any time, and effectively changes your Tension Gauge into a timer. The timer length is based upon how much Tension you has stored. It will gradually decrease as you remain in Instant Kill mode. Once it emptied, you will remain in Instant Kill mode, but your health meter will then act as the timer. From then on, as long as you remain in Instant Kill mode, your health will gradually decrease. This will continue until you either perform the Instant Kill, you revert back to Tension Gauge by pressing all four attack buttons again, or your health meter depletes fully. You cannot kill yourself in this manner, but it will leave you with zero health, and the next hit or guard damage point will finish you off. If you successfully connect the Instant Kill, your opponent will be destroyed and instantly lose the round, no matter how much life they have. If you miss, or if the Instant Kill is blocked, you will lose your Tension Gauge for the rest of the round. This will prevent you from using Overdrive Attacks, Dead Angle Attacks, Roman Cancels, and Faultless Defense. You will also be unable to perform another Instant Kill. Each Instant Kill has different properties and can be used in different situations. It's important to know what your characters Instant Kill looks like, and in what situations it may be useful. - Roman Cancel - The Roman Cancel is one of GGX's more innovative features. By pressing any three attack buttons simultaneously during a move that connects, or is blocked, you can cancel all of the recovery. The Roman Cancel has many great uses, the primary being for extending combos and increasing damage. Any normal attack, and the majority of Special Attacks and Overdrive Attacks, can be Roman Cancelled which lends itself to some devastating options. Using a Roman Cancel requires 50% of your Tension Gauge. Since not all attacks can be Roman Cancelled, it's important to study the character movelists to learn what can and can't be cancelled. Roman Cancelling blocked attacks can be an effective option as well. Though it still takes 50% of your Tension Gauge, it can often get you out of impending trouble, or set up unexpected follow ups. Since your opponent may expect to block your attack and retaliate as you recover, Roman Cancelling the recovery can catch them off guard and allow you to continue your attack rush. Projectile attacks cannot be Roman Cancelled. An important facet of Roman Cancelling to be aware of is trajectory. When a move is cancelled, whatever direction and speed your character is travelling will, for the most part, continue. For example, if an upwards moving attack is Roman Cancelled, then your character will continue travelling upwards. This also holds true for forwards, downwards, backwards, and diagonal movement. - Negative Penalty - Negative Penalty is basically a feature designed to keep gameplay offensive and exciting. It prevents players from resorting to extremely defensive tactics such as "run-away" or "turtling". If a character remains defensive for too long, or resorts to consecutive backdashing, a warning will appear on the Tension Gauge. If the player doesn't switch to offense, or continues to use defensive tactics, "Negative Penalty" will appear, and that player will lose all stored Tension. In the next revision, a complete Negative Penalty breakdown will be listed. ============================================================================== = ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: OTHER ELEMENTS ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: = ============================================================================== - Dust Attack - The Dust Attack is the basic air combo starter. By pressing S+HS, your character will perform their Dust Attack. Every characters Dust Attack is an overhead (o), and must be blocked standing by holding back. Connecting a Dust Dust Attack on your opponent will send them reeling into the air. If you then hold any upwards direction, you will perform the Chase Jump and follow them up. From here, it's up to you to slap them up with your best air combo. After reaching a certain height in the Chase Jump, the background will change from the normal stage graphics, to a burning orange / red fire display. Though the color change serves no major purpose, it can make it easier to concentrate on the combo at hand. Dust Attacks will only launch your opponent if their feet are on the ground. Hitting an airborne or downed opponent will not result in a Dust Attack air combo opportunity. - Sweep - The Sweep is a basic knockdown tactic which every character poseses. By pressing d+S+HS, your character will perform their Sweep. Each sweep attack possesses different properties and follow-up opportunities so it's important to know what options are available with your character. Sweep attacks provide a great alternative to Dust Attacks as they much be guarded against low. - Tech (Ukemi) - Tech, also known as Ukemi within the training mode options, is an option to lessen the effects of certain throws, knockbacks, and combos. To perform a tech, press any two buttons in while in the air. Depending on the attack your character is hit by, teching may or may not be possible. Also, each attack inflicts a certain amount of float stun which allows other moves to follow up without characters being able to tech out. As a general rule, the stronger the attack, the more float stun it inflicts. After a tech, the double / triple jump and air dash options are reset. This means, if you double / triple jump, or air dash, are hit out of the air, then tech, you can perform another double / triple jump or air dash again. As an added bonus of the tech, you can actually choose to direct it either left or right. This can help get out of traps, and allow you to reposition your character for a better angle of attack. An important feature of the tech is the fact that, as it starts, characters become invincible for a few frames. By timing your techs, you can actually wait for attacks and then tech as they are about to hit. The incoming attack can actually be teched "through", which can leave your opponent highly vulnerable to retaliations. - Instant Block - Instant Block is an interesting addition to the defense system of GGX. By timing your block so that you press back right before / as an incoming attack connects, you will Instant Block. Instant Block is indicated with a white flash on your character. What this does is allow your character to recover faster out of block stun than if you had used a standard guard. This can be extremely useful for retaltiation techniques and escaping pressure tactics. In addition to faster block stun recovery, every successful Instant Block will increase your Tension Gauge slightly. Master the Instant Block, and you will gain Tension faster, and be able to retaliate sooner. - Dizzies - If you are struck repeatedly over short amount of time, your character will become dizzy. During this time, you will be unable to perform any actions such as guarding, attacking, or even teching combos. Dizzies are indicated by birds that fly around your characters head. As it wears off, the birds will fly off. When all the birds are gone, you will resume control of your character. You can speed up the recovery by shaking the joystick in all directions and rapidly pressing the buttons. If a character is dizzied mid-combo they will remain dizzy until the player shakes out, or the dizzy wears off. This allows players to land and begin another combo on a dizzied character if their opponent doesn't shake out. Each move contains a different "dizzy potential" called Bear Stun Rating. The Bear Stun Rating is basically "dizzy resistance". The higher the number, the less likely it is they will get dizzy. This chart is still being researched for accuracy, and to find out what the actual number pertains to. Bear Stun Rating Chart Anji Axl Baiken Chipp Dizzy Faust Jam Johnny 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 78 Ky May Millia Potemkin Sol Testament Venom Zato 60 72 60 80 60 60 60 60 - Throws - Throws are moves which, after intiated, do a considerable amount of damage to your opponent. The best thing about throws is the that they are very quick ways do deal damage. Also, most throws are easier to execute than combos. To perform a throw, press either f+HS or b+HS while next to your opponent. Though the motion is identical between all characters, the actual throw, damage, and combo follow ups are different. Command throws are similar to basic throws except they require specific joystick and button combinations to perform. On the whole, command throws inflict more damage that basic throws and have better follow up possibilties. - Taunt & Respect - All characters have both a Taunt and a Respect. To perform a Taunt, simply press R (C on stick). Taunts can be canceled into into any attack after about half of the animation has played. Respects, on the other hand, can be canceled at any time. Respects are performed by pressing f+R (f+C on stick). Both the Taunt and Respect can be used to give a false sense of vulnerability as your opponent may be lured into attacking. Since the Respect can be cancelled at any time, it's usually the best choice for a lure attempt. Performing a Taunt will raise your opponents Tension Gauge slightly. ============================================================================== = :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: COMBO SYSTEM :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: = ============================================================================== The combo system within Guilty Gear X is just as complex as the actual game itself. Understanding how the combo system works in detail can give you a big advantage over an unlearned opponent. By maximizing your combo knowledge, you can learn to take advantage of each combo opportunity and lay down big damage. - Beat - Though there is no real need for this explanation, Beat is simply the nickname given to any combo that registers on the combometer. The combo meter is the green number that appears after you have comboed two or more hits. - Gatling Combination - Every character the ability to chain basic attacks together. This technique is called Gatling Combination. Each character has a different set of Gatling Combinations available to them, but it generally progresses from Punch to Kick to Slash to Heavy Slash. There are many exceptions, but you can usually find simple Gatling Combinations by following this rule. Performing Gatling Combinations is relatively straightforward. Press the first button in the attack sequence, quickly followed by the next. The first move will hit, and the recovery will be cancelled into the second move. This can be continued as long as you stay within the characters Gatling Combination path. Individual character Gatling Combination information is listed in the Fighters section. - 2-1 - The art of the 2-1 ("two in one") is an age old combo technique which has appeared in almost every 2D fighting game to date. It involves cancelling a Basic Attack into a Special or Overdrive Attack. To perform a 2-1, attack your opponent with a Basic Attack, then quickly perform a Special or Overdrive Attack before the original attack finishes. If done correctly, the Basic Attack will connect, and then be instantly cancelled into the Special or Overdrive Attack you chose. In most cases, it's best to perform 2-1's as fast as possible. Beginning players may want to start out by performing 2-1's off slow Basic Attacks such as a standing Slash or Heavy Slash. Since the slower attacks usually have a a larger set of hit frames, cancelling into Special or Overdrive Attacks will be easier than starting out with the quick attacks. As you become more adept at cancelling using the 2-1 technique, you will find you can cancel almost every Basic Attack in the game. This will greatly open up your combo options. - Off The Ground - To Off The Ground (OTG) someone, means to strike them after they hit the ground for additional hits. If you have knocked a character down, and you are close, you can usually follow up with a quick OTG. It's important to know which of your character attacks are best for hitting a downed opponent. Also, since some moves can actually combo OTG, you can learn to do increased damage to finish up your other combos that end with the opponent on the ground. Unlike other games, once a character has hit the ground in GGX, you cannot OTG them into a relaunch. If you want to relaunch your opponent, you will have to hit them before they touch the ground. - Links - A link is similar to a Gatling Combination, except it requires special timing to actually combo the attacks involved. To link two moves, means to perform one move, let it completely recover, then perform a second move before the hit stun wears off the opponent. The difference between a link and a Gatling Combination is the fact that links can involve every type of attack, from Basic to Special Attacks, and even Overdrive Attacks, while Gatling Combinations involve Basic Attacks only. There are many different ways to link moves together, some as easy as simply performing one attack, then another when the first finishes. Other options involve hitting an opponent as they rise with an early attack, then performing the second attack. The reason this is slightly trickier is because the object is to hit the rising opponent with the end of the first attack, so there is less overall recovery. This, in turn, leads to more follow ups. Another link type can be after Special Attacks or Overdrive Attacks that leave your opponent in a specific state that leaves them vulverable. Moves which stun, sweep, knockback, float, dizzy usually have some form of link option. The reason these types of combos are called links is because they are not programmed into the game like Gatling Combinations. Imagination, creativity, and execution technique are all requirements of good link combos. - Trades - If two moves connect at the same time, a trade will result. This means that both attacks connect simultaneously, and both characters are hit. Depending on which attacks trade, certain combo opportunities can open up. If you hit your opponent with a launching move, as they hit you with a basic attack, both attacks will count as a counter hit, and your opponent will ultimately suffer the worst. This is because, in this situation, they will end up being launched while your character recovers in time to follow. Keep an eye out for trades and be sure to know when to follow up for extra damage. - Gravity Effects - Another interesting feature of the combo system is gravity effects. The more hits used before a float move, the lower the character will be launched. This can prove to be helpful or detrimental to your combos depending on which way you look at it. Some combos may only be possible if the launcher sends the opponent high into the air, while other combos benefit more from a lower launch. Also, because of gravity effects, this greatly curbs the ability to perform the dreaded infinite combos. Since you contantly add hits, any relaunches will float the opponent lower and lower until certain combinations become impossible. Gravity Rating Chart Anji Axl Baiken Chipp Dizzy Faust Jam Johnny 1.10 1.10 1.00 1.10 1.05 1.10 1.00 1.15 Ky May Millia Potemkin Sol Testament Venom Zato 1.10 1.10 1.05 1.25 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 ============================================================================== = :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ADVANCED TACTICS :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: = ============================================================================== - Buffering - Buffering is a technique used to keep idle time between moves to a minimum and to keep your attacks and combos as tight as possible. By beginning the input for a Special Attack or Overdrive Attack while another attack is finishing, you can finish the input directly after the previous attack finishes, and your follow up will execute immediately. This technique takes a bit of practice and can prove to be quite frustrating for beginning players. Since each move has a different animation length, and recovery time, you will have to learn your character well before attempting complex buffering tricks. Practice by performing a Special Attack, then, as it recovers, perform a second Special Attack. Once you get that down, start performing the second Special Attack right before the first attack ends. Be sure to finish the second attack after the first completes, and you will begin seeing the idle time between both moves shortened. - Dash Break - Since you cannot block while in a forward dash, and there is a wind down period after a dash ends, characters can leave themselves wide open while advancing. The best way to protect yourself is to use a Dash Break. By dashing forward, then performing Faultless Defense when you want to stop, you can stop the dash on a dime, and protect yourself from incoming attacks. It can be
used to stop a long dash or run, or even just for short bursts for forward
momentum. Practice and master the Dash Break for save advancing.

- Jump Set -

Jump Set involves a specific cancelling technique that allows you to perform
double / triple jumps where they are normally not possible. A full explanation
of Jump Set will appear in the next revision. It is currently being examined.

- Faultless Defense Cancel -

The Faultness Defense Cancel is a very interesting and advanced technique. It
involves performing a specific Gatling Combination, and cancelling out of the
last hit using Faultless Defense Cancel (b+P+K). For example, perform a basic
2-Hit Gatling Combination that ends with the Sweep (d+S+HS). This must touch
the opponent, either hit or guarded. Immediately after pressing the Sweep
command, input the Faultless Defense Cancel command. If done correctly, your
character will never perform the Sweep, but will recover extremely fast from
the initial hit of the Gatling Combination. This can give you the block stun
or hit stun of a slower attack, with the recovery of a much faster attack.
There may be other uses and examples. A full explanation of Faultless Defense
Cancel will be in the next revision. It is currently being examined.

= ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: FIGHTERS ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: =
  ______________  ________  ___ _________________________________  _________
  \_   _____/   |/  _____/ /   |   \__    ___|_   _____|______   \/   _____/
   |    __) |   /   \  ___/    ~    \|    |   |    __)_ |       _/\_____  \
   |     \  |   \    \_\  \    Y    /|    |   |        \|    |   \/        \
   \___  /  |___|\______  /\___|_  / |____|  /_______  /|____|_  /_______  /
       \/               \/       \/                  \/        \/        \/

= :: 001.Anji Mito ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: FIGHTERS :: =
              _____              __.__     _____  .__  __
             /  _  \   ____     |__|__|   /     \ |__|/  |_ ____
            /  /_\  \ /    \    |  |  |  /  \ /  \|  \   __Y  _ \
           /    |    \   |  \   |  |  | /    Y    \  ||  |(  <_> )
           \____|__  /___|  /\__|  |__| \____|__  /__||__| \____/
                   \/     \/\______|            \/

= :: 001.Anji Mito ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: FIGHTERS :: =

- Basic Attacks -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   JC

Fan Hit                  P                h     8/13                 .       O
Front Kick               K                m     12/18                .       O
Twist Fan                s(close)         m     22/33                .       O
Upper Fan                S(far)           m     26/39                #1      O
Double Down Fan          HS               m     34/52                .       X

Fan Bonk                 f+P              o     24/36                KB #2   X
Fan Swing                f+K              m     24/36                #1      X
Spinning Fans            f+HS             m     58/87 (5-hit)        #1,3    O

Quick Fan                c.P              m     6/10                 .       X
Low Fan                  c.K              l     10/15                .       X
Fan Spread               c.S              l     24/35                .       X
Fan Shift                c.HS             m     40/60                .       X

Closed Fan               j.P              o     8/13                 .       X
Spear Kick               j.K              o     15/23                .       X
Turn Fan                 j.S              o     26/39                .       O
Cross Fans j.HS          j.HS             o     33/49                .       X

Dust Attack              S+HS             o     24/36                DF      X
Sweep                    c.S+HS           l     26/39                .       X

#1: built in parry. if P is pressed during glow, Anji performs Fan Interrupt.
#2: Fan Bonk can avoid mode high/mid moves.
#3: Spinning Fans can only be Move/Jump Canceled on the first or second hit.

- Special Attacks -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   RC

Fuujin Close             QCF+S            m     34/52                #1      O
 = Needles                = P             o     43/56 (6-hit)        .       X
 = Static Field           = K             o     68/104 (6-hit)       .       O
 = Fan Trip               = S             l     23/35                .       O
Fuujin Far               QCF+HS           m     40/60                KB #1   O
 = Needles                = P             o     43/56 (6-hit)        .       X
 = Static Field           = K             o     68/104 (6-hit)       .       O
 = Fan Trip               = S             l     23/35                .       O
Shitsu                   QCF+P            m(o)  15(26)/23(39)        #2      X
Kai Close                QCB+P            o     36/54                .       O
Kai Far                  QCB+K            o     21/32                .       O
Static Field             QCB+P(air)       o     68/104 (6-hit)       .       O
Fan Interrupt            *P               m     82/112 (6/8 hits)    #3      O
Dead Angle Attack        f+P+S            m     21/32                KB #4   O

#1: Fuujin must hit or be blocked to continue into follow-up moves.
#2: if Shitsu is blocked, second hit will appear.
#3: can only be done after auto parry.
#4: requires 1/2 tension gauge. perform while blocking.

- Throws -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   RC

Fan Takedown             b or f+HS        -     45/67                .       X
On                       DP+HS (vs air)   -     71/106               FL      0

- Overdrive Attacks -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   RC

Giant Spinning Fan       HCB,f+HS         m     133/172 (12-hit)     FL      X

- Instant Kill -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   RC

Dragon Chariot           QCF,QCF+HS       m     DEATH                .       -

- Gatling Combinations -

- GG Mode Changes -

Fuujin -> Static Field (QCF+S/H,K) changes to Fuujin -> Hop

= :: 002.Axl Low ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: FIGHTERS :: =
                 _____         .__    .____
                /  _  \ ___  __|  |   |    |    ______  _  __
               /  /_\  \\  \/  /  |   |    |   /  _ \ \/ \/ /
              /    |    \>    <|  |__ |    |__(  <_> )     /
              \____|__  /__/\_ \____/ |_______ \____/ \/\_/
                      \/      \/              \/

= :: 002.Axl Low ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: FIGHTERS :: =

- Basic Attacks -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   JC

Long Chain               P                h     27/41                .       X
Side Kick                K                m     12/18                .       X
Hook Upper               S (close)        m     24/36                .       O
Hook Swipe               S (far)          m     28/43                .       X
Reverse Hook             HS               m     36/54                .       X

Backhand                 f+P              h     27/41                KB      O
Leap Hook                f+HS             m     40/60                .       X

Long Chain Low           c.P              l     24/36                .       X
Low Kick                 c.K              l     7/11                 .       X
Upper Hook               c.S              m     29/44                .       O
Double Hook              c.HS             l     56/85 (3-hit)        .       X

Hilt Strike              j.P              o     10/15                .       X
Front Kick               j.K              o     15/23                .       O
Long Slash               j.S              o     24/36                .       X
Windmill Slash           j.HS             o     33/49                .       X

Dust Attack              S+HS             o     34/52                DF      X
Sweep                    c.S+HS           l     26/39                .       X

- Special Attacks -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   RC

Benten Gari Single       DP+S             m     34/52                FL      O
Benten Gari Double       DP+HS            m     45/67 (2-hits)       FL      O
 = Benten Gari Finish     = DP+HS         o     36/54                RF      O
Rensi Gari               CB,f+S           l     39/58                .       X
 = Rensi Gari Upper       = u             m     26/41                FL      X
 = Rensi Gari Whirlwind   = d             m     63/87 (4-hits)       RF      O
Gari Upper                DP+HS           o     52/78                FL      O
Reverse Hook              HCB+S           o     43/65                FL      O
Big Drop                  HCB+HS          o     32/49 (2-hit)        RF #1   O
Dead Angle Attack        f+P+S            m     21/32                KB #2   O

#1: Big Drop can be directed while Axl is off screen.
#2: requires 1/2 tension gauge. perform while blocking.

- Throws -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   RC

Chain Slam               b or f+HS        -     40/69                FL      O
Rasho Sen                CB,f+HS          !     57/85                .       X
Tenho Seki               QCB+P            -     47/71                #1      X

#1: reversal. will grab opponents high and mid attacks.

- Overdrive Attacks -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   RC

Fire Wheel               QCF,HCB+HS       m     151/284              .       O

- Instant Kill -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   RC

Hellraiser               QCf,QCF+P        m     DEATH                .       -

- Gatling Combinations -

- GG Mode Changes -

Landing of Big Drop (HCB+HS) changes. Less recovery.

= :: 003.Baiken :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: FIGHTERS :: =
               __________       .__ __
               \______   \____  |__|  | __ ____   ____
                |    |  _|__  \ |  |  |/ // __ \ /    \
                |    |   \/ __ \|  |    <\  ___/|   |  \
                |______  (____  /__|__|_ \\___  >___|  /
                       \/     \/        \/    \/     \/

= :: 003.Baiken :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: FIGHTERS :: =

- Basic Attacks -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   JC

Hilt Jab                 P                m     6/10                 .       O
Stomp Out                K                m     12/18                .       O
Down Stab                S (close)        m     24/36                .       O
Back Slash               S (far)          m     27/41                .       O
Crescent Slash           HS               m     38/57                .       X

Elbow-Backhand           f+P              m     32/47 (2-hits)       .       O
Overhead Slash           f+HS             m     57/86                .       O

Ridge Hand               c.P              m     6/10                 .       X
Scabbard Strike          c.K              l     10/15                .       X
Chain Claw               c.S              m     27/41                .       X
Pinwheel Sword           c.HS             m     45/69 (3-hits)       .       X

Jump Fist                j.P              o     8/13                 .       X
Pop Kick                 j.K              o     15/23                FL      O
Club Foot                j.S              o     27/41                .       X
Vertical Stab            j.HS             o     34/52                .       X

Dust Attack              S+HS             o     39/58                DF      X
Sweep                    c.S+HS           l     26/39                .       O

- Special Attacks -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   RC

Tatami Gaeshi            QCF+K            m     34/52                FL      X
Air Tatame Gaeshi        QCF+K (air)      o     17/26                #1      X
Senkyoko                 BTD+P            m     77/117 (6-hits)      FL #2   O
Mawarikomi               BTD+K            m     -                    #2      X
Reverse Slash            BTD+S            m     26/39                #2      O
Yozanken                 DP+S (air)       o     38/57                .       O
Banzai Run               QCB+K            -     -                    #3      X
Dead Angle Attack        f+P+S            m     21/32                KB #4   O

#1: if foot connects during execution, Tatame Gaeshi does 52 DMG and FL.
#2: perform while in hit-stun during a guarded move.
#3: will automatically parry all high and mid moves.
#4: requires 1/2 tension gauge. perform while blocking.

- Throw -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   RC

Stab-Kick Off            b or f+HS        -     47/71 (2-hits)       .       X

- Overdrive Attacks -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   RC

Tsurane Sanzu Watashi    QCF,QCF+S        m     139/209 (3-hits)     .       O
No Jump                  b,HCB+P          m     17/26                #1      X
No Special               b,HCB+K          m     17/26                #2      X
Offense Down             b,HCB+S          m     17/26                #3      X
Defense Down             b,HCB+HS         m     17/26                #4      X

#1: perform while blocking. opponent can not jump.
#2: perform while blocking. opponent cannot use special attacks.
#3: perform while blocking. opponent inflicts less damage.
#4: perform while blocking. opponent receives more damage.

- Instant Kill -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   RC

Midnight Assasin         QCF,QCF+HS       m     DEATH                .       -

- Gatling Combinations -

- GG Mode Changes -

Triple Tatame Gaeshi can be performed (QCF+HS)
Senkyoko can be performed without a counter (RDP+P)

= :: 004.Chipp Zanuff :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: FIGHTERS :: =
 _________ .__    .__
 \_   ___ \|  |__ |__|_____ ______
 /    \  \/|  |  \|  \____ \\____ \
 \     \___|   Y  \  |  |_> >  |_> >
  \______  /___|  /__|   __/|   __/_______                     _____  _____
         \/     \/   |__|   |__|\____    /____    ____  __ ___/ ____\/ ____\
                                  /     /\__  \  /    \|  |  \   __\\   __\
                                 /     /_ / __ \|   |  \  |  /|  |   |  |
                                /_______ (____  /___|  /____/ |__|   |__|
                                        \/    \/     \/

= :: 004.Chipp Zanuff :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: FIGHTERS :: =

- Basic Attacks -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   JC

Back Fist                P                h     5/7                  .       O
Side Kick                K                m     10/15                .       O
Cross Slash              S (close)        m     24/36                .       X
Step Upper               S (far)          m     22/33                .       O
Double Palm              HS               m     30/45                .       O

Forearm-Push             f+P              m     28/43 (2-hits)       .       O
Leap Double Kick         f+K              m     24/36                #1      X
Down Strike              f+HS             m     52/78                .       O

Slap                     c.P              m     5/7                  .       X
Low Kick                 c.K              l     6/10                 .       X
Down Slash               c.S              m     24/36                .       X
Up Slash                 c.HS             m     40/60                FL      X

Jab Down                 j.P              o     6/10                 .       X
Mini Axe Kick            j.K              o     25/38 (2-hits)       .       O
Blur                     j.S              o     26/39                .       O
Backflip Slashes         j.HS             o     45/68 (2-hits)       .       X

Spinning Dive Kick       j.d+K            o     35/53 (3-hits)       .       X

Dust Attack              S+HS             o     34/52                DF      X
Sweep                    c.S+HS           l     26/39                .       X

#1: this move cannot be cancelled into Special or Overdrive Attacks.

- Special Attacks -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   RC

Alpha Blade              QCF+P            m     43/65                RF      O
Air Alpha Blade          QCF+P (air)      m     34/52                RF      O
Beta Blade               DP+S             m     47/71 (2-hits)       FL      O
Air Beta Blade           DP+S (air)       m     37/56 (2-hits)       FL      O
Gamma Blade              HCF+HS           m     27/41                FL #1   X
Teleport Half            d,d+P            -     -                    .       X
Teleport Full            d,d+K            -     -                    .       X
Teleport Back            d,d+S            -     -                    .       X
Teleport Up              d,d+HS           -     -                    .       X
Find Me                  QCB+K            -     -                    .       X
Ressyuo                  QCF+S            m     15/23                .       O
 = Senshu                 = QCF+K         o     26/39                .       O
 = Rokusai                = QCF+S         l     19/28                .       O
  = Senshu                 = QCF+K        l     26/39                .       O
Dead Angle Attack        f+P+S            m     21/32                FL #2   O

#1: up close, opponent can be juggled before they hit the ground.
#2: requires 1/2 tension gauge. perform while blocking.

- Throws -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   RC

Takedown Slash           b or f+HS        -     47/71                .       X
Leaves of Vanishing      HCF+K            -     72/100               .       X

- Overdrive Attacks -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   RC

Ninja Breaker            QCF,QCF+K        m     114/172 (20-hits)    .       O
Maximum Ninja            HCB,f+HS         m     151/228 (6-hits)     .       O

- Instant Kill -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   RC

Flaming Pentagram        QCF,QCF+P        m     DEATH                .       -

- Gatling Combinations -

- GG Mode Changes -

Ninja Breaker (QCF,QCF+K) changed. More damage, gives back more Tension.

= :: 005.Dizzy (SECRET) :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: FIGHTERS :: =
                     ________  .__
                     \______ \ |__|_________________.__.
                      |    |  \|  \___   |___   <   |  |
                      |    `   \  |/    / /    / \___  |
                     /_______  /__/_____ Y_____ \/ ____|
                             \/         \/     \/\/

= :: 005.Dizzy (SECRET) :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: FIGHTERS :: =

- Basic Attacks -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   JC

Mini Upper               P                h     8/13                 .       O
Mule Kick                K                m     13/20                .       O
Cross Slash              S (close)        m     22/33                .       O
Angel Needles            S (far)          m     67/103 (5-hits)      .       O
Mutation                 HS               m     34/52                .       X

Dragon Wing              f+P              m     22/33                .       X
Demon Tounge             f+HS             m     69/104 (2-hits)      FL      O

Claw                     c.P              m     6/10                 .       X
Tail Whip                c.K              l     15/23                .       X
Angel Wings              c.S              m     24/36                .       O
Demon Axe                c.HS             m     48/73                .       X

Quick Whip               j.P              o     10/15                .       X
Tail Thrust              j.K              o     13/20                .       X
Wing Blade               j.S              o     26/39                .       X
Dragon Claw              j.HS             o     36/54                .       X

Dust Attack              S+HS             o     43/65                DF      X
Sweep                    c.S+HS           l     34/52                RF      X

- Special Attacks -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   RC

Spinning Scythe          QCF+S            m     45/68 (3-hits)       .       X
Ice Pillar               QCF+HS           m     52/78                .       X
Razor                    RDP+S            m     47(64)/71(97)        #1      X
Demon Teeth Slow         QCB+P            m     63/96 (3-hits)       #2      X
Demon Teeth Fast         QCB+K            m     63/96 (3-hits)       #2      X
Demon Teeth Shield       QCB+S            m     42/64 (2-hits)       #2      X
Demon Teeth Laser        QCB+HS           m     21(39)/58(80)        #1      X
Dead Angle Attack        f+P+S            m     21/32                KB #3   O

#1: if performed close, move will hit twice and inflict damage in brackets.
#2: hits multiple times, but does not combo. can also be attacked.
#3: requires 1/2 tension gauge. perform while blocking.

- Throw -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   RC

Demon Grab               b or f+HS        -     47/71                FL      X

- Overdrive Attacks -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   RC

Flames of Hell           HCB,f+S          m     126/174+ (7-hits)    #1      X
Demon Dragon Beam        f,b,f,HCF+HS     m     242/353 (34-hit)     .       X
Demon Archer             d/f,HCF,b,f+P    !     134 (6-hits)         .       X

#1: only hits six times vs Chipp.

- Instant Kill -

Dizzy does not have an Instant Kill.

- Gatling Combinations -

- GG Mode Changes -

Still Researching.

= :: 006.Faust ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: FIGHTERS :: =
                    ___________                    __
                    \_   _____/____   __ __ ______/  |_
                     |    __) \__  \ |  |  Y  ___|   __\
                     |     \   / __ \|  |  |___ \ |  |
                     \___  /  (____  /____/____  >|__|
                         \/        \/          \/

= :: 006.Faust ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: FIGHTERS :: =

- Basic Attacks -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   JC

Jab                      P                m     8/13                 .       O
Freak Kick               K                m     26/39                .       O
Stab Down                S (close)        m     26/39                .       O
Outside Slash            S (far)          m     36/54                .       X
Triple Bag Head          HS               m     56/84 (3-hits)       .       X

Upper Backhand           f+P              m     27/41                FL      X
Pancake Press            f+HS             o     69/104               .       X

Low Poke                 c.P              l     10/15                .       X
Kick Slap                c.K              m     25/39 (3-hits)       .       O
Lick Up                  c.S              m     24/36                .       O
Chop Down                c.HS             m     36/54                .       X

Bag Headbutt             j.P              o     11/16                .       X
Frog Kick                j.K              o     17/26                .       O
Scalpel Swat             j.S              o     27/41                .       X
Slash Out                j.HS             o     47/71                .       X

Dust Attack              S+HS             o     52/78                .       .
Sweep                    c.S+HS           l     33/49                .       O

- Special Attacks -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   RC

Naniga Derukana          QCF+P            *     *                    #1      X
 Mini Faust              -                m     21/32                .       X
 Faust Bomb              -                !     69/104               .       X
 Hammer Toss             -                -     38/57                .       X
 Meteor                  -                m     114+/172+/(5+hits+)  #2      X
 Snacks                  -                -     -                    #3      X
Going My Way             QCF+HS (air)     m     52/78 (4-hits)       .       O
Soten Enshin Rambu       QCF+S            m     38/57                KB #4   O
 = Pogo Stance Cancel     = d or b or d/b -     -                    .       X
 = Pogo Bag Headbutt      = P             h     26/39                #4      O
 = Pogo Balance           = K             -     -                    #4      X
 = Going My Way           = HS            m     57/88 (4-hits)       .       O
 = Pogo Mash              = f,f or b,b    m     34/52                #4      O
Front Door                QCB+P           m     38/57                .       O
Back Door                 QCB+K           m     38/57                .       O
Attic Door Drop           QCB+S           o     33/49                .       O

#1: random items appear.
#2: up to six meteors appear.
#3: health item appears. either player may pick up and gain health.
#4: Faust recovers in Pogo Stance.

- Throws -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   RC

Doctor Mount             b or f+HS        -     47/71                RF      O
Rerere No Tsuki          QCF+K            m     26/39                #1      O
 = Pull In                = b             -     -                    .       X
  = Pose Knee Launch       = QCF+P        m     20/31                FL      O
   = Giant Leap             = QCF+P       -     -                    .       X
    = Surgical Strike        = QCF+P      -     44/66                .       O

#1: if Rerere No Tsuki connects, pressing B will perform Pull In hit-throw.

- Overdrive Attacks -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   RC

NaNaNaNani Go Derukana   QCF,QCF+P        -     -                    #1      X
Shigekiteki Zetsumeikan  QCF,QCF+S        l     143/215 (2-hits)     #2      X

- Instant Kill -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   RC

Afro Autopsy             QCF,QCF+HS       m     DEATH                .       -

- Gatling Combinations -

- GG Mode Changes -

NaNaNaNani Go Derukana (QCF,QCF+P) is faster.
Items from Naniga Derukana (QCF+P) fall faster. Bombs explode much faster.

= :: 007.Jam Kuradoberi :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: FIGHTERS :: =
         |    |____    _____
         |    \__  \  /     \
     /\__|    |/ __ \|  Y Y  \
     \________(____  /__|_|  /           .___   ___.                .__
         |    |/ _|\/______\/______    __| _/_ _\_ |__   ___________|__|
         |      < /  _ \_  __ \__  \  / __ |  |  \ __ \_/ __ \_  __ \  |
         |    |  (  <_> )  | \// __ \/ /_/ |  |  / \_\ \  ___/|  | \/  |
         |____|__ \____/|__|  (____  |____ |____/|___  /\___  >__|  |__|
                 \/                \/     \/         \/     \/

= :: 007.Jam Kuradoberi :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: FIGHTERS :: =

- Basic Attacks -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   JC

Small Slap               P                m     5/7                  .       O
Triple Kicks             K                m     21/33 (3-hits)       .       O
Body Check               S (close)        m     31/46                .       O
Punch Out                S (far)          m     31/36                .       O
Phoenix Strike           HS               m     45/69 (3-hits)       .       X

Double Chop              f+P              m     32/49 (2-hits)       .       X
Aerial Kicks             f+HS             m     49/74 (2-hits)       #1      X

Low Palm                 c.P              m     5/7                  .       X
Low Short                c.K              l     6/20                 .       X
Palm Slash               c.S              m     20/31                .       X
Cartwheel Kicks          c.HS             m     32/49                .       X

Leap Fist                j.P              o     7/11                 .       X
Kick Up                  j.K              o     10/15                .       X
Upper Chop Launch        j.S              o     22/33                FL      O
Windmill Strike          j.HS             o     31/46                .       X

Dust Attack              S+HS             o     27/41                DF      X
Sweep                    c.S+HS           l     24/36                .       O

#1: this move cannot be cancelled into Special or Overdrive Attacks.

- Special Attacks -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   RC

.                        .                .     .                    .       .
Ryujin                   QCF+K            m     62(91)/93(136)       #1,2,3  O
Air Ryujin               QCF+K (air)      m     57(88)/86(133)       #1,2,3  O
Kenroukaku               QCB+K            o     34(52)/41(78)        #1,2,3  O
Air Kenroukaku           QCB+K (air)      o     26(45)/39(68)        #1,2,3  O
Gekirin                  DP+K             m     44(76)/65(113)       #1,2,3  O
Air Gekirin              DP+K (air)       m     28(81)/43(121)       #1,2,3  O
Power Up Ryujin          DD+K             -     -                    .       X
Power Up Kenroukaku      DD+S             -     -                    .       X
Power Up Gekirin         DD+HS            -     -                    .       X
Dive Kick                d+K (air)        o     37/56                .       O
Bakushyuu                QCF+S            -     -                    .       X
 = Evade                  = P             -     -                    #4      X
 = Slide                  = K             l     26/39                RF      O
 = Jam Ball Front         = S             m     40/61                KB      O
 = Jam Ball Reverse       = HS            m     50/88                KB      O
Jam Parry                QCB+S            -     -                    #5      X
Dead Angle Attack        f+P+S            m     17/26                RF #6   O

#1: can be powered up to inflict more damage.
#2: when charged, inflicts damage in brackets.
#3: can chain into either of the other kick special attacks except Dive Kick.
#4: can evade moves. up close, put's Jam behind opponent.
#5: will grab opponents high and mid attacks. Jam can instantly attack.
#6: requires 1/2 tension gauge. perform while blocking.

- Throw -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   RC

Launch Kick              b or f+HS        -     47/71                FL      O

- Overdrive Attacks -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   RC

Lucky 13                 HCB,f+S          m     122/184 (13-hits)    RF      O
Kiko-Shou                HCB,f+HS         m     100/154 (13-hits)    FL      X

- Instant Kill -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   RC

Kikin-Sho                QCF,QCF+HS       m     DEATH                .       -

- Gatling Combinations -

- GG Mode Changes -

Air Kenroukaku (QCB+K air) can be jump cancelled.
Dive Kick (d+K air) can be jump cancelled.

= :: 008.Johnny :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: FIGHTERS :: =
                     ____.      .__
                    |    | ____ |  |__   ____   ____ ___.__.
                    |    |/  _ \|  |  \ /    \ /    <   |  |
                /\__|    (  <_> )   Y  \   |  \   |  \___  |
                \________|\____/|___|  /___|  /___|  / ____|
                                     \/     \/     \/\/

= :: 008.Johnny :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: FIGHTERS :: =

- Basic Attacks -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   JC

Backhand                 P                m     10/15                .       O
Back Kick                K                m     12/18                .       O
Hilt Strike              S (close)        m     25/37                .       O
Reverse Slash            S (far)          m     29/44                .       X
Upper Slash              HS               m     38/57                .       X

Shift Upper              f+P              m     26/39                FL      O
Slide Superkick          f+K              m     34/52                FL      X
Pose Slash               f+HS             m     74/112               .       O

Chop Out                 c.P              m     8/13                 .       X
Low Short                c.K              l     10/15                .       X
Spin Hilt Strike         c.S              l     26/39                .       X
Slash Out                c.HS             m     24(x2)/36(x2)        .       X

Hilt Poke                j.P              o     10/15                .       X
Kick Down                j.K              o     22/33                .       O
Level Slash              j.S              o     27/41                .       O
Blade Down               j.HS             o     34/52                .       X

Dust Attack              S+HS             o     38/57                DF      X
Sweep                    c.S+HS           l     49/74 (2-hits)       RF      .

- Special Attacks -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   RC

Mist Finer Up L1         QCF+P            m     27/41                #1,2,3  O
Mist Finer Up L2         QCF+P            m     60/91                #1,2,3  O
Mist Finer Up L3         QCF+P            m     99/156 (9-hits)      #1,2,3  O

Mist Finer Flat L1       QCF+K            m     25/37                #1,2,3  O
Mist Finer Flat L2       QCF+K            m     60/91                #1,2,3  O
Mist Finer Flat L3       QCF+K            m     97/149 (9-hits)      #1,2,3  O

Mist Finer Down L1       QCF+S            l     22/33                #1,2,3  O
Mist Finer Down L2       QCF+S            l     60/91                #1,2,3  O
Mist Finer Down L3       QCF+S            l     97/149 (9-hits)      #1,2,3  O

Bacchus Sigh             QCB+P            -     -                    #4      X
Gold Toss ("Nickel")     QCF+HS           m     9/13                 #5,6    X
Divine Blade             QCF+S            m     43/65                .       X
Aerial Transport         DP+S             -     -                    .       X
 = Divine Blade           = S             m     43/65                .       X
Dead Angle Attack        f+P+S            m     21/32                RF #7   O

#1: hold button for fighting pose. release button to attack. HS to cancel.
#2: single glow in fighting pose signifies untechable L2 Mist Finer attack.
#3: constant glow in fighting pose signifies multislash L3 Mist Finer attack.
#4: if the fog is on the opponent, the Mist Finer attacks become unblockable.
#5: if one nickel is unblocked, the next Mist Finer attack is untechable.
#6: if two nickels are unblocked, the Mist Finer will be multiple hitting.
#7: requires 1/2 tension gauge. perform while blocking.

- Throw -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   RC

Push Up                  b or f+HS        -     32/48                FL      X

- Overdrive Attacks -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   RC

Initial Carve            HCB,f+HS         m     111/167 (3-hits)     #1      X

#1: this move will always be performed with Johnny on the left side.

- Instant Kill -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   RC

Joker's Wild             QCF,QCF+HS       m     DEATH                .       -

- Gatling Combinations -

- GG Mode Changes -

f+HS-f+K becomes a Gatling Combination.
j.K-j.HS becomes a Gatling Combination.
Bacchus Sigh (QCB+P) has a much greater range.
Hop Forward (f,f) and Back Dash (b,b) cover more range.

= :: 009.Ky Kiske :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: FIGHTERS :: =
              ____  __.        ____  __.__        __
             |    |/ _|__.__. |    |/ _|__| _____|  | __ ____
             |      <<   |  | |      < |  |/  ___/  |/ // __ \
             |    |  \\___  | |    |  \|  |\___ \|    <\  ___/
             |____|__ Y ____| |____|__ \__/____  >__|_ \\___  >
                     \|/              \/       \/     \/    \/

= :: 009.Ky Kiske :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: FIGHTERS :: =

- Basic Attacks -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   JC

Jab                      P                h     6/10                 .       O
Wheel Kick               K                m     10/15                .       O
Slash Down               S (close)        m     24/36                .       O
Straight Thrust          S (far)          m     24/36                .       X
Switch Hand Slice        HS               m     32/48                .       X

Lean Elbow               f+P              m     26/39                .       X
Slide Kick               f+K              m     21/32                .       X
Twist Slash              f+HS             m     59/89 (2-hits)       .       X

Low Jab                  c.P              m     6/10                 .       X
Shift Kick               c.K              l     9/14                 .       X
Low Slice                c.S              l     21/32                .       X
Double Upper             c.HS             m     49/74 (2-hits)       .       X

Jump Jab                 j.P              o     10/15                .       O
Side Kick Up             j.K              o     12/18                .       X
Cross Slash              j.S              o     22/33                .       O
Chop Down                j.HS             o     33/49                .       X

Dust Attack              S+HS             o     26/39                .       X
Sweep                    c.S+HS           l     26/39                .       O

- Special Attacks -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   RC

Stun Edge                QCF+S            m     34/52                .       X
Stun Edge Heavy          QCF+HS           m     45/69 (3-hits)       .       X
Aerial Edge              QCF+S/HS (air)   m     28/43                .       X
Vapor Thrust Light       DP+S             m     36/54                .       O
Vapor Thrust Heavy       DP+HS            m     43/65                .       O
Aerial Vapor Thrust      DP+S/HS (air)    m     36/54                .       O
Stun Dipper              QCF+K            l     38/58                RF #1   O
Crescent Slash           QCB+K            o     31/46                FL      O
Dead Angle Attack        f+P+S            m     15/23                KB #2   O

#1: will combo from a distance only.
#2: requires 1/2 tension gauge. perform while blocking.

- Throws -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   RC

Jump Slash               b or f+HS        -     44/66                RF      O

- Overdrive Attacks -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   RC

Ride the Lightning       HCB,f+HS         m     117/175 (5-hits)     .       O

- Instant Kill -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   RC

Holy Blade               QCF,QCF+HS       m     DEATH                .       -

- Gatling Combinations -

- GG Mode Changes -

Gatling Combinations are highly limited.
Stun Edge Heavy (QCF+HS) becomes a shield-type animation. 
Vapor Thrust Heavy (DP+HS) becomes an Overdrive Attack with 50% Tension.
Stun Dipper (QCF+K) becomes faster, one hit.
Crescent Slash (QCB+K) animation changed.
Ride the Lightning becomes faster, one hit.

= :: 010.May ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: FIGHTERS :: =
                           /     \ _____  ___.__.
                          /  \ /  \\__  \<   |  |
                         /    Y    \/ __ \\___  |
                         \____|__  (____  / ____|
                                 \/     \/\/

= :: 010.May ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: FIGHTERS :: =

- Basic Attacks -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   JC

Jab                      P                h     6/10                 .       O
Swing Kick               K                m     21/31                .       O
Anchor Bash              S (close)        m     27/41                .       O
Anchor Slash             S (far)          m     31/46                .       O
Anchor Pick              HS               m     47/70                .       X

Backfist                 f+P              m     26/39                KB      X
Giant Anchor             f+HS             m     55/83                .       X
Slide                    d/f+K            l     26/39                RF      X

Anchor Poke              c.P              m     8/13                 .       O
Quick Kick               c.K              l     12/18                .       X
Anchor Stab              c.S              m     26/39                .       X
Anchor Sweep             c.HS             l     40/60                RF      X

Air Jab                  j.P              o     12/18                .       X
Pirate Boot              j.K              o     20/31                .       X
Anchor Swing Down        j.S              o     29/44                .       O
Anchor Underhand         j.HS             o     40/60                .       X

Dust Attack              S+HS             o     43/65                .       X
Sweep                    c.S+HS           l     29/44                RF      X

- Special Attacks -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   RC

Irukasan Upper           CD,u+S/HS        m     43/65                .       X
Irukasan Across          CB,f+S/HS        m     43/65                .       X
Restive Rolling          DP+S             m     26/39                .       O
 = Rolling Extra          = direction+S   m     20/31 (each hit)     #1      O
Dolphin Dive             HCF+P/K/S/HS     m     20/28                #2      X
Dead Angle Attack        f+P+S            m     21/32                #3      O

#1: Rolling Extra can be performed up to 3 times consecutively.
#2: hold button to charge additional Dolphins. up to 6 can be charged.
#3: requires 1/2 tension gauge. perform while blocking.

- Throws -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   RC

Overhead Toss            b or f+HS        -     44/66                .      X
Overhead Kiss            HCB+K            -     52/78                .      O

- Overdrive Attacks -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   RC

Great Yamada Attack      QCF,QCF+S        m     95/143               FL      O
Anchor Frenzy            HCB+HS           m     109/167 (9-hits)     .       O

- Instant Kill -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   RC

Crew's Bumrush           HCF,HCF+HS       m     DEATH                .       -

- Gatling Combinations -

- GG Mode Changes -

Still Researching.

= :: 011.Millia Rage ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: FIGHTERS :: =
        _____  .__.__  .__  .__         __________
       /     \ |__|  | |  | |__|____    \______   \____    ____   ____
      /  \ /  \|  |  | |  | |  \__  \    |       _|__  \  / ___\_/ __ \
     /    Y    \  |  |_|  |_|  |/ __ \_  |    |   \/ __ \/ /_/  >  ___/
     \____|__  /__|____/____/__(____  /  |____|_  (____  |___  / \___  >
             \/                     \/          \/     \/_____/      \/

= :: 011.Millia Rage ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: FIGHTERS :: =

- Basic Attacks -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   JC

Hair Jab                 P                h     13/20                .       O
Punt Kick                K                m     10/15                .       O
Hair Upper               S (close)        m     36/54 (2-hits)       .       O
Hair Slash               S (far)          m     24/36                .       X
Hair Whip                HS               m     49/74 (2-hits)       .       X

Hair Flower              f+P              m     32/49 (2-hits)       .       X
Flip Forward             f+K              o     21/32                .       X
Hair Slapdown            f+HS             m     52/78                .       X

Hair Poke                c.P              m     6/10                 .       X
Short Kick               c.K              l     6/10                 .       X
Hair Spikes              c.S              l     19/28                .       O
Hair Uppercut            c.HS             m     34/52                FL      O

Hair Spike Down          j.P              o     8/13                 .       X
Air Backflip             j.K              o     10/15                .       O
Air Braid                j.S              o     22/33                .       X
Hair Helicopter          j.HS             o     51/78 (3-hits)       .       X

Dust Attack              S+HS             o     26/39                .       X
Sweep                    c.S+HS           l     22/33                RF      X

- Special Attacks -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   RC

Hundred Hair Slap        S (repeatedly)   m     17/26 (each)         .       O
Spinner Shield Light     QCF+S            m     34/52                KB      X
Spinner Shield Heavy     QCF+HS           m     43/65                KB      X
Bad Moon                 QCF+P (air)      m     69/104 (4-hits)      .       O
Iron Savior              QCB+P            l     34/52                .       O
Zenten                   QCB+K            -     -                    .       X
Blue Moon                QCB+HS           m     26/39                .       X
 = Blue Moon Extra        = direction+HS  m     26/39 (each)         #1      X
Dead Angle Attack        f+P+S            m     17/26                FL #2   O

#1: Blue Moon Extra can be performed up to 4 times consecutively.
#2: requires 1/2 tension gauge. perform while blocking.

- Throws -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   RC

Hair Spear               b or f+HS        -     44/66                FL      X

- Overdrive Attacks -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   RC

Angel Hair               QCB,HCF+HS       m     131/197 (6-hits)     FL      O
Triple Shield            QCF,QCF+S        m     80/119 (3-hits)      FL      X

- Instant Kill -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   RC

Nappy Braids             QCF,QCF+HS       m     DEATH                #1      -

#1: this move homes in on the opponents location.

- Gatling Combinations -

- GG Mode Changes -

j.K-j.HS becomes a Gatling Combination.

= :: 012.Potemkin :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: FIGHTERS :: =
            __________       __                  __   .__
            \______   \_____/  |_  ____   _____ |  | _|__| ____
             |     ___/  _ \   __\/ __ \ /     \|  |/ /  |/    \
             |    |  (  <_> )  | \  ___/|  Y Y  \    <|  |   |  \
             |____|   \____/|__|  \___  >__|_|  /__|_ \__|___|  /
                                      \/      \/     \/       \/

= :: 012.Potemkin :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: FIGHTERS :: =

- Basic Attacks -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   JC

Hook Punch               P                m     10/15                .       O
Sole Kick                K                l     15/23                .       O
Down Strike              S(close)         m     36/54                .       O
Salute Punch             S(far)           m     31/46                .       O
Big Chop                 HS               m     52/78                .       X

Headbutt                 f+P              m     30/45                .       O
Knuckle Sandwich         f+HS             m     87/165               KB      X

Low Poke                 c.P              l     10/15                .       X
Pose Kick                c.K              l     15/23                .       X
Stone Backhand           c.S              m     31/46                .       X
Potemkin Upper           c.HS             m     60/91                FL      X

Jump Elbow               j.P              o     15/23                .       X
Mini Kick                j.K              o     17/26                .       O
Hammer Knuckle           j.S              o     27/46                .       X
Cross Arm Body Slash     j.HS             o     40/60                .       X

Dust Attack              S+HS             o     60/91                DF      X
Sweep                    c.S+HS           l     30/46                .       X

- Special Attacks -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   RC

Mega Fist Forward        QCF+P            o     43/65                .       O
Mega Fist Backward       QCB+P            o     43/65                .       O
Slide Head               QCF+S            !     34/52                #1 2    X
Hammer Fall              CB,f+HS          m     52/78                #3      O
Dead Angle Attack        f+P+S            m     30/45                KB #4   O

#1: the Slide Head is unblockable if Potemkin doesn't touch the opponent.
#2: the Slide Head only deals damage up close.
#3: the Hammer Fall has super armor allowing Potemkin to absorb one hit.
#4: requires 1/2 tension gauge. perform while blocking.

- Throws -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   RC

Toss Up                  b or f+HS        -     47/71                FL      X
Potemkin Buster          HCB,f+P          -     113/169              FL      X
Heat Knuckle             DP+HS (vs air)   -     46/68                FL RF   O
 = Extend                 = HCB+HS        -     79/118               RF      O

- Overdrive Attacks -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   RC

Heavenly Potemkin Buster QCF,QCF+S        -     148/223              #1      X
Potemkin Buster Wall     HCB,f+HS         m     43/65                #2      X
 = Mega Burning Fist      = HCF,HCF+P     m     +122/+182            KB RF   O     

#1: opponent must be in air.
#2: the Potemkin Buster Wall will usually dizzy the opponent.

- Instant Kill -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   RC

Ultra Burning Fist       QCF,QCF+HS       m     death                .       -

- Gatling Combinations -

- GG Mode Changes -

Walk becomes faster.

= :: 013.Sol Badguy :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: FIGHTERS :: =
      _________      .__    __________           .___
     /   _____/ ____ |  |   \______   \____    __| _/ ____  __ __ ___.__.
     \_____  \ /  _ \|  |    |    |  _|__  \  / __ | / ___\|  |  <   |  |
     /        (  <_> )  |__  |    |   \/ __ \/ /_/ |/ /_/  >  |  /\___  |
    /_______  /\____/|____/  |______  (____  |____ |\___  /|____/ / ____|
            \/                      \/     \/     \/_____/        \/

= :: 013.Sol Badguy :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: FIGHTERS :: =

- Basic Attacks -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   JC

Hilt Strike              P                m     8/13                 .       O
Double Kick              K                m     22/33 (2-hits)       .       O
Elbow                    S (close)        m     26/39                .       O
Cross Slash              S (far)          m     29/44                .       X
Slash Up                 HS               m     38/57                .       O

Gut Punch                f+P              m     27/41                KB      X
Double Slash             f+HS             m     72/109 (2-hits)      .       X

Knee Cap                 c.P              m     6/10                 .       X
Kick Out                 c.K              l     10/15                .       X
Whip Cross               c.S              l     22/33                .       X
Uppercut                 c.HS             m     36/54                .       O

Jab                      j.P              o     11/16                .       X
Side Kick                j.K              o     19/28                .       X
Big Slash                j.S              o     27/42                .       O
Sword Ride               j.HS             o     45/67 (2-hits)       .       X

Dust Attack              S+HS             o     29/44                DF      X
Sweep                    c.S+HS           l     26/39                RF      X

- Special Attacks -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   RC

Gun Flame                QCF+P            m     43/                  FL      X
Volcanic Viper Light     DP+S             m     45/                  RF      O
 = Viper Kick             = QCB+K         m     17/                  .       O
Volcanic Viper Heavy     DP+HS            m     49/                  RF      O
 = Viper Kick             = QCB+K         m     17/                  .       O
Grand Viper              QCB+S            l     49/                  RF #1   O
Bandit Revolver          QCF+K            m     48/ (2-hits)         RF      O
Bandit Revolver Switch   QCF+K(hold K)    o     57/ (2-hits)         RF #2   O
Air Revolver             QCF+K (air)      o     63/ (4-hits)         .       O
Riot Stomp               QCB+K            o     34/                  .       O
Dead Angle Attack        f+P+S            m     21/                  FL      O

#1: can do up to 10 hits.
#2: second hit is an overhead.
#3: requires 1/2 tension gauge. perform while blocking.

- Throws -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   RC

Headbutt                 b or f+HS        -     47/71                .       X
Snap Toss                DP+K             -     56/84                FL      X

- Overdrive Attacks -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   RC

Tyrant Rave              HCB,f+HS         m     119/179 (4-hits)     FL      O
Dragon Installation      QCB,QCB+S        -     -                    #1,2    X
 = Dragon Uppercut        = DP+HS         m     151/227 (13-hits)    #3      O

#1: gain super-speed. inflicts 20% more damage per attack. lasts about 6 sec.
#2: when Dragon Installation is over, Sol will be vulnerable for a short time.
#3: can be performed any time during Dragon Installation glow.

- Instant Kill -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   RC

Napalm                   QCF,QCF+HS       m     DEATH                .       -

- Gatling Combinations -

- GG Mode Changes -

Bandit Revolver Switch (QCF+K hold) hits 5 times.

= :: 014.Testament (SECRET) :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: FIGHTERS :: =
       ___________             __                                __
       \__    ___/___   ______/  |______    _____   ____   _____/  |_
         |    |_/ __ \ /  ___|   __\__  \  /     \_/ __ \ /    \   __\
         |    |\  ___/ \___ \ |  |  / __ \|  Y Y  \  ___/|   |  \  |
         |____| \___  >____  >|__| (____  /__|_|  /\___  >___|  /__|
                    \/     \/           \/      \/     \/     \/

= :: 014.Testament (SECRET) :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: FIGHTERS :: =

- Basic Attacks -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   JC

Slap Hand                P                h     6/10                 .       O
Back Kick                K                m     15/23                .       O
Sickle Down              S (close)        m     20/31                .       O
Sickle Razor             S (far)          m     20/43 (6-hits)       .       O
Sickle Spin Strike       HS               m     38/58 (4-hits)       .       X

Pose Strike              f+P              m     20/31                .       X
Big Sickle Down          f+HS             m     40/68                #1      X

Quick Slap               c.P              m     6/10                 .       X
Kick Out                 c.K              l     10/15                .       X
Slash Across             c.S              m     24/36                .       X
Sickle Sweep             c.HS             l     36/54                RF      X

Slap Down                j.P              o     8/13                 .       X
Side Kick                j.K              o     15/23                .       X
Sickle Whip              j.S              o     26/39                .       O
Orbital Sickle           j.HS             o     33/49                .       X

Dust Attack              S+HS             o     26/39                DF      X
Sweep                    c.S+HS           l     21/32                .       O

#1: this move does not connect up close.

- Special Attacks -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   RC

Raven Skull              QCF+P/K          m     13/19                #1      X
Lunge Sickle             QCB+P            m     52/78                RF      O
Barney Behind            HCF+S            m     34/52                .       X
Barney Front             HCF+HS           m     34/52                .       X
Poison Morph             QCB+S            m     10/15                RF #2,3 O     
Dead Angle Attack        f+P+S            m     21/32                RF #4   O

#1: skull comments...
#2: will grab opponents high and mid attacks.
#3: if connected, opponent glows. during glow, opponent slowly loses health.
#4: requires 1/2 tension gauge. perform while blocking.

- Throws -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   RC

Demon Proof              b or f+HS        -     56/84                FL      X

- Overdrive Attacks -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   RC

Devils Blessing          HCB,f+HS         m     52/78                #1      X

#1: if connected, opponent glows. during glow, opponent slowly loses health.

- Instant Kill -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   RC

Demon Assist             QCF,QCF+HS       m     DEATH                .       -

- Gatling Combinations -

- GG Mode Changes -

Raven Skull (QCF+P/K) executes much quicker.

= :: 015.Venom ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: FIGHTERS :: =
                   ____   ____
                   \   \ /   /____   ____   ____   _____
                    \   Y   // __ \ /    \ /  _ \ /     \
                     \     /\  ___/|   |  (  <_> )  Y Y  \
                      \___/  \___  >___|  /\____/|__|_|  /
                                 \/     \/             \/

= :: 015.Venom ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: FIGHTERS :: =

- Basic Attacks -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   JC

Cue Jab                  P                m     5/9                  .       O
Side Kick                K                m     10/15                .       O
Triple Break             S (close)        m     35/53 (3-hits)       FL      O
Long Break               S (far)          m     20/31                .       X
Backhand Cue             HS               m     34/52                .       X

Hilt Bash                f+P              h     24/36                .       X
Big Slash                f+HS             m     45/67                .       X

Chop Out                 c.P              m     6/9                  .       X
Kick Out                 c.K              l     6/10                 .       X
Low Break                c.S              m     19/28                .       X
Break Up                 c.HS             m     32/49 (2-hits)       .       X

Cue Jab Down             j.P              o     8/13                 .       X
Style Kick               j.K              o     10/15                .       X
Side Whip                j.S              o     20/31                .       O
Breakdown                j.HS             o     31/46                .       X

Dust Attack              S+HS             o     34/52                DF      X
Sweep                    c.S+HS           l     24/37 (2-hits)       .       X

- Special Attacks -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   RC

Stinger Aim Slow         CB,f+S           m     26(88)/39(132)       #1      X
Stinger Aim Fast         CB,f+HS          m     36(102)/54(154)      #1      X
Carcass Raid Angle       CD,u+S           m     31/46                .       X
Carcass Raid Vert        CD,u+HS          m     43/65                .       X
Ball Formation           HCB+P/K/S/HS     -     -                    #2,3    X
Double Head Morbid Fast  DP+S             m     48/72 (4-hits)       KB RF   O
Double Head Morbid Far   DP+HS            m     60/92 (4-hits)       KB RF   O
Mad Straggle Light       QCF+S (air)      m     32/50 (4-hits)       .       O
Mad Straggle Heavy       QCF+HS (air)     m     43/77 (7-hits)       RF      O
Evasion                  DP+K             -     -                    .       X
Dead Angle Attack        f+P+S            m     17/26                RF      O

#1: hold button to charge Stinger Aim. can be charged three different levels.
#2: balls can be set in four different formations.
#3: depending on how ball is hit, it will travel a different path.
#4: requires 1/2 tension gauge. perform while blocking.

- Throws -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   RC

Encapsulate              b or f+HS        -     30/30                FL #1   O

#1: if the ball is hit, opponent will bounce off wall.

- Overdrive Attacks -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   RC

Dark Angel               QCB,HCF+S        m     152/230 (28-hits)    .       X
8-Ball                   QCF,QCF+HS (air) m     121/182 (8-hits)     .       X

- Instant Kill -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   RC

9-Ball Finale            QCF,QCF+HS       m     DEATH                .       - 

- Gatling Combinations -

- GG Mode Changes -

Mad Straggle Heavy (QCF+HS) animation changes.

= :: 016.Zato-1ONE ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: FIGHTERS :: =
   __________       __                 ____________   _______  ___________
   \____    /____ _/  |_ ____         /_   \_____  \  \      \ \_   _____/
     /     /\__  \\   __Y  _ \  ______ |   |/   |   \ /   |   \ |    __)_
    /     /_ / __ \|  |(  <_> )/_____/ |   /    |    Y    |    \|        \
   /_______ (____  /__| \____/         |___\_______  |____|__  /_______  /
           \/    \/                                \/        \/        \/

= :: 016.Zato-1ONE ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: FIGHTERS :: =

- Basic Attacks -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   JC

Shadow Jab               P                m     7/11                 .       O
Side Kick                K                m     10/15                .       O
Dragon Coil              S (close)        m     26/39                .       O
Dragon Bite              S (far)          m     45/68 (4-hits)       .       X
Triple Serpent           HS               m     45/69 (3-hits)       .       X

Shadow Mace              f+P              m     36/54 (2-hits)       .       O
Dragon Claw              f+HS             m     52/78                FL      X

Shadow Poke              c.P              m     6/10                 .       X
Shadow Foot              c.K              m     15/23                .       X
Shadow Spike             c.S              m     25/36                .       X
Shadow Shark             c.HS             m     43/65                FL      X

Demon Jab                j.P              o     11/16                .       X
Demon Toe                j.K              o     15/23                .       O
Demon Wing Blade         j.S              o     19/28                .       X
Demon Head               j.HS             o     34/52                .       O

Dust Attack              S+HS             o     30/45                DF      X
Sweep                    c.S+HS           l     17/26                RF      O

- Special Attacks -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   RC

Invite Hell Close        d,d+S            l     34/52                .       X
Invite Hell Far          d,d+HS           l     34/52                .       X
Break The Law            QCB+K            -     -                    .       X
 = Undercover             = hold K        -     -                    .       X
  = Shifty Moves           = b or f       -     -                    #1      X
Summon Eddy Punch        QCF+P            m     13/19                #2,3    X
Summon Eddy Saw          QCF+K            m     56/73 (4-hits)       #2,3    X
Summon Eddy Uppercut     QCF+S            m     43/65                FL #2,3 X
Summon Eddy Idle         QCF+HS           -     -                    #2,3    X
 = Eddy Punch             = P             m     13/19                #2      X
 = Eddy Saw               = K             m     56/73 (4-hits)       #2      X
 = Eddy Uppercut          = S             m     43/65                FL #2   X
 = Eddy Drill Bomb        = HS            l     92/139 (3-hits)      .       X
Shadow Shield            QCB+S            m     17/26                .       O
Dead Angle Attack        f+P+S            m     21/32                RF #3   O

#1: Zato can only remain Undercover for about 2-3 seconds.
#2: ends in Eddy Idle. disappears when timer depletes.
#3: cannot be called when timer is visible.
#4: requires 1/2 tension gauge. perform while blocking.

- Throws -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   RC

Blood Grasp              b or f+HS        -     40/60                .       X
Circle of Hell           DP+S             -     74/110               .       X

- Overdrive Attacks -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   RC

Executor                 QCF,QCF+S (air)  m     160/242 (19-hits)    FL      O
Amorphous                HCB,f+HS         m     139/207 (2-hits)     .       X
Demon Eruption           QCB,f+S          m     113/178 (3-hit)      FL #1   X

#1: can only be performed while Eddy is active.

- Instant Kill -

Move Name                Command          Lev.  Min/Max DMG          Com.   RC

Death Maiden             QCF,QCF+HS       m     DEATH                .       -

- Gatling Combinations -

- GG Mode Changes -

Invite Hell (d,d+S/HS) can be done in air.
Executor (QCF,QCF+S air) recovery slowed down.

= :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: EXTRA STUFF ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: =
     ______________  ______________________   _____
     \_   _____|   \/  |__    ___|______   \ /  _  \
      |    __)_ \     /  |    |   |       _//  /_\  \
      |        \/     \  |    |   |    |   Y    |    \
     /_______  /___/\  \ |____|   |____|_  |____|__  /
             \/      \_/_________________\/____ ___\/___________________
                       /   _____|__    __\/    |   \_   _____|_   _____/
                       \_____  \  |    |  |    |   /|    __)  |    __)
                       /        \ |    |  |    |  / |     \   |     \
                      /_______  / |____|  |______/  \___  /   \___  /
                              \/                        \/        \/

= :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: EXTRA STUFF ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: =

Like most games, Guilty Gear X features its share of extras. Though some of
the extras require a bit of work to uncover, all are worth seeing at least

- Secret Characters -

There are two secret characters in Guilty Gear. There are also three ways to
unlock each. One involves playing Arcade Mode, the second involves playing
Survival Mode. The third involves a simple code!

To unlock Testament, either beat him in Arcade Mode, or reach level 20 in
Survival Mode and he will appear. Defeat him, and he will be selectable in all
gameplay modes.

Testament Code: At Title Screen: u,u,d,l,START

To unlock Dizzy, either beat her in Arcade Mode, or reach level 30 in Survival
Mode and she will appear. Defeat her, and she will be selectable in all
gameplay modes.

Dizzy Code: At Title Screen: d,r,r,u,START (this unlocks Testament and Dizzy)

- Survival Mode -

During survival mode, you will face numerous different opponents on your quest
to complete Level 100. By performing different attacks, you will gain levels.
At certain levels, you will face a special opponent. Here is the list:

Level 20: Testament (defeat him and you can select him in any mode)
Level 30: Dizzy (defeat her and you can select her in any mode)
Level 40: Gold Chipp     (faster movement, attack speed normal)
Level 50: Gold Potemkin  (faster movement speed)
Level 60: Gold Baiken    (faster movement, more damage)
Level 70: Gold Faust     (unlimited Meteors)
Level 80: Gold Venom     (faster movement)
Level 90: Gold Millia    (faster movement)
Level 99: Gold Zato-1ONE (faster movement, more damage, infinite Eddy gauge)

After defeating Zato-1ONE, Survival Mode will end. You can choose to continue
figthing by activating Endless Survival. Hold L+R (PAD) or Z+C (STICK) to
activate Endless Survival.

If Survival Mode is completed in under 10 minutes, all character costumes will
become available.

- Alternate Costumes -

By using different buttons and button combinations, you can select additional
costumes for your character. There are 11 total costumes: 5 default, 4
alternate, 1 same character, 1 shadow.

To select any of the default character colors, press any of the 4 attack
buttons or START. Each will give a different color.

To select the same character color, hold any two buttons together, or play the
same character as your opponent.

The Survival Mode alternate colors must be unlocked. If you fight against a
character with an alternate color and win, that color will be selectable. The
alternate colors appear during specific levels.

A Color: Level 1 - Level 39
B Color: Level 41 - Level 69
X Color: Level 71 - Level 98
Y Color: Complete Survival Mode (Gold Color)

If Survival Mode is cleared in under 10 minutes, all colors will be available.
This includes the special Shadow color. Use the Shadow color by holding START.

- GG Mode -

As an added bonus, Guilty Gear X offers an unlockable gameplay option called
"GG Mode". In this mode, the gameplay is sped up, almost every Basic Attack
can be Jump Cancelled, characters are able to Instant Air Dash extremely close
to the ground, and each character receives some changes. There are two ways to
unlock GG Mode. Either reach level 100 in Survival Mode, or defeat Arcade Mode
with every character, on any difficulty. If you choose Arcade Mode, you can
use as many continues as you need. Once unlocked, GG Mode will be selectable
within the Game Options menu.

Overall, GG Mode is a less-stringent variation on the gameplay engine. The
changes have a heavy effect on how the game plays, so many people may choose
to simply not use it. The speed is noticably faster which can throw off attack
and combo timing. In addition, the ability to Jump Cancel almost any Basic
Attack, combined with extremely low Instant Air Dashes lead to infinite combos
with almost every character.

One of the more obvious bonuses is the character changes. Some character gain
new abilities, or enhancements to their existing abilities. This can lead to
crazier combos and a shift in power within the character balance.

- Special Fight Intros -

There are a few special fight introductions that appear if a specific pair of
characters are matched against each other. Listed below are the known match
ups, and soon there will be an explanation of what dialoge is spoken.

Millia vs Zato-1ONE

Zato-1ONE vs Venom

Johnny vs May

Dizzy vs Sol Badguy

Axl Low vs Sol Badguy

Ky Kiske vs Sol Badguy 

- Watch Mode -

At the title screen, hold down L+R (on PAD), or Z+C (STICK) to activate Watch
Mode. After a few seconds, the CPU will fight versus itself. To exit this mode
you must use the Soft Reset (ALL+START).

= :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: PROFILES :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: =
   ____________________________ ______________.____    ___________ _________
   \______   \______   \_____  \\_   _____/   |    |   \_   _____//   _____/
    |     ___/|       _//   |   \|    __) |   |    |    |    __)_ \_____  \
    |    |    |    |   Y    |    \     \  |   |    |___ |        \/        \
    |____|    |____|_  |_______  |___  /  |___|_______ Y_______  /_______  /
                     \/        \/    \/               \/       \/        \/

= :: 001.Anji Mito ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: PROFILES :: =

Anji is one of the few that have inherited the precious Japanese blood.
Because there are only a handful of Japanese in this time period, they are
under government protection. Thus, they do not receive the same treatment as
regular citizens. Within the Japanese community, there are those that accept
this treatment, and those that reject it. Anji is part of the latter; rather
than being concerned about the preservation of his race, he wants to regain
his freedom as a human being. Because of this, he disguises his nationality
and travels the world in pursuit of "the man" known to have created the Gears
and who is responsible for the destruction of the Japanese people. However, he
pursues him not out of hatred or revenge. 

= :: 002.Axl Low ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: PROFILES :: =

Axl is actually from the twentieth century. Born in the slums, he placed
himself in the middle of gang warfare to bring peace to the town, and with his
extraordinary physical prowess he was able to achieve his goal, without any
casualties, in six months time. Some time later, he was forced to travel 150
years in the future. Hoping to gain passage back to his time, he entered the
tournament. Instead, he was sent to another time period for a year's time.
During that period, he was bounced around in the time-space continuum for an
equivalent of three years. Through his journey, he learned that in each time
period, there were always rumors of another time traveler like him. Axl
believed that by pursuing the traveller known as "the man," he could come upon
a way to go back to his time. Sensing the presence of "the man" behind the
incident with the Gear, he decides to check it out himself. 

= :: 003.Baiken :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: PROFILES :: =

When the Japanese institution she lived in was raided, she witnessed the
flames, and the dead bodies of her friends and parents. This was the work of
the Gears, but what had been burned into her memory was the image of a man
surrounded by his creations. Standing amidst the flames and the Gears, he
silently gazed upon young Baiken. She became acutely aware, even in the
absence of evidence... Her intuitions told her, that he was an enemy. Her
memory of this event has not faded; she can vividly recall the carnage every
time she closes her eyes. She continues on her quest for "the man," to exact
her revenge, her people's revenge on him. 

= :: 004.Chipp Zanuff :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: PROFILES :: =

In his youth, Chipp was addicted to drugs and worked for the Mafia as a buyer.
Eventually, his drug dependency worsened to the point where he could no longer
perform his job. No longer needed by the Mafia, Chipp was to be disposed of
when a ninja, who later became his teacher, rescued him. Chipp began to open
up to the man who saved his life, and became his apprentice. But, that peace
was short-lived. Eventually, the Mafia killed the ninja. Trembling in anger,
he vowed to take revenge on the Mafia. Unable to reach the final rounds in the
tournament, he learned that his heart, skills and strength were still
lacking, and devoted himself even more to his training. Upon seeing Justice's
death, he realized that even the monster that massacred countless people was
searching for help. This made him think about what a true helping hand was.
It was then that he heard of a Gear that was not a threat to mankind. 

= :: 005.Dizzy ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: PROFILES :: =

They said when she was left in the village as an orphan, she was just a human
child. One old couple with no one to depend on took care of her. After half a
year, people of the village came afraid of her because the speed of the
progress of growing her body and inteligence is so fast. One day Dizzy was
confirmed that she has wings and a tail. Then they dicided to dispose of her
as a gear. But her foster parents could not accept. So they hid her in the
woods from people of the village. There is called the "devil living place"
where no one approach. 

Living alone in a cave in the "devil living place", one day her shelter was
found by human beings and she is kept in confinement. They try to attack her
several times but she always drives them away without seriously wound. To hide
from the attack, Dizzy dicide to leave her dear old place... 

= :: 006.Faust ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: PROFILES :: =

The masked warrior completely shrouded in mystery. Only the oversized scalpel
in his hand tells of his past... What is his true identity? Why must he hide
his face...!? 

= :: 007.Jam Kuradoberi :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: PROFILES :: =

Huma and Hanagata were both top-ranking restaurants in China, but their
approaches were completely different. Huma's pride was in bringing joy to its
customers through cooking filled with love, while Hanagata emphasized creating
the most exquisite dishes using the high-quality ingredients. Even though they
opposed each other like oil and water, they were both restaurants of high
repute that every cook aspired to work for. Neither of these philosophies made
any sense to Jam. She believed that their policies were nothing but hindrances
to bringing delicious dishes to everyone. To prove that she was right, she
needed to start her own restaurant. As seed money, she seeks out the reward
for eliminating a dangerous Gear.  

= :: 008.Johnny :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: PROFILES :: =

When he was thirteen, a Gear killed Johnny's father, the only person who cared
for him. His reluctance to open his heart to others became stronger after this
incident; his fear of losing love again forced him to withdraw into himself.
One day, he discovered that there were many orphans just like him, and came to
realize that they may not be strong enough to continue living, like he had.
>From then on, Johnny chose to follow his father's path and live as a man of
compassion. But, he does not share his past with anyone. It doesn't matter to
him if they are humans, animals, or even Gears; it is his duty to help those
in need. Johnny decides to visit the Gear in person, to see if he can offer
support. He hides his intentions from his crew, telling them that he is going
after the bounty. 

= :: 009.Ky Kiske :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: PROFILES :: =

A charismatic and talented swordsman, Ky was appointed as the leader of the
Sacred Order of Holy Knights when he was only 16. Since the Crusades, he has
worked in the police force to keep his vigil over mankind. Justice's final
words at the tournament made him realize that the "justice" he believed in
only served human purposes. Ky, who believed all his life that Gears were
inherently evil, could neither agree nor disagree with Justice's message. It
was then that he received word of a Gear that had no intention of hurting
humans. To determine the true meaning of justice, he decided to embark on a
new journey. 

= :: 010.May ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: PROFILES :: =

Having lost her parents at a young age, she was picked up by the pirate Johnny
and named May. As she lived the rough life as a chivalrous robber, she began
to be charmed by Johnny's kindness and broadmindedness. Ever since, her life
has become completely dedicated to Johnny. May was able to reunite with Johnny
after the tournament, which filled her with happiness. One day, as Johnny's
birthday was nearing, the crew decided to give him a present as a sign of
their appreciation. Compelled by her growing feelings for him, she wanted to
give him a gift personally, not as part of the crew. The problem was, she
didn't have money. Then she learned of the huge bounty put on the Gear. 

= :: 011.Millia Rage ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: PROFILES :: =

Losing both of her parents when she was still a child, Millia was trained by a
group of assassins to use her hair as weapon. Her conscience would not allow
her to murder innocent people, and as the result, she left the organization.
Being pursued by the assassins, she decided that it was more efficient to put
an end to the organization than to run away from it. She entered the
tournament to kill Zato, the leader of the organization. Her plan was
technically a success and she did gain her freedom, but her feelings - the
guilt of causing her former master to be overtaken by the shadow and the fear
of having to confront him again - still troubled her. Finally, out of her
agony came a conclusion: "I must finish him off." 

= :: 012.Potemkin :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: PROFILES :: =

Potemkin is a former slave soldier of Zepp, a militaristic nation that
maintains a society based on science and technology. Having taken the rest of
the slave soldiers hostage, he was sentenced by his superior to enter the
tournament. During the tournament, he learned that a coup d'etat was in
progress. In the end, the coup d'etat succeeded and Zepp was freed from its 
dictatorship. President Gabriel, Potemkin's former instructor, summoned him
for a secret mission; to protect a Gear from the bounty hunters and bring it
back safely to Zepp. Though Potemkin is unable to discern the mission's true
motive, he decides to trust his former master, and accepts the mission. 

= :: 013.Sol Badguy :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: PROFILES :: =

Sol was a subject of biological weapon research. To conceal his past, he has
spent the last 150 years being a bounty hunter. His combat skills easily
surpass those of his human counterparts, and he is immune to the affects of
age. To avert further tragedy, he continues his journey to find and eliminate
the scientist who created the biological weapons, as well as all of his
creations. After the death of Justice, all the Gears around the world should
have ceased their activities; receiving news about a still-functioning Gear,
he heads to the reported location.  

= :: 014.Testament ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: PROFILES :: =

Testament was involved in a conspiracy and converted to a gear irrespective of
his intention. Having strong willpower, he did not lost both the consciousness
and memory but in conformity with a command of the "Mankind erasure" which was
implanted compulsorily, and he turned the fang to a mankind.

By the death of Justice in the last tournament, he recoverd the original
character but he was tortured by the depth of sin and he despaired to live his
own life as a human being. He wandered in despair, one day Testament lost into
the wood where called "devil living place".And it was there that he met Dizzy
who lived alone. While he had got the narrative of her life, her existence
became his moorings. Only he can do is to protect her from the enemies. Not
for the destruction but "to protect his precious one", Testament holds his
scyth again... 

= :: 015.Venom ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: PROFILES :: =

Orphaned at a young age, Venom was taken under the wing of a group of
assassins. But, his sensibilities hindered his growth as an assassin. Time
passed as he pondered the meaning of his existence. Before long, the
organization saw him as worthless and ordered him to be executed. Prior to
his execution, Zato, the new leader of the organization, recognized Venom's
talent and spared his life. Venom pledged his loyalty to Zato out of deep
gratitude for saving his life and giving him his raison d'etre. Zato soon
fell out of favor, and rumors of his disloyalty abounded. Venom, who had
served as Zato's right-hand man for many years, knew that this slander was
not true. But, the evidence of it was very strong. While doubts are rising,
Venom receives information regarding someone thought to be Zato. 

= :: 016.Zato-1ONE ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: PROFILES :: =

Zato is the leader of an organization of assassins, who gained the ability to
manipulate shadows in exchange for his vision. Originally a lowly assassin, he
gained new power through a forbidden ritual, which allowed him to rise to his
present position. The repeated battles of the last tournament took their toll
on him, and the shadow seized control of his body. The shadow was cognizant
that it was created as a weapon and that its intentions of murder and
destruction were only programmed instincts. It had developed the will of its
own- the ability to break away from its cursed fate. This newborn soul could
not understand humans, and was filled with loneliness. While in search for
others like it, the shadow comes across the rumor of the Gear. 

= :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: CREDITS ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: =
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= :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: CREDITS ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: =

The Guilty Gear X Manual is a labor of love designed to showcase a game that I
think kicks serious ass. I'd like to thank anyone that has helped in any way!!

Ben Cureton (tragic) author/layout --------------------  tragic@gamecombos.com
Eric Williams (Gouken8) damage/properties ------------------------ eric@px.com
baroque (baroque) tons of stuff ------------------ baroque@squaregames.zzn.com

                        Thanks to: Arcadia Magazine!

BIG thanks to all the GGX players that post on the gamecombos.com forums, and
all the regulars of EFnet #GGX (on IRC). Keep on playing everyone!!!

Special thanks to Paul Wright and Jermaine Augustus. Paul Wright's GGX FAQ was
a very big help when there was literally no other GGX information available on
the net. I've used his move names and made up a few of my own. I think it only
appropriate to make sure both Paul Wright and Jermaine Augustus be credited.
If either of these guys have a problem with the GGX Manual using some of their
names, I'll be sure to change them. Thanks again!

EXTRA SPECIAL thanks to Sammy and ARC SYSTEM WORKS CO.,LTD. for creating one
of the most original 2D fighting games ever!!! THANKS A BUNCH!!! =)

   Stories taken from the official GGX website: http://www.guiltygearx.com

 Please e-mail any additions/correction to Ben Cureton tragic@gamecombos.com.

         GGX @ GAMECOMBOS.COM - http://www.gamecombos.com/games/ggx/
                 GAMECOMBOS.COM - http://www.gamecombos.com

= :: THE GUILTY GEAR X MANUAL ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: END OF FILE :: =