Guilty Gear X - FAQ - May by Millenium Fault Ver 1.03 May 20 2001 Ver 1.0 (Jan 26 2001) --------------------------------- Copyright --------------------------------- Copyright (C) 2001 MilleniumFault Do not reproduce this document anywhere without the permission of the author. Guilty Gear X and all its characters and game is Copyright (C) of Sammy --------------------------------- Contents --------------------------------- 0. Updates 1. Introduction 2. Goods/Bads 3. Moves 4. Combos 5. Strategy 6. Animation 7. Ending Notes --------------------------------- Updates --------------------------------- You may have noticed that I've skipped from 1.0 to 1.03 cause I reallized after a lot more playing and reading that May is a far deeper character than she is ^^ Anyways, I can say that I have completely changed the playing style of May^^ --------------------------------- Introduction --------------------------------- Information here is translated from Japanese version so whatever happens you have to change it back to the english move names or whatever. Height 158cm Weight 47kg Blood type B Birthday May 5th story of may can be found at official GGX site ( May is the youngest character within GGX, basically most of her moves are all for fun (none of them are serious), and she looks as if she works at some zoo. I choose to use may because I thought not a lot of people used her and therefore it will be less easy to predict ^_^ hopefully. --------------------------------- Goods/Bads --------------------------------- The good - She is small (being small makes some combos impossible or very hard) - She is fast (except Milia, Chip, and Jam) - She has an exceptionally high priority foward-punch (see "moves") - She has one of the best supers in the game (the whale one) - She has one of the unblockable destroy moves ^^ (more on this later) The bad - She has short reach (in comparison to her speed) - Most of her moves have some lag to it - She has no projectile attack that goes in a straight line across the screen --------------------------------- Notation --------------------------------- I will use the Japanese notation for this FAQ In the arcades the order of the buttoms are K S HS P In some other arcades the order of the buttons are P K S HS (my arcade uses the latter, but I think the former is more common) P = punch k = kick S = slash HS = hard slash Special moves Roman cancel (RC) = 3 bottons pressed at the same time (will cancel most moves at once) Faultless Defense (sometimes called Fortress Defense) = guard+2 buttons Recovery (Makes you recover from down status when in air) = 2 buttons Destroy prepare = all 4 buttons (puts you into 'destroy mode' Sweep = Down + HS + S Dustattack (DS) = HS + S (high attack, cannot be blocked low) The joystick layout is as follows, assuming you are on the right 789 4 6 123 This is convineient so you can look at your num pad and see what its like. Hard to get used to but I found it useful ex: down, down-forward, forward is noted as 236 --------------------------------- Moves --------------------------------- Horizontal Iruka san 4 (wait) 6 + S or HS RC - no May charges forward on her dolphin. For S it goes 1/4 of the screen for HS she goes 3/4 of the way across the screen. Moves that require you to pull back and wait take a bit longer in GGX than other games The move is fast but you have to watch it because priority is low and all projectile attacks and attacks like chipp's alpha blaade will counter- hit this move. Vertical Iruka san 2 (wait) 8 + S or HS RC - no May thrusts upwards on her dolphin. S will land her around 1/5 of the screen ahead and HS will land her 1/2 way across the screen. Again priority is not that good though it is better than the horizontal version. When she is moving upwards, it cannot be guarded in the air. When she is comming down, it cannot be guarded crouching. Restive Rolling 623 + S (can be used in air) RC - yes May pulls back for half a second then springs into a rolling motion 45 degrees into the air. This first spring is very fast and priority is good as long as it touches body (not projectiles). After that you can press and direction and hit S to change direction. After each change she will travel slower. Note that May has to come down sometime so becareful because if the move is forced to end, then may will drop back to the ground without any guard, therefore you will be heavily punnished -_-. "Please clap your hands and welcome" 41236 + any button RC - no May raises her hand and a splash of water appears behind her. A Hulla Hoop appears in the air. The location depends on which button you used P - above may K - slightly before may S - slightly before opponent HS - above opponent You can hold on to the button to make the hoop stay there. Once you release the button dolphins will be released from the hoop and falls to the ground. Depending on how long you hold the button, there will be more dolphins. (1, 2, 3, or 6 basically only 1 and 2 are possible). If may is hit while the hoop is there the hoop will dissappear. It is quite important to use this move because it can help you seal of certain areas or catch opponents offguard to save your day. Overhead Kiss (close to opponent) 63214 + k RC - yes This is a throw move. The reach is basically the punch move of may. Somehow if you are too close to the opponent it won't connect. If the move doesn't connect, may will show a pose that will cause her to be ' off balance' for a second (enough for a opponent that close to punish you). Use with extreme caution. Though a move to catch opponents that are always blocking ^_^. Special Moves: 6 + p May extends her fist forward and sends the enemy flying. This is probably May's best move. Why? May gets an invincible upper body, similar to Johnny's 6P. Also normal characters getting hit by this 3 times in a row will feint. WOW! But more! it also links into May's loop-combo, which means that only hit by this 2 times will result in a feint! 3 + K May slides forward with her anchor, trips the enemy. Extreme lag time after execution, if blocked be prepared to eat a combo. However, note that she gets a lot of invincible time for this move. Use this if you're stuck in the corner. 6 + HS In air 2 + HS May drops anchor first onto the ground. Good for ending a jump or catching opponents right under you. Supers: Great Yamada Attack 236236 + S RC - no May points her finger forward and a gigantic whale flies across the screen and lands 3/4 of the way. This move is probably what May is all about. Damage is very good, and the time that it takes to come out is close to zero. Starting from the instant the screen flashes black (split second after command is executed), May is COMPLETELY INVINCIBLE). It is hard to combo into this but this move can be used to punish those who dash in a lot or throw of random supers. The invisibility time is very good and this super can save you from a lot of situations. Make sure you can get this move out at any instant. In the air unless the opponent uses Faultless defense, the move is unblockable. Note that after the whale has passed May lags for half a second. Super Anchor (don't know exact name, whatever) 63214 + HS RC - yes May swings her anchor forward like her standing HS. If the move connects, may will swing the anchor in a forward motion. Note that may stands still, and if the first hit knocks the opponent away, the rest will still come out but none of it will hit. Damage is OK, but not exaclty that much. It will hit any opponents in the air, and I think it is unblockable if opponent is in air, but a lot less hits will hit the opponent. Basically the closer the opponent is the more hits you will get it. May gets almost no invincibility in this move so don't throw it off at random (and also because the lag is somewhat high). Destroy Move May and her happy friends (close to enemy) 4123641236 + HS or 6321463214 + HS This is a throw move. Yes, May's destroy move is a THROW MOVE. IF your opponent know that then he/she is in for a treat ^_^. What happens? May catches the opponent, jumps into the air and throws him/her onto the floor, then the whole crew of May's ship charges out and stomps over the opponent, followed by a fat lady. The fat lady notices that a baby has fell and is crying and trips over the fallen opponent and BOOM! the oppnoent is destroyed. Absolutely worth a watching ^_^. Note that the opponent can jump just as the screen goes black to avoid the move. You basically have to be in the same distance as Overhead Kiss for this to connect (though I feel there is a bit more range) Update edit: If you enter destroy mode when opponent is down and feinted, you can dash and catch. More on this in "strategy" --------------------------------- Combos --------------------------------- Remember! the numbers represent direction of joystick. Look at your num pad if your stuck. 789 4 6 >> forward 123 This is only some of it... The Gatling combinations can be changed a bit and tossed around so experiment abit. RC = Roman Cancel DA = Dust attack Moves in parentheses can be omitted. (all crouching) P > P > P > K > S > (HS) > Horizontal Iruka San (HS) K > S > 2HS > Horizontal Iruka San (HS) --- The basic combo of May. The only hard part is timingthe Iruka san in. damage is good ^_^. easy stuff. A tip is to start pulling the back button throughout the combo. Overhead Kiss > Great Yamada Attack > Great Yamada Attack --- The fun and humiliating combo. Always have the GYA after the kiss. Timing is difficult for the second GYA, cause if you don't hit the opponent while he/she is still in the air, damage will be greatly reduced. HS > Great Yamada Attack --- This move only works close to your side of the screen (ie. when you are being cornered). You can try to fit a bit more before the HS. Good reversal. P > K > S > (2HS) > Super Anchor --- I'm not too sure about the crouching HS. I usually connect after the S. If the opponent looks like he's too far then don't go to the super cause it may result in the super not to connect properly. Damage is nice on this one and it looks quite good. DA > (Jump) > HS > (HS) > K > P > K > S > HS > Restive Rolling --- As all DA combos, the timing is all. For the restive rolling you have two alternatives. You can try to keep changing directions to keep hitting the opponent, or you can change direction to land safetly away. Your choice. Dash > 2K > release dolphin > DA --- you have to have the hoops ready for this move. hard to connect but is rewarding. (in air, opponent in air) K (or S) > HS > (land) > (jump) > repeat --- the Japanese call it the "Loop Combo" basically you can do this a few times on an enemy in the air. Hard to time the HS so once you get this right your May will be a lot more powerful. (This move is not exactly cheap, cause there really is a limit to how many times you can repeat this. If you want to know what cheap means go play Milia Rage). Basically you can only execute this 2 - 3 times, so get it right and end the combo with a restive rolling. 2K > Sweep > (OTG) 2K > S > "Please clap your hands and welcome" --- OTG move, damage is bad. I usually take the chance to start the hoops instead of using it to hit the enemy. This is good if you want to do that, leaves you save ^_^ S (counter hit) > DA --- the S hit if is a counter hit will cause the opponent to be stunned long enough for the DA to connect. S > HS > Super Anchor > RC > Dash K > S > Jumpcancel S > HS > Loop combo. --- One of the more stylized way of going into the Loop combo. You basically have to cancel the super after the first hit, and time the jump cancel perfectly. Very stylish if you can pull this off ^_^. On the downside, only works when opponent is cornered. S > 6P > Super Anchor > RC > S > 6P > S > Jumpcancel S > HS > Loop combo --- VS Johnny or Potemkin only. Basically Johnny will die after you pull this off. Like the previous combo, this only works when opponent is cornered. Great Yamada Attack > HS Great Yamada Attack > 2P > 2P > S --- Both are OTGs after GYA. The opponent will bounce of the screen after GYA hits may can catch the opponent in midair just before he/she lands. Does help the damage count a bit. (can add this to any combo that involves GYA) Updates: New combos! 6P > far S > Loop Combo (does not work for ky if he is on ground) --- May's Basic combo #2. Works even when opponent is in the air, so get it right! Note: Most opponents will be feinted after this connects twice. Overhead kiss > Loop Combo --- May's Basic combo #3. Good for tricking defensive opponents ^^. DA > 2HS > Land > Loop Combo --- 3rd way to easily link in. "easily", but you have to do the 2HS very fast. DA > HS > HS > 2nd Jump > (while falling) HS > land > 6P > S > Loop Combo --- A harder way to pull it off, but if you get this one right all opponents except potemkin will feint. --------------------------------- Strategy --------------------------------- Old way to play >> To keep it short, you want to be on the move. Don't go into Kamikaze mode, but do keep the pressure on the opponent. Mix in Ps, Ks, DAs, and Overhead Kisses, and you will always keep the opponent guessing. A tip is to keep using the standing and crouching Ps to get your opponent to get into the habit of blocking, then catch him/her off guard with an overhead kiss > Great Yamada Attack. Always remember you have the Yamada Attack, because whenever you are in the crisis of being hit by a super you can use this move to counter-hit the opponent. (Most supers that are executed before or at the same time of the GYA will miss and be punished). You can try the Super Anchor on those who tend to attack once they get up from the ground. If the opponent dashes in a lot, GYA them. It is important not to get into "GYA mode" (ie dashing back and waiting for opponent to make a move). When you have time throw in a "clap your hands and welcome" to get an edge over the opponent. The thing is not to get too predictable and your may should be able to win most opponents ^_^ Note that may is not a good defensive player. New way to play >> Style 1 > Quick-end style Stay moving while actually on the defensive, get your 6Ps in and make you opponent feint. Then use destroy move. (Fastest I've tried to end an opponent this way is less than 10secs) If you're a beginner this might be your money saver ^^ Notes: - This style is all about the destroy move. Since 6P does it fastest, go with it. - This will easily work on opponents that keep pressuring you in the air, due to the anti-air qualities of the 6P - Good opponents will easily see what you are trying to do and defend. - Get your loop combos straight, it makes things that much easier. - Using this strategy too much will anger certain opponents ^^ - This strategy is kind of hard to fight potemkin cause it takes 3-4 6P to KO that guy Style 2 > Normal fight style You will need to mix in your OHKs, 6Ps, and DAs to catch your opponent off guard. But first, you need to get that loop combo straight, cause it is your best source of damage. If you make opponents feint, don't use destroy (funny, but not skillful ^^), but go with a more fancy combo. Also note that your dashing 2HS+S has great priority. Against opponents that always dash towards you, use the horizontal dolphin repeatedly to make him/her unable to advance and take a couple of counter-hit damage ^^ Also, everytime you get the chance (ie after a combo and opponent is down), lay down a hoop. Notes: This is what I'm working on, and probably the most correct way to play May, more on this next update Characters to beware of: Zato-One Yes, his long reach and priority will make the match-up a living hell. Try to make use of his lag time. Otherwise don't always dash in and kill yourself ^_^. Chipp This time it is the speed and priority. Remember to block and recover. To counter his crouching Ks, use your standing K, it has lower body invincibility. Notes on how to block his dashing super: 1> If you are on the ground, block normally and keep the joystick there, your character will block auto for you, DO NOT USE Faultless Defense, his super will crush it. 2> Get the direction right and use Faultless Defense, without it his super will hit any opponent in the air. Milia Rage Speed and priority again, this time even more so. Similar to Chipp, use your standing Ks to crush her crouching Ks and sweeps. Remember to use your 6Ps (Milia is easily KOed). Play a block and counter game and you should be able to win based on skill ^_^. Johnny Reach. It's the reach. Also the zero lag before his moves. But note that May's speed can out run Johnny so keep moving and make him catch up to you. Luckily, Johnny's super is hard to connect on May due to her height. *more to come later* --------------------------------- Ending Notes --------------------------------- Thanks to : Albany Y - Your Johnny is such a good opponent... especially when I am at the disadvantage. Ricky - Although your Baiken sucks you provided a lot of laghter hahahahaha... Joe - Unbeatable Chip it is... and your Zato-one proves that he is May's worst nightmare. Ki - KOF style Jam... this is incredible ^_^ - for posting this Japanese - their webpages provided a lot of information, and yes, the Japanese have been playing since half a year before the US release... and where I live (Hong Kong), there are only a few GGX machines left... sigh. Any comments, inqueries, suggestions go to me. Send in stuff so we can talk about GGX together!