Bridget FAQ 1.0 Written by: Ferrio ICQ: 68454722 Location: Fairbanks, Alaska (UAF) LEGAL DISCLAIMER: This is a copyrighted FAQ written by Ferrio (me). Let me be straight with you. I wrote this big long thing, and it wasn't exactly fun. I would really hate it for someone to claim they've written this whole thing, or even part of it. So if you feel like quoting this guide, or sticking it up somewhere please give credit where credit is due and keep my name on it. PERSONAL DISCLAIMER: Before I begin with the FAQ I'd like to state that this is not the all definite guide to Bridget. What lies in this FAQ is what I believe to be fundamental and useful information for any beginning Bridget player. This information is not set in stone, and I urge any readers to experiment for themselves in the attempt to find better strategies for Bridget. 1. Introduction 2. Conventions 3. Normal Moves 4. Yo-Yo Sets 5. Throws 6. Special Moves 7. Overdrives 8. Misc Attacks 9. Combos 10. Pressure Strings 11. Misc Advice 12. Quick Reference ================= 1. INTRODUCTION ================= Bridget is the type of character that most likely you aren't going to pick up easily. You're going to have to have a different frame of mind when playing as Bridget than you would as say for example playing Sol. Keeping track of his yo-yo, and the various options that are at your disposal with it's position will be the first hurdle in learning Bridget. Bridget has quite a lot of things going for him including: Starship, range, damaging combos, lockdown, and last but not least one of the best overdrives in the game "Me and the Killing Machine". This guide will cover the basic aspects of Bridget's moves and their functions. Later on the guide will move to more advanced techniques which will cover some of the moves in more detail. =============================== 2. CONVENTIONS AND TERMINOLOGY ================================ This guide will mainly be using the style of conventions. This means the numerical convention for directions will be used, and I suggest that if you're not familiar will it you should take a look at the conventions at Basically the numbers refer to the directions on a computer's numpad. Just look down at your keyboard and you'll notice the numbers refer to a certain direction such as: 7(up back) 8(up) 9(up forward) 4(back) 5(neutral) 6(forward) 1(down back) 2(down) 3(down forward) Other abbreviations used in combos are as follows: JC-Jump Cancel / = Either move can be used. Read as "or". ** = When a move(s) is/are enclosed in asterisks that denotes that it is optional. I also suggest you read the game mechanic techniques featured at or EChang's GGXX faq at gamefaqs since many of these will be referred to in this guide and is an essential background to becoming a good player overall. Here's a few terms that will be referred to in the guide: JUMP CANCEL- Certain normal moves are able to be jump canceled, This means while during the move you can cancel it by jumping either up/upforward/upback. This will cut the move's animation short, and allows for a character to continue a ground combo in the air.... or to double jump and continue an air combo. It also has other uses like instant air dashing combos or Jump Installs but those won't be needed for Bridget. WAKEUP- The act of rising after being knocked down. Using an attack while rising is called a wakeup attack, and is used to punish your opponent for using okizeme tactics. Good wakeup attacks usually have lots of invulnerability frames and good priority such as overdrives or our case Bridget's Starship. OKIZEME- Okizeme is when a player tries to keep his opponent fallen on ground and rushing an opponent who's waking up. OKIZEME can be defeated with good wake up attacks. MEATY ATTACK- An attack used by a okizeme player to beat out wakeup attacks. These generally are attacks with lots of invulnerability frames and good priority. Projectiles make good meaty attacks. CROSS-UP- When a jump in attack hits the backside of a character (usually the back of the head). Cross-ups are about as old as fighting games themselves. It's a prime way in getting a combo started by confusing your enemy in which way to block. Only certain jumping moves can cross-up, so be familiar which moves these are for your characters. BREAD & BUTTER COMBO (B&B)- Bread and Butter combos refer to a frequently used combo by a character. Bridget's Bread and Butter combo will be listed in the combo section. ================== 3. NORMAL MOVES ================== Normal moves are likely the most mis-understood type of moves in any fighting game. So overlooked by many beginners, but in many cases in fighting games, normal moves can mean the different between a good character and a bad character. This section will outline each move, and tell of possible uses for that move. Unless your already familiar with Bridget's normals, I suggest you don't skip this section. The move's name will first be given, and it's shortcut name. Then the damage of the move, and how many times it hits. Then the move is denoted as being roman(false) cancelable or not, Jump cancelable, and last what position you're opponent can be in to block the move. -STANDING PUNCH ( p ) Damage: 12 Roman Cancelable: Yes Jump Cancelable: Yes Block Position: Standing, Crouching Bridget does a quick jab with his yo-yo. This move is quick and has a nice range on it. It's good for taking a quick peck at your opponent when they are trying to close in, and can be used to start a ranged gattling combo. The move up close is pretty lackluster, since it's main draw is it's range. -STANDING KICK ( k ) Damage: 22 Roman Cancelable: Yes Jump Cancelable: Yes Block Position: Standing, Crouching Bridget does a quick mid kick. Overall there isn't anything spectacular about this move. It's quick, and a good gattling combo starter, but nothing that really makes it outshine in anyway. -STAND CLOSE SLASH ( s(c) ) Damage: 22x2 Roman Cancelable: Yes Jump Cancelable: Yes Block Position: Standing, Crouching Bridget does a cat's cradle. This move is used in basic gattling combos. It hits twice, and you can cancel the move into other gattling combinations on either hit. Again nothing spectacular about this move, but it is a basic building block of combos, so you'll be seeing a lot of it. -STANDING FAR SLASH ( s(f) ) Damage: 34 Roman Cancelable: Yes Jump Cancelable: No Block Position: Standing, Crouching Bridget does a long range mid-hit with his yo-yo. Now here's a great move. This can be done either at far range, or up close following a close s. The range and speed of this move will make it one of your prime pokes while using Bridget. It can also be followed up with a 6S or 2S which makes it a must in combos and pressure strings. -CROUCHING PUNCH ( 2p ) Damage: 8 Roman Cancelable: Yes Jump Cancelable: No Block Position: Standing, Crouching Bridget does a quick jab with his yo-yo toward his opponent's knees. This move is pretty much comparable with Bridget's standing punch. It has slightly a bit more range, but doesn't hit low so there isn't much separating the two moves. Much like the standing punch, it can be used to start ranged gattling combos, use as you set fit. -CROUCHING KICK ( 2k ) Damage: 12 Roman Cancelable: Yes Jump Cancelable: No Block Position: Crouching Bridget does a quick low kick. This will be Bridget's main low combo starter. It's range isn't all that great, but it's fast and hits low which is what Bridget needs for any high/low games. Again this will be a basic combo starter and you'll see plenty of this move in the future. -CROUCHING SLASH ( 2s ) Damage: 30 Roman Cancelable: Yes Jump Cancelable: Yes Block Position: Standing, Crouching Bridget does a back flip with the yo-yo following in a big arc. Another great normal move. The range of this move is great, but is a bit slow and should be used at a safe distance if not in a combo. It's main use will be employed in Bridget's combos and pressures strings. It also is a pretty good anti-air and can catch opponents trying to jump in or land a crossup. The 2s can also be followed up with a 6s allowing for better pressure strings. -JUMPING PUNCH ( j.p ) Damage: 16 Roman Cancelable: Yes Jump Cancelable: No Block Position: Standing, Air Bridget does a quick diagonal down strike with his yo-yo. A pretty basic jumping move. It has it's uses in starting jump in combos due to it's speed. Otherwise it's nothing special. -JUMPING KICK ( j.k ) Damage: 20 Roman Cancelable: Yes Jump Cancelable: Yes Block Position: Standing, Air Bridget does a quick diagonal jump kick. It's another basic jump-in move. It's good for air dash-in combos and is used during pressure games. It also has the ability to cross-up which is nice. -JUMPING SLASH ( j.s ) Damage: 32 Roman Cancelable: Yes Jump Cancelable: No Block Position: Standing, Air Bridget does a near horizontal strike with his yo-yo. This move has longer range than the j.p but is a tad slower. Good for catching people in the air and starting Bridget's Bread and Butter (B&B) air combo. It can be followed up with a j.2s which again is part of Bridget's B&B combo. Also used frequently in Bridget's air dash-in combos. -JUMPING DOWN SLASH ( j.2s ) Damage: 46 Roman Cancelable: Yes Jump Cancelable: Yes Block Position: Standing, Air Bridget does a flip backwards with a huge yo-yo at his feet. Another good air move for Bridget. This move is used primarily in Bridget's B&B air combos due to it's damage and that it's jump cancelable. It's decent for air-to-air hits, and pretty good for jump-ins since it will stagger on a counter hit, allowing for a nice combo when you land. It's also one of Bridget's crossups which you can use to help get Rushing Roger to hit. You'll be seeing a lot of this move. -DOWNFORWARD PUNCH "THE BUTT MOVE?" ( 3p ) Damage: 24 Roman Cancelable: Yes Jump Cancelable: No Block Position: Standing, Crouching, Air Bridget turns around and thrusts his butt toward his opponent. Sick thoughts aside this is a GREAT move. This is what's used to snuff out your opponent's normal moves, and try to give yourself some breathing room. This means this move has great priority and should not be ignored. That's not all though, on a counter hit (which is most likely when this will hit), your opponent will stagger which pretty much guarantees a free combo. Great to use on a waking opponent, especially after a throw. USE THIS MOVE. -FORWARD PUNCH ( 6p ) Damage: 25 Roman Cancelable: Yes Jump Cancelable: No Block Position: Standing, Crouching Bridget swings his yo-yo down in an arching attack. Great move, it comes out quickly has a good range and can lead to some damaging combos if it catches a jumping opponent. It can be used to give yourself some distance from your opponent and combos into a 2s or 6s. A good anti-air against an opponent jumping in and should be followed by a 6s into Bridget's B&B air combo. USE THIS MOVE. -FORWARD KICK ( 6k ) Damage: 20x2 Roman Cancelable: Yes Jump Cancelable: No Block Position: Standing Bridget does a flip, causing his leg to come crashing down on his opponent's head. This of course is Bridget's standard overhead. On it's own it's not that great, but mixing it up with a 2k during a "Me and the Killing Machine" overdrive and Rushing Roger is where it shines. This will allow Bridget to play high/low games with his opponent to try and get through their guard so that the Roger attacks can hit. This overhead also has a bit of invulnerability frames, making it easier to land. -FORWARD SLASH ( 6s ) Damage: 46 Roman Cancelable: Yes Jump Cancelable: Yes Block Position: Standing, Crouching Bridget flings his yo-yo in an upward angle. Another one of Bridget's best moves. It has great range, decent speed, jump cancelable, leads into Bridget's B&B combo, and is a part of Bridget's pressure strings and combos. That's not all, it will also knock an opponent clear off their feet and cause them to bounce off the wall on a counter hit. The only big drawback of this move is it can fly over the heads of some characters at certain ranges. It's a good idea to get to know the range at which this move will hit certain characters (this goes for all moves as well ) so you don't accidentally whiff which could but a dent in your pressure game. USE THIS MOVE. -DUST LAUNCHER ( d ) Damage: 17 Roman Cancelable: Yes Jump Cancelable: No Block Position: Standing Bridget flails wildly with his yo-yo. My opinion of dust launchers in general is very low, they have their uses but should never be relied on heavily. Bridget's dust launcher isn't especially good since it's horrible telegraphed and has a pretty lengthy startup. On the bright side you can cancel it with a yo-yo attack, which will allow you to recover from a blocked dust safely. Also since dust launchers hit low blocking opponents, you can used the launcher to hit a crouching opponent during a "Me and the Killing Machine" overdrive. Not only will the overdrive hit, but you can follow up with your own personal dust combo. -SWEEP ( 2d ) Damage: 32 Roman Cancelable: Yes False Roman Cancelable: Yes Jump Cancelable: No Block Position: Crouching Bridget twirls the yo-yo in a circle around his feet, tripping his opponent. As sweeps go, Bridget's is pretty good. It has a nice range, comes out at an average speed, and overall pretty safe if blocked. It's a pity you couldn't interrupt the sweep's animation by setting your yo-yo.. which would undoubtably make this a make this a great move. Bridget's sweep will be a main staple of his offense, and will have several uses. First of all tripping will be one of the best ways to safely set your yo-yo so you can apply pressure when your opponent rises. Secondly the sweep will be used to play high/low games with your opponent during pressure strings. The sweep is also FRCable, and can lead to Bridget's B&B air combo (6s, JC, j.s, j.2s, JC, j.s, j.2s, 623P) but this can be done at the maximum or minimum range of the sweep which limits it's capability. -AIR DUST ( j.d ) Damage: 16x3 Roman Cancelable: Yes Jump Cancelable: No Block Position: Standing Bridget goes crazy and flings his yo-yos around himself like a madman. I'm not quite sure what to say about this move. I never use it... at all. I can see it's uses... I mean it does nice damage and all... but it always seems like a poor man's starship. It could be useful in a combo ender, but starship does more damage anyway... so why bother? If you find a good use for it... call me. ================= 4. YO-YO SETS ================= Unlike all the other GGXX characters, Bridget's HS button has it's own special use. This being the throwing (setting) of his yo-yo so that he can recall it or use his roger moves. This is the prime ingredient in Bridget's pressure games and is utmost required to know in order to properly play Bridget. One thing you should keep in mind is that whenever you set your yo-yo you're in danger of being attacked. When Bridget sets his yo-yo he's wide open and if your opponent is opportunistic he'll smack you around for being dumb. Now there's ways to make setting the yo-yo safer. One way is to combo the set from other normal moves much like any other gattling combo. The best moves to combo it from are his long range attacks such as his 6s, 2s, or s. Using these you can keep your opponent at bay while you set your yo-yo for future attacks. The safest way to set your yo-yo is while your opponent is downed. The most common way this will happen is after a 2d which will be used frequently to safely set up your next attack. In this section I will outline the various directional sets, their commands and any additional information I deem necessary. -STANDING FORWARD SET ( 2h, 6h, 3h, h ) Bridget's standard set. This will cause Bridget's yo-yo to travel forward at eye level. This will be your most often used set, since ideally you want to get your yo-yo behind your opponent for maximum pressure opportunities. -STANDING BACKWARD SET ( 4h, 1h ) Bridget's backward set. This will cause Bridget's yo-yo to travel behind him at knee level. You won't be using this one much since having your yo-yo behind you isn't quite helpful, except maybe making a quick escape using his 214k. -STANDING UP-FORWARD SET ( 9h ) Bridget's upforward set. Bridget will toss his yo-yo up-diagonally. This won't be used much either but does have uses such as catching your opponent in the air, or limiting their jump options with a razor roger. -STANDING UP-BACK SET ( 7h ) Bridget's upback set. Bridget will toss his yo-yo up-diagonally behind him. Again... can't see much use with this except for a hasty retreat. -STANDING UP SET ( 8h ) Bridget's up set. Bridget will toss his yo-yo straight up. Again not much point to this one, you're on your feet why toss it above your head when it should be behind your opponent. -JUMPING FORWARD SET ( j.h, j.6h ) Bridget's jumping forward set. Bridget will toss his yo-yo forwards and will travel slightly less than his standing version. This is a decent set, and can be used to lay a yo-yo behind when you back air dash to make your opponent think twice about persuing you. -JUMPING BACK SET ( j.4h ) Bridget's jumping back set. Bridget will toss his yo-yo backwards. This should be used when jumping past your opponent when either air teching, or dashing over. -JUMPING DOWN-FORWARD SET ( j.3h ) Bridget's jumping downforward set. Bridget will toss his yo-yo diagonally down. A good set to use to place a yo-yo behind/close to your opponent while jumping. One of the most used sets. -JUMPING DOWN-BACK SET ( j.2h ) Bridget's jumping downback set. Bridget will toss his yo-yo diagonally down behind him. This has it's uses when you find yourself trading sides with your opponent. If you happen to find yourself dashing past your opponent, or teching you might want to throw a quick yo-yo in your wake. -JUMPING UP-FORWARD SET ( j.9h ) Bridget's jumping up-forward set. Less useful than his standing version. -JUMPING UP-BACK SET ( j.7h ) Bridget's jumping upback set. Again you can use it in conjunction with 214k if you want to avoid some move such as another Bridget's "Me and the Killing Machine" or I-no's Megalomaniac. -ON THE GROUND SET ( While rising h ) Bridget's on the ground set. This will cause Bridget to pause while getting up and throw his yo-yo straight above him. During the set Bridget is invulnerable to hits so it's safe. A good way to set your yo-yo if you've been knocked down. You can then rise and do a Starship if your opponent is getting too close. =========== 5. THROWS =========== -GROUND THROW ( 4H, 6H ) Damage: 48 Roman Cancelable: Yes Block Position: Unblockable Bridget throws his opponent, yet falls too and lands ontop of them. Bridget's throw isn't spectacular since it doesn't have any practical combo followups like most characters. It is RCable, but anything you can follow that up with is pretty much useless. Bridget will throw your opponent in the opposite direction you specify so keep that in mind when you're trying to get your opponent in the corner. Now even though Bridget's throw itself isn't great in itself, it does has some good mind games that can be played when your opponent starts to rise. Here's some scenarios. A. Your opponent starts to rise, and you believe that they'll wake up with a normal move. At this point you can do a 3p which will beat out most attacks. Since this will most likely be a counter hit, your opponent will stagger which gives you a free combo opportunity. B. Your opponent starts to rise, and you think they'll wake up with an overdrive or special move. Here you can use Starship which will beat out most ANYTHING they throw at you due to it's invincibility frames. If you do a ground version and it hits you can decide to FRC it into an air combo. Though you're more safe off doing a tiger-knee'd version (62369P) which recovers faster just incase your opponent blocks while rising. C. You decide you don't want to be anywhere near your opponent when they rise. So you instant air dash backwards and set do a 3h set while in the air. This will leave the yo-yo close to your opponent and you can go from there with whatever yo-yo move you deem needed. Another good use of Bridget's ground throw is to throw your enemy into Roger moves such as Razor roger, Rushing Roger or even better "Me and the Killing Machine" to which you can follow up with the appropriate combo if they hit. -AIR THROW ( j.4H, j.6H ) Damage: 55 Roman Cancelable: No Block Position: Unblockable Bridget's tosses his opponent to the ground. Bridget's air throw like his ground one is nothing special in itself. Normally it'll just toss your opponent in the opposite direction you specify and that's that. His throw is useful for general purposes like keeping your opponent in the corner or it can be used to throw your opponent into a "Me and the Killing Machine" or Razor Roger if they try to air dash to safety. =================== 6. SPECIAL MOVES =================== Bridget's special moves mostly revolve around the use of his yo-yo and rely heavily on where that yo-yo has been set. Having a yo-yo behind you isn't going to help you much if you want to Razor Roger. Also, though it shouldn't have to be mentioned, all of Bridget's yo-yo moves can cancel out normal moves (such as 2s) and is usually the best way to perform them. Bridget has a few other moves that don't rely on his yo-yo such as Starship which is easily one of the best moves in the game. In this section I will discuss Bridget's special moves, their uses and particular situations that they are best for. -YO-YO RETURN ( [after set] h ) (can be done in the air) Damage: 40 Roman Cancelable: No Block Position: Standing, Crouching, Air Bridget will call back his yo-yo which will hit his opponent if they get in the way. This is Bridget's basic yo-yo move and will be used quite a lot in his pressure strings. It has great priority and can easily beat out your opponents attacks. Unfortunately this move has a big drawback. At any time Bridget is hit (blocking or not blocking) while his yo-yo is returning it will pass harmlessly through his opponent. This means that you should only call back your yo-yo when you know it's safe to do so, because it won't save you from an attacking opponent. Now other than pressure strings and combos (which will be discussed in detail later on) the yo-yo return can be used as sort of a shield. Since it has great priority you can set/return your yo-yo while retreating to either hit your opponent while they give chase, or to make them rethink pursuing you. -ROGER RUSH ( [after set] 236h ) Damage: 36x5 Roman Cancelable: No Block Position: Standing, Crouching, Air Bridget's yo-yo will turn into Roger who will spin his arms around slowly while returning to Bridget. A great move used to keep your opponent pinned down so that you can apply pressure. When executed roger will travel back to Bridget at a decent speed and hit his opponent up to five times if he comes in contact with them. Roger will return to Bridget after a certain amount of time, when Bridget makes contact with him, or the five hits are up whichever comes first. Unlike the yo-yo return, Roger Rush will not stop if Bridget gets hit while blocking, but it will stop if Bridget gets hit while not blocking. If Roger Rush does hit your opponent it will stagger them giving you free opportunity to get in a combo. Roger Rush is most effective when it's not used in the corner. Reason why is because Roger Rush is fairly fast moving which means it won't register all the hits while returning to Bridget. This doesn't mean it isn't good in the corner, which it definitely is.... but you won't get all the bang for your buck. Here's a good example of how to use this move: You're in the middle of the stage, and your yo-yo is set behind your opponent. At a distance you do a s(f) and cancel it into Roger rush. Roger starts to move toward you and hit your blocking opponent. Since you want to get the most out of this move you can then air dash back and forth over your opponent so that roger will follow and hit your opponent up to five times. If you want while you're dashing back and forth above your opponent's head you can try to land a j.2s crossup to help further in getting past their guard attempts. If you don't feel like air dashing above them... or can't (since they're in the corner)you can go the easy route and use Bridget's 2k or 6k to play high/low games with your opponent. If at anytime roger hits, you got a stunned opponent and you can proceed to do a combo of your choice. Overall this is a great move that you'll want to utilize to it's fullest. -RAZOR ROGER ( [after set] 214 ) (can be done in air also) Damage: 20x3 Roman Cancelable: No Block Position: Standing, Crouching Bridget's yo-yo will turn into Roger with blades spinning around him. After this move is executed Roger will *slowly* make his way back to Bridget, hitting any opponent up to 3 times if they get in the way. Razor Roger will end after a certain period of time, when it hits 3 times, or when Bridget comes in contact with Roger. Unlike Bridget's yo-yo return, or Roger rush, Razor roger will not stop if Bridget gets hit (blocking or otherwise). This means Razor Roger can potentially save Bridget by knocking Bridget out of an opponent's combo. Of course you shouldn't rely on this since Razor Roger moves a lot slower than Roger rush making it a very slim chance that this will happen. Razor Roger has several uses, it's first and foremost use is to lockdown your opponent so you can continue with a combo or pressure string. You usually want to execute Razor Roger when Bridget's yo-yo is ontop of or very close nearby your opponent, or they might get away before it has a chance to do it's work. The best area for this to happen is when your opponent is backed in the corner since this usually means your yo-yo will be close to your opponent, making it easier for Razor Roger to connect. Also since Razor Roger is slow moving it can easily get all it's hits in before it moves past your opponent unlike Roger Rush. Another way of getting Razor Roger to hit is to push your opponent back into it either by a combo or pressure string The uses of this move in pressure strings will be discussed later on. Another good use of Razor Roger is it's ability to absorb projectiles such as Ky's Stun Edge. Razor Roger will absorb up to 3 hits of a projectile (exactly the amount of hits in a Stun Edge) and can give you some breathing room so that you can advance on your opponent safely. With Razor Roger as a barrier you can either dash-in, or use Kick Start My Heart-P cancel to advance on your opponent. Razor Roger will also snuff some pokes, so you can use it to discourage an Axl player from playing the range game. Lastly Razor Roger can be used as a meaty attack (an attack to beat out an opponents wake-up move). If your yo-yo is ontop of or close to a fallen opponent you can do a Razor Roger, so that when they rise they'll be pinned down. Then you can easily advance forward and continue with a pressure string. -KICK START MY HEART [KSMH] ( 236k ) Has Follow-ups, listed below. Damage: 30 Roman Cancelable: Yes Block Position: Standing, Crouching Bridget throws down his yo-yos and rides them like a pair of rollerskates. A good move for beginning combos, and part of Bridget's B&B combo. Without the followups Kick Start My Heart isn't that great of a move outside the B&B combo. Bridget will continue to skate after he's hit his opponent so canceling with a followup is usually a must. In conjunction with the p follow-up it's a great way to cover ground. -STOP ( p after KSMH ) Damage: 40 Roman Cancelable: No Block Position: Standing, Crouching, Air Bridget grinds to a halt showering his opponent with sparks. Out of the two followups to KSMH this in my opinion is the better. The sparks have a good range of about a s(f) and is nice way to catch an unsuspecting a opponent. Using this followup you can cover ground rather quickly and safely if used moderately. For added protection you can have a Razor Roger out in front to thwart any of your opponents attacks. Stop is also a good basic combo ender since it will knock your opponent on the ground, giving you some time to set your yo-yo behind them. -FIRE ( k after KSMH ) Damage: 50 Roman Cancelable: Yes Block Position: Standing, Crouching, Air Bridget jumps into the air flailing his yo-yos wildly. Overall I'm not too fond of this move. It's OK in begining combos, but your opponent is able to tech afterwards, leaving you no time to set your yo-yo for future attacks. Use it with discretion if at all. -STARSHIP ( 623p ) Damage: 21x4 Roman Cancelable: Yes False Roman Cancelable: Yes Block Position: Standing, Crouching Bridget quickly twirls his yo-yos around him. Welcome to one of the best moves in the game. Starship simply put is amazing, and if you truly want to strike fear in your opponent's heart you better use this move. Visually Starship doesn't look to hot, but looks can be deceiving. First of all it has a very long invulerability time, much more than most overdrives. This means you can punish just about anything your opponent throws at you. It's great used in meaty attacks against a waking opponent, for anti- air, or just sticking out to make your opponent think twice about coming close. Not only does it have the long invulnerability frames, but it also strikes all around Bridget... so you're safe from every angle. If that isn't enough it can also be done in there air (which is the version you'll do the most often) and it can be FRCed into Bridget's B&B air combo for some nice damage. Overall you're going to want to abuse this move. -AIR STARSHIP ( in air 623p, or Tiger Knee'd 62369p ) Damage: 21x3 Roman Cancelable: Yes False Roman Cancelable: No Block Position: Standing, Crouching, Air Bridget does a Starship, in the air! Now you may wonder why I've listed the air version separate. Well first of all it has some basic property differences such as it only hits 3 times, and it doesn't have a FRC like it's grounded counterpart. More importantly though is the Air Starship has a quicker recovery time, and you're less likely to be punished for doing it. Also you'll get a little more height on the move, which might be helpful Now there's a trick that to be able to pull off starship (as well as any other air move) quickly from the ground. This is known by some as tiger-knee'ing a move, and is done by doing the motion of the move but is ended in the up- diagonal position plus the button press. So basically 632369p is the sequence you would use. This allows Bridget to do an air starship quickly and easily from a grounded position. Again the air starship is superior to it's grounded counterpart. In all likelihood you'll want to be doing this version instead of the grounded version. Learn the tiger-knee motion and abuse the hell out of this move. I mean it, if you don't master this move you're losing a very strong part of Bridget's move set. USE THIS MOVE!! -ROGER HUG ( after set, 623s ) Damage: None Roman Cancelable: No Block Position: Unblockable. Bridget's yo-yo turns into a weird seal and attaches itself to his opponent. Holy crap is this an awful move. The point of this move (if there is a point) is that while the seal is on your opponent your 214k move will roll you toward your opponent. Now this is great and all, but this move lasts for 10 seconds and during this 10 seconds you can't use your yo-yo AT ALL. Talk about neutering Bridget's gameplay. Seriously this is an awful move and should be avoided at all costs. Losing your yo-yo for 10 seconds just to be able to roll to your opponent is hardly helpful. DON'T USE IT. -ROLLING ( after set, or during Roger Hug: 214k ) Damage: None Roman Cancelable: No Bridget rolls in the air toward his yo-yo, or toward Roger Hug. OK here's a decent move used in conjunction with a yo-yo and not Roger Hug. This move has a couple of good uses. First it's used in pressure strings to try and get a quick overhead on your opponent. Used along with low hitting moves such as 2k and 2d, you can use this to throw off your opponent and poke a hole in their guard. How this is done will be discussed further in the pressure strings section. Another more obvious use is a means of a fast escape. This is especially good during another Bridget's "Me and the Killing Machine", I-no's megolamaniac or Dizzy's Gamma ray. All you have to do is toss your yo-yo up, roll, toss the yo-yo up again and roll to it. This should give you ample time to avoid anything on the ground. Also a great means to retreat backwards after an air tech. =============== 7. OVERDRIVES =============== Unlike most characters Bridget has the priviledge of having three overdrives. Unfortunately one of these is pretty much useless, another near useless, but the last one can easily be considered the best overdrive in the game. This section will outline Bridget's overdrives, their uses (if they have any), and any additional information. -MAINTENENCE TRAGEDY (41236x2s) Damage: 30x18 Roman Cancelable: No Block Position: Standing, Crouching, Air 50% tension required. Bridget tries to fix his yo-yo and something goes horribly awry. This move will cause a pillar of flame to appear at a distance of about a s(c) infront of Bridget. Yet another horribly useless move. First of all this move can't be comboed, so you have to rely on your opponent's stupidity to be hit by it. Second, Bridget gets knocked away making it hard for any decent follow up. Lastly the move doesn't do that great of damage... so why bother? Horrible move, not worth the tension. Though not to be a total downer, if you're opponent is stupid and you can afford the tension, try to catch them while they're in the air. -LOOP THE LOOP ( 632146s ) Damage: 20x7, 60 Roman Cancelable: Yes Block Position: Standing, Crouching 50% tension required Bridget loops his yo-yos toward his opponent and ends with a huge Roger crashing down on their head. As overdrives go this is pretty mediocre. It's damage isn't that good, and Bridget's B&B combo can easily do more... so why waste the tension? In combos the damage is even more pathetic due to damage reduction, so never do it in a combo. The only decent use for it is from a wake-up to catch any opponent closing in on you. Though why bother? It has less invulnerability frames than Starship (making it more risky) and it costs 50% tension when Starship doesn't. Why settle for less? Again it's not a great use of tension since you have easily more damaging RC combos, and Starship makes a much much better wakeup. Use sparingly if at all. -ME AND THE KILLING MACHINE (after set: 632146h) Damage: 30x12 Roman Cancelable: No Block Position: Standing, Crouching, Air 50% tension required. Bridget's yo-yo turns into Roger riding a flaming bike. This can easily be the best overdrive in the game. When executed Roger will make his way back to Bridget, hitting your opponent if they get in the way. Roger will disappear after a certain period time, or after 12 hits... whatever comes first. This move cannot under normal circumstances be comboed, so why is it so great? Well the pressure options it gives you are great, and if it does hit the damage that follows is wonderful. Here's some ways to successfully hit your opponent with this move: A. Your best scenario is when your opponent is backed in a corner with your yo-yo hovering behind, on top of, or very close infront of them. Since they're in the corner, once this move is activated they're going to have to sit tight and try and block the whole thing. If they burst they're going to get hit by the overdrive, if they Dead Angle Attack they're going to get hit also. Now your purpose while they're blocking the overdrive is to try to get past their guard. This is done by mixing up between Bridget's low and overhead attacks such as 2k, 6k, and d. Since the overdrive obscures a lot of what's going on, it'll be difficult for your opponent to predict whether you're going to go high or low, giving you a pretty good chance of getting past their guard. If at any time you get a hit in, the overdrive will hit your opponent and proceed to juggle them around. At this point you can follow up with Bridget's air combo (j.s, j.2s, JC, j.s, j.2s) to tack on some additional damage and allow the overdrive to register all the hits. This will lead to some serious damage. B. Another likely scenario is that your opponent is in the middle of the stage with your yo-yo close or behind them. Now since they're not backed in the corner they'll have a better chance of escaping by air dashing or whatnot. So make sure your yo-yo is very close so that they'll have little time to react. If they do attempt to airdash towards you, you can attempt to air throw them into the overdrive. If they decide to block it, you can proceed to try to get past their guard as discussed in the first scenario. Another option that isn't available when you're opponent is in the corner, is to try and cross them up with a j.2s, j.k, or to repeatedly air dash back and forth over their head in the attempt of making them guard the wrong direction. This is not always as effective as the high/low game, but the option still exists. C. VERY UNLIKELY. Now remember how I said that this move can't normally be comboed? Well technically this is true, but there is a exception. This is done by doing "Me and the Killing Machine" after a juggling hit such as 6s and going straight into the overdrive. Now in a perfect world your opponent will instantly tech the moment the overdrive comes out, making it impossible to combo. Now since this isn't a perfect world, and humans tend to error, there is a possibility that they won't tech the very second they're allowed to making it possible for the overdrive to combo. Here's an example using Bridget's B&B combo. The yo-yo must be a little ways in the air behind your opponent. 2k, s(c) (1 hit), s(f), 2d, 236k, RC, 6s, 632146h. Now after the 236k, RC, 6s your opponent will be airborne. As soon as the overdrive comes out they have the chance to tech, if they fail to do so the overdrive will hit depending if the yo-yo was placed right. Then Bridget can follow up with a classic air combo causing more damage. Now this combo takes 100% tension, requires your yo-yo to have some exact placing, and has to rely on your opponents shortcomings. Overall its VERY VERY VERY risky, and shouldn't be attempted. IT could easily wind up being a big waste of tension, but if you're feeling overly cocky and you think your opponent is a moron... go ahead try it. It's really cool to see happen. One last word on this overdrive. Even if you fail to get through your opponent's guard you still don't leave empty handed. If your opponent doesn't faultless defense the overdrive should do a good job in jacking up your opponent's guard meter which cause you to do more damage and even land counter hits. If they used faultless defense, then they'll have lost a bit of tension. Again USE THIS MOVE. The mastery of this move, when to use it and how to get past your opponent's guard is a must. This is one of Bridget's few ways to land some big damage, learn to use this move properly and your opponents will surely hate you. ================== 8. MISC ATTACKS ================== Well I needed some place to put Bridget's Instant Kill and his Dead Angle attack so I'll just lump them together here. -SHOOT THE MOON (Instant Kill) ( after p+k+s+h, 236x2h ) Damage: Instant Kill Bridget slings his opponent through the atmosphere where they finally land head first in the moon. Well... it's an instant kill. First of all you should never rely on instant kills. They are not that useful up in higher play (some exceptions), and the people who usually fall for them are unskilled or reckless. Basically you want to use it if you see your opponent dizzied and they aren't doing that good of a job mashing out of it. Otherwise stick to your main gameplay, and leave chance out of it. -DEAD ANGLE ATTACK ( while blocking 6p+k ) Damage: 25 50% tension required Bridget uses his 6p animation to knock his opponent away. Your standard DAA move. Use it if you're pinned down, and don't have a burst. Remember to use DAA wisely, since if they whiff or your opponent interrupts them that's a big waste of 50% tension ============ 9. COMBOS ============ Well knowing most players, you most likely skipped through this whole guide just to read this section. Well I suggest you skip back up to the top and start reading unless you are sure you already know all that information. If you do know all that, then most likely you probably already know these combos. Anyways, Bridget overall isn't a combo machine. Yes he has some very damaging combos, and some less damaging yet wacky combos. I'm only going to list the ones I deem needed to have a solid Bridget. There won't be many, but the ones listed will easily pull their own weight. This section will be divided up into several sections based on whether your yo-yo is set and/or you have any tension. These combos will be the base of your damage capabilities. Once you've broken their guard using pressure strings (next section) you can use the appropriate combo mattering on your tension level, and the position of your yo-yo. A. 0 TENSION, NO YO-YO SET COMBOS These are combos you will utilize when your yo-yo is not set up, and your tension is below 25% i. 2k/k, s(c), s(f), 2d (set yo-yo while opponent is down) Though it may not look it, this a decent combo when you have no tension or your yo-yo set. No it doesn't do much damage, but what it does do is get your opponent on the ground. Once they're there you can set your yo-yo behind them and play any wake up games while they rise. A good combo that you might want to become acquainted with... though the one below might be better suited. ii. 2k/k, s(c) (1-2 hits), *s(f)*, 236k, p , (set yo-yo while opponent is down) Again, not a very flashy combo but it serves the same purpose as the one above. This will do a bit more damage than the previous one and charge your tension gauge a bit more. It'll knock your opponent farther away, so that's good if you're trying to work them to the corner. But you'll have to dash in a bit before setting your yo-yo if you want to get it placed a good distance behind them. A very good combo to have when you have nothing set up. iii. ( anti air ) 6p, 6s, JC, j.s, j.2s, JC, j.s, j.2s, 632p Bridget's anti-air combo. Whenever a opponent jumps in you can try and intercept them with a 6p. If it hits you can follow up with the rest of the combo for some serious damage. iv. BRIDGET'S B&B AIR COMBO j.s, j.2s, JC, j.s, j.2s, 6236p Bridget's air combo. This is just Bridget's regular air combo that you'll want to use if you ever find yourself juggling your opponent in the air. It's also part of your ground B&B combo. B. 0 TENSION. YO-YO SET COMBOS For the most part these combos are just extensions of the non-set ones. The extended combos don't do that much damage, and may even do less damage. But they build up your tension a little more and look a bit more flashy which is sometimes a plus. i. ( Yo-yo Set behind opponent. ) 2k/k, s(c) (1 hit), 2s, recall yo-yo, dash-in, 2k/k, s(c) (1-2 hits), 236k, p, (set yo-yo while opponent is down) An extended version of the non-yo-yo set combos. Basically the yo-yo pull allows you to tack a bit more damage on and raise a bit more tension. Make sure to dash in enough after the yo-yo recall or you won't be able to connect the rest of the combo. C. 25% TENSION. YO-YO NOT SET i. (25% tension required) 623p, FRC, 6s, JC, j.s, j.2s, JC, j.s, j.2s, 623p Bridget's B&B air combo done after a False Roman Canceled Starship. I don't think this is a very likely situation since most of the time you'll want to op for an aerial starship... but if you ever find yourself hitting your opponent deep with a grounded starship it's not a bad option. ii. (25% tension required, extremely close to your opponent) 2d, FRC, k, 6s, JC, j.s, j.2s, JC, j.s, j.2s, 623p A very very unlikely combo, but I'd thought I'd put it in anyways. The trouble with this one if you can't tell is that you have to be extremely close to your opponent to do it. Doing a sweep that close to your opponent isn't a very good idea, so the chance of this combo coming up is slim. Don't try it. D. 50% TENSION. YO-YO NOT SET i. BRIDGET'S B&B COMBO (50% tension required) 2k/k, s(c) (1 hit), s(f), 2d, 236k, RC, 6s, JC, j.s, j.2s, JC, j.s, j.2s, 623p/yo-yo set This is Bridget's B&B combo. This is what you ultimately want to try and land if you get an opening in your opponent's defense. It does very nice damage so the tension spent is well worth it. Also there's a good chance the starship at the end won't connect due to your opponent getting pushed away. Don't worry, at that point the starship doesn't add much damage so it's no big loss. Instead you can replace the starship with a yo-yo set which might help you in the long run anyways. Again this is a very important combo, and one you should master since it'll be one of your big damage dealers. Also remember if you start the combo using 2k the damage it yields will be significantly lower. E. 50% tension, Yo-yo set. i. (50% tension required, yo-yo set behind opponent) 632146h, j.s, j.2s, JC, j.s, j.2s, 623p The Me and the Killing Machine overdrive combo. Now granted you're going to have to get through your opponents defenses to get the overdrive to hit, but once you do you follow up with the air combo listed afterwards. This is Bridget's other main damage source. The combo itself is easy, getting through your opponent's blocking is the challenge. ii. (50% tension required, yo-yo set behind opponent, opponent in corner) 6s (counter hit), 632146h, j.s, j.2s, JC, j.s, j.2s, 623p This is one of those weird times where you can actually combo the killing machine overdrive from another move. Now it has to be a counter hit, and your opponent has to be in the corner with the yo-yo close by... so it's not very likely, but I thought I'd list it anyways. iii. (50% tension required, yo-yo set behind opponent) 2k/k, s(c) (1 hit), 2s, yo-yo recall, dash in, 2k/k, s(c) (1 hit), s(f), 2d, 236k, RC, 6s, JC, j.s, j.2s, JC, j.s, j.2s, 623p Just Bridget's B&B combo extended using the yo-yo. This overall may not be a smart deal since the extra hits can actually make the combo do less damage overall. But hey some people might think it looks nice. ======================= 10. PRESSURE STRINGS ======================= Pressure strings simply put are blocked combos. What makes them special is that they are designed to get through your opponent's guard while minimizing the amount at which your opponent can retaliate. Using pressure strings you'll try to poke a whole in their defense, once broken you should instantly switch over to an appropriate combo. Keep in mind pressure strings aren't an exact science. There's a ton of combinations of strings you can come up with, and a lot more than I'm willing to include in this FAQ. Also the ones listed here aren't necessarily the best, just the ones I use. I suggest you find what fits you best, and make adjustments as you see fit. I'll set this section up in 4 parts. These will be separated by whether you are near or far from your opponent and whether you have your yo-yo set appropriately. In this way I hope one can easily flow from one to another so you can chain them together as needed. At the end of the section I'll give example scenarios of how these strings will work and how they can combine with combos. A. CLOSE RANGE, YO-YO NOT SET. i. 2k, s(c) (1 hit), s(f), *2s*, 2d Well this looks familiar. Yes it's the first combo listed in the first section. A great string to use, that gives your opponent very little time to retaliate if blocked. If done at a range you're completely safe. You should use this string to try and catch your opponent if they aren't expecting a low hit. If the sweep hits you can set your yo-yo while your opponent is down, if it's blocked you can try some long ranged pressure strings. ii. 2k, s(c) (1 hit), s(f), 2s, *6s*, Yo-yo set A basic block strong that'll end with a yo-yo set. Adding the 6s is safer but it may not hit all characters. Also if you use the 6s your yo-yo won't go as far behind your opponent compared to without it. Now remember this string will leave you wide open during the yo-yo set. Don't use it too often or your opponent will see it coming and attack as soon as the 2s is over...causing Bridget quite a bit of pain. Use this along with the other combo to keep your opponent guessing. B. CLOSE RANGE, YO-YO SET i. 2k, s(c) (1 hit), 2s, Recall Yo-yo
Again another string that looks very familiar. It's just your basic combo extender that was listed in the combo section. It's starts off with c.k to try and catch your blocking high. If that doesn't connect you finish the pressure string. If your opponent blocks the whole thing you now have an option of dashing/instant air dashing in for a close pressure string or sticking back with a far pressure string. ii. 2k, 2s, 2k, 2s, recall yo-yo Here's a mix-up that's nice that'll try to catch your opponent who thinks it's safe to stop blocking low after the first hit. The only trouble with this is combo is you have to be in pretty deep to do it for the second 2k will miss. This used in conjunction with Bridget's rolling for overheads will be your tools in your high/low games to get through your opponent's guard. iii. 2k, s(c) (1 hit), s(f), 2s, 214k, j.p, j.2s, *214k, j.p, j.2s*, yo-yo recall Here's a pressure string that utilizes Bridget's rolling to get an overhead in mid string. You can do repeat the 214k, j.p, j.2s if your opponent blocks it the first time. Also you might want to skip the yo-yo recall if they block the first 214k, j.p, j.2s and go into a 2k to catch them off guard. I should mention there's a lot of ways to utilize the 214k in strings to get past your opponents guard. Way more than I know of, and more complex than I care to think about. If your curious about some of the more wacky ones you can observe some match videos with Yukinose's Bridget. Just ask around forums about Yukinose... they'll know who you're talking about. iv. 2k, s(c) (1 hit), s(f), 2s, 214k, j.2s, recall yo-yo, land, 3p Another string using the 214k roll. This one isn't as safe, but if the j.2s gets a counter hit off they'll be staggered and you can easily follow up after that. If they block everything up to the yo-yo recall you can land and do a 3p to try and snuff a counter attack. v. 3p, 214k, j.k, j.s, recall yo-yo. Again another string utilizing the 214k roll. The 3p starts off the string to try and catch your opponent on a counter hit. If it hits, free combo. If it's block you go into the roll and the jumping overheads. C. FAR RANGE, YO-YO NOT SET s(f), yo-yo set s(f), 6s, yo-yo set 2s, yo-yo set 2s, 6s, yo-yo set Now these aren't very creative pressure strings, and I don't think I'd even classify them as that.... more like pokes. I included them here cause... well I don't know where to put them really. Anyways these will be used a lot, these are you basic and most used ways of setting your yo-yo. As simplistic as they are, it's very effective and very annoying for your opponent. Learn the ranges of these moves so you don't whiff them and lose an opportunity to set your yo-yo. D. Far Range, Yo-Yo Set i. yo-yo recall 236h 214h 632146h (50% tension required) s(f), yo-yo recall s(f), 236h s(f), 214h s(f), 632146h (50% tension required) A bunch more simplistic pressure options. Again most of these are just doing Bridget's special moves... but those in themselves are pressure tools. These also will be used a lot... and are easily some of the best/easiest stuff Bridget can do. Nothing is more annoying or effective as a c(f), yo-yo set, yo-yo recall. Overall you should be more worried about getting past your opponent's guard once Roger/Yo-Yo has your opponent pinned down. Make use of your 2k, 2d, 6k, and d to get through your opponent's guard while Roger relentlessly hacks away. ii. s(f), 214k, yo-yo recall, Air dash, j.k, j.s Here's a long range string that uses Bridget's roll to get in close. This one might require a little practice to get used it. Basically after the s(f) you cancel into a roll. As soon as Bridget leaves the ground, recall your yo-yo and it'll cancel the roll. Now as you're in the air, air dash forward and follow up with a j.k, j.s. If you time it right the yo-yo should of just finished hitting them. After the j.s you land and either go into a combo if string broke their guard, or go into a close pressure string. EXAMPLE SCENARIOS: EXAMPLE SCENARIO 1. Ok let's say I have 0 tension and my yo-yo isn't set. I approach my opponent and decide to poke into a yo-yo set. So: s(f), yo-yo set Now, as soon as the yo-yo passes my opponent I decide to call it back to try and catch them off guard. So: Yo-yo recall (h) Now it hits. I'm still far away... and it isn't a counter hit so I don't have enough time to dash in for a combo. Since I don't want to pass up free damage I decide to tack on s(f), 6s, Yo-yo set Now I'm back to the original set, did a small combo that did some damage and increased my tension some. EXAMPLE SCENARIO 2. Now my Yo-yo is set behind my opponent. I don't have 50% tension, but I'm very close. So I decide to use my rolling to get a quick jump in combo and use this string: s(f), 214k, yo-yo recall, air dash, j.k, j.s I do the s(f), cancel into the roll, recall my yo-yo and air dash in with my j.k, j.s. My opponent blocks it all and I'm about to land. I'm now at 50% tension since that previous string nudged me over the top. As I land I decide to go into a basic close string: 2k, s(c) (1 hit), s(f), 2s, yo-yo set Now I do the c.k, but my opponent doesn't expect it and it hits. Now I have to switch gears and switch to a combo that will maximize my damage. Since I'm now at 50% tension I can do Bridget's B&B combo and continue where the 2k left off: s(c), s(f), 2d, 236k, RC, 6s, JC, j.s, j.2s, JC, j.s, j.2s, 623p Now you'd have to modify the above combo since the initial blocked jump-in hits would have nudged Bridget away, so you might have to instantly go into his 2d after the 2k, or maybe just squeeze one s(c) in. EXAMPLE SCENARIO 3. I'm at close range with 50% tension and my yo-yo isn't out. I really want to try and land my B&B combo so I use this pressure string: 2k, s(c) (1 hit), s(f), 2s, yo-yo set Unfortunately my opponent blocks the whole string, so no opportunity to land the combo. But now I'm at a far distance and my yo-yo is set behind my opponent. Since I'm at 50% tension, now would be a good time to do Me and The Killing Machine. So: s(f), 632146h The killing machine starts to grind away at my blocking opponent. Now I have to rush in and mix it up with Bridget's overheads and low moves (2k, 6k, 2d, d). On my first try a 2k gets through and the overdrive hits. Now I have to follow up with the air combo to get the most out of the overdrive j.s, j.2s, JC, j.s, j.2s, 623p IN CONCLUSION So there you have it, the pressure strings and how to chain them together. Remember this isn't an exact science, nor should a fighting game ever be an exact science. Not all of these strings will mesh together perfectly. Character sizes and heights will make you have to alter combos after blocked strings. Also blocked hits will cause you to move farther and farther from your opponent making you have to alter a combo if a hit gets through. Additionally, you won't go through a match running through strings like this as you would on paper. The purpose of this is to familiarize yourself with these strings so it becomes natural for you to pick the best option. There's a lot of different options out there, and these are just a sampling. Make your own, find your own... Also remember you're never totally safe, there's always a chance you're opponent will counter attack correctly and you'll lose your momentum. It's all a mind game, and to win you have to be smarter and faster than your opponent. ================= 11. MISC ADVICE ================= A. YO-YO MIS-SETTING. It's bound to happen. One of these days you're going to accidentally set your yo-yo the wrong way. Or your opponent is going move away from your yo-yo before you have a chance to use it. So what are you to do if your yo-yo is someplace useless like behind you all away across the stage. Well there's a few tactics you can use to help you get it back and maybe make it useful. i. Well the easiest and most "no duh" solution would be just to recall your yo-yo after a blocked poke such as s(f), yo-yo recall. This is your best option since it's fast, easy and isn't going to cost you anything. Though it's always sad knowing that your yo-yo did no good. ii. Another thing you can do is either recall your yo-yo or use Roger rush. Now this may seem stupid since what are the attacks going to do with your opponent on the other side. Well it very well may be stupid, but you might be able to use it. After recalling or using Rush you can try and dash over your opponent. Now roger and yo-yo will be making their way over and can eventually hit your opponent... making a mis-set yo-yo actually useful. Now this tactic isn't very safe since your opponent isn't going to like you buzzing around their head. But hey if they seem a little slow it might be something you can look into. iii. Use Me and the Killing Machine. Now this really must look stupid wasting 50% tension when your yo-yo is behind you. Well you might be able to profit from this too. Your opponent most likely isn't going to go anywhere except back (I mean why would they want to air dash past you into an incoming Me and the killing machine). If they're in the corner they're likely to sit tight and either block, or poke at you to keep that damn annoying overdrive away. If they start to turtle up in the anticipation that the overdrive is coming, you can run up and throw them to the opposite side. If timed right you'll throw them straight into the overdrive, allowing you to score some nice damage. Again you want to use these with caution, and the first one is your best bet and probably what you want to use. B. YO-YO RANDOMNESS No I don't mean your yo-yo is going to go flying in some weird direction. By randomness I mean that every so often your yo-yo is going to hit your opponent when you didn't expect it. Or you're going to air throw your opponent into a razor roger when you didn't think you would. Now just because you didn't expect these things, doesn't mean you should follow them up. You should try to train yourself to quickly pounce on opportunities like these and score some additional damage through Bridget's air combo. A missed opportunity could easily mean a loss. ===================== 12. QUICK REFERENCE ===================== In this section I'll briefly list some categories of moves, and the moves that they are classified. This will make it easy for someone to look up certain types of moves instead of wading through the guide. -LONG RANGE POKES s(f) 2s 6s 2d 6p -STAGGERING MOVES (after yo-yo set) 236h (on counter hit) 3p (on counter hit) j.2s 632146s (2nd to last hit, 50% tension) -MOVES TO START OFF THE MATCH s(f) 6s -UNBLOCKABLES (after yo-yo set) 632h ground throw air throw -FALSE ROMAN CANCELABLE 2d 623p -LOW HITS 2k 2d -OVERHEADS All normal jumping attacks (duh) 6k d -KNOCKDOWNS 2d 236k, p (after set, 50% tension) 623146h (50% tension) 632146s Throw Air Throw -ANTI-AIR 6p 6s 2s 623s -WAKE-UPS 623s 632146s (50% tension required) -MEATY ATTACKS 623s 3p (yo-yo set) 214h (yo-yo set) 236h (yo-yo set) 632146h -JUMP CANCELABLE p k s(c) 2s 6s j.k j.2s