GUILTY GEAR X ADVANCE EDITION (Japanese Import) for Game Boy Advance FAQ by LiquidCross cross (at) v1.1 - February 20, 2002 The latest version of this FAQ can always be found at What's New? v1.1 - Updated info on "Extra" modes, and alternate ways to unlock hidden characters. v1.0 - The FAQ is up for your perusal. I know it's incomplete...but enjoy! What's in this FAQ? 1. Introduction 2. Controls 3. Modes 4. Characters/Moves a. Standard Moves b. Characters' Moves 5. Secrets/Unlockables 6. Notes 7. Contact Info 8. Credits 9. Disclaimer 1. INTRODUCTION For those of you that have a Sega Dreamcast (and for those that don't...shame!!!), a Japanese company called Sammy put out a 2D fighter called Guilty Gear X. Since Capcom and SNK pretty much wrote the book on 2D fighters, no one really thought this one would go anywhere. Think again! Not only was the DC version a fantastic fighting game, the GBA version is great as well. The only downside is the crappy sound, but the tight controls, kickass graphics, and fluid animation more than make up for it. 2. CONTROLS You can configure the keys anyway you like, in either 4-button or 3-button mode. If you plan on playing a lot of Tag Match games (see "Modes" below), then I suggest 3-button mode. Below are the configurations I like to use personally, but as stated earlier, you can change them to suit your taste. Standard Controls: Forward: Move forward. Back: Move backward, or block. Down: Crouch. Up: Jump. Start: Pause. Select: N/A 4-button Mode: Punch: B Kick: A Slash: L Hi-Slash: R 3-button Mode: Attack: B Slash: R Hi-Slash: A Extra: L 3. MODES Arcade: The standard game...fight your way to the final boss! VS: Link up with a friend and pound on each other. Training: Practice your moves here. Survival: Keep fighting until you get demolished. Tag Match: Team up with another character! 3 on 3: Same as Tag Match, but with 3 characters. Options: Configure button settings, save settings, colors, etc. 4. CHARACTERS/MOVES You'll notice I use some shorthand for the D-pad directions. Here's what they mean: HF = Half-circle forward (Back, Back-Down, Down, Forward-Down, Forward) HB = Half-circle back (Forward, Forward-Down, Down, Back-Down, Back) QF = Quarter-circle forward (Down, Forward-Down, Forward) QB = Quarter-circle back (Down, Back-Down, Back) QD = Quarter-circle down (Back, Back-Down, Down) All moves assume that you're facing to the right. If you're facing to the left, just reverse the directions. All moves are listed in 4-button format; if you're using 3-button, substitute the Attack button for Punch or Kick (unless otherwise specified). Some moves can be done in midair as well...try 'em out! Special Attacks are available when your tension meter (at the bottom of the screen) is fully charged. Hi-Slash Special Attacks, if they connect with your enemy, will kill them instantly! "Destroyed!" Standard Moves: These are the basic moves that anyone can do. Run: Tap Forward twice Dodge: Tap Back twice Double Jump: Tap Jump twice Air Dash: While in midair, tap Forward or Back twice Grapple: Forward + Hi-Slash (while close to enemy) Tag (in Tag modes): QF + Kick & Hi-Slash; (3-button mode, use QF + Extra) Charge (3-button mode): Extra Characters' Moves: NOTE: All the move names are in Japanese, obviously. I used a crappy translation program to try to get English names...some worked, some didn't. So I'm sure that I'm WAY off. If you can read Japanese, I'd much appreciate some help...the original move names can be found at in the "Characters" section. SOL BADGUY - Your typical badass with a flame sword. Normal Moves: Burning Slash: QF + Punch Rising Fire: Forward, Down, Forward-Down + Slash (or Hi-Slash) Flying Kick: QB + Kick Burning Rush: QB + Slash Throw: Forward, Down, Forward-Down + Kick (while next to enemy) Spin Kick: QF + Kick (for 3-button, use HF + Attack) Special Attacks: ???: HB, Forward + Hi-Slash Dragon Rage: QB, QB + Slash Hi-Slash Special Attack: Napalm Death: QF, QF + Hi-Slash KY KISKE - He's got an electrical sword, so watch your back! Normal Moves: Stun Edge: QF + Slash Stun Edge 2: QF + Hi-Slash ???: Forward, Down, Forward-Down + Slash (or Hi-Slash) ???: QF + Kick ???: QB + Kick Special Attacks: Ride the Lightning: HB, Forward + Hi-Slash Hi-Slash Special Attack: Rising Fourth: QF, QF + Hi-Slash MAY - Mmm...gotta love a pirate chick wielding a giant anchor. Normal Moves: Dolphin: Hold Back, then Forward + Slash (or Hi-Slash) Dolphin 2: Hold Down, then Up + Slash (or Hi-Slash) ???: Forward, Down, Forward-Down + Slash ???: HF + Any attack button Overhead Kiss: HB + Kick Special Attacks: ???: HB + Hi-Slash Great Yamada: QF, QF + Slash Hi-Slash Special Attack: May and Friends: HF, HF + Hi-Slash MILLIA RAGE - This chick brings new meaning to the term "bad hair day." Normal Moves: Tandem Top: QF + Slash (or Hi-Slash) Iron Saber: QB + Punch Secret Garden: QB + Hi-Slash Revolution: QB + Kick; (3-button mode, use HB + Attack) Bad Moon: QF + Punch (in midair) High Speed Fall: QF + Kick (in midair); (3-button mode, use HF + Attack) Special Attacks: ???: QB, HF + Hi-Slash Emerald Lane: QF, QF + Slash Hi-Slash Special Attack: ???: QF, QF + Hi-Slash ZATO-1 - This guy looks...well, I won't say how he looks. But watch out for that alien slime thing he hangs out with. Normal Moves: ???: Down, Down + Slash (or Hi-Slash) Eddy Summons: QF + Any attack button (the button you press determines the attack) - Eddy Small Attack (Punch); (3-button, use Forward & Attack) - Eddy Move Attack (Kick) - Eddy Anti-Air Attack (Slash) - Drill (Hi-Slash) ???: QB + Slash Break: QB + Kick ???: Forward, Down, Forward-Down + Slash (in midair) Special Attacks: Amorphous: HB, Forward + Hi-Slash ???: QF, QF + Slash (in midair) Megalith: During Eddy Summons, use HB, Forward + Slash Hi-Slash Special Attack: Black Mind: QF, QF + Hi-Slash POTEMKIN - Every game's gotta have a big bruiser, and Potemkin's it. Normal Moves: Mega Fist (Front): QF + Punch Mega Fist (Rear): QB + Punch Slide Head: QF + Slash Hammerfall: Hold Back, then Forward + Hi-Slash Heat Knuckle: Forward, Down, Forward-Down + Hi-Slash Heat Extend: During Heat Knuckle, use HB + Hi-Slash ???: HB, Forward + Punch Special Attacks: ???: HB, Forward + Hi-Slash ???: HF, HF + Punch Heavenly: QF, QF + Slash Hi-Slash Special Attack: Magnum Opera: QF, QF + Hi-Slash CHIPP ZANUFF - He's fast, and he can teleport, so be careful. Normal Moves: Alpha Blade: QF + Punch Beta Blade: Forward, Down, Forward-Down + Slash Gamma Blade: HF + Hi-Slash ???: QF + Slash - ???: QF + Slash - ???: QF + Kick Vision: HF + Kick Takeshi Transfer: Down, Down + Any attack button; (3-button can also use Forward, Down, Forward-Down + Attack) Takeshi Camouflage: QB + Kick Special Attacks: 10,000 Ogres: QF, QF + Kick Wolf Fang: HB, Forward + Hi-Slash Hi-Slash Special Attack: ???: QF, QF + Hi-Slash FAUST - He wears a suit, and a paper bag over his head. Weird. Normal Moves: Pierce: HF + Kick Pullback: During Pierce, hold Back ???: During Pullback, QF + Punch Little Voice: During ???, QF + Punch ???: During Little Voice, QF + Punch ???: QF + Punch Spearpoint: QF + Slash ???: QF + Hi-Slash (in midair, or during Spearpoint) Front Movement: During Spearpoint, Forward + Forward Rear Movement: During Spearpoint, Back + Back ???: During Spearpoint, Punch ???: During Spearpoint, Kick; (3-button, use Up + Attack) Cutter: QB + Hi-Slash ???: QB + Punch; (3-button, use HB + Attack) ???: QB + Kick ???: QB + Slash Special Attacks: ???: QF, QF + Punch ???: QF, QF + Slash Hi-Slash Special Attack: ???: QF, QF + Hi-Slash BAIKEN - Your standard grim female samurai, with a funky-looking arm. Normal Moves: ???: QF + Kick Misfortune: While blocking, QD + Punch; (3-button, use QD + Hi-Slash) Turn: While blocking, QD + Kick Fissure: While blocking, QD + Slash Rush: HB + Kick Fan: Forward, Down, Forward-Down + Slash Special Attacks: Styx: QF, QF + Slash Turtle: Back, HB + Punch; (3-button, use HF, Back + Attack) ???: Back, HB + Kick Dragon: While blocking, Back, HB + Slash ???: While blocking, Back, HB + Hi-Slash Hi-Slash Special Attack: Dragon Point: QF, QF + Hi-Slash JAM KURADOBERI - Another samurai girl. She looks happier than Baiken, at least. Normal Moves: Blade: QF + Kick Imperial Wrath: QB + Kick Castle: Forward, Down, Forward-Down + Kick Breath of Morning: Down, Down + Kick, Slash, or Hi-Slash Talisman Ax: QB + Slash Blast: QF + Slash Turn: During Blast, Punch; (3-button, use Forward + Attack) Leadfoot: During Blast, Kick 100 Bells: During Blast, Slash 1000 Bells: During Blast, Hi-Slash Dropkick: In midair, Down + Kick Special Attacks: Trillion Legs: HB, Forward + Slash Crumbling Girl: HB, Forward + Hi-Slash Hi-Slash Special Attack: ???: QF, QF + Hi-Slash JOHNNY - This Trigun reject carries a wooden sword to smack you around with. Normal Moves: High-???: QF + Punch; (3-button, use HF + Attack) Mid-???: QF + Kick Low-???: QF + Slash Cancellation: During High/Mid/Low, Hi-Slash ???: Forward, Down, Forward-Down, Slash + Slash Aerial ???: In midair, QF + Slash ???: QF + Hi-Slash Bacchus Rhinoceros: QB + Punch Special Attacks: ???: HB, Forward + Hi-Slash Hi-Slash Special Attack: Joker Trick: QF, QF + Hi-Slash AXL LOW - No, not Axl Rose; this is a Briton who fights with chain-scythes. Normal Moves: Sarasvati Cut: Forward, Down, Forward-Down + Slash (or Hi-Slash) Accelerator: Hi-Slash + Sarasvati Cut (with Hi-Slash) Sickle Flash: Hold Back, then Forward + Slash Tune Chain: During Sickle Flash, Up (or Forward-Up) Spin Chain: During Sickle Flash, Down (or Forward-Down) Bell Spin: Hold Back, then Forward + Hi-Slash Thunder Chain: HB + Slash (or Hi-Slash) Heaven Stone: QB + Punch Accelerator 2: In midair, Forward, Down, Forward-Down + Hi-Slash Special Attacks: 100 Burning Sickles: QF, HB + Hi-Slash Hi-Slash Special Attack: Secret Sickle Flash: QF, QF + Hi-Slash ANJI MITO - Fear his giant fans! ...Right. Normal Moves: ???: QF + Punch Wind God: QF + Slash (or Hi-Slash) Blade: During Wind God, Slash Needle System: During Wind God, Punch Needle System 2: During Wind God, Kick; (3-button, use Forward + Attack) Needle System 3: In midair, QB + Punch Shade: QB + Punch ???: QB + Punch (or Kick); (3-button, use QB + Attack, or HB + Attack) Crimson: While blocking, Punch Special Attacks: Genuine Secret: HB, Forward + Hi-Slash Hi-Slash Special Attack: Stop: QF, QF + Hi-Slash VENOM - How can he see with that hair in his face? Normal Moves: Stinger Aim: Hold Back, then Forward + Slash (or Hi-Slash) Carcass Ride: Hold Down, then Up + Slash (or Hi-Slash) Doubleheader: Down, Forward, Forward-Down + Slash (or Hi-Slash) Ball Formation: HB, Forward + Any attack button; (3-button, use QB + Attack, or HB + Any attack button) Instant Movement: Forward, Down, Forward-Down + Kick Mad Struggle: In midair, QF + Slash (or Hi-Slash) Special Attacks: Dark Angel: QB, HF + Slash (or Hi-Slash) ???: In midair, QF, QF + Hi-Slash Hi-Slash Special Attack: ???: QF, QF + Hi-Slash TESTAMENT - If the Grim Reaper was an effeminate goth, he'd look like this. (coming soon!) DIZZY - A skimpy black leather outfit, a demon, and an angel. I don't know whether to be scared, or turned on. (coming soon!) 5. SECRETS/UNLOCKABLES - Beat Arcade Mode to unlock Dizzy and Testament as playable characters; or beat the "golden" versions of Dizzy and Testament in Survival Mode (also called the "Dare-Devil" versions). - If you beat the "golden" versions of characters in Survival Mode (also called the "Dare-Devil" versions), you'll unlock their "Extra" mode on the character select screen. - Go through Survival Mode to unlock "Original Mode" in the Options menu. 6. NOTES - Even though this game is Japanese, the ENTIRE game (except for the obligatory trash-talk after each round) is in English, including the endings! The manual is all in Japanese, though, so that can be a pain to dig through. But come on, it's a fighting game, not an RPG, so you shouldn't have too much trouble figuring it out. :) 7. CONTACT INFO Know something I don't? Find a hidden secret you're dying to share? Feel free to email me at cross (at) Just put "Guilty Gear X Advance Edition" in the subject line. If you give me valid info, I'll credit you in future versions of this FAQ. :) 8. CREDITS - "Mad props" go out to Sammy for producing an excellent 2D fighter that ISN'T from Capcom or SNK! (Not that I have anything against them.) 9. DISCLAIMER Feel free to distribute or post this FAQ, but you MUST reproduce it IN FULL, and you must give me credit for it. Reproducing/copying/posting sections of this FAQ is strictly prohibited. Guilty Gear X and all associated materials are the property of Sammy.