=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ========================================================================= --== Guilty Gear X: Millia Rage Guide ==-- ========================================================================= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= VERSION: 3.0 LAST UPDATED: 6.9.01 AUTHOR: H Bomb This File is for private and personal use only. It can only be reproduced electronically, and if placed on a web page or site, may not be altered in any way. This disclaimer and the below copyright notice must appear in full. This File is not to be used for profitable/promotional purposes; this includes being used by publishers of magazines, guides, books, etc. or being incorporated into magazines, etc. in ANY way. This File was created and is owned by the above Author. All copyrights and trademarks are acknowledged that are not specifically mentioned in this File. Guilty Gear X (c) Arc System Works =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= CONTENTS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1. INTRO 2. NOTATION 3. MOVE ANALYSIS 4. COMBOS 4.1 Ground Combos 4.2 Juggle Theory 4.3 Air Counter Combos 4.4 Dust Attack Combos 4.5 Super Combos 4.6 Misc. Combos 5. STRATEGY 5.1 General 5.2 Okizeme 5.3 Misc. 6. REVISION HISTORY 7. SHOUT OUTS 8. CLOSING =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1. INTRO =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Quite simply... Millia OWNZ. ... Okay... I guess I'll elaborate... she has an unstoppable offense than only someone with ESP could possibly hope to defend against. Knock the opponent down, play your cards right, and you will win. Not only is her offense powerful, but it's fairly mechanical and straight-forward. As long as you've got some pretty good hand dexterity and reflexes, you will be able to counter any defense on reaction. No thinking required (I exaggerate). Okay... this is going to be a hardcore guide on how to play Millia like a manufactured terminator bot. Little will be left up to the readers imagination, but that shouldn't discourage you from adding some of your own style later on. Anyway, there are some prerequisites to reading this thing... namely a fairly good understanding of the game mechanics. Just read any of the general FAQs on the net and you should be set. I'm going to assume you know all the general techniques such as roman canceling, faultless defense... etc. You'll get more out of this if you read it from start to finish. Certain things in the strategy section will be understood much better once you have read through the move analysis and combo sections. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 2. NOTATION =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Controller Directions ===================== Note: Opponent is to your right... (ugh, everyone knows this stuff) ub u uf \ | / b -- n -- f / | \ db d df Button Layout ============= Punch Slash Kick HardSlash Abbreviations ============= S - Standing C - Crouching J - Jumping / - Means "or" > - Separates moves in the Combo Section for clarity QCB - Quarter Circle Back HCB - Half Cir... blah... you know the rest Note: Okizeme is Japanese. It means "to pressure a downed opponent"... err... something to that effect anyway. Keep it in mind since I'll be using the term. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 3. MOVE ANALYSIS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Punch ===== S: Useless C: Useless J: Fast and pretty good priority. Used in juggles and for countering the opponent in the air. If someone jumps at you, meet them in the air with this move and follow up with a juggle that floors them. Kick ==== S: Good reach and speed. Nice dash in combo starter if you are looking to counter the opponent as you dash in. Otherwise stick to the... C: Not as much reach, but still pretty fast and most importantly must be blocked low. My preferred dash in chain starter even if blocked. Getting your opponent to crouch block is a good start to getting Millia's offense rolling. J: Same properties as her jumping Punch, but this move can also be double-jump canceled. That means if this connects during your first jump you can press any of the up directions to cancel the recovery time of the move and go into a double-jump. Adds some confusion to your assault and allows you to tack on more hits during juggles. Slash ===== S: Fast and good reach, but this is a poke type move and Millia is much stronger when she is as close to the opponent as possible. C: Extremely useful. Speed and range are okay, but most importantly this is a low hit that can be JUMP canceled. This opens up a whole world of hurt when you take into account Millia's air special moves. THE most important move in her arsenal. Explained more in strategy section. J: Probably her best jump-in attack. Causes good hit stun when it connects and has a fairly long duration. Hard Slash ========== S: Nice reach, but don't get poke happy. You want to STAY on your opponent. The strongest characters are those that can stay on the offense once they have obtained the initiative. Some game theory thrown in there for ya (This is why Millia is very strong btw). C: Another crucial move. This move not only launches, but is jump cancelable as well. This means you'll be able to pull off Capcom style VS combos. A great portion of your strategy will revolve around getting this move to connect. This is how Millia deals out a good portion of her damage in juggle combos. J: Another good choice for a jump in attack. Has a long duration and can hit up to three times. Priority is good, but the hit stun it causes when it connects can seem short when trying a jump in combo. A crucial juggle ender that floors the opponent and allows Millia to maintain the offensive pressure f+P === Um... looks cute and has good priority, but knocks the opponent too far away for my tastes. You can chain a f+HS afterwards, but it won't combo. Used to interrupt impatient opponents. Very limited uses for this move. f+K === An overhead. Can't be comboed in a chain and doesn't lead to any real damage to make it worth while. It can be canceled into a special move, but only the roll seems to be a good choice. Not recommended. f+HS ==== Extreme reach, POWERFUL, and floors the opponent. Has some start up delay so be careful. This is the only "poke" I can recommend since it will put the opponent face down on the canvas. It's main use though, is for tacking on some extra damage at the end of a combo or juggle by hitting the opponent on the ground. (Close) f/b+Hard Slash ====================== Millia's throw. Okay damage... nice visual effect. Just be glad it floors the opponent and leaves you pretty close. A good option for a blocking opponent. More in strategy section. Slash+Hard Slash ================ Millia's launcher... otherwise know as a "Dust Attack." Speed is okay, using it in a chain is okay. Placement will be key to getting this move to connect when you want it to. Leads to strong juggles. More in strategy section. d+Slash+Hard Slash ================== Millia's sweep. Probably the best in the game simply because of it's range. Chains after a C.Slash and knocks the opponent down. Recovery is short if blocked despite it's reach. You have better options if the opponent is blocking though. Only use this in chains if your dash or jump in attack connected, but you are too far to connect with a C.Hard Slash. Press S Repeatedly ================== Blah. Poking move that knocks opponent away from you. BAD. Can be used to zone the opponent, but you want to be ALL OVER them. Trust me. QCF+S/HS ======== Millia spins and creates a disc around herself. The slash version comes out fast and has greater reach, but almost no duration. The Hard Slash version comes out slower, has less reach, but lingers for a while. You will be using the Hard Slash version a lot. This move is critical to your offense. Simply knock the opponent down and dash over them and do the Hard Slash version. Or... hit the opponent off the ground with f+Hard Slash and cancel into QCF+HS. Either way, the opponent will be forced to get up off the ground blocking from fear of getting hit by the disc. Both options are not entirely fool proof however. Explained more in the strategy section. QCB+P ===== Um... yeah. Millia rides her hair like a surf-board and dashes across the screen. Has long start up and hits low. I can't recommend doing this, but I will admit that it can catch your opponent off guard some times. QCB+K ===== Great move. Millia rolls along the ground QUICKLY. Can be canceled from basic attacks and can be used to go through attacks and the opponent as well. It's benefits are obvious. Getting behind your opponent quickly is a good thing. Hard to counter unless you know it's coming. Millia recovers fairly quickly. It's a great move as long as you aren't abusing it. Don't let the opponent know it's coming. QCB+Hard Slash, direction+Hard Slash x 4 ======================================== Millia creates a bubble around her head. While this is happening you can press directions and Hard Slash to make the bubble move in those directions. It always goes forward first though and then in the directions you entered. The start up delay on this move is straight up horrible. I can only recommend it canceled from a knock down sweep (still risky) or from across the screen while your opponent is playing chicken. Once it comes out it provides EXCELLENT cover and allows Millia to dash or jump in and attack as she pleases. It also ensures the opponent will be in a defensive state making him more vulnerable to your mix up games. The start up delay sucks bad, but look for opportunities to use this. It's really good once it comes out. My favorite sequence is: df/d, f, b, f. The bubble will come down and pass back and forth through the opponent keeping him on the defensive. (air) QCF+P =========== Millia turns into a crescent moon and spins down at the opponent. Must be blocked standing, hit's multiple times and floors the opponent. GOOD. Millia bounces off the opponent if it's blocked and is left vulnerable. BAD. However, the recovery time is not that bad. Especially from the right distances. Anyway, the fact that it must be blocked standing makes it the fastest overhead in the game. Simply jump and do this move the instant your feet leave the ground. When used in conjunction with her jump cancelable attacks (especially her low hitting C.Slash) this move becomes VERY powerful. The fact that is floors the opponent allowing for okizeme makes it even more devastating. Worth the risk and not easily punishable if blocked. Best overhead when you know your opponent is going to crouch block since it's next to impossible to block on reaction thanks to it's speed. (air) QCF+K =========== Millia speeds towards the ground and can pass through the opponent, but not through attacks. It's tempting to do this move naked out of the blue, but extremely risky. It's best used in the same situations as the AIR QCF+P (mainly after jump cancelable moves, especially C.SLASH) to get behind a blocking opponent. Recovery is good, but should only be used in situations where the opponent is on the defensive. Like the QCB+K this move is really good when it is not telegraphed. (While Blocking) f+two buttons ============================== Millia's reversal... also called a "Dead Angle Attack." It's the same animation as her close S.Slash, except it knocks the opponent into the air. If you are close enough when it connects you can follow up with a C.Hard Slash and juggle of your choice. Worth doing since it's easy to deal mad damage with your offense as is. This will turn the momentum of the match in your favor with almost no effort on your part. Costs one super. QCB,HCF+HS ========== Millia sprouts wings, spirals upwards, and then dive bombs. Sucks if blocked. Best used to spice up combos and does well as an anti-air move. The dive bomb part must be blocked standing, but you are dead if it is blocked. QCF,QCF+S ========= Millia shoots out 3 discs. Safe if blocked. Combos well from ground attacks if you are close enough. Both of Millia's supers serve well to tack on more damage if nothing else. They aren't very crucial to her offense. This makes doing Dead Angle attacks worth while. Destroy Move ============ Millia's destroy is really good actually. She sticks her hair in the ground and it comes up wherever your opponent is on the screen. It's so risky to miss with this though. Not having a tension gauge and no access to faultless defense is bad news. I only use it on dizzied opponents. During a combo/juggle you see your opponent get dizzy, immediately stop it short or roman cancel your current move, press all 4 attack buttons to enter desperation mode and bust out the destroy as fast as possible. Pretty hard to shake out of unless you've got fast hands. Your opponent can still do it though so don't count on this. Actually, it's pretty easy for Millia to knock people dizzy so you'll have more opportunities to try this out than you think. The fact that it homes in on the opponent from wherever you are makes it a very tempting option once you see those dizzy birds. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 4. COMBOS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This part of the Guide will be broken into sections. Read through them all. There is hardly ever one particular combo that you can do in any given situation that will work on every single character. So most of the stuff in this section will be theory. There will be some example combos, but it's up to you to read and understand what's going on here and apply these general ideas to specific situations. You'll be making up most of your combos on the fly anyway. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.1 Ground Combos ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Most of the ground chains you do will be merely setups for Millia's C.HardSlash and Dust Attack. As a result most of your combos will be in the form of juggles. C.HardSlash chains easily after C.Kick > C.Slash or just C.Kick by itself. You can tack on more hits at your discretion, but remember that you don't want to knock the opponent too far away from you. If the opponent IS too far away from you, then make the best out of the situation and knock him down with a C.Slash > Sweep chain. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.2 Juggle Theory ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is the most basic C.HardSlash juggle. It's very reliable and works on all characters EASILY once mastered. You'll be doing this one the most if not all the time. C.HardSlash > Cancel into a super jump towards the opponent in the air > J.Kick > J.Slash > J.Punch > J.HardSlash > land and hit the opponent on the ground with f+HardSlash You have to do the first J.Kick the INSTANT your feet leave the ground. The other hits are just there to make sure you are at the right level to allow the J.HardSlash to hit all 3 times. The weird order adds a little more damage since the J.Slash hits earlier. This juggle has more damage, but is harder to connect. C.HardSlash > Cancel into a regular jump towards your opponent in the air > J.Slash > J.Punch > J.Kick > cancel into a double jump towards your opponent in the air > J.Kick > J.Slash > J.HardSlash > land and hit the opponent on the ground with f+HardSlash Again this must all be done pretty fast, especially the second J.Kick after the double jump cancel. Tell you the truth... I never do this. It's not as reliable... that goes for all other variations of C.HardSlash juggles. The first one I mentioned is so good because it will hit in all situations. Doesn't matter how heavy the opponent is or what range the C.HardSlash hit from... the super jump will put you where you need to be. There are several versions of the above combos that can be done. There are more powerful combos depending on the opponent, but the first combo I've listed will work on everyone and is your bread and butter. There is a fairly general thing you can try if you wish to add more hits and damage to your juggles though: During the juggle time your J.HardSlash so that it will hit when the opponent is almost above you. After the 2nd or third hit(it depends on opponent and height) cancel into the (air) QCF+P. This will knock the opponent up a little more and allow you to land first. Once you land you can attempt to re-launch the opponent. The most successful attempt seems to be (close) S.Slash (1 or 2 hits) > C.HardSlash. Jump up and continue the juggle afterwards. Doing this more than once is probably not possible. Here is an example combo on Sol: C.HardSlash > Super Jump Cancel > J.Kick > J.Slash > J.Punch > J.HardSlash (3 Hits) > Cancel into (air) QCF+P > land (close) S.Slash > C.HardSlash > Super Jump Cancel > ... etc. When you keep hitting your opponent in the air he will fall faster after each hit. Therefore, you will have to make sure all the hits in your juggle are fast hits. You will have to leave out the J.Slash. A good follow up to where the above combo left off would be: J.Kick > J.Punch > J.Kick > J.Punch > J.HardSlash All the moves come out fast and won't allow the opponent to recover. These types of juggles are nice, but won't work on all characters and worse yet the timing will change for different characters because of their weight. Generally not as reliable, but still worth trying for the extra damage and dizzy potential. Note: Desipite what I've just said it is still in your best interest to at least attempt these extensions on the juggles. The hardest part of the juggles are landing after the air QCF+P and relaunching the opponent, but mucking that up will still leave you in an advantageous position. Just go for the okizeme right afterwards. Note: Throughout the FAQ I make referances to the j.hs flooring the opponent in juggles. The air QCF+P comboed from j.hs in the air floors the opponent in the same way. I'm too lazy to tack that extra bit of info everywhere else in the faq. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.3 Air Counter Combos ------------------------------------------------------------------------- If your opponent jumps in... you've got some choices. You can hit him out of the air with a C.HardSlash or you can meet him in the air a la Capcom VS game with an air combo that starts with Punch or Kick (fast attacks are needed for that). You could also try the bird super (I'd save it for guaranteed situations though). Anyway the concept is simple: launch or meet the opponent in the air and tack on how ever many hits it takes to make sure the last hit of your juggle (the J.HardSlash) hits all 3 times and floors the opponent. It's imperative that all your juggles end with this move and floor the opponent (all will be revealed in the strategy section... if you haven't figured it out yourself already). EX: I hit the opponent out of air with C.HardSlash and follow him with super jump... he is much higher than he would be if I hit him off the ground with the C.HardSlash so I cut my Air Chain short and just do J.Kick > J.Slash > J.HardSlash. This ensures the J.HardSlash will hit all 3 times. Mission accomplished. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.4 Dust Attack Combos ------------------------------------------------------------------------- You'll only need two juggles whenever a Dust Attack connects. Which one you use will depend on how close you were to the opponent when the Dust Attack connected. Note: There are more juggles of course, but in terms of reliability and such... these are your best options. If you were close to the opponent when the Dust Attack hits: Press up to follow the opponent and then do J.Slash > J.HardSlash 2 HITS This is kinda tricky you want the second hit of the J.HardSlash to hit just as the screen starts to change colors (to the bright orange/red color it turns into for Dust Attack Juggles) > Then cancel the 2nd hit into AIR QCF+K to make Millia return to the ground. The opponent will be in free fall, but WON'T be able to Air Recover. I can't explain this fully, but it definitely has something to do with the screen changing orange. There is a brief period during which the opponent can't recover. Anyway... > Knock opponent out of air with C.HardSlash, then super jump with J.Kick > J.Slash > J.Punch > J.HardSlash (all 3 hits). Make sure that the 2nd hit of the first J.HardSlash DOES NOT send the opponent down towards the ground. You want the opponent to still keep floating normally. He just won't be able to air recover for some reason and you'll be able to hit him out of the air with the C.HardSlash. If you were far away from the opponent when the Dust Attack hits: Do everything the same except after the AIR QCF+K. Millia will land before the opponent, but the opponent will just pass over her head making it hard for the C.HardSlash to connect. INSTEAD... jump straight up (regular jump) and meet the opponent in the air with J.Kick > Double jump cancel towards the opponent > J.Kick > J.Slash > J.Punch > J.HardSlash. You can omit the J.Punch if it looks like the J.HardSlash won't connect. I really hope I explained these ok (got a BAD feeling I didn't). Ok... some added comments, I'm too lazy to change all of the above, but use the same ideas mentioned earlier in this combo section involving the (air) QCF+P and re-launch. Ex on Sol: Dust Attack > J.Slash > J.HardSlash (2 hits) > (air) QCF+K > ... C.HardSlash > Super Jump Cancel > J.Kick > J.Slash > J.Punch > J.HardSlash (3 Hits) > Cancel into (air) QCF+P > land (close) S.Slash > C.HardSlash > Super Jump Cancel > ... etc. All the same ideas apply. Not as reliable, hard to time... blah blah. But STILL in your best interest to attempt. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.5 Super Combos ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aren't all that... heh. Anyway... just look at the above combos. Wherever you see a C.HardSlash just cancel that with the Bird Super. If the bird super hits in the right places (close to the middle of the stage) you can run and meet the opponent as he bounces off the side of the wall with a super jump J.Kick > J.Slash > J.Punch > J.HardSlash. Looks purty. If you are too far away you can always run up and hit the guy on the ground with f+HardSlash. Cancel the 3 Disc Super from any ground attack (I prefer C.Slash). If all 3 Discs connect (it will depend on positioning and opponent's character) the opponent will get knocked into the wall and will be vulnerable. Run up and hit the opponent out of the air (after he bounces off the wall) with C.HardSlash. Follow up with juggle of choice or Bird Super. You can also cancel the disc super out of your air juggles after you land from the air QCF+P. Land do 1 hit standing slash and cancel into either super. After the disc one you can run after and juggle the opponent after he bounces off the wall with a c.Hard Slash as mentioned above. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.6 Misc. Combos ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The QCB+HardSlash bubble move will tack on more hits to your combos and will actually allow you to add more hits to your dash-in chains (since the bubble can be used to knock the opponent back into you). Experiment. If you are too far away to connect with C.HardSlash always do C.Slash > Sweep (d+Slash+HardSlash) instead to knock the opponent down. It is possible to get some juggle hits after Millia's throw. Such as S.Slash > S.HardSlash. Looks nice, but allows the opponent to air recover and you will give up your opportunity for okizeme (strategy). Use it if you want the damage though. When you hit the opponent on the ground with (air) QCF+P they will be knocked into the air and allow you to get some juggle hits off. You should take advantage of this depending on how high the opponent is launched. If it is only a little height, any juggle hits will only bounce the opponent off the ground and allow the opponent to recover like after the throw mentioned above. However, if the opponent is high enough you can usually re-launch with S.Slash > C.HardSlash. Generally, the higher Millia was when the QCF+P connected the higher the opponent will be launched. There is a trade off though... the (air) QCF+P will not come out as fast and the opponent can block it on reaction. Note: Sorry for not providing you with an actual combo list, but the theory behind it all is more important anyway. Understanding when to do which juggle will make you more flexible. You'll be able to apply these ideas to situations not specifically mentioned. This is my hope anyway. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5. STRATEGY =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= *Drum Roll* This is it. Hopefully this section will bring everything together for you and make things much clearer. Note: Okizeme is Japanese. It means "to pressure a downed opponent"... err... something to that effect anyway. Keep it in mind since I'll be using the term. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.1 General ------------------------------------------------------------------------- First thing to keep in mind. _BE_ FAST. Do EVERYTHING quickly. The faster you are, the less time your opponent has to react. Second thing to keep in mind... Millia does much better when she is as close to the opponent as possible. This allows her to take full advantage of her jump cancelable attacks and air special moves. That being said it's also the hardest part to playing her effectively. Once you get inside though... you should start feeling in control of things. Modes of entry... dashing by ground or air. Just plain old jumping in can be too slow and gives your opponent plenty of time to counter. If you have some form of cover... like a hair disc or bubble, it makes things a lot easier for you. Whether you dash in or jump in with an attack... the first ground attack you'll almost always use is her C.Kick. This is pretty much where her flow chart starts from. After that, it all depends on what your opponent does. If C.Kick CONNECTS... then chain into C.HardSlash and follow up with a juggle. If you are too far away to connect with the C.HardSlash, then do C.Slash > sweep instead. Both options will knock the opponent down. If C.Kick is BLOCKED, then you have some choices: 1. Chain into her dust attack to hit crouching defenders. This is risky unless you have some cover like a hair disc or bubble. 2. Chain into C.Slash > Sweep. The opponent might not block low from fear of getting hit by... 3. Chain into C.Slash > jump cancel > AIR QCF+P. Jump cancel towards the opponent and do the AIR QCF+P the instant your feet leave the ground. The opponent will be floored allowing for okizeme. This is an overhead attack that comes out FAST. It will make your opponent think twice about blocking low. 4. Chain into C.Slash > QCB+K. The roll will allow Millia to go behind the opponent. When that happens do a C.Kick and go from there (i.e. follow the options above again). 5. Chain into C.Slash > jump cancel > AIR QCF+K. This works just like the roll option, but can be faster depending on how close you are. If your C.Slash hit very close, then you can cancel the jump much closer to the ground and get behind the opponent very quickly. Just like the roll, stick out a fast C.Kick right afterwards and go from there. 6. Chain into C.Slash > sweep cancel > etc. Okay, this one is kinda tricky. You can do a roman cancel, but that costs too much super. The sweep cancel can be done by chaining a sweep from any attack and then doing faultless defense immediately afterwards. Command input looks something like C.Slash > HOLD db+Slash+HardSlash > While still holding db, press Punch+Kick. It will look like a C.Slash being canceled into a faultless defense. You'll be free to move afterwards. You'll be able to run up and do a C.Kick and repeat the flow chart or just throw the opponent if you know he is going to block. You have to cancel the sweep FAST and you have to move quickly to take advantage of the cancel. If you are not fast enough, then the opponent can react and the whole thing is pointless. 7. Throw. Just walk up and throw the guy. This is a valid option after air QCF+K and QCB+K also. 8. Chain into C.Slash > jump cancel > ... etc. This one I'm going to leave open. There are lots of things you can try. Jump in with another attack, fake a jump-in attack only to land and do a low hit, air dash away to regroup... etc. Plenty of things you can try. Note: Remember that the C.HardSlash is jump cancelable even if blocked. Therefore, if you got carried away and busted it out on a blocking opponent, feel free to jump cancel into any of your air special moves or even double jump or air dash. Either way it's not ideal, but it's best to make the most out of the situation. Note: Run up throws are tricky if you don't have a command throw, but can still be done with regular throws. Simply run up to the opponent and press back to cancel the dash just as you get right next to him. Follow up with the throw command. This can be done with faultless defense for even more speed and surprise factor. Run up to the opponent and cancel the dash with a faultless defense right as you get next to him. While still holding back from the command for faultless defense, press HardSlash to throw the opponent. This method seems much faster. Be quick about it for both methods. Attacking from the air is Millia's most common mode of entry when the opponent is not floored. Dashing in from the ground can be kind of hard, especially against opponents with reach. Here are some options. I can't believe I overlooked this when I first released this guide. Use your double air dash to avoid attacks and get in fast. Try to air dash as close to the ground as possible. Millia's air dash is much faster than just running in and the opponent will have less time to think. 1. Jump in with Slash. If it hits: land and combo. If it is blocked: Land and dash in with C.Kick. Go flowchart crazy after that. 2. Jump in without an attack. Land and start the flowchart from C.Kick. If the opponent was waiting to block the J.Slash, he will get hit by your C.Kick and you can combo. Otherwise... flowchart. 3. Jump in without an attack. Land and throw. This is a risky option and not very damaging. However, if you KNOW the opponent is going to block (you just don't know whether it's going to be high or low) then this is "guaranteed" damage. 4. Jump in with Slash and cancel into (air) QCF+P. This will hit guys who block low right after blocking your J.Slash. Mixing this up with option #1 is great. 5. Jump in with Slash and cancel into (air) QCF+K. The higher the J.Slash hits the greater the chance you'll end up behind the opponent... which is really what you want. Even if you don't this will be sure to freak your opponent out. Remember your options after this move: Throw or flowchart from C.Kick. 6. Jump in with Kick. If it connects... it will be hard to combo, but try. If not... flowchart OR double jump cancel it and try any of the above options. This is a POOR choice, but I list it here to be complete. The thing is... it's just NOT safe. You have no cover and the opponent will see your jump in slow motion. Only try it if your opponent is turtling mad crazy style. The above options are good ANY time you find yourself jumping or air dashing in. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.2 Okizeme ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay... Millia gets a whole section for this because this is where she shines. You'll notice that some stuff I've listed above including throw, juggles... etc. will leave the opponent floored on the ground unable to air recover and Millia standing right on top of him. PERFECT opportunity for you to lay the smack down with some okizeme. Let's run down the list of things mentioned above that will knock the opponent down and CANNOT be air recovered out of (making them very kickass moves): 1. Throw 2. Any juggle (ending with 3 hit J.HardSlash of course) 3. Any Dust Attack juggle (3 hit J.Hardslash ender) 4. Sweep 5. AIR QCF+P 6. Supers Note: Just about everything actually. All of these attacks will allow Millia to CONTINUE to pressure the opponent. Millia has 3 main options while the opponent is on the ground (there are of course many things you can try, but these are her "best" options): 1. Run over the opponent and do QCF+HardSlash. This will create a disk that lingers over the opponent and make him much more passive when getting up. Makes ya think twice about doing wake up moves when you know there is a perfectly timed attack waiting for you as you are getting up. 2. Hit the opponent on the ground with f+HardSlash and cancel into QCF+HardSlash for the same effect mentioned above. HOWEVER, if the opponent has good timing he can air recover immediately after the f+HardSlash in SOME situations. It depends on the character and what caused the knockdown. For example, when you juggle someone, the more hits you inflict the faster the opponent will fall to the ground. Therefore, if you hit someone a lot of times before doing the f+Hard Slash to hit him off the ground, he will not be able to air recover since he falls to the ground too quickly to do so. The number of hits it takes for the f+HardSlash to be inescapable afterwards for most characters is around 8 or 9, but this is just a rough estimate. 3. Wait for the opponent to hit the ground, then run up and hit him off the ground with a C.Slash > S.Hard Slash chain. The C.Slash will hit him off the ground and the S.HS will connect before he has a chance to air recover. Cancel the S.HS with the QCF+HS. This should be used instead of option 2 for those instances where the opponent can recover after the f+HS. This sequence is inescapable, but does less damage. You should use this after a C.Slash > sweep knock down chain and after short juggles on light characters who will be able to escape the f+hard slash as mentioned above. After the sweep you have another option. The Bubble move. This will be discussed later. General okizeme options that most characters can try will be discussed later as well. Okay, so now the disc is right over the opponent and he's at the mercy of your mix up games, right? Not entirely. When someone is getting up off the ground, he has like a frame (I don't know the exact details) where he is totally invincible. If your opponent is REALLY good, then he has a few options. 1. Do a wake up move with a lot of priority. Any move with invincible frames at the beggining should work. 2. Do a throw. Command or Regular. If the opponent times the throw perfectly, he will grab you and go right through the disc (he'll be invincible during his throw animation). This works because the throw connects during that instant of invincibility while the opponent is getting up (throws are pretty instant also). Avoid regular throws easily by just taking a step back, but command throws that have reach can be problematic (Potemkin). 3. Do an off the ground backdash. The backdash has a few frames of invincibility and can be done off the ground to go RIGHT THROUGH your disc. This is something every character can try. If you were as close to the floored oppponent as possible when you did the disc though... I do not think it is possible for them to escape. Okay... that being said... these few counters are NO WHERE NEAR EASY. The guy would have to be pretty confident to try it in the first place. You only have like a frame to make sure the last command of whatever input you're doing comes out during. I'm not sure if this can be buffered or not, but as of right now it's pretty damn hard to time regardless. Still... you should be aware of these counters. Especially the first one. Note: Actually, the get up throw shouldn't be a problem at all. If you are worried about it, just back off, wait for the disc to connect and dash in right afterwards. Time your attacks so that they hit just after the disc though. Or just jump in after the disc. So now we assume your opponent is going to be prudent and just defend. About the only things he can do are block and use faultless defense. You could start the flowchart mentioned above from C.Kick, but the disc already hits the opponent and starts to knock him away from you. So treat the disc hit as a C.Kick and follow the flowchart from there. The best move to use is the C.Slash. Try to time it so that is hits the opponent as he gets off the ground. Even if the disc is there it's better to make sure your opponent has no breathing room what so ever. Also note that if the opponent tried a wake up move and failed, he will be hit by both the C.Slash and disc around the same time (the C.Slash will hit everyone in this situation except for Zato). You can chain into a C.Hard Slash and follow up with a juggle (you'll have to cut it short though, I recommend: J.Kick > J.Slash > J.HardSlash). You can do the C.Slash into ground flowchart options mentioned above, or just the Dust Attack by itself (using the cover from the disc), or C.Slash > Dust Attack, and now C.Slash > C.HardSlash. You'll have to do the C.Hard Slash only after you're sure the low hitting C.Slash will connect. Aside from starting the flowchart from the groud. You can jump in right after the disc as well. The disc will provide enough cover for you to jump in without fear. The opponent will block the disc hit and will have no time at all to try and couter your jump-in attack (if you do one). In fact if the disc hits, you can hit the opponent out of the air with a J.Slash, land, and then launch with a C.HardSlash into juggle. You've got some options if you decide to jump in after the disc and it is blocked. Just use the options mentioned above for when jumping or air dashing in. Finally, let's discuss that other option of doing the bubble move after a sweep. This is actually my favorite option after a sweep since it's about the only somewhat safe time to try it. If you want to play safe, then just go for the disc, but playing Millia is mechanical enough that you'll want to try something daring once in a while (that's when she really starts to look impressive). ANYWAY... Just cancel into the move as soon as the sweep knocks down and enter your favorite 4 directions+HardSlash. The bubble will come out and move in those directions. As mentioned above, my favorite sequence is db/d/df > f > b > f. The first down direction is supposed to make the bubble move down to where your opponent is (depending on how far away you were when the sweep connected) and the other directions will cause the bubble to move back and forth through the opponent. Once they block the first hit they will be trapped as the movements come out pretty fast and can even combo. They are at your mercy during this time. Feel free to rush in with C.Kick and get flow chart happy. Okay, this is also not fool proof. The opponent will get up off the ground around the time you start to recover from the move. If the bubble doesn't scare him into blocking (or if he's just had enough bull and can't wait any longer) he'll probably bum rush you. If he runs up and throws you... well... that just plain sucks since the bubble will have no chance of hitting him. Therefore, if you think that is going to happen you'll have to input a sequence that makes the bubble come closer to you (like, db > b > f > b) and jump away. If he tried run up throw or anything else he'll get hit by the bubble as it comes back and you'll be able to combo from it. About the only other option he has (and probably the safest one) is to jump away with faultless defense active). Of course if you anticipate that, you could always input a sequence that will make the bubble move out farther and then run in and pressure him with your flow chart options while he's still defending. Anyway, you can see how this can be fun if you read your opponent correctly. And it's better than boring safe play all the time. As for general okizeme options... it's basically just jumping or dashing in on the opponent without the cover of a disc. You'll have to do this if you were not able to do the disc. The disc is great because it almost guarantees the opponent will be in a defensive state. It SERVERELY limits his options and allows you to put the hurt on him with all your guessing games. That about covers it all I think. It's important that you have all these options at your finger tips and can bust them out on reaction. If you do, you can simply react to your opponents on sight and eat through every defensive action they take. The roll and AIR QCF+K are especially important and make the opponent 2nd guess himself. The threat of all your options will make your opponent feel helpless the second you knock him down or just get close even. Not only that, once you actually connect with something, every offensive action you take will leave the opponent on the ground with a disc over him. The beauty of her offense is that it DOES NOT STOP once you've obtained the initiative. You'll play matches where the opponent won't be able to do anything the whole time except block, botch up desperate off the ground attempts, and get hit. Heh heh. Welcome to the dark side. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.3 Misc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This will be sort of a random strat. and misc. info section. As I happen to find out interesting stuff it might be posted here in the future. Let me start out by saying that Guilty Gear X is really popular in Japan. Not the most popular game mind you, but more people play that game in Japan than the most popular fighting game here in the states (just to give you an idea of how pathetic the fighting game scene here is in the states compared to those Asian countries). The player base is huge and all that competition breeds the strongest strategies and players. Recently my Japanese friend showed me some tournament footage from Japan. The clips were just from the final matches, but I got to see some strong players duke it out. The clips were of the semi finals till end. And the remaining 4 players competing used Zato, Baiken, Johnny, and Jam. The final came down to Baiken vs. Johnny. It was unfortunate but Zato and Jam more or less got their asses kicked so I was not able to gain any knowledge on how to play them better. However Johnny and Baiken players used some incredible techniques. Millia is a very popular character and is abused quite a bit. As a result there are many counter strategies for playing her. I'd like to note that in most of these tournaments most of the people entering pick Millia, but all the Millia players are eliminated early on or mid tournament. This is not to say that she is a weak character, but like I said... because of her popularity many people are aware of her strategies and know how to counter them. I wish I could tell you her weaknesses, but without many people to play against here in the states it's hard to find out. Johnny - is a fucking monster. This guy is STRONG. I didn't realize how much until recently. Once he gets going you are going to be losing very quickly. He has excellent range and pretty much ownz everyone on the ground. For anti-air, his f+P uppercut leaves his upper body completely invincible (attacks go right through him) and juggles the opponent. The real damage comes in from his coin toss, cloud move, and mist slash specials. Once he hits you with a coin and gets that level 2 mist slash you are in trouble. Once you are hit with lvl 2 slash you cannot air recover. This allows Johnny to hit you with another coin as you hit the ground, dash over you, and do an off the ground hit cancelled into his mist. He starts a chain as you are getting up and the mist connects making his slash specials unblockable. He ends the chain with the lvl 2 mist slash... repeat. This is pretty devastating. He only needs to do this 3 or 4 times to kill you and it's very hard to escape. Combo in supers for more damage. f+HS does mad damage also. So how does Millia beat this guy? If he's zoning you try a dash in roll to go through his attacks. You have to get in close... it's imperative. Once you do you may be forced to stick with your ground mix ups. His uppercut will knock you out of all your jump cancelled stuff. Once you knock him down though he's just as vulnerable as anyone else. Try to stay grounded or double air dash behind him to get him to whiff that uppercut. You'll have to fake him out of his moves. They have long range, but don't recover tremendously fast. You'll have to be fast when you see that opening. Baiken - another strong character. Her jumping HS is a BEAST. Eats out like... everything. Johnny won the last round of the last match in the tourney by uppercutting her out of a j.HS and zoning her with mist/coin/ slash trap, but this move seems to cause havoc for everyone else. It basically allows her to get close and start mixing it up. It can also be done early in the jump and still allow her to land and combo. The guy used the following combo exclusively. J.HS > close S > sweep... dash over floored opponent and off the ground with f+HS > sweep... cancel the sweep with a jump straight up and do the floor mat move in the air. The floor mat move works like Millia's disc. It basically keeps the guy on the defensive and allows Baiken to go for Okizeme. She does the usual high/low/throw mix ups afterwards. Baiken is not as fast as Millia, but she makes up for it with strength of attacks and priority. She also has the ability to stop any offensive rush with her reversal moves. She is very strong and hard to deal with. You have to cut all your guessing games short so that she does not reverse you if she blocks something. If you know she is going to reverse use your roll to go through the reversal and get behind her. Once she is aware of that you can attack her like normal, but the roll will be important if you want to get past the reversals. Otherwise just use your speed to your advantage. Don't try to match her Jumping HS. Just run under or away from her. Or try to get higher than her and attack. You don't want to be below that move when it comes out. Zato - This guy put up a fight, but I still didn't see much with him other than basic rush down and okizeme. He knocks you down, does an off the ground chain, and cancels with close drill move. The drill does not hit, but stays over the opponent like Millia's disc (see a pattern here? The strongest characters have great okizeme.) Anyway, that drill combined with all the Eddy attacks allow him to do some interesting rush down and okizeme stuff. There are too many options to list here, but basically he's a nightmare once he knocks you down. However, he seems to have a very hard time knocking you down in the first place. Again I really didn't get to see this guy shine, but just be cautious if he knocks you down. Honorable Mentions. These characters are often recognized as being strong by the majority of players, but I have trouble seeing any truly overwhelming strategies for any of them. I mention them here only for the sake of saving face I guess... er... something like that. Chipp - I think we all know this guy is capable of mad rush down, but he takes damage like a bitch. And his okizeme isn't all that great other than the fact that he can be... uhh... fast.... yeah. I'm struggling here. Anyway, this will be a matter of who has better reaction time, but generally Millia should be able to rock this guy's world. Ream him with your okizeme and take advantage of his weak constitution. This is like the only character you can afford to trade hits with. Dizzy - Does mad damage and is a zoning monster, but does not seem to have many option when it comes to okizeme. You'll just have to approach cautiously, but feel free to go buck once you have knocked her down. Her S.Hard Slash has a lot of reach, but doesn't have a great recovery time. Use your roll to go through her attacks and get close.
Jam - For some odd reason she is capable of doing a lot of damage with
her comboable specials... especially when powered up. Solution? Don't
let her power them up for starters and then don't let her combo you. Jam
hardly has any setups. About the only way to play her is to wait for the
opportunity to land a clean hit and then make the most of it with a huge
damaging combo. Just keep your rush tight. Play mad safe when on offense
and don't give her those openings.

Sol - Slow, but has power and priority. Use your speed and if he gaines
the initiative watch out for that command throw! Sol hardly has many
opportunities to rush you down so when he gets close he will be looking
to throw your blocking ass with that command throw. Roll through his big
slashes if they are zoning you out.

Other characters - No contest. Heh... but seriously, there is no contest.
Just kick their asses and be done with it. Ok... I'm kidding. Um... just 
use the strategies listed in the faq... duh.

That's all for now (and probably forever).


VERSION 1.0 (1.9.01)
 - First version. 

VERSION 2.0 (3.12.01)
 - Not a whole lot of new stuff, but you'll find some new info in the
   combo and strategy sections. Changed the format a little.

VERSION 3.0 (6.9.01)
 - Added a Misc. section to strategy. Never got around to distributing
   this FAQ last version so look the whole thing over for new stuff.


Ben Cureton a.k.a. Tragic 
 - This dude gets mad props for everything he has done for the Guilty
   Gear X Community. His site kicks ass (http://www.gamecombos.com) so
   check it out. If you're not sure on something read his manual or visit
   the site. This is love for the game, man. This is what it's all about.

"The KiD" 
 - Gotta give my boy credit for putting out a slick FAQ. This goes out
   to him and the rest of the SC. Keep it real mah bruthas. ha ha.

Sammy, Arc System Works
 - For making an incredible game. Maybe this will inspire Capcom and SNK
   to put out some mad crazy stuff of their own.


And there you have it. Sorry for the organization. Looking back over
everything ... it sure looks cluttered. Oh well. Oh yeah... there's 
absolutely no reason for you not to be able to kick ass with Millia now.
So... DON'T lose. heh. 

This will probably be if for this guide. I mean... no more revisions.
About the only things missing are character specific strategies and maybe
some other specific techniques. The fact of the matter is... no one plays
this game. It's unfortunate that this game didn't get much distribution 
here in the states. Still... it was pretty cool to put down all these
ideas on paper. Thanks for reading.