============================================================= Gulity Gear DUST STRIKERS ============================================================= Final version By Sora250 Email: shadowtosin@yahoo.com Date Started: May 17,2007 This Faq is only allowed to be hosted on Gamefaqs,Neoseeker, Super Cheats,and IGN Sites banned from using this: Game cheats World and cheat CC. =============================================================== ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTENTS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Make sure to use ctrl + F to find stuff faster) 0.5 Introduction 1. Controls 1.5 version history 2.0 Arcade mode 3.0 Story mode 4.0 V.S. Mode 5.0 Challenge mode 6.0 Rk- Factory 7.0 Mini games 8.0 options 9.0 Items 10.0 Move sets 10.1 Sol badguy 10.2 Ky kiske 10.3 May 10.4 Millia rage 10.5 Axl low 10.6 Kuraboderi Jam 10.7 potemkin 10.8 chipp zanuff 10.9 Eddie 10.10 Baiken 10.11 Faust 10.12 Testament 10.13 Anji Mito 10.14 Johnny 10.15 Venom 10.16 Dizzy 10.17 Slayer 10.18 I-NO 10.19 Zappa 10.20 Bridget 11.0 Frequently asked questions 12.0 credits 13.0 Copyright =============================================================== 0.5 Introduction =============================================================== Hello. I am Sora250. This is my second FAQ (my first being KH 2). I did this FAq to show people about the game and give moveset for each character. I been visiting this site for 4 years and been a member for over one year. With that said, onto the Faq. =============================================================== 1. Controls =============================================================== Start-pause Touch screen- Item selection/mini game use (A)-Special move/confirm at menu screen (B)-Strong attack/Cancel at menu screen (X)-Dust strike (Y)-Weak attack (L)-Psych Brust (R)- Roman cancel + control pad- move character/ scroll at menu screen =============================================================== 1.5 version history =============================================================== version 1.0: May 28,2007: Everything done expect for ten people stories. Version 1.10: Aug 1, 2007 Everything done.(all story, all question, added a person to the credits) For right now, this is the final version for right now. Email me if I (need) to add anything. =============================================================== 2.0 Arcade mode =============================================================== This is a single player mode in which you compete against computer controlled players. You must defeat all the opponents in the level to win. =============================================================== 3.0 Story mode =============================================================== This is also a single player mode. Choose your favorite character and follow his/her unique story plot as you battle it out against opponents. (note: Ro bo Ky does not have his own story) Sol badguy's fights: Fight 1:Sol Badguy(player) VS Jam VS Faust VS Venom Fight 2:Sol Badguy(player) VS Bridget VS Chipp VS EDDIE Fight 3:Sol Badguy(player) VS Slayer VS Testament VS Dizzy Fight 4:Sol Badguy(player) VS Anji Mito VS Baiken VS Axl Low Fight 5:Sol Badguy(player) VS I-NO VS Johnny VS Ky Kiske Fight 6:Sol badguy(player) VS GIG Ky kiske's Fights: Fight 1:Ky kiske(player) VS JAM VS May VS Testament Fight 2:Ky kiske(player) VS Zappa VS Millia Rage VS Axl Low Fight 3:Ky kiske(player) VS Faust VS Baiken VS Chipp Fight 4:Ky kiske(player) VS Anji Mito VS Slayer VS Potekin Fight 5:Ky kiske(player) VS I-NO VS Sol Badguy VS Johnny Fight 6:Ky kiske(player) VS GIG May's fights: Fight 1:May(player) VS Faust VS Venom VS Zappa Fight 2:May(player) VS Chipp VS Baiken VS Anji Mito Fight 3:May(player) VS JAM VS Ky Kiske VS Testament Fight 4:May(player) VS Potemkin VS Eddie VS Johnny Fight 5:May(player) VS Millia Rage VS Dizzy VS Bridget Fight 6:May(player) VS GIG Millia Rage Fights: Fight 1:Millia Rage(player) VS Zappa VS Axl Low VS Ky kiske Fight 2:Millia Rage(player) VS I-NO VS Baiken vS Jam Fight 3:Millia Rage(player) VS Dizzy VS May vS Bridget Fight 4:Millia Rage(player) VS Anji Mito VS Potemkin VS Testament Fight 5:Millia Rage(player) VS Eddie VS Venom VS Slayer Fight 6:Millia Rage(player) VS GIG Axl Low Fights: Fight 1:Axl Low(player) VS Bridget VS Venom VS Johnny Fight 2:Axl Low(player) VS Chipp VS I-NO VS Millia Rage Fight 3:Axl Low(player) VSPotemkin VS Jam VS Ky Kiske Fight 4:Axl Low(player) VS Faust VS Zappa vS Slayer Fight 5:Axl Low(player) VS Baiken VS Anji Mito VS Sol badguy Fight 6:Axl Low(player) VS GIG Potemkin Fights: Fight 1:Potemkin(player) VS Axl Low VS Ky Kiske VS Jam Fight 2:Potemkin(player) VS Eddie VS May VS Johnny Fight 3:Potemkin(player) VS Millia rage VS Testament VS Anji Mito Fight 4:Potemkin(player) VS I-NO VS Faust VS Zappa Fight 5:Potemkin(player) VS Slayer VS Dizzy VS Sol Badguy Fight 6:Potemkin(player) VS Gig Chipp Fights: Fight 1:Chipp(player) VS Testament VS Dizzy VS Sol Badguy Fight 2:Chipp(player) VS Anji Mito VS May VS Baiken Fight 3:Chipp(player) VS Axl Low VS I- no VS Millia Rage fight 4:chipp(player) VS Potemkin VS Jam VS Slayer fight 5:chipp(player) VS Johnny VS Eddie VS Venom Fight 6:chipp(player) VS GIG Eddie Fights: Fight 1:Eddie(player) VS Ky Kiske VS Axl Low VS Baiken Fight 2:Eddie(player) VS Bridget VS chipp VS sol badguy Fight 3:Eddie(player) VS Potemkin VS May VS May Fight 4:Eddie(player) VS Dizzy VS Faust VS Zappa Fight 5:Eddie(player) VS Slayer VS Venom VS Millia Rage Fight 6:Eddie(player) VS GIG Baiken Fights: Fight 1:Baiken(player) VS Johnny VS May VS Slayer Fight 2:Baiken(player) VS Faust VS Chipp VS Ky Kiske Fight 3:Baiken(player) VS zappa VS Venom VS Testament Fight 4:Baiken(player) VS Jam VS I-NO VS Millia Rage Fight 5:Baiken(player) VS Axl Low VS Anji Mito VS Sol badguy Fight 6:Baiken(player) VS Gig Faust Fights: Fight 1:Faust(player) VS Baiken VS Chipp VS Ky Kiske Fight 2:Faust(player) VS Venom VS Jam VS Sol badguy Fight 3:Faust(player) VS Eddie VS I-NO VS Anji Mito Fight 4:Faust(player) VS Dizzy VS May VS Johnny Fight 5:Faust(player) VS Bridget VS Zappa VS Potemkin Fight 6:Faust(player) VS GIG Testament Fights: Fight 1:Testament(player) VS Millia Rage VS Potemkin VS Anji Mito Fight 2:Testament(player) VS Bridget VS Jam VS Ky Kiske Fight 3:Testament(player) VS Zappa VS Baiken VS Venom Fight 4:Testament(player) VS Chipp VS Dizzy VS Sol Badguy Fight 5:Testament(player) VS Slayer VS I-No VS Eddie Fight 6:Testament(player) VS GIG Jam Fights: Fight 1:Jam(player) VS Ky Kiske VS Testament VS May Fight 2:Jam(player) VS Johnny VS Zappa VS Eddie Fight 3:Jam(player) VS Dizzy VS Bridget VS Anji Mito Fight 4:Jam(player) VS Faust VS Venom VS Sol Badguy Fight 5:Jam(player) VS Chipp VS Slayer VS Potemkin Fight 6:Jam(player) VS GIG Johnny Fights: Fight 1:Johnny(player) VS Anji Mito VS Bridget VS Slayer Fight 2:Johnny(player) VS Chipp VS Venom VS Eddie Fight 3:Johnny(player) VS Ky Kiske VS I-NO VS Sol Badguy Fight 4:Johnny(player) VS Jam VS Baiken VS Johnny Fight 5:Johnny(player) VS Testament VS Dizzy VS May Fight 6:Johnny(player) VS GIG Venom Fights: Fight 1:Venom(player) VS Anji Mito VS Testament VS Chipp Fight 2:Venom(player) VS Johnny VS Bridget VS Axl Low Fight 3:Venom(player) VS Faust VS May VS Zappa Fight 4:Venom(player) VS Dizzy VS I-NO VS Baiken Fight 5:Venom(player) VS Millia VS Eddie VS Slayer Fight 6:Venom(player) VS GIG Dizzy Fights: Fight 1:Dizzy(player) VS Anji Mito VS Bridget VS Jam Fight 2:Dizzy(player) VS Testament VS May VS Dizzy Fight 3:Dizzy(player) VS I- NO VS Venom VS Baiken Fight 4:Dizzy(player) VS Faust VS Zappa VS Eddie Fight 5:Dizzy(player) VS Slayer VS Potemkin VS Sol Badguy Fight 6:Dizzy(player) VS GIG Slayer Fights: Fight 1:Slayer(player) VS Anji Mito VS Johnny VS Bridget Fight 2:Slayer(player) VS Faust VS Zappa VS Axl Low Fight 3:Slayer(player) VS Chipp VS Jam VS Potemkin Fight 4:Slayer(player) VS Dizzy VS Sol Badguy VS Testament Fight 5:Slayer(player) VS Millia VS Venom VS Eddie Fight 6:Slayer(player) VS GIG I-No Fights: Fight 1:I-No(player) VS Potemkin VS Zappa VS Faust Fight 2:I-No(player) VS Bridget VS Dizzy VS May Fight 3:I-No(player) VS Baiken VS Jam VS Milli Rage Fight 4:I-No(player) VS Eddie VS SlayerVS Testament Fight 5:I-No(player) VS Johnny VS Ky Kiske VS Sol Badguy Fight 6:I-No(player) VS GIG Zappa Fights: Fight 1:Zappa(player) VS Ky Kiske VS Axl Low VS Millia Fight 2:Zappa(player) VS Johnny VS Jam VS Eddie Fight 3:Zappa(player) VS Dizzy VS Slayer VS Sol badguy Fight 4:Zappa(player) VS Baiken VS Venom VS Testament Fight 5:Zappa(player) VS Bridget VS Faust VS Potemkin Fight 6:Zappa(player) VS GIG Bridget Fights: Fight 1:Bridget(player) VS Testament VS Ky Kiske VS Jam Fight 2:Bridget(player) VS I- NO VS May VS Dizzy Fight 3:Bridget(player) VS Axl Low VS Johnny VS Venom Fight 4:Bridget(player) VS Eddie VS Chipp VS Sol Badguy Fight 5:Bridget(player) VS Faust VS Zappa VS Potemkin Fight 6:Bridget(player) VS GIG Anji Mito Fights: Fight 1:Anji Mito(player) VS Ky Kiske VS Potemkin VS Anji Mito Fight 2:Anji Mito(player) VS Venom VS TestamentVS Chipp Fight 3:Anji Mito(player) VS Dizzy VS Jam VS Bridget Fight 4:Anji Mito(player) VS I-NO VS Faust VS Eddie Fight 5:Anji Mito(player) VS Baiken VS Axl Low VS Sol Badguy Fight 6:Anji Mito(player) VS GIG =============================================================== 4.0 V.S. Mode =============================================================== This is a 2-4 player mode that utilizes the nintendo DS wireless gameplay capability. If you don't have 4 friends to play against, computer controlled characters will round out the foursome. =============================================================== 5.0 Challenge mode =============================================================== In this mode, players battle wirelessly one on one in an arcade style mode. =============================================================== 6.0 Rk- Factory =============================================================== Create your own customized Robo- Ky character by acquiring moves of other character for the ultimate move list! Other characters' moves are acquired when you place among the top 3 in the mini games. The top screen in Robo-Ky Factory is called the "Technique Lane." This is where already acquired special moves and commands for Robo-Ky are listed. The bottom screen in Robo-Ky factory is called the "Technique Lane," and it displays a list of moves that are available to choose from. To pick a move, press +Control Pad up or +Control Pad Down until you reach a move that you want to add. To place that move in the technique Lane, press the A button. This will prompt another pop up menu to appear when you must decide which button combination you would like to designate for the move you just added. Press +Control Pad up and +Control pad down until you reach the button combo that you'd like to choose, then press the A button to place the move in the technique Lane To remove an acquired move from the technique Lane, highlight the move on the technique list and press the b button. To exit robo- Ky Factory, Press start. Techniques you get for robo ky: Do You Want To Suffer? Bargain of Street Meeting Phenomenon EX Chemical Love Invite Hell Mappa Hanti Tandem Top Axl Bomber Potemkin Buster EXE Beast Gamma Blade Youshijin Starship Sliding Head Single Blow of the Reform Mad Struggle Aerial Stun Edge Love Whatever is Done. a Fellow No Good is No Good Tyrant Rave Ver.b Bellows Mantis =============================================================== 7.0 Mini games =============================================================== There are seven mini games in Guilty Gear Dust Strikers that all use the DS touch screen. "May Dolphin Show" My highest score: 3000 Score to get first:3000 The goal of this mini game is to get as many dolphins as possible through the hoops on the bottom touch Screen before the time runs out. Use the stylus to move the hoops for the dolphins to dive through. You can set the hoops ablaze by putting them in contact with the drums on the bottom of the touch screen. higher points are awarded for dolphins that successfully dive through hoops that are on fire. Robo-Ky Techniques 1st Do You Want To Suffer? 2nd Bargain of Street Meeting 3rd Phenomenon EX "Note capture" My highest score: 6450 Score to get first: 6000 Use the stylus to catch the musical notes dropping from the top screen to fil the musical score on the Touch screen! Once the musical score is filled with the correct notes, you'll move onto the next stage. Don't worry about catching notes that aren't on the musical score; you will only be penalized when you drop a note that is on the score. Miss three and the game is over. Robo-Ky Techniques 1st Chemical Love 2nd Invite Hell 3rd Mappa Hanti "Yo- yo Polish" My highest score: 1030 Score to get first: 1000 The object of this mini game is to clean off the dirty yo- yo before time runs out. The faster you clean off the dirt, the more points you are awarded. There are three types of dirt: mud, rust and fuzzy dust. To get rid of mud, simply rub it off using the stylus. To clean the rust off, tap the panel repeatdly until it's removed. To rid the yo- yo of fuzzy corners of the touch screen to spin the yo- yo. You may have to do this more than once. Robo-Ky Techniques 1st Tandem Top 2nd Axl Bomber 3rd Potemkin Buster "Balance Game" My highest score: 4865 Score to get first: 3000 It's all about balance in this mini game! Use the stylus to move Jam left and right to catch and stack the object that are thrown from the balcony. To catch an object,simply stand stand in the area where the object is coming down and it will latch on. Once you stack objects all the way up to the balcony, the level is cleared and you start again. If you let 3 objects drop the game is over, so make sure you're careful! Also be sure not to make any quick movements because your stack of objects could fall, resulting in your game being cut short! Robo-Ky Techniques 1st EXE Beast 2nd Gamma Blade 3rd Youshijin "Venom Billards" My highest score: 9 turns Score to get first: 10 Turns This is a standard 9-ball billiards game. Basic 9-ball rules: Using the cue ball, hit the billiards balls in numbered sequence, from 1-9, into the pockets. You can sink any ball out of sequence only if the correct ball is hit initially using the cue ball. If the cue ball hit the wrong numbered ball initially, is hit into a pocket, or misses hitting a ball completely, a foul occurs and that player loses his/her turn. When there is a foul, the opponent is free to place the cue ball anywhere on the table. If the player sinks the 9 ball during a foul, play continues with the 9 ball being placed on the foot spot. There are two different viewing modes in Venom's billiards that are used for increased shot accuracy. Normal mode is used to check ball positioning and shot direction. There are two viewing angles: quarterview and bird's eye view. To change between the two viewing angles, touch view change on the bottom of the touch screen when it is your turn. When the computer fouls, the bird's eye view angle is automatically set. Place the cue ball anywhere you like on the table by touching the screen where you want to put it. To change the angle of your shot, touch slide with your stylus or press +control pad left/+control pad right. Note: The flashing ball is the ball you need to be aiming for . For a clearer picture of the ball numbers, press the R button. When you are ready to shoot, touch shot mode on the buttom right of the Touch screen. To hit the ball, touch the cue ball with the stylus. The longer you leave the stylus on the ball, the more powerful your shot. Shot power ranges from 0-99, with 99 being the most powerful. To obtain a move for the robo-ky factory, you must sink the 9-ball in the least amount of shots possible. If you don't place in the top 3 of the records, you will not obtain a move. Robo-Ky Techniques 1st Starship 2nd Sliding Head 3rd Single Blow of the Reform "hit down" My highest score:4880 Score to get first: 2500 Faust is popping up all over the touch screen, and it's your mission to put him back in his place! Touch Faust with the stylus when he pops out of the gate or through a door. Ponits are accumulated when hitting Faust. If you hit a gate where Faust is not present, or if you let Faust excape without hitting him, it is considered a miss. Three misses and the mini game is over. Robo-Ky Techniques 1st Mad Struggle 2nd Aerial Stun Edge 3rd Love "Sword Master" My highest score: 4750 Score to get first: 4500 Using your stylus as a sword, slice up the falling hay before it reaches the ground. Before the hay falls, you are given a limit as to how many swings you have at it. the fewer swings you need to slice all the hay, the higher the score is. If the hay falls before you cut it, it is considered a miss. Three misses and you must start over. Robo-Ky Techniques 1st Whatever is Done. a Fellow No Good is No Good 2nd Tyrant Rave Ver.b 3rd Bellows Mantis =============================================================== 8.0 options =============================================================== Time:choose from 90,120,180 seconds, or infinity for Arcade, Story, and V.S. Modes. In challenge Mode, there is a fixed time of 99 seconds. Soul: Choose between 0-3 souls for Arcade, Story, and VS. Modes. Soul is fixed at 1 for challenge mode. Difficulty: Set computer difficulty level to easy, normal, hard, or mania Marker: Set whether or not to mark the character currently in first place during gameplay in all modes. Item USE: Set whether or not items can be used in Arcade,story, and VS. Modes. Items cannot be used in challenge mode Key Configuration: Choose from four key configuration setting for all modes of play. Player information: check information on player rank and winning percentage based on challenge mode results =============================================================== 9.0 Items =============================================================== Meat-- Restores health Bomb-- When activated, your character throws a bomb towards the enemy. Swap-- Swaps enemy positions on the board. This does not change your position. Tension Max--- Restores tension gauge and keeps it at max for a short time. Freeze-- Freezes enemy who makes contact with the freeze special effect Lightning--- Attacks opponents with a lightning bolt Item Box--- When touched, item boxes generate either a random item for use during battle, or a bomb that explodes and inflicts damage on the player who opens it. Note: If you already have an item stored the item in the item box will replace it. =============================================================== 10.0 Move sets =============================================================== The move set for characters in this game. =============================================================== 10.1 Sol badguy =============================================================== Sol, once a test subject for the Gear project, is now after "That man', His special move, Tyrant Rave, has evolved to Tyrant Rave B. Gun flame- A button Bandit Revolver- +Control Pad Right + A button Bandit Bringer- +Control Pad Right + hold down A button Riot Stamp- +control pad Left + A buttton Volcanic Viper- +control pad down + A button Knockdown- A button (can only be executed when doing a Volcanic Viper) Grand Viper- Tap +Control pad Right Twice + A button Terrible Toss- +Control pad Right + Y button + B button Super Combo Tyrant Rave- +control pad down, +Control Pad Right + A button Dragon Install- +Control Pad Right, +control pad down, +control pad Left + A button Savage Fang- +control pad down, +Control Pad Right + A button (can only be executed when doing a Dragon Install) Lift and drop Move and Lift one level- +control pad down + A button Move and Drop one level- +control pad down, +Control Pad Right + B Button Midair Kick- A button Volcanic Viper- +control pad down + A button Bandit Revolver- +Control Pad Right + A button Bandit Bringer- +Control Pad Right + Hold down A button =============================================================== 10.2 Ky kiske =============================================================== Ky is searching for Sol to defeat him with the Holy Knight's sacred weapon 'Sealed Lightning Sword.' He is a well balanced character know for his Stun Edge attack. Stun Edge- A button stun Edge Charge attack- Hold down A button stun dipper- +Control Pad Right + A button greed sever- +Control Pad Left + A button Vapor Thrust- +Control Pad Down + A button Super Combo Ride the lightning- +control pad down, +Control Pad Right + A button Sacred Edge- +control pad down,+Control Pad Right + X button Lift and Drop Move and Lift one level- +control pad down + A button Move and Drop one level- +control pad down, +Control Pad Right + B button Midair Stun Edge Middle- A button Stun Edge Long- +Control Pad Right + A button Stun Edge short- +Control Pad Left + A button Vapor Thrust- +Control Pad Down + A button Midair super combo Ride the Lightning- +control pad down, +Control Pad Right + A button =============================================================== 10.3 May =============================================================== She is a thief who is in love with Johnny, She continues to fight with her orca friend 'Goshogawara.' Horizontal Dolphin- A button Vertical Dolphin- +Control Pad Down + A button Restive Rolling- +Control Pad Right + A button Applause for the victim- +Control Pad Left + A button Overhead Kiss- +Control Pad Right + Y button + B button Super combo Great Yamada Attack- +control pad down, +Control Pad Right + A button Ultimate whiner- +control pad down, +Control Pad Left + A button Super Screaming Ultimate Spinning Whirlwind- +control pad down, +Control Pad Right + X button Deluxe Tile bomber- A button (can only be executed when doing a Super Screaming Ultimate Spinning Whirlwind) Lift and Drop Move and Lift one level- +control pad down, +Control Pad Right + Y button Move and Drop one level- +control pad down, +Control Pad Right + B button Midair Restive rolling- A button =============================================================== 10.4 Millia rage =============================================================== She is a member of a former assassins group that is after Zato-One. Millia Rage is specialized in fast attacks and hard to escape tumble attacks. Her attack style has changed with Tandem Top's new function Tandem Top- A button Iron Saber- +Control Pad Right + A button Lust Shaker- +Control Pad Left + A button Forward Roll- +Control Pad Down + A button Greatest Rise- +Control Pad Down + A button Super Combo Winger- +control pad down, +Control Pad Right + X button Emerald Rain- +control pad down, +Control Pad Right + A button Lift and Drop Move and Lift one level- +control pad down, +Control Pad Right + Y button Move and Drop one level- +control pad down, +Control Pad Right + B button Midair Bad moon- A buton Maximum Velocity Fall- +Control Pad Right + A button Silent Force- +Control Pad Left+ A button =============================================================== 10.5 Axl low =============================================================== He has time traveled into this world and wants to return to 'his world.' He uses his weapon to search for the key to return to the past. He has a variety of body attacks. Rensen Geki- A button Sensa Geki- A button (can only be executed when doing a Rensen Geki) Kyokusa Genki- +Control Pad Up + A button (can only be executed when doing a Rensen Geki) Benton Gari- +Control Pad Right + A button Axl Bomber- A button (can only be executed when doing a Benton Gari) Hachisubako- +Control Pad Left + A button Tenhou Seki- A button (can only be executed when doing a Hachisubako) Rasho Sen- +Control Pad Left, +Control Pad Right + A button Super combo Shiranami no homura- +Control Pad Down, +Control Pad Right + X button Hyakue Rensho- +Control Pad Down, +Control Pad Right + A button Lift and Drop Move and Lift one level- +Control Pad Down, +Control Pad Right + Y button Move and Drop one level- +Control Pad Down, +Control Pad Right + B button Midair Axel bomber- A button Raiei Sageki- +Control Pad Down + A button =============================================================== 10.6 Kuraboderi Jam =============================================================== she is a chef as well as a chinese Kenpo fighter. Jam is good in ground combat using her dash and jump cancel actions, as well as her mid- air attack rush. New overdrive attacks give her a fresh approach. Ryunjin- +Control Pad Right + A button Gekirin- +Control Pad Left + A button Kenrokaku- +Control Pad Down + A button Breath of asanagi- +Control Pad Right, +Control Pad Right + A button Bakushu- A button Hyappo shinsyo- A button (can only be executed when doing a Bakushu) Ashibarai- +Control Pad Down + A button (can only be executed when doing a Bakushu) Mawarikomi- +Control Pad Left + A button (can only be executed when doing a Bakushu) Senri Shinsyo- +Control Pad Right + A button (can only be executed when doing a Bakushu) Senri shinsyo- +Control Pad Left + A button (while switching to Senri shinsyo) (command flow is A button, +control Pad Right, A button, +Control Pad Left, A button) Super combo Chokyaku Houosyo- +Control Pad Down, +Control Pad Right + A button Renhoukyaku- +Control Pad Down, +Control Pad Right + X button Lift and Drop Move and Lift one level- +control Pad Down + A button Move and Drop one level- +control Pad Down, +Control Pad Right + B button Midair Houeikyaku- A button Ryujin- +control Pad Right + A button Gekirin- +control Pad Left + A button Kenrokaku- +control Pad Down + A button =============================================================== 10.7 potemkin =============================================================== Potemkin is a military man who believes in pride and justice. He has strong throws and powerful attacks. Hammer fall- +Control pad right, +Control pad right, A button (no super armor attribute) (press A button to break) Mega fist I- +Control pad right + A button Mega fist II- +Control pad Left + A button heat Knuckle- +Control pad Down + A button Heat Extend- A button Sliding Head- +Control pad Left, +Control pad right + A button (can only be entered when executing a heat knuckle) F.D.B.- +Control pad Down, +Control pad Left + A button Potemkin buster- +Control pad right, Y + B button Potemkin Buster- +Control pad Down, +Control pad right + X button Super combo Heavenly potemkin Buster- +Control pad Down, +Control pad right + A button Giganter- +Control pad right, +Control pad Left, +Control pad right + A button + A button Lift and Drop Move and Lift one level- +Control pad Down, +Control pad right + Y button Move and Drop one level- +Control pad Down, +Control pad right + B button Midair Mega fist I- A button Mega Fist II- +Control pad Left + A button =============================================================== 10.8 chipp zanuff =============================================================== He is a ninja in a foreign country who wants revenge for his master. He's known for his speed and attack rush. Alpha Blade- A button Alhpa Plus- A button (can only be entered when executing an alpha blade) Ressho- +Control pad right + A button Senshu- A button (can only be entered when executing an Ressho) Rokusai- +Control pad down + A button (can only be entered when executing an Ressho or a senshu) Tsuyoshi- Shiki Teni- +Control pad left + A button ( Warps to upper level) Tsuyoshi- Shiki Teni- +Control pad left + B button ( Warps to lower level) Tsuyoshi- Shiki Teni- +Control pad left + Y button ( Warps forward) Beta Blade- +Control pad down + A button Gamma Blade- +Control pad left, +control pad right + A button Tsuyoshi-Shiki Meisai- +Control pad down, +Control pad left + A buton (invisibility) Super combo Zansei Roga- +Control pad right, +Control pad right + A button Banki Messai- +Control pad down, +Control pad right + A button Lift and Drop Move and Lift one level- +Control pad right, +Control pad Right + A button Move and Drop one level- +Control pad down, +Control pad Right + A button Midair Slphs Blade- A button Beta Blade- +Control pad down + A button =============================================================== 10.9 Eddie =============================================================== He is a monster that is forced to fight without its host. Because he lost the limitation of a human body, he attacks in two separate entlties and floats to do mid air attacks. Invite Hell(close)- A button Invite Hell (far)- +Control pad down + A button Drunkard shade- +Control pad left + A button Summon Edde- +Control pad Right + A button Return Eddie- +Control pad Right + A button (can only be entered when executing summon eddie) Eddie Tiny attack- Y button (can noly be entered when executing Summon eddie) Eddit Moving attack- +Control pad Right + Y button (can noly be entered when executing Summon eddie) Eddie Anti-Aerial Attack- +control pad down + Y button (can noly be entered when executing Summon eddie) Drill Special- +Control pad left + Y button (can noly be entered when executing Summon eddie) Damudo Fang- +control pad Right + Y button + B button (can noly be entered when executing Summon eddie) Super combo Amorphous- +control pad down, +control pad Right + A button Megalith Head- +control pad down, +control pad right, X button (can only be entered when executing Summon eddie) Lift and Drop Move and Lift one level- +control pad down, +control pad right + Y button Move and Drop one level- +control pad down, +control pad right + B button Midair Shadow Gallery- A button Midair Super combo Executor- +control pad down, +control pad right + A button =============================================================== 10.10 Baiken =============================================================== A female samurai who hates the Gear and 'That Man.' Her guard-cancel is almost impossible to beat. Tatami Gaseshi- A button Kabari- +Control pad right + A button Tetuzansen- A button (can only be entered when executing a Kabari) Suzuran- +Control pad left + A button Yoxansen- +Control pad down + A button Sakura- A button (While guarding) Mawarikomi- +Control pad right + A button (while gurading) Youshiiin- +Control pad down + A button (while guarding) Zakuro- A button (can only be entered when executing a youshiiin) Super combo Three Tatamis Gaeshi- +Control pad right, +Control pad right + A button Sanzu Watashi- +Control pad down, +Control pad right + A button Baku KI- +Control pad right + Y button (enter commands while huarding Seals Jump) Baku RIN- +Control pad right + B button (enter commands while huarding Seals super attacks) Lift and Drop Move and Lift one level- +Control pad down + A button Move and Drop one level- +Control pad down, +Control pad right + B button Midair Tatami Gaeshi- A button Yozansen- +Control pad down + A button =============================================================== 10.11 Faust =============================================================== He's a doctor who deceives others with his unique style in battles. He has a long attack range, strong air combinations and a throwing weapon. He can even bomb you from mid air! Thrust- A button Pull- A button (can only be entered when executing Thrust) Hello!- A button (can only be entered when executing Pull) Speak UP!- A button (can only be entered when executing Hello!) Hello Again!- A button (can only be entered when executing Speak Up!) What's Next?- +Control pad right + A button In your face- +Control pad left + Y button Watch your back!- +Control pad left + B button Look out below- +Control pad left + A button Souten Enshin Rambu- +Control pad down + A button forward move- +Control pad right, +Control pad left (can only be entered when executing Souten enshin rambu) Backwards move- +Control pad left, +Control pad left (can only be entered when executing Souten enshin rambu) Next periscope- Y button (can only be entered when executing Souten enshin rambu) Growing Flower- X button (can only be entered when executing Souten enshin rambu) See? I'm a Flower!- B button (can only be entered when executing Souten enshin rambu) Going My Way- +Control pad right, A button (can only be entered when executing Souten enshin rambu) What's Next?- A button (can only be entered when executing Souten enshin rambu) Showever Hack- +control pad right, Y button + B button Super combo Gameble Attack- +Control pad down + Control pad right + A button Super What's Next?- +Control pad down, +control pad right + B button Lift and Drop Move and Lift one level- +Control pad down, +Control pad Right + A button Move and Drop one level- +Control pad down, +Control pad Right + A button Midair Love- A button Gonig my way- +Control pad Right + A button =============================================================== 10.12 Testament =============================================================== He is the gear protecting Dizzy. He's know for his succubus attacks and traps. Grave digger- A button Phantom Soul- +Control Pad Right + A button Zeinest- +Control Pad Left + A button Hiitomi- +Control Pad Down + A button EXE Beast- +Control Pad Right, +Control Pad Right, A button Super combo Master of Puppets- +Control Pad Down, +Control Pad Right, A button Nightmare Circular- +Control Pad Down, +Control Pad Right, X button Lift and Drop Move and Lift one level- +Control Pad Down, +Control Pad Right, Y button Move and Drop one level- +Control Pad Down, +Control Pad Right, B button Midair Grave digger- A button Zeinest- +Control Pad Left, A button =============================================================== 10.13 Anji Mito =============================================================== He's one of the few remaining Japanese. His fighting style is based on dancing so he can correspond to any type of fighter. He has a variety of counter moves. Fujin- A button Shin Ichishiki- A button (can only be executed when doing a Fujin) nagiha- +Control Pad Down, A button (can only be executed when doing a Fujin) Hhitoashi Tobi- +Control Pad Right, A button (can only be executed when doing a Fujin) Shitsu- +Control Pad Right, A button Kai- +Control Pad Left, A button Kou- +Control Pad Down, A button On- +Control Pad Right, Y button, B button Super combo Issei Ogi "Sai"- +Control Pad Down, +Control Pad Right + A button Tenjinkyaku- +Control Pad Down, +Control Pad Right + X button Lift and Drop Move and Lift one level- +Control Pad Down, +Control Pad Right + Y button Move and Drop one level- +Control Pad Down, +Control Pad Right + B button Midair Shin nishiki- A button Midair super combo Tenhinkyaku- +Control Pad Down, +Control Pad Right + A button =============================================================== 10.14 Johnny =============================================================== He is the leader of the pirates and a master of sword fighting. His long attack range and power make him one of the best fighters. Air battle is another of his lines. Mist finer(middle)- A button Mist finer(upper)- +Control Pad Left, A buuton Mist finer(lower)- +Control Pad Down, A button Glistering Gold- +Control Pad Right, A button Divine Blade- +Control Pad Down, +Control Pad Right, A button Super combo Johnny Special- +Control Pad Down, +Control Pad Right, X button Lift and Drop Move and Lift one level- +Control Pad Down, +Control Pad Right, Y button Move and Drop one level- +Control Pad Down, +Control Pad Right, B button Midair Ensenga- A button Divine Blade- +Control Pad Down, A button OR +Control Pad Right, A button =============================================================== 10.15 Venom =============================================================== He is a member of the assassins who are after Zato- One(eddie). No one can beat his billiards- based fighting style. He can aim the ball at enemies on the ground or in the air. Ball Formation- A button Stinger Aim- +Control Pad Right, A button Dubious curve- +Control Pad left, A button Caracass Raid- +Control Pad down, A button Double Head Morbid- +Control Pad Right,+Control Pad Right, A button Super combo Dark Angel- +Control Pad down,+Control Pad Right + A button Venom Rocket 13- +Control Pad left, +Control Pad down,+Control Pad Right + X button (Hidden attack/uses 100% of tension gauge) Lift and Drop Move and Lift one level- +Control Pad down,+Control Pad Right + Y button Move and Drop one level- +Control Pad down,+Control Pad Right + B button Midair Ball Formation- A button Mad Struggle- +Control Pad down + A button Midair Super combo Red Hail- +Control Pad down,+Control Pad Right, A button =============================================================== 10.16 Dizzy =============================================================== Dizzy is a mixed breed of human and gear. She has unique attacks. Artic Impaler- A button Flaming Spiral- +Control Pad Right, A button Hunger Strike- +Control Pad Left, A button Skull Crusher- +Control Pad Down, A button Super combo Imperial Ray- +Control Pad down, +Control Pad Right + A button Lift and Drop Move and Lift one level- +Control Pad Down, +Control Pad Right + Y button Move and Drop one level- +Control Pad Down, +Control Pad Right + B button Midair Leave Me Alone!- A button =============================================================== 10.17 Slayer =============================================================== He is a vampire and ex-leader of the assassins. He is retired but has returned to lead the group again. as a vampire he has unique abilities like becoming invincible during a dash. Mach Punch- A button Undertow- +Control Pad down, A button D (dandy) Step- +Control Pad right, A button Under Pressure- A button (can only be entered when executing a dandy step) Pile Bunker- +Control Pad right, A button (can only be entered when executing a dandy step) Crosswise Hell- +Control Pad Down, A button (can only be entered when executing a dandy step) Bloodsucking cosmos- +Control Pad right, Y button + B button Super combo Dead on time- +Control Pad down,+Control Pad right + X button Immortal wings- +Control Pad down,+Control Pad right + A button Lift and Drop Move and Lift one level- +Control Pad down,+Control Pad right + Y button Move and Drop one level- +Control Pad down,+Control Pad right + B button Mid air Footloose Journey- A button Midair Super combo Direct- Hit Dandy- +Control Pad down,+Control Pad right, + A button =============================================================== 10.18 I-NO =============================================================== She has a shadowy background and her battle style is linked with music. Nobody can compete with her in mid air battle. Chemical Love- A button Stroke the big tree- +Control pad right, A button Antidepressant Scale- +Control pad down, A button Super combo Jest homeostasis- +Control pad down, +Control pad right, A button Lift and Drop Move and Lift one level- +Control pad down, +Control pad right + Y button Move and Drop one level- +Control pad down, +Control pad right + B button Hover Jump- +Control pad right, +Control pad right Midair Chemical love- A button Sultry Performance (K)- +Control pad right, A button Sultry Performance (HS)- +Control pad Down, +Control pad right + A button Antidepressant Scale- +Control pad Down, A button Midair super combo Ultimate Fortissimo- +Control pad Down, +Control pad right, X button =============================================================== 10.19 Zappa =============================================================== He is an ordinary guy who is haunted by an evil ghost. Because he is a human, he has weaker skills but when the ghost takes over he begins to attack with extreme power and extraordinary attacks. There are several ghost that haunt him and when conditions are met, the most powerful ghost is summoned. Say hello to the three centipedes (summons)- A button Dog mode Dog attack extra- A button Dog attack extra- +Control pad right (or left or up or down), A button Sword Mode Looks Painful... And IS!- +Control pad right, A button Looks Painful... And IS! Extra- A button (can only be entered when looks pain.. And is! is executed) Fall down go boom- +Control pad Down, A button Stay away or die- A button Raou mode Darkness Anthem- A button Darkness Anthem extra- A button Last Edguy- +Control pad down, A button super combo It's Alive!- +Control pad down, +control pad right, A button (possessed to non-possessed) Bellows Maris- +Control pad down, +Control pad right, A button (Must be in raou mode) Say hello to the three centipedes- +control pad right, +control pad down +control pad left, X button (Uses 100% tension gauge) Lift and Drop Move and Lift one level- +control pad down, +control pad right + Y button Move and Drop one level- +control pad down, +control pad right + B button Midair Rolling hit- A button Jumping forward hit- +control pad right, A button =============================================================== 10.20 Bridget =============================================================== Bridget is a millionaire's son who was raised as a girl because of the town's superstition. He uses a yo-yo as his weapon and it can cover every corner of a battlefield. He's fighting to prove that he can support himself. Yo Yo Extend-A button Kickstart My heart- +Control Pad right, A button (hit the A button again to stop, and press +control pad right, A button to launch again) starship- +Control pad down, A button Yo-Yo Recall- A button Kickstart my Heart- +Control pad right, A button (hit the A button again to stop, and press +control pad right, A button to launch again) Starship- +Control Pad down, A button Jaggard Roger- +Control pad left, A button (can only be entered when executing a Yo-Yo extend) Roger Rush- A button (can only be entered when executing a Yo-Yo extend then Jsggard Roger) Rolling transport- +Control Pad down, +control Pad down, A button (can only be entered when executing a Yo-Yo extend) Starship- A button (can only be entered when executing a Rolling transport) Super combo Tragedy During Maintenance- +Control pad down, +control pad left, A button Loop-the-loop- +Control pad down, +Control pad right, A button Me and My Killing Machine- +Control pad down, +Control pad Right, X button (can only be entered when executing a yo yo extend) Lift and Drop Move and Lift one level- +Control pad down, +Control pad right + Y button Move and Drop one level- +Control pad down, +Control pad right + B button midair Yo Yo Extend- +Control pad down/+Control pad Left, A button Yo Yo Extend- +Control pad down, A button Yo Yo Extend- +Control pad down/+Control pad Right, A button Yo Yo Extend- +Control pad Left, A button Yo Yo Extend- +Control pad right, A button Yo Yo Extend- +Control pad Up/+Control pad Left, a button Yo Yo Extend- +Control pad Up, A button Yo Yo Extend- +Control pad Up/+Control pad Right, A button Starship- +Control pad down, +Control pad Right, A button Yo- yo Recall- A button Jaggard Roger- +Control pad left, A button Roger Rush- A button OR +Control pad Left, A button, A button OR +Control pad Right, A button Rolling transport- +Control pad down, +Control pad down, A button =============================================================== 11.0 Frequently asked questions =============================================================== Q: What is this game A: Guilty Gear Dust Strikers for the nintendo DS handheld system. Q: What happens when you beat story mode A: You get a picture of the character and that it. Q: Your FAQ sucks A: Then don't read it Q: Can you unlock any characters A: No Q: Is This game worth 35 bucks A: No, more like 10 bucks Q: Is Robo Ky good A: Depends on how you make his move set Q: Can you make a Robo ky move set for me A: No Q: Who your Favorite character A: Well, for this game in terms of gameplay, none, for the all the games, I would have to go with Ky kiske. Q: What your opinion on this game? A: Look at my review for my opinion on this game on gamefaqs. =============================================================== 12.0 credits =============================================================== C jay c: For making gamefaqs so I can put this up. MY parents: For making me alive to even type this. Majesco: for making this game. GG DS instruction booklet: For all the moves chemicalinxs: A gfaqs user who support me to finish this Faq. and last You: For taking your time to read it. Thank you. If you need help, please do not be scare to email me. I will try to help you. =============================================================== 13.0 Copyright =============================================================== - Copyright (c) 2007 Tosin Ajayi (Shadowtosin@yahoo.com) This guide cannot be sold as it is free to use also this guide cannot be posted on any website or forum without my permission, if you wish to show this on your or a website please email me with the address shown above so I can add a link and the uploaders name in to the guide. This game and all characters and environments within it are copyright their respective owners.