GUILTY GEAR XX #RELOAD POTEMKIN FAQ (v2.0, 25th October, 2003) by Tariq mukhttar email: ________________________________________________________ Version 2.0 25th Oct 2003 Added "Can Potemkin kill from a single attack?" ________________________________________________________ Version 1.0 30th Sep 2003 ________________________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Potmekin Reloaded 3. Fake Roman-cancels 4. Moves 5. Specials 6. Overdrives 7. Potemkin Buster/ Heat Knuckle/ Heavenly Potemkin Buster Set-ups 8. Combos 9. Can Potemkin kill from a single attack? 10.Strange occurances 11. Credits ________________________________________________________ 1. INTRODUCTION A) I'm assuming the reader is familiar with Potmekin's moves. This FAQ is not intended for beginners. Those who are interested to learn Potmekin from scratch can download Edward Chang's excellent GGXX Potmekin FAQ. B) This FAQ is not aimed at repeating what is already known and found everywhere, but rather the more exceptional cases and situations that arises during play. C) Moves will not be described, rather commented on their best uses and short comings. D) I have no plans to include EX-Potemkin. EX-characters are unbalanced and pointless since they don't exist in the arcade version. ________________________________________________________ 2. POTEMKIN RELOADED: * Addition of some usefull Fake Roman Cancels. * Addition of some Fake Roman Cancels with no apparant use. * Energy drain down on some moves. ________________________________________________________ 3. FAKE ROMAN-CANCEL locations and its uses: c.HS: Preform regular combos without proration. Opponent can escape. Use at your own risk, f+HS: No none use. Hammer Fall: If opponent is hit, Juggle. Megafist: If opponent is hit, it will allow you to continue with a ground combo. ________________________________________________________ 4. MOVES f+P: * Excellent anti-air. * Potemkin is virtually invincible, expect for the legs. f+K: * Overhead. * Can be comboed out of. * Can be followed up with Potemkin Buster. * Potemkins hit box seems to severely shrink in this move. f+HS: * Superb power and range. * Stealthy, can catch opponent off guard. c.HS: * Staple combo move. * Slow to come out. * Can be hit out of it. * A good way to save tension is to cancel this moves lag with a c.D. You can also quickly follow up with a Heavenly Potemkin Buster for a surprise catch. c.D: * Superb range and speed. * Cannot be comboed out of. ________________________________________________________ 5. SPECIALS Megafist Front/ Megafist Back : * Abusable, can seriously disrupt opponents plans. * Timed correctly, you can follow it up with a Potemkin Buster. * Will hit opponents lying on the ground. * Can hit opponent out of thier specials and some overdrives from relative safety. Slide Head: * Will knock opponent of his feet if it does not hit, doesn't drain energy. * Pressure technique, force your opponent into the air. Hammer Fall -> Hammer Fall Break: * Excellent way to cover ground. * Can absorb one non-overdrive hit. * Hammer Fall Break will stop you in your tracks for further attack opportunity. F.D.B.: * Poor vertical range. * Very slow to come out if you intend to hit opponent. * Almost no initial lag if you intend to deflect projectile. * Resulting deflected projectile has no effect on its lower part. Sliding attacks can go right thru it. * Hitting a jumping opponent opens up a non-combo opportunity. Potemkin Buster * Your best friend by far. Basically the only non tension move that can be considered an overdrive. * Amazing range and almost no initial lag. Can grab an opponent right out of thier overdrives. * Range of move can dramatically increase depending on opponents attack. * I-No's sliding move (Taiboku wo Sasuru Te) is immune to grabbing. Only at the very end where the red energy sword comes out can she be grabbed. Heat Knuckle -> Heat Extend * Initial lag means it can be hit before it grabs. * Slow to come out. ________________________________________________________ 6. OVERDRIVES Gigantor -> Gigantic Blid * Excellent wake up move. * Has initial invincibility. * Mirror does not abosrb projectiles. * Gigantic Bild can be followed up with a K. Timing is very strict. Heavenly Potemkin Buster * No invincibility at all. * Has more horizontal range than percieved. Destroyer (Magnum Opera) * Functions as both an offensive and a counter move. ________________________________________________________ 7. POTMEKIN BUSTER/ HEAT KNUCKLE/ HEAVENLY POTEMKIN BUSTER SET-UPS * These are situations were your opponents are most likely to have there guard down. * If you time Potemkin Buster correctly, you'll grab your opponent even if they try to attack you. * Initially you'll be always able to land a Potemkin Buster on novice opponents. * After recognising these situations, your opponent will tend to jump away from you. That's when you should switch to Heat Knuckle instead, or better still, Heavenly Potemkin Buster. * The down side to catching a jumping opponent is that if he merely uses j.P it will hit you out of your offense. Experienced opponents will use this. * Time these set-ups right, and you'll have a 75% chance of at least knocking off 1/4 off your opponents energy. * After doing these you should obviously be within grab range. A) Quick Basic Attack(s) -> B) Mega Fist Front -> C) Hammer fall -> Hammer Fall Break -> D) (f+)HS -> Hammer fall -> Hammer Fall Break -> E) j.D -> F) Gigantor -> ________________________________________________________ 8. COMBOS * I'm not going to list all possible combos, just the most effective energy drainers I have found. * Timing and speed of execution differ from one opponent to another. Experiment to find out which works best on whom. * Energy depletion based on Sol. * Energy is out of 420. * Combo will continue, if possible, till 100% tension is consumed. * Taking a step forward is necessary in some combos. * Here's the basic combos you'll use most: A) Overhead-Combo: ---> f+K -> Energy: 23 1) Potemkin Buster Total: 105 2) K -> c.HS -> H. Knuckle -> H. Extend Total: 119 3) K -> c.HS -> H. Knuckle -> RC Total: 86 I ) -> c.HS -> H. Knuckle -> H. Extend Total: 136 II) -> c.HS -> H. Potemkin Buster Total: 153 4) K -> c.HS -> H. Potemkin Buster Total: 145 B) Fake Roman-Cancel Ground-combo: ---> HS -> Hammer Fall -> FRC -> Energy: 113 1) c.HS -> H. Knuckle -> H. Extend Total: 235 2) c.HS -> H. Knuckle -> RC Total: 187 -> c.HS -> H. Knuckle -> H. Extend Total: 261 3) S -> c.HS -> H. Potemkin Buster Total: 284 C) Anti-Air combo: ---> f+S -> RC Energy: 35 1) S -> H. Knuckle -> H. Extend Total: 145 2) S -> H. Knuckle -> RC Total: 92 -> c.HS -> H. Knuckle -> H. Extend Total: 175 3) S -> c.HS> H. Potemkin Buster Total: 227 D) Potemkin Buster Corner-Combo: ---> Potemkin Buster Energy: 130 2) c.HS -> H. Knuckle -> RC Total: 190 -> c.HS -> H. Knuckle -> H. Extend Total: 251 3) c.HS -> H. Potemkin Buster -> HS Total: 269 4) c.HS -> H. Knuckle -> H. Extend -> RC Total: 230 -> c.HS -> H. Potemkin Buster Total: 301 E) Gigantor/ Gigantic Blid combo: ---> Gigantor Energy: 45 -> Gigantic Blid Total: 158 1) K -> S -> H. Knuckle -> RC Total: 262 -> HS -> H. Knuckle -> H. Extend Total: 281 2) K -> c.S -> c.HS -> H. Potemkin Buster Total: 327 -> HS Total: 334 ________________________________________________________ 9. Can Potemkin kill from a single attack? * The answer is a resounding "YES"... with a few requirements and exception of course. * The requirements are: A) 100% tensions. On some characters only 50% is needed. B) That the first hit be a counter. C) By the end of the first half your opponent should be dizzy and in the corner. * The exceptions to this are: A) Johnny. B) Potemkin. C) Robo-Ky. D) Slayer. * For the exceptions after the first half, they'll be in the perfect position for a Potemkin mix set-up. All you need is to land one more move to get dizzy. Or, hit them with this as they fall to the ground: ---> K -> Hammer Fall -> Hammer Break -> Potemkin Buster * This is primarily used as a wake-up move to land that counter hit. As any potemkin player will tell you, you can pull this off almost every round. * The first half of the combo can be varied according to opponent as some need more hits to get dizzied. * And the Combo is: ---> Gigantor -> Gigantic Blid -> K -> c.S -> c.HS -> H. Potemkin Buster * Opponent should now be dizzy and in the corner. Follow up: ---> Potemkin Buster -> S -> c.HS -> H. Knuckle -> H. Extend ________________________________________________________ 10.Strange occurances * Theoritically, in the "kill from a single attack" you can dizzy the exception characters by doing this combo: ---> Gigantor -> Gigantic Blid -> K -> S -> S -> H. Knuckle -> RC -> S -> S -> H. Knuckle -> H. Extend The strange thing is, after the RC, you can not connect the second S -> H. Knuckle ________________________________________________________ 11.CREDITS A) Edward Chang for his excellent FAQS. B) For providing rock solid challanges for me: 1) Jabr Al-Dossari for introducing this excellent game. 3) Khalid Al-Dhamer's Faust and Baiken. 4) Yousef Al-Towarqi's monsterous Potemkin. 5) Abdullah Al-Dossari's super cheap Sol and superb Eddie & Johnny. 6) Essam Al-Dhamer's KY and May. 7) Husain Zakaria's I-No, Venom, and Jam. 8) Last but not least Toufeek Al-Harbi's Justice!.. 'nuff said.