GUILTY GEAR XX SLASH FAQ/MOVELIST (v1.0, 4-16-06) by Edward Chang (chang dot 459 at osu dot edu) Version History v1.0 (4-16-06) First version. Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. Conventions 3. Basics 4. Moves List 5. Miscellaneous Tips/Tricks 6. Credits 1. INTRODUCTION Guilty Gear XX Slash is a new, revised version of Guilty Gear XX. Yes, this is another revision after GGXX #Reload. As in #Reload, many moves have changed properties, making some characters stronger, and others weaker; there is also two new characters, A.B.A from Isuka and a brand new Holy Order Sol. What is Guilty Gear XX? Guilty Gear XX is the latest game in the Guilty Gear series, a very underrated highly technical 2D fighting game with anime style art and wacky characters. The first game, Guilty Gear, had a console Playstation version, and didn't do that well. The sequel, Guilty Gear X: By Your Side, by contrast, did very well, and it was ported on the Dreamcast. Two stripped down versions appeared on the Wonderswan, another on the Gameboy Color, and an enhanced version, Guilty Gear X Plus, was released on Playstation 2. GGXX #Reload has been ported to the PS2 and more recently PSP; there is another game on DS as well as a "side" game, GG Isuka, making the series very extensive. Nevertheless, GGXX Slash is the first "core" game to come out since #Reload. 2. CONVENTIONS Directions u/b -- up and back u -- up u/f -- up and forward f -- forward d/f -- down and forward d -- down d/b -- down and back b -- back u/b -- up and back qcf -- quarter circle forward (d, d/f, f) qcb -- quarter circle back (d, d/b, b) hcf -- half circle forward (b, d/b, d, d/f, f) hcb -- half circle back (f, d/f, d, d/b, b) dp -- dragon punch (f, d, d/f) rdp -- reverse dragon punch (b, d, d/b) Attack Buttons P -- Punch K -- Kick S -- Slash H -- Hard Slash D -- Dust Other [x] -- button 'X' should be held (T) -- throw; move must be performed extremely close to opponent and is unblockable (C) -- chargeable; move changes if attack button is held down c. -- move must be performed crouching j. -- move must be performed in midair (.j) -- move can also be performed in midair (GC) -- guard cancel; move must be performed while guarding R -- move is eligible for Roman Cancel F -- move is eligible for False Roman Cancel J -- move is eligible for Jump Cancel X -- move is NOT eligible for basic Cancel --> -- followup 3. BASICS GAUGE BASICS Guard Gauge This gauge represents how much you have been blocking. It starts off half filled. As you take damage, the guard gauge decreases; as you block, the guard gauge increases. If you neither take damage nor block, it slowly returns to its middle position. The more empty the guard gauge is, the less damage you take. Thus, the last hit of an 8-hit combo will do substantially less damage than it would alone, since your guard gauge would be practically empty. If you continuously block, your guard gauge will fill up so much that it will start flashing at 3/4 full. At this point any hit you take will immediately be a counter hit. Tension Gauge As you move towards the enemy, inflict damage, or take damage, your tension gauge gradually fills up. Tension has a number of different uses, including tension attacks, Faultless Defense, Instant Kill, Dead Angle Attacks, Roman Cancels, and False Roman Cancels; see below for details. Tension is not carried over between rounds. The bar changes colors; at less than 1/4 filled, it is blue, and can only be used for FD or Instant Kill. At between 1/4 and 1/2 full, it is green, and can be used for False Roman Cancels. Between 1/2 and all full, it is red, and can be used for Dead Angle Attacks, Roman Cancels, and tension attacks. Finally, if the bar is completely full, it turns gold. Using tension by any means besides tension moves makes it harder to regain tension for a short period of time. Specifically, after performing FD you will gain tension at a reduced rate of 20% for 1 second. After a Roman Cancel or Dead Angle Attack, you will gain tension at a reduced rate of 20% for 4 seconds. Finally, if you get hit with a Negative Penalty you will gain tension at a reduced rate of 20% for 10 seconds. Negative Penalty If you turtle, i.e., you sit back and play ultradefensively, not attacking, you will get hit with a negative penalty. This reduces your tension gauge to zilch, and you'll have to fill it up all over again. Also, it becomes harder to fill it up again for a period of time (only 20% fill rate for 10 seconds!), and you will also get dizzy more easily. So in other words, try not to turtle. Burst Gauge The Burst Gauge is new to GGXX. It too fills up as you inflict damage and take damage during a round, but unlike Tension, it does carry over between rounds. The Burst Gauge has two uses. Both uses are applied by pressing D and one other attack button. If you use a Burst while you are being attacked, the Burst will serve as a combo breaker; the opponent will be pushed away, and you'll be able to counterattack at your leisure. This kind of burst is blue in color and takes the entire Burst Gauage to perform; if you hit with the pushback, you will get 1/3 of the Burst Gauge back. This version has no invincibility on the way down, so if your opponent sees it coming and blocks, you'll almost definitely be counterattacked. If you use a Burst otherwise, it will be an attack. This kind of burst is yellow in color and only takes 2/3 of the Burst Gauge. The attack is hard to hit with, but the bonus is that if you hit with the Burst attack your tension gauge immediately fills to maximum. This version is also invincible to strikes on the way down, making it harder to counterattack if the opponent should block. MOVEMENT BASICS Double Jump By pressing an up direction in midair, you can jump to an even higher height. Some characters had triple jumps in GGX (Chipp, Dizzy, Justice) but Dizzy has lost this ability. High Jump By pressing a down direction and then an up direction in rapid succession, you will perform a high jump. A shadow will follow the character during a high jump, and obviously you can reach higher than you could with a normal jump. You can't mix double jumps and high jumps, though. Dash By double tapping forward or back, most characters can dash. This lets you move around quickly, but be warned: you cannot block while dashing. You can also dash in midair. If you jump forward and press forward again, this counts as two forwards, so your character will jump forward and immediately airdash. Millia and Dizzy can airdash or airbackdash two times in a row, making them extremely mobile. Potemkin cannot dash; Johnny and I-No have altered forward dashes; Slayer has unique ground dashes; and A.B.A can only dash in Moroha mode. ATTACK BASICS Attack Levels Attack levels determine how the attack can be blocked. Standing attacks can be blocked high or low, or in midair with Faultless/Fortress Defense. You CANNOT block moves from a grounded opponent while you are in midair, normally. Mid attacks must be blocked standing; they will hit a crouching character. This includes most midair attacks and dust attacks. Low attacks must be blocked crouching. This category includes sweeps and some (but not all) crouching moves. Basic Attacks Basic attacks are simply performed by pressing P, K, S, or H. By pressing these same buttons while crouching, or while in midair, you can perform different basic attacks. f+P and f+H are also basic attacks; S changes whether close or far from the opponent. Some characters also have f+K basic attacks. Bridget does not have an f+H but does have an f+S. Special Attacks Special Attacks are what makes each character unique. The commands to perform them are similarly unique. See the movelist for details. Tension Attacks Also known as "Awakening Attacks" or "Overdrives". These attacks require half of a tension bar to perform. The exceptions are Dizzy's Gamma Ray and Justice's Gamma Ray, which take a full tension bar to perform. Like Special Attacks, the properties and inputs vary depending on your character. Instant Kill Also known as "One Hit Kill" or "Destroy" moves. If you successfully hit with this move, the opponent instantly loses the round, no matter how much health he or she has left. To perform an instant kill, press all four attack buttons at the same time. This will put you into instant kill mode. While in instant kill mode, your tension gauge gradually decreases. You will be unable to perform any other move that requires tension. Also, if your tension runs out, you will slowly lose health instead. Once you perform the move, or once you cancel instant kill by pressing all four buttons again, you will no longer lose tension/health. The instant kill is performed by pressing qcf, qcf+H, with one exception: May, whose instant kill is hcf, hcf+H. Again, the property of each instant kill is different. Also, regardless of whether you hit with the instant kill or not, you will lose your tension gauge for the rest of the round. Dust Attacks Formerly performed by pressing S+H, in GGXX the Dust Attack is performed simply by pressing the handy new Dust (D) button. These moves are unique from character to character, but generally they take long to execute, long to recover, and don't do much damage. The advantage is that they float the opponent extremely high. If the move hits, you can immediately chase after the opponent by pressing up, and proceed to hit the opponent with your best air combo. Sweep Pressing d+D will perform a sweep. The sweep must be blocked low, and if it hits, the opponent will be knocked to the ground. Knockdown (Air Dust) Pressing D in midair will perform a unique attack. "Knockdown" is somewhat of a misnomer as the properties of this move vary from character to character but for most it either knocks down or knocks back against the wall. Throw Throws must be performed extremely close to the opponent, by pressing either f+H or b+H. They are usually very damaging, and cannot be blocked. Once a throw is started, there is no way to escape. Getting close enough to perform the throw, though, is quite a challenge. Dashing in and pressing H doesn't work because this will just give the f+H basic move; you must either release f and press f again, or stop your dash and press b+H. Air Throw New to GGXX are air throws. They are performed exactly the same as a regular throw, but obviously, both you and your opponent must be in midair. They also tend to have better range than ground throws, about twice as far in most cases. Basic Cancel The most basic form of cancelling, is of course, the basic cancel. This refers to cancelling the recovery time of a basic move (i.e., a move that most characters have, like standing S, or f+P, or f+H, or jumping K...) into a special move (such as Faust's qcf+P or Sol's qcb+S). Most basic moves can be cancelled into special moves with few exceptions. Jump Cancel Certain basic moves can have their recovery time cancelled into a jump simply by pressing up as soon as the move connects. Whether you can perform a JC depends on the move, so experiment with each character. I have designated Jump Cancellable moves with a "J" in the movelist for each character. If the basic move floats, like Dizzy's f+H, then you can use the jump cancel to set the hapless opponent up for a float combo. Other moves that are useful as anti-airs can also be jump cancelled, so you can counterattack with a combo should you successfully hit an opponent who's trying to jump in. Roman Cancel By pressing three attack buttons other than D at the same time, you can perform a roman cancel. This will stop all recovery time of a move and allow you to attack immediately. However, it takes 50% tension to perform. Obviously, this is the core to many comboes. Note that you can only perform a roman cancel if you hit the enemy, regardless of whether they block or not. Whiffed moves cannot be RCed. False Roman Cancel New to GGXX, the false roman cancel is similar to the RC in many aspects. It is performed the same. However, there are a few differences. Not every move is eligible for FRC, and the timing is very strict - most within 2-3 frames of animation (1/30 to 1/20 of a second). Also, you do not have to connect with the opponent to perform a FRC. FRCs also take only 25% tension. Finally, a successful FRC will glow blue instead of red. Dizzy (no, not the character) If you hit your opponent with a long combo or with powerful hits in succession, they may become dizzy. While dizzy, a character cannot perform any moves, and cannot block. They are basically open to anything. Dizzy time may be shortened by mashing the buttons and shaking the lever around. Stagger New to GGXX is staggering. Some moves stagger the opponent. While staggered, a character cannot attack or block. Think of staggers as a mini-dizzy. Like dizzying, staggering may be nullified by mashing buttons or shaking the lever. A list of moves that stagger in the game follows. A.B.A Hard Slash (H) Moroha Mode, Counter Only Fukumetsu (b, f+S after Masshou) Shoukyaku (qcf+K in Normal Mode) Kashitsu (hcf+K in Moroha Mode), if blocked standing Henshitsu (hcb, hcb+S in Moroha Mode) Holy Order Sol Forward Kick (f+K) Couter Only Forward Hard Slash (f+H) Lv1 Blockhead Buster (qcf+P) Second Hit if First Hit hits Lv2-3 Blockhead Buster (qcf+P) All Hits if First Hit hits Dragon Install: Sakkai (hcb, hcb+S) First Hit Slayer Hard Slash (H) Forward HS (f+H) Counter Only Air Dust (j.D) Counter Only Under Pressure (S/H during Dandy Step) Counter Only Chi wo Suu Uchuu (hcb+H) Chokkagata Dandy (MA qcb, qcb+S) Noncounter Only I-No Forward HS (f+H) Counter Only Taiboku wo Sasuru Te (hcf+S/H) Zappa Crouching S (c.S) Counter Only Crouching HS (c.H) Ghosts: Far Slash (S) Counter Only Sword: Itasou, tte Iu Ka Itai (qcf+S) Counter Only Sword: Chikazuku to Yukimasu (hcb+H) Noncounter Only Bridget Special (d/f+P) Counter Only Special (j.d+S) Counter Only Roger Rush (qcf+H during Yoyo Haichi) Roger Get (rdp+H during Yoyo Haichi) HIgh Air version First Hit Loop the Loop (hcb, f+S) (Seventh Hit) Sol Forward HS (f+H) Ky Hard Slash (H) Counter Only May Hard Slash (H) Counter Only Forward Hard Slash (f+H) Counter Only Millia Forward Punch (f+P) Counter Only Silent Force (j.qcb+S) Counter Only Eddie Hard Slash (H) Counter Only Potemkin Crouching Slash (c.S) Counter Only Jump Slash (j.S) Counter Only Forward Kick (f+K) Megafist Back (qcb+P) Counter Only F.D.B. (hcb+S) Noncounter or Projectile Reflect Gigantor (hcb, f+H) Chipp Forward HS (f+H) Rokusai (qcf+S during Resshou) Counter Only Faust Crouching Slash (c.S) Counter Only Jumpd Dust (MA D) Counter Only Baiken Forward Kick (f+K) Counter Only Kabari (hcf+H) Baku (GC b, hcb+P/K/S) Jam Forward Punch (f+P) Counter Only Crouching Slash (c.S) Counter Only Ashiharai (K during Bakushu) Geki: Saishinshou (qcf, qcf+H) First Hit Johnny Crouching HS (c.H) Counter Only Jumping HS (j.H) Counter Only Axl Far Slash (S) Counter Only Crouching HS (c.H) Anji Forward Punch (f+P) Counter Only Kachoufuugetsu (First through Third Hits) Venom Hard Slash (H) Counter Only Testament Hard Slash (H) Counter Only Master of Puppet (qcf, qcf+H) First Hit Dizzy Far Slash (S) Fourth Hit Forward Hard Slash (f+H), Counter Only Robo Ky Hard Slash (H) Counter Only Forward Hard Slash (f+H) Counter Only DEFENSE BASICS Adjusted Damage You might have noticed that Chipp take much more damage than Potemkin for any given move. Even with the same Guard Gauge levels, different characters will take different amounts of damage for any given attack. The exact adjustment is given in the chart below. Slayer 0.96 I-No 1.00 Zappa 1.00 Bridget 1.06 Sol 1.00 Ky 1.06 May 1.13 Millia 1.44 Eddie 1.13 Potemkin 0.75 Chipp 1.61 Faust 1.00 Baiken 1.38 Jam 1.13 Johnny 1.00 Axl 1.13 Anji 1.13 Venom 1.00 Testament 1.00 Dizzy 1.31 Robo Ky 0.78 A.B.A 0.78 OrderS 0.94 Blocking Blocking is performed simply by pressing back or d/b. Standing blocks will guard against anything but low attacks; crouching blocks will guard against anything but mid. You can also block attacks in midair; however, you cannot block attacks that come from a grounded opponent while in midair. Fortress/Faultless Defense By pressing P+K while guarding, your character will be surrounded by an aura. At the same time, your tension meter gradually decreases. While engaged in FD, you will not take any guard damage. You will also not accumulate any guard gauge, and your opponent will be knocked backwards. However, you must still pay attention to attack levels, and if you run out of tension, you can no longer perform FD. Another bonus is that you can block attacks from a grounded opponent while in midair if you utilize FD. Air Recovery ("Teching") If you are knocked into the air, you can press any attack button besides D to right yourself. After righting yourself, you may attack, but beware that this also opens you up to attack from the opponent. Also, certain attacks are not open to recovery. The higher level the move, the longer it takes before you can air recover; counter hits add to this time. Dead Angle Attacks Dead Angle Attacks serve as universal counter attacks. They are performed by pressing forward and two attack buttons aside from D while blocking. This takes 50% tension to perform. The Dead Angle Attacks are usually short range and low on damage, so use them wisely. Instant Block If you block an attack at the precise moment it connects, your character will flash white and you will take no damage. The advantages are that this reduces guard stun, knocks the enemy back less (making it easier to counterattack), and for a period of time you will gain tension more easily. The knockback and the guard stun ranges are less than normal guard and FD. The timing is QUITE severe so don't try for it unless you are sure. Opposing Hit If two attacks of approximately the same strength hit each other at the same time, a flash of lightning hits and neither character will take any damage. Both characters can cancel the remaining recovery times for their moves, if any, with another move. Prorating Some moves can alter the amount of damage that a combo will do after that move, which is known as prorating. For instance, it is often popular to start a combo with c.K since it usually hits low and will therefore break a standing opponent's guard. To balance this out, most c.Ks prorate 70-80%, meaning all subsequent moves in the combo do that much less damage than they would normally. Some moves do what is known as a forced prorate, meaning that those moves prorate even if they come in the middle of a combo. 4. MOVES LIST This moves list is alphabetical by character name. Some move information was taken from Guilty Gear XX Slash Beat Encyclopedia, the official mook to GGXX Slash (ISBN 4-7577-2530-2). At approximately $10 US, this book is a steal. You can order it from Amazon Japan ( or attempt to get it off of eBay, although you will probably be ripped off on the price. Each move description has the name, command input, damage, and whether it is eligible for Roman Cancel (R), False Roman Cancel (F), or Jump Cancel (J). Also, moves with an X in the cancel column are NOT eligible for basic Cancel. I chose to do it this way since the vast majority of basic moves ARE eligible for basic Cancel, and so it's easier to add a few X's to each list rather than add a whole bunch of C's. Starred move names also have added notes. Damage fluctuates based on who it is performed against and the status of the opponent's guard gauge; these damage values are only approximate. A full life bar is 420 points. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BACKGROUND STORY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The time is around the same as when GGX took place. However, the goal of "Defeat Dizzy for the bounty" has been fulfilled, and the goals this time are different. Dizzy's hiding place, the "Devil's Living Place", was discovered, and a series of challengers arrived. Finally, Sol defeated Dizzy, but did not take her life and left. Johnny arrived afterwards and offered to take Dizzy away; the bounty money was awarded to Jam. Even Gabriel acknowledged this turn of events. After this Dizzy agreed to join Johnny and became a member of the Jellyfish Pirates. In the middle of his travels, Zato lost his life, and the Eddie began controlling his body. GGXX takes place a few weeks after the hunt for Dizzy concluded. Because of this, some, like Bridget, do not yet know that the bounty has already been awarded. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A.B.A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Height: 174 cm Blood Type: an unknown fluid containing mercury Weight: 34 kg Birthplace: Frasco Birthday: Doesn't know Eye Color: Green Likes: Travelling the world, curses Important Items: Paracelsus, Key-shaped Things Dislikes: Wasteful things, rivals in love Voice Actor: Takimoto Mika Mori Toshimichi (Paracelsus) In a mountain summit separated from any small towns lies a villa called Frasco. The doctor who owned the place researched methods on artificial life and thus created A.B.A. However, just before A.B.A awakened, that doctor was taken forcibly by a military organization who wanted his strength. Once awake she was already sealed into Frasco, and she spent 10 years in there alone. During that time, it wasn't as if she couldn't go outside, but she was still incomplete. If not in Frasco, it would be hard for her to preserve her life. The symbol of the possibility of cutting into the outside world was that of a 'key'. One day with that very view, she gathered up her determination and decided to go out into the world. At that moment she crossed paths with the created battle axe "Flament Nagel". Seeing the key-shaped object she immediately became infatuated with it, and she named it "Paracelsus" and accomapanies it as a spouse. In order to give it a human body just like hers, she sets out on a journey. Basic Moves Command C Damage (Normal) Punch P R/J 8 Kick K R/J 12 Slash S (close) R/J 26 Far Slash S (far) R/J 26 Hard Slash H R 32 Dust D R/X 15 Crouching Punch c.P R/J 6 Crouching Kick c.K R 8 Crouching Slash c.S R/J 22 Crouching Hard Slash c.H R/J 22x2 Sweep c.D R 25 Jump Punch j.P R/J 10 Jump Kick j.K R/J 16 Jump Slash j.S R/J 21 Jump Hard Slash j.H R 38 Jump Dust j.D R 35 Forward Punch f+P R/J 19x2 Forward Hard Slash f+H R 53 Dead Angle Attack (GC) f+two R/X 22 Throw (T) f/b+H - 40 Air Throw (T) j.f/b+H - 53 (Moroha) Slash S (close) R/J 33 Far Slash S (far) R 24x2 Hard Slash H R 42 Crouching Slash c.S R/J 33 Crouching Hard Slash c.H R/F/J 28x2 Jump Slash j.S R/J 33 Jump Hard Slash j.H R 40 Forward Hard Slash f+H R/J 38x2 Throw (T) f/b+H - 40 Normal Moves Masshou qcf+S R 15/16 --> Fukumetsu --> b, f+S R 18/20 --> Dangoku --> hcb+S R/F 28/32 Ketsugou *1 (j.)jcb+H R 10/30 Ken'in *2 qcf+P F - Shoukyaku *2 qcf+K R/F 35 Kihi *2 qcf+H F 11 Shousei *3 hcb+P - - Houshoku *4 rdp+H R 48 Danzai *5 dp+H R 25+35 Bunri *6 hcb+P - - Kashitsu *7 hcf+K R 50 Konzetsu *4 j.hcf+S F 38 Tension Moves Shoukou: Inmetsu j.hcb, f+P R 26x4 --> Shoukou: Inmetsu (Fukuro) *4 --> qcb+K R 26x4 Shoukou: Intoku *2 hcb, f+H F 68+20 Henshitsu *8 hcb, hcb+S - 10 Instant Kill Muchi no Yami qcf, qcf+H - All *A.B.A possesses two main modes, normal mode and Moroha (double-edged) mode. In normal mode she cannot dash and has limited reach and damage. In Moroha mode she can dash quickly and has more reach and damage; however, she herself takes damage which will be referred to as "blood damage" here. Some moves can only be performed in one mode or the other. Using Shousei or Ketsugou will put A.B.A in Moroha mode. A timer will appear under her name that slowly decreases. If A.B.A is knocked down (except for by a Dead Angle), then roughly one-third of this gauge will decrease at once. If A.B.A runs out, she'll perform an 'empty' motion that leaves her vulnerable. This can be prevented by using other means described below to return her to normal mode, which also give her back some health. A.B.A begins each round with three bloodpacks, which are used for some of her moves. There is no way to gain more bloodpacks during a round. *1 This move on the ground works as a throw first, and if the throw fails it performs an attack. In midair it functions as a simple attack. This move changes A.B.A from normal to Moroha mode or vice versa. If going from Moroha to normal mode, she gains back 80% of the blood damage she lost. *2 Normal mode only move. *3 Normal mode only move. Consumes a bloodpack to put A.B.A into Moroha mode. *4 Moroha mode only move. *5 Moroha mode only move. This move has super armor and can resist one move (A.B.A will still take half damage). *6 Moroha mode only move. Consumes a bloodpack to put A.B.A into normal mode. She gains back 120% of the blood damage she lost. *7 Moroha mode only move. This move hits mid and therefore cannot be blocked crouching; it also causes stagger if the opponent blocks standing. *8 Moroha mode only move. Consumes a bloodpack to put A.B.A into "Goku Moroha" (Ultimate Double-edged) mode. Performing this refills about 40% of A.B.A's Moroha gauge. During Goku Moroha mode, the gauge decreases faster, A.B.A takes more blood damage, and her attack power is reduced to 80%. However, she gains the following bonuses: almost all moves start faster, she has no limitations on gatlings (any basic move can be cancelled into any different basic move), far S, stand H, sweep, and j.D can all be JCed, her jump is faster and at a lower trajectory, she can double airdash, Masshou, Fukumetsu, Danzai, and Kashitsu all gain FRCs, and Dangoku's and Konzetsu's FRC windows become 2F longer. FRC Timing Crouching Hard Slash (Moroha): 3-frame window on second hit Dangoku: 2-frame window as weapon hits the ground Shoukyaku 3-frame window as the kick comes out Kihi: 2-frame window as she sweeps her arm Ken'in: 3-frame window at the end of the dash Shoukou: Intoku: 4-frame window as attack comes out Konzetsu: 2-frame as A.B.A begins to fall Masshou (Goku Moroha): 4-frame window as A.B.A swings arm down Fukumetsu (Goku Moroha): 4-frame window as attack begins Danzai (Goku Moroha): 3-frame window on first hit Kashitsu (Goku Moroha): 3-frame window as attack begins ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANJI MITO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Height: 183 cm Blood Type: B Weight: 68 kg Birthplace: Pre-destruction Japan Birthday: January 1st Eye Color: Black Likes: Active sports, travelling Important Items: Faith, Freedom Dislikes: Demons, Sophistry Voice Actor: Igarashi Tooru Story: A few decades ago, Japan was destroyed by certain invaders. These invaders were created by none other than "That Man". Anji has continued his journey to find "That Man". But, that journey is not born out of hatred and the desire for revenge. He simply had a goal to chase "That Man". Hiding his own race, Anji travels on today. In front of him lies only the unknown, shrouded in darkness. Basic Moves Command C Damage Punch P R/J 10 Kick K R/J 14 Slash S (close) R/J 26 Far Slash S (far) R/J 30 Hard Slash H R 38 Dust D R/X 20 Crouching Punch c.P R 8 Crouching Kick c.K R 12 Crouching Slash c.S R 28 Crouching Hard Slash c.H R 38 Sweep c.D R 28 Jump Punch j.P R 10 Jump Kick j.K R 18 Jump Slash j.S R/J 28 Jump Hard Slash j.H R 32 Jump Dust j.D R 40 Forward Punch f+P R 24 Forward Kick f+K R/F/X 28 Forward Hard Slash f+H R/F/J 14x4+34 Dead Angle Attack (GC) f+two R/X 25 Throw (T) f/b+H - 56 Air Throw (T) j.f/b+H - 60 Special df+P R 28 Normal Moves Shitsu *1 qcf+P - 18 Fuujin *2 qcf+S/HS R 30/46 --> Nagiha --> S R 30 --> Hitoashitobi *3 --> K - - --> Shin: Ichishiki --> P F 10x6 --> Rin --> H R 40 Kou *6 (GC) P R 30+10x6+40 On *4 dp+HS F 90 Kai *5 qcf+P/K R 32/50 Shin: Nishiki j.qcb+P R 42 Tension Moves Tenjinashi [d], u+K R 30+15x13 Issei Ougi: Sai hcb, f+H F 9x11+50 Kachoufuugetsu *6 (GC) hcb+S R 40x4 Instant Kill Zetsu qcf, qcf+H - All *1 On hit, Shitsu turns into a second overhead projectile with damage 16x2. *2 Fuujin can link only if it makes contact with the opponent. *3 Anji jumps forward. If the Fuujin hit close, this will put Anji at the opponent's back. *4 Anti-air throw. *5 P is a short range hop, K is a longer range jump attack. *6 This is a Guard Point cancel. Guard Point refers to the auto-block Anji possesses during his close S, H, crouching H, f+K, f+H, D, and Rin. If auto-block succeeds during one of these moves, perform the input listed. FRC Timing Forward Kick: 2-frame window the instant the kick comes out Forward Hard Slash: 2-frame window 2 frames after the last attack comes out Shin: Ichishiki: 3-frame window before Anji reaches apex of jump On: Cannot if throw connects. 3-frame window 3 frames after the grabbing motion begins Issei Ougi: Sai: 3-frame window immediately before fan folds up ****************************************************************************** Changes from GGXX #Reload Basic Property Tension gain during dash 25->30, dash speed 7.75->8.0, vulnerable box on knockdown smaller Guard Points Hit stop for Anji decreased by 2F close S Hit box smaller horizontally, can be performed at far range far S Now performed with f+S D Has high guard point (19-24F) c.K Hitback decreased c.D Vulnerable box smaller down j.P Hit box larger at tip of fan j.D Startup 8F->10F, recovery 17F->14F, ground hit untechable time 14F->19F, air hit untechable time 28F->19F df+P New move Fuujin (S) (qcf+S) Vulnerable box smaller forward, can go to followup even during whiff, floats lower on air hit Fuujin (H) (qcf+H) Untechable time 22F->31F, tension gain on startup 2.5->2.9, tension gain on hit 3.6->4.0 Shin: Ichishiki (P during Fuujin) Startup 32F->36F, tension gain on startup 1.0->1.6, automatically gains jump properties, does not increase guard balance, can move before landing Hitoashitobi (K during Fuujin) Tension gain on startup 1.5->1.7, lower body vulnerable box during hop smaller Nagiha (S during Fuujin) Hitback decreased, reach increased Rin (H during Fuujin) New move Shitsu (qcf+P) Transforms even on hit, startup 22F->21F, total 48F->46F Shitsu (transformed) Two hits, guardable crouching, startup 26F->20F, damage 30->16x2, guard damage x2 Kai (K) (qcb+K) Ground bounces on hit, hit box larger horizontally Shin: Nishiki (j.qcb+P) One hit, Damage 18x6->42, ground bounces on hit, untechable time ->120F, Anji falls slower On (dp+H) Ascending speed 1800->2100, startup 13F->11F, hit box larger upwards, vulnerable box smaller upwards, hitback increased Kou (P during guard point) Hit box larger upwards Issei Ougi: Sai (hcb, f+H) Damage 12x11+50->9x11+50, recovery 40F->63F, FRC window 2F->3F, untechable, 4 more hits during guard Kachou Fuugetsu (hcb+S during guard point) When guard point succeeds, can cancel that move's recovery into Kachou Fuugetsu, hit boxes and hitback fixed so that it is easier to connect all hits ****************************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AXL LOW ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Height: 179 cm Blood Type: B Weight: 78 km Birthplace: England Birthday: December 25th Eye Color: Blue Likes: Billiards Important Things: His girlfriend Megumi Dislikes: Preaching Voice Actor: Nanba Keiichi Story: Even at the conclusion of the last tournmanet, Axl couldn't return to his own time period, and was finally lost again in a different age. And then one year later, Axl found himself experiencing the same events again (although from his point of view, this was three years later.) However, he did not gain nothing from his travels. Hearing about a man with the same time travelling ability as him... "That Man", Axl wondered if he could learn how to return to his own time period from him. Recognizing the scent of "That Man" on the previous tournaments, Axl sets forth again. Basic Moves Command C Damage Punch P R 38 Kick K R 16 Slash S (close) R/J 28 Far Slash S (far) R 33 Hard Slash H R 42 Dust D R/X 20 Crouching Punch c.P R 28 Crouching Kick c.K R 9 Crouching Slash c.S R/J 34 Crouching Hard Slash c.H R/F/X 40 Sweep c.D R 30 Jump Punch j.P R 10 Jump Kick j.K R/J 18 Jump Slash j.S R 28 Jump Hard Slash j.H R 38 Jump Dust j.D R 44 Forward Punch f+P R/J 32 Forward Kick f+K R/J 36 Forward Hard Slash f+H R/X 46 Dead Angle Attack (GC) f+two R/X 25 Throw (T) f/b+H - 50 Air Throw (T) j.f/b+H - 60 Special df+P R 24 Special j.f+P R 16 Normal Moves Bentengari dp+S/H R 46/36+24 --> Axl Bomber *1 --> dp+H R 30 Rensengeki [b], f+S R/F 20x3 --> Kyokusageki --> [u]/[uf] - 35 --> Sensageki --> [d]/[df] R 26x5 Rashousen [b], f+HS F 1+80 Tenhouseki *2 qcb+P/K - 80 Housoubako *3 dp+P R 42 Raieisageki hcb+S/H R/F 45/20x3 Axl Bomber j.dp+H R 60 Kokuugeki j.hcb+S F 40 Tension Moves Shiranami no Homura *4 rdp+P R 30+30+50 Byakuerenshou qcf, hcb+H - 50x2+30x5 Instant Kill Rensen Ougi: Midaregami *5 qcf, qcf+H - All *1 Only links from HS version of Bentengari. *2 P is a high reversal, K is a low reversal stance. *3 Another reversal. *4 Must link from Housoubako. *5 Even though it looks low, this move may be blocked standing as well. FRC Timing Crouching Hard Slash: 2-frame window from when attack begins Rensengeki: 2-frame window from when glowing sickles first thrust forward S Raieisageki: 2-frame window at apex of jump HS Raieisageki: 3-frame window 3 frames after bouncing off the ground Tenhouseki: 2-frame window as he ties bandana Kokuugeki: 3-frame window as he pulls sickle back in ****************************************************************************** Changes from GGXX #Reload Basic Property Vulnerable box for feet on 1st and 5th frames during walking larger, vulnerable box during air hit smaller Throw Hitback increased P Damage 32->28, Startup 7F->9F, tension gain on hit 2.6->5.3, hit box smaller close S Startup 7F->8F D Hit box larger c.P Tension gain on hit 2.6->5.3 c.S Startup 9F->7F, recovery 21F->18F c.D Startup 7F->9F f+K Startup 11F->13F j.S Startup 9F->10F j.f+P Hit box longer Bentengari (S) (dp+S) Startup 4F->5F, invincible 1-4F changed to invincible above feet 1-4F Raiei Sageki (S) (hcb+S) FRCable (24-25F) Raiei Sageki (H) (hcb+H) Recovery 35F->43F, ground state at startup 3F->6F, trajectory change with lever input easier, can be held Axl Bomber (j.dp+H) Landing recovery 10F->11F, guard balance decrease 7->9 Axl Bomber (dp+H during H Bentengari) Damage 55->30, tension gain on hit 4.8-> 2.4, can be cancelled into Kokuugeki on hit or guard All Tenhousekis (qcb+P/K) Damage 110->80, prorating 50%, FRCable (2F after tying bandanna) Hachisubako (dp+P) Hit box larger Kokuugeki (j.hcb+S) New move ****************************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BAIKEN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Height: 162 cm Blood Type: B Weight: 45 kg Birthplace: Pre-destruction Japan Birthday: March 5 (assumed) Eye Color: Peach Likes: Sake Important Things: Sake Bottle Dislikes: Tanuki Ornaments Voice Actress: Sudou Miho Story: When Japan was under attack, Baiken witnessed her own parents and friends being burned to death in the flames. Their death was a result of Gears, but amidst the strongest flames there was a man. This man, encircled by flames and Gears, was studied by Baiken. At that moment, she felt a definite premonition. "This man is one to be defeated." Even now these memories drive Baiken forward, and she searches for "That Man" with murderous intent. Her travels continue. Basic Moves Command C Damage Punch P R/J 8 Kick K R/J 14 Slash S (close) R/J 28 Far Slash S (far) R/J 30 Hard Slash H R 44 Dust D R/X 20 Crouching Punch c.P R 8 Crouching Kick c.K R 12 Crouching Slash c.S R 32 Crouching Hard Slash c.H R/X 18x3 Sweep c.D R/J 30 Jump Punch j.P R 10 Jump Kick j.K R/J 18 Jump Slash j.S R 32 Jump Hard Slash j.H R 40 Jump Dust j.D R/F/X 50 Forward Punch f+P R/J 15+25 Forward Kick f+K R 24 Forward Hard Slash f+H R/J 56 Dead Angle Attack (GC) f+two R/X 25 Throw (T) f/b+H - 60 Air Throw (T) j.f/b+H - 60 Normal Moves Tatamigaeshi (j.)qcf+K F 40 Youshijin *1 (GC) b, df, d+P R 12 Mawarikomi *2 (GC) b, df, d+K F - Sakura (GC) b, df, d+S R 30 Suzuran *3 hcb+K F - Youzansen *4 j.dp+S R 44 Kabari hcf+H R 12 --> Tetsuzansen --> S R/F 36+15 Tension Moves Tsurane Sanzuwatashi qcf, qcf+S R 60x3 Baku: Sakura *5 (GC) b, hcb+P R 10 Baku: Tsuki *6 (GC) b, hcb+K R 10 Baku: Tsuru *7 (GC) b, hcb+S R 10 --> Followup *8 --> P/K/S/H/D R Varies Instant Kill Garyou Tensei qcf, qcf+H - All *1 Floats on counterhit. *2 Puts Baiken at opponent's back. *3 Dash forward; auto-avoids attacks that can be blocked standing. *4 This move's speed and range has been improved from GGX. *5 Opponent will be unable to dash or jump for awhile. *6 Opponent will take all counterhits (damage reduced to 75%) for awhile. *7 Opponent will not be able to guard next attack. *8 Followup can be performed from any version of Baku. P is a dash backfist that does 15 damage, K is a jumping axe kick that does 10x2 damage, S is a slash attack that does 20 damage, H is a small spin attack that does 24 damage, and D is a catch attack that does 5x7 damage. If the followup hits, the opponent will be unable to use that same button while Baku is active. FRC Timing Knockdown: 3-frame window 3 frames after flames first appear Tatamigaeshi (ground): 4-frame window 3 frames after tatami flips all the way up Tatamigaeshi (air): 2-frame window 3 frames after tatami first appears Sakura: 2-frame window during thrust forward Mawarikomi: 3-frame window when Baiken reaches opponent's rear Tetsuzansen: 2-frame window just as first hit begins ****************************************************************************** Changes from GGXX #Reload Basic Property Vulnerable box for feet during air hit smaller, vulnerable box on knockdown smaller, vulnerable box for feet during jump smaller Instant Kill Mode Total 64F->84F close S Startup 10F->9F H Damage 44->48, startup 11F->10F, active 2F->1F, recovery 22F->24F, only gatlingable from close S and f+K c.K Prorating 70%->80% c.S Gatling to far S possible c.H Damage 22x3->18x3, Startup 8F->15F, recovery 15F->8F, not JCable, only gatlingable from f+K, staggers on hit, hit stop halved, first and second hits pull opponent in f+K Forward speed 800->920 f+H Damage 66->56, JCable Tatamigaeshi (air) (j.qcf+K) Landing recovery 12F->14F Suzuran (hcb+K) When guarding attack, hit stop for Baiken decreased by 2F Mawarikomi (b,db,d+K during guard) Tension gain on startup 2.5->3.8 Sakura (b,db,d+S during guard) Tension gain on startup 1.5->2.3, tension gain on hit 3.6->5.4, recovery 31F->33F Youzansen (j.dp+S) If performed dp->uf, window for button input lengthened by 8F Tetsuzansen (S during Kabari) Two hit attack, Damage 12->36+15, first hit FRCable (13-14F) Baku (b, hcb+button during guard) Old versions gone, replaced with Sakura (P), Tsuki (K) and Tsuru (S) versions, followup attack possible by pressing any attack button Garyou Tensei (Instant Kill) No throw invincibility ****************************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BRIDGET ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Height: 158 cm Blood Type: O Weight: 50 kg Birthplace: England Birthday: October 26th Eye Color: Emerald Green Likes: Yoyos, Trying like a boy, Naps Important Things: Parents, Stuffed Animal Roger, Yoyo received from father Dislikes: Weak muscles Voice Actress: Konishi Hiroko Roger's Voice Actor: Ishihara Akihiro Story: He used to cheerfully obey his parents, but then he realizes that the more he searched for his own happiness, the more he hurt them. He came to the conclusion that he would have to live as a boy and not trouble the village further. At that time, news of the bounty came to him. He became determined to seek out the bounty for himself and the village. The fact that the bounty on Dizzy had already been collected is unknown to him. Basic Moves Command C Damage Punch P R/J 12 Kick K R/J 22 Slash S (close) R/J 22x2 Far Slash S (far) R 34 Dust D R/X 17 Crouching Punch c.P R 8 Crouching Kick c.K R 12 Crouching Slash c.S R/J 30 Sweep c.D R/F 32 Jump Punch j.P R 16 Jump Kick j.K R/J 20 Jump Slash j.S R 26 Jump Dust j.D R 16x3 Forward Punch f+P R 30 Forward Kick f+K R/X 40 Forward Slash f+S R 46 Dead Angle Attack (GC) f+two R/X 25 Throw (T) f/b+H R 48
Air Throw (T) j.f/b+H - 55 Special df+P R/X 24 Special j.d+S R 28 Normal Moves Yoyo Haichi H - - --> Yoyo Hikimodoshi --> H - 40 --> Roger Rush --> qcf+H - 36x5 --> Jagged Roger --> (j.)qcb+H - 20x3 --> Roger Hug *1 --> dp+H - 30 --> Roger Get *2 --> rdp+H F 20x2 --> Rolling Idou *3 --> (j.)qcb+K - - Kick Start My Heart qcf+K R 30 --> Teishi --> P - 40 --> Hassha --> K R 50 Starship *4 (j.)dp+P R/F 22x4 Tension Moves Loop the Loop hcb, f+S R 20x7+60 Maintenance-chuu no Higeki hcf, hcf+S - 24x18 Ore to Kill Machine *5 hcb, f+H - 25x12 Instant Kill Shoot the Moon qcf, qcf+H - All *1 Will pull the opponent in if it connects, regardless of whether they block or not. *2 If Yoyo is placed high, a second low-hitting slide attack occurs. Only this version is FRCable. *3 Bridget will jump towards the yoyo's current location. After a Roger Hug, you can do air throws and the like. *4 Hits only three times in the air. Only ground version is FRC. *5 Must be performed when yoyo is out (Yoyo Haichi). FRC Timing Sweep: 2-frame window from when Yoyo reaches maximum extension Starship: 2-frame window from time third attack begins Roger Rush: 2-frame window from when Bridget bends forward Jagged Roger: 2-frame window from when Bridget bends forward Roger Get: 2-frame window as Roger dives forward ****************************************************************************** Changes from GGXX #Reload c.D Hit box larger forward j.S Damage 32->26 j.d+S Damage 35->28, hit box smaller j.D Landing recovery 6F->4F, pulls opponent in, floats opponent on hit f+P Prorating 90% f+K First hit removed, startup 17->23, attack level 3->4, damage 20x2->40, prorating 70% All Yoyo Placements Can be placed while preparing to jump, lever can be released earlier Yoyo Placement (ground forward) Total 22F->27F Yoyo Placement (ground diagonal forward) Total 22F->23F Yoyo Placement (ground diagonal backward) Yoyo curves forward Yoyo Placement (ground backward) Yoyo travels along ground Yoyo Placement (air) Recovery 3F longer Yoyo Hikimodoshi (ground) (H during placement) Startup 11F->12F, total 18F-> 20F, tension gain on hit 2.4->4.8, can be held to 100F Yoyo Hikimodoshi (air) (j.H during placement) Startup 13F->14F, total 20F-> 22F, tension gain on hit 2.4->4.8, can be held to 100F Roger Rush (qcf+H during placement) Total 32F->40F, maximum attacks 20->7, maximum hits 5->3 Roger Hug (dp+H during placement) Startup 31F->35F, total 39F->40F Roger Get (rdp+H during placement) New move Maintenance-chuu no Higeki (hcf, hcf+S) Startup 1+7F->3+0F, invincible time 1-2F->1-3F, unblockable in air ****************************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHIPP ZANUFF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Height: 183 cm Blood Type: B Weight: 67 kg Birthplace: Insists that it's Japan (actually America) Birthday: February 9th Eye Color: Red Likes: Dreaming Important Things: Sleep Medication Dislikes: Nightmares, Mafia, Gangs, Yakuza Voice Actor: Miura Takeshi Story: Unable to win the last tournament, he became aware again of his own weaknesses, and set out to train once again. Witnessing the death of Justice, he realized that despite his murderous actions, he was searching for someone to save him. Chipp searches for that "saving hand". Now, hearing about a Gear that does not hurt others, Chipp set forth to find her. Basic Moves Command C Damage Punch P R/J 6 Kick K R/J 12 Slash S (close) R/J 28 Far Slash S (far) R/J 26 Hard Slash H R/J 36 Dust D R/X 17 Crouching Punch c.P R 6 Crouching Kick c.K R 8 Crouching Slash c.S R 28 Crouching Hard Slash c.H R 34 Sweep c.D R 26 Jump Punch j.P R 8 Jump Kick j.K R/J 16x2 Jump Slash j.S R/J 28 Jump Hard Slash j.H R 26x2 Jump Dust j.D R 40 Forward Punch f+P R/J 18x2 Forward Kick f+K R/X 28 Forward Hard Slash f+H R/J 60 Dead Angle Attack (GC) f+two R/X 25 Throw (T) f/b+H - 60 Air Throw (T) j.f/b+H - 60 Normal Moves Alpha Blade *1 (j.)qcf+P R 44 --> Alpha Plus --> H R 38 Beta Blade *2 (j.)dp+S R/F 45 Gamma Blade hcf+H - 32 Tsuyoshishiki Ten'i *3 d, d+P/K/S/H/D F - Tsuyoshishiki Meisai *4 qcb+K - - Genrouzan *5 (T) hcf+K F 90 Resshou qcf+S R 18 --> Senshuu --> qcf+K R/F 30 --> Rokusai --> qcf+S R 22 --> Senshuu --> qcf+K R/F 30 Sakuganki j.d+K R 16x3 Shuriken j.qcf+K - 1 Tension Moves Zanseirouga hcb, f+H R/F 30x5+110 Banki Messai qcf, qcf+K R 9x16+30x4 Instant Kill Delta End *6 qcf, qcf+H - All *1 Does 40 in midair. *2 Does 40 in midair. *3 Teleportation maneuver. P goes to 1/3 screen in front of opponent, K goes to 2/3 screen in front of opponent, S goes to a short distance behind opponent, H goes to above opponent, and D goes to above opponent behind them. Only H and D versions are FRCable. *4 Makes Chipp semi-transparent. *5 Long distance throw. *6 Unblockable after the tension glow; however, the glow takes an extremely long time to appear after the command input. FRC Timing Genrouzan: 2-frame window from when Chipp slashes opponent's throat Senshuu: 3-frame window from when first jumping Zanseirouga: 4-frame window 4 frames after first or third attack begins Beta Blade (ground): 2-frame window as Chipp begins to fall Tsuyoshi-shiki Ten'i (H and D): 1-frame window just as Chipp reappears ****************************************************************************** Changes from GGXX #Reload Basic Property Vulnerable box during air hit smaller Throw Opponent down longer close S JCable j.D No longer wall bounces, ground bounces on CH, untechable time 14F->18F f+K Prorating 75% added, active 5F->7F, recovery 5F->3F, wall bounces on CH Alpha Plus (HS during Alpha Blade) Startup 9F->7F, recovery 18F->12F, distance travelled shorter Beta Blade (dp+S) One hit move, damage 30+26->45, tension gain on startup 2.0->4.8, tension gain on hit 6.0+2.4->6.0, untechable time 28F->30F, invincible to throws 1-8F, FRCable (29-30F), hitback larger, automatically gains jump properties Beta Blade (air) (j.dp+S) One hit move, damage 28+18->40, tension gain on startup 2.0->4.8, tension gain on hit 4.8+2.4->4.8 Resshou (qcf+S) Untechable time ->26F, floats opponent on CH P Tsuyoshi-shiki Ten'i (d, d+P) Recovery 16F->14F, distance travelled halved, moved behind opponent H Tsuyoshi-shiki Ten'i (d, d+H) FRCable (13F) D Tsuyoshi-shiki Ten'i (d, d+D) New version, FRCable (13F) Air Taunt (j.qcf+K) Input changed, alternates between success and fail versions Banki Messai Hits 20->30, Damage 9x16+30x4->7x26+30x4 ****************************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DIZZY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Height: 167 cm Bloodtype: Unable to determine Weight: 56 kg Birthplace: Unknown Birthday: December 25th (assumed) Eye Color: Reddish-Brown Likes: Preening wings (?) Important Things: Foster parents, Forest animals Dislikes: Poachers Voice Actress: Fujita Kazue Story: Having hidden away in the "Devil's Living Place", she was finally discovered by the humans, and was pursued. Being forced to defend herself, she nevertheless did not injure any of her pursuers severely, although this took much effort on her part. And then finally, the man who held the power of a Gear, Sol, defeated her. After that, the one who appeared before her was the leader of the pirates, Johnny. At the end of a long solitude, Dizzy has gained many warm friends. Her only obligations now are helping and cooking. Basic Moves Command C Damage Punch P R/J 10 Kick K R/J 16 Slash S (close) R/J 24 Far Slash S (far) R 20x5 Hard Slash H R 40 Dust D R/X 20 Crouching Punch c.P R 8 Crouching Kick c.K R 18 Crouching Slash c.S R/J 28 Crouching Hard Slash c.H R 44 Sweep c.D R/X 46 Jump Punch j.P R 12 Jump Kick j.K R 16 Jump Slash j.S R/J 28 Jump Hard Slash j.H R 42 Jump Dust j.D R 30+40 Forward Punch f+P R 26 Forward Hard Slash f+H R/J 38x2 Dead Angle Attack (GC) f+two R/X 25 Throw (T) f/b+H - 50 Air Throw (T) j.f/b+H - 60 Normal Moves Hajime wa Tada no Akari Dattan Desu qcf/dp+S F 20x3 Sakana wo Karu Toki ni Tsukattan Desu qcf+H F 55 Ki no Mi wo Toru Toki ni Tsukattan Desu rdp+S - 25+55 Yoku Hanashi Aite ni Natte Kuremasu *1 qcb+P/K/S/H - 25/25/45/45 Hitori ni Shite Kudasai *2 j.qcb+P/K/S - 45 Tension Moves Imperial Ray hcb, f+S F 40xn Necro Okotta Baai *3 df, hcf, b, f+P - 0+34x6 Gamma Ray *4 f, b, f, hcf+H - 13x5+13x32 Instant Kill Dizzy has no Instant Kill. *1 P, K produces multiple bites. S produces an upward-moving laser; H produces a downward moving laser. Fish disappears prematurely if Dizzy is hit. *2 P produces a bubble that goes sideways, K produces a bubble that dips, S produces a bubble that goes down further. The bubble must be hit by another attack from Dizzy to have any effect. *3 This is unblockable, but the opponent must be standing over the symbol that appears on the ground for it to hit. *4 Requires a full tension bar to perform. FRC Timing Crouch Hard Slash: 3-frame window almost immediately as attack starts Sweep: 3-frame window from when Dizzy hits the ground Forward Hard Slash: 3-frame window from when first hit hits Sakana wo Karu Toki ni Tsukattan Desu: 2-frame window about 1/3 second after ice spike appears Hajime wa Tada Akari Dattan Desu: 3-frame window 10-12 frames after scythe appears Imperial Ray: 2-frame window from when the very first flame appears ****************************************************************************** Changes from GGXX #Reload Basic Property Vulnerable box on air hit smaller, defense 1.13->1.31 Throw Damage 60->50 Air Throw Forced prorating 50% Sweep Damage 38->46, recovery 33F->31F, noncancellable j.P Prorating 90% Hajime wa Tada no Akari Dattan Desu (qcf/dp+S) Gains dp version, active 46F->49F, FRCable (27-29F) Yoku Hanashi Aite ni Natte Kureamasu (qcb+button) Disappears if Dizzy is hit Ki no Mi wo Toru Toku ni Tsukattan Desu (rdp+S) Can be held to 100F, disappears if throw or Necro Okotta Baai connects Hitori ni Shite Kudasai (S) (j.qcb+S) Gains S version Sakana wo Karu Toki ni Tsukattan Desu (qcf+H) Forced prorating 85%, hitback increased, floats higher on CH ****************************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EDDIE (formerly Zato) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Height: 181 cm Bloodtype: A Weight: 68 kg Birthplace: Spain Birthday: January 28th Eye Color: Formerly Blue Likes: The language of flowers Important Things: Pride Dislikes: Women Voice Actor: Koyasu Takehito Story: The Eddie's use had been perfectly mastered by Zato, but with the weakening of Zato's body and mind the Eddie took over. However, Zato's body would soon be destroyed. In order to continue its life, the Eddie would need a new host. In order to prove its existence, Eddie sets forth again for the solitary battlefield. The time left to him is short... Basic Moves Command C Damage Punch P R/J 9 Kick K R/J 12 Slash S (close) R/J 30 Far Slash S (far) R 20x4 Hard Slash H R 25x3 Dust D R/X 18 Crouching Punch c.P R 8 Crouching Kick c.K R 18 Crouching Slash c.S R 24 Crouching Hard Slash c.H R 50 Sweep c.D R/J 20 Jump Punch j.P R 13 Jump Kick j.K R/J 18 Jump Slash j.S R 22 Jump Hard Slash j.H R 33 Jump Dust j.D R 40 Forward Punch f+P R/J 22x2 Forward Kick f+K R/X 30 Forward Hard Slash f+H R/X 60 Dead Angle Attack (GC) f+two R/X 25 Throw (T) f/b+H - 50 Air Throw (T) j.f/b+H - 60 Normal Moves Invite Hell d, d+S/H F 40 Break the Law *1 qcb+K - - Eddie Shoukan *2 qcf+P/K/S/H - - --> Shou Kougeki --> P - 20 --> Idou Kougeki --> K - 16x3 --> Taikuu Kougeki --> S - 40 --> Drill Special --> H - 34x3 --> Chuudanwaza --> D - 40 --> Megalith Head *3 hcb, f+S F 21x3 Dranka Shade *4 qcb+S R/F 30 Damned Fang (T) dp+S - 92 Shadow Gallery j.hcf+S R/F 25+50 Tension Moves Executor X *5 j.qcf, qcf+S R 70 Amorphous hcb, f+H - 82x2 Instant Kill Black In Mind qcf, qcf+H - All *1 Eddie sinks into the ground. He cannot be hit while in the ground, and can move back and forth, but the time he can stay underground is limited. *2 Summons an Eddie. The Eddie will disappear if it or the original Eddie is hit, and it has limited lifespan. *3 Consumes all Eddie gauge; if it hits, refills entire Eddie gauge. *4 Reflects projectiles. *5 If performed at 100% Tension, a second hit comes out that does an additional 100 damage, consuming the remaining Tension. S can be held down to prevent the additional hit and save Tension. FRC Timing Invite Hell (HS): 2-frame window from when drill first appears out of ground Dranka Shade: 2-frame window as shield reaches peak Shadow Gallery: 3-frame window between first and second attacks Megalith Head: 3-frame window as shadow disappears ****************************************************************************** Changes from GGXX #Reload Shadow Gauge Takes longer to refill when gauge reaches zero Flying Cannot guard during flying and is in CH state, vulnerable box larger, flying backwards counted towards Negative Penatly K Startup 7F->8F f+K Startup 23F->20F, cancellable, not FRCable f+H Hit box larger, active 12F->15F, recovery 23F->20F, tension gain on hit 3.8->5.7 c.P Startup 5F->6F j.K Startup 5F->6F, active 8F->6F, recovery 6F->8F, hit box smaller j.H Damage 40->33 j.D Damage 55->40 Small Attack (P during Shadow) Damage 25->20 Moving Attack (K during Shadow) Damage 20x3->16x3 Anti-air Attack (S during Shadow) Damage 50->40, attack level 5->3 Drill Special (H during Shadow) Shadow Gauge decreases on startup Mid Attack (D during Shadow) Floats opponent on hit, shadow gauge consumption 75%->70% All Shadow attacks No longer increase guard balance Megalith Head (hcb, f+S during Shadow) Now regular special attack, decreases guard balance on hit, recovers shadow gauge, FRCable (68->70F) Damned Fang (dp+S) No longer invincible to throws, Eddie is in CH state during motion, hitback increased, tension gain on hit increased to 4.5 Dranka Shade (qcb+S) FRCable (9-10F), guard balance decrease 7.2->9.0 Break the Law (qcb+K) Counts towards Negative Penalty, recovery increased Shadow Gallery (hcf+S) Can be performed during Break the Law Executor X (j.qcf, qcf+S) Old Executor gone, when tension at 100% consumes the extra 50% for a second hit, second hit cancellable to maintain tension by holding down button ****************************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FAUST ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Height: 282 cm Bloodtype: Unknown Weight: 55 kg Birthplace: Unknown Birthday: Unknown Eye Color: Glowing Likes: Unknown Important Things: Unknown Dislikes: Unknown Voice Actor: Kondou Takashi Story: After regaining his memory, he felt the weight of his sins, and decided to end his own life. However, for him "death" is not pain, but rather an "escape", as he continued his travels. Then one day, he learns that the death of the girl was not a result of his own mistake but a murder from some third party. Putting aside his own guilt, he resolved to save as many lives as he can. Basic Moves Command C Damage Punch P R/J 10 Kick K R/J 30 Slash S (close) R/J 30 Far Slash S (far) R 42 Hard Slash H R 24x3 Dust D R/X 25 Crouching Punch c.P R 12 Crouching Kick c.K R/J 12x3 Crouching Slash c.S R/J 28 Crouching Hard Slash c.H R 42 Sweep c.D R/J 38 Jump Punch j.P R/X 13 Jump Kick j.K R/J 20 Jump Slash j.S R 32 Jump Hard Slash j.H R 55 Jump Dust j.D R 30+40 Forward Punch f+P R 32 Forward Hard Slash f+H R 80 Dead Angle Attack (GC) f+two R/X 25 Throw (T) f/b+H R 60 Air Throw (T) j.f/b+H - 55 Special j.d+K R 35 Normal Moves Rerere no Tsuki hcf+K R 30 --> Hikimodoshi --> b R/F - --> Uisu! --> qcf+P R 30 --> Koe ga Chiisai! --> qcf+P R - --> Mou Icchou: UISU! *1 --> qcf+P R 60 Nani ga Deru Ka Na? *2 qcf+P - Varies Ai *3 j.qcf+P F 1+40 Yariten Enshin Ranbu qcf+S R/F 44 --> Zenpou Idou --> f, f R 40 --> Kouhou Idou --> b, b R 40 --> Kubi Biyoon --> P R 40 --> Growing Flower --> K R 35 --> Hana Daro? Ore, Hana Daro? --> S R 30 --> Going My Way --> H R/F 16x4 --> Nani ga Deru Ka Na? *2 --> D - Varies Mettagiri (T) qcb+H R 16x9 Mae Kara Ikimasu Yo *4 qcb+P R/F 44 Ushiro Kara Ikimasu Yo *5 qcb+K R/F 44 Ue Kara Ikimasu Yo *6 qcb+S R/F 38 Going My Way j.qcf+H R 18x4 Tension Moves Shigekiteki Zetsumeiken *7 qcf, qcf+S R Varies Na-na-na-nani ga Deru Ka Na! *8 qcf, qcf+P - Varies Instant Kill Konshuu no Yamaba qcf, qcf+H - All *1 There is a just frame version; if the command is input precisely at the peak of the jump, this move does 100 damage and ground bounces. *2 May produce 7 different items; a donut, chocolate, a sledgehammer, posion, a mini-character, a bomb, and meteors. Donuts will heal 16 points to whichever player picks it up. Sledgehammer does 44 damage. Bombs do 60 damage and can damage both players. Chibi Fausts do 25 damage. Poison poisons the character for 6 seconds. Meteors do 36x6 damage. Chibi Robo Ky travels faster than Chibi Faust and knocks down. Chibi Potemkin does 25 damage and rebounds for up to 3 hits. Chocolate gives 8% tension to whomever picks it up. There is also a 'failure' version that produces a coin that does nothing. *3 Also can do 30 damage to self. *4 Faust disappears and reappears in front of opponent. *5 Faust disappears and reappears behind opponent. *6 Faust disappears and reappears above opponent. *7 Base damage is 30. If it hits, four boxes will appear. The player must hold down one of P/K/S/H during this move. The opponent may hit either P/K/S/H to open a box, or one will open up automatically after a certain amount of time. Three of the boxes contain Death, which causes an additional 100, 150, or 190 damage. If the opponent guesses the same button as the player, the box contains an angel that does 10 damage to Faust. *8 This is the same as Nani ga Deru Ka Na? but produces four items at once. FRC Timing Hikimodoshi: 3-frame window after opponent is pulled in Ai: 2-frame window 4 frames after attack begins Mae/Ushiro Kara Ikimasu Yo: 2-frame window when door opens Ue Kara Ikimasu Yo: 2-frame window at the peak of the bounce Going My Way: 6-frame window from when high-speed spin stops Shigekiteki Zetsumeiken: 40-frame window during finish pose ****************************************************************************** Changes from GGXX #Reload Backdash Vulnerable box smaller Throw Forced prorating 50% K Recovery 9F->11F, hit box smaller far S Recovery 25F->28F c.K First and second hits guardable standing, prorating removed j.D x1.5 dizzy rating f+P Startup 7F->8F, recovery 23F->26F Rerere no Tsuki (hcf+K) Startup 21F->20F, forces stand on hit Hikimodoshi (b during Rerere no Tsuki) Total 50F->56F, FRCable (43-45F) Koe ga Chiisai (qcf+P during Oissu!) Speed up, window for followup longer Mou Icchou Oissu! (qcf+P during Koe ga Chiisai) Damage 70->60, dizzy rating x2.0, just frame version if performed during 25F of Koe ga Chiisai (just frame version damage 100 and ground bounce) Souten Enshin Ranbu (qcf+S) Untechable time 40F->38F, followup cannot be performed by releasing button, hit box during stance smaller Kubi Biyo-n (P during pogo stance) Graphic changed, hit box larger downwards, vulnerable box smaller, startup 10F->7F, recovery 8F->7F Growing Flower (K during pogo stance) Invincible 1-6F, vulnerable box smaller Hana Daro? Ore Hana Daro? (S during pogo stance) Active 8F->6F, Recovery 19F->13F, vulnerable box smaller, knocks down on hit, floats on CH Kouhou Idou (b,b during pogo stance) Invincible 1-7F, faces opponent after animation Short Jump (uf during pogo stance) New move Nani ga Deru Ka Na? (qcf+P or D during pogo stance) Version during pogo stance vulnerable box smaller, Chibi Robo Ky, Chibi Potemkin, and Coin added, probabilities changed (Hammer 24/128, Bomb 20/128, Poison 16/128, Chibi Faust 15/128, Chocolate and Donut 14/128 each, Chibi Robo Ky 12/128, Meteor 8/128, Coin 4/128, Chibi Potemkin 1/128) Chocolate Effect changed to tension gain (8%) Mae Kara Ikimasu Yo (qcb+P) Hit box larger Ushiro Kara Ikimasu Yo (qcb+K) Hit box larger Ue Kara Ikimasu Yo (qcb+S) Automatically gains jump properties, FRCable (14-15F after bounce) Going My Way (qcf+H or H during pogo stance) Recovery 18F until landing Shigekiteki Zetsumeiken (qcf, qcf+S) Hold button on hit to select angel location (automatically comes out as angel if button is not held) ****************************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I-NO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Height: 165 cm Bloodtype: AB Weight: 46 kg Birthplace: Unknown Birthday: November 25th Eye Color: Changes depending on the angle Likes: Anything fun, Shiritori in jargon, being eager Important Things: Number one's a secret, guitar Marlene, youth Dislikes: People who don't have fun, milk Voice Actress: Inoue Kikuko Story: Interested in "That Man"'s power and his plans, she sets forth. She resolves to destroy anybody who stands in the way of her "festival". Basic Moves Command C Damage Punch P R/J 12 Kick K R/J 20 Slash S (close) R/J 34 Far Slash S (far) R 18+22 Hard Slash H R/J 43 Dust D R/X 15 Crouching Punch c.P R 10 Crouching Kick c.K R 15 Crouching Slash c.S R 28 Crouching Hard Slash c.H R 35 Sweep c.D R 26 Jump Punch j.P R 18 Jump Kick j.K R 13 Jump Slash j.S R/J 23 Jump Hard Slash j.H R 46 Jump Dust j.D R/J 40 Forward Punch f+P R 32 Forward Hard Slash f+H R 65 Dead Angle Attack (GC) f+two R/X 25 Throw (T) f/b+H F 60 Air Throw (T) j.f/b+H - 60 Normal Moves Taiboku wo Sasuru Te *1 hcf+S/H R/F 40 Kouutsu Onkai *2 (j.)qcb+P F 12+12x(0-5) Kyougen Jikkou *3 j.qcf+P/K/S/H R 40/50/50/20x3 Chemical Aijou (j.)hcb, f+K/S F 45 Tension Moves Madogiwa Desperate hcb, f+H - 46x3 Genkai Fortissimo j.qcf, hcb+S - 50x3 Instant Kill Rensho Yuigon qcf, qcf+H - All *1 Only HS version is FRCable. *2 Directional lever may be used to move projectile. *3 Button may be held to increase warp time. I-No reappears in midair; P, K, and S are increasingly horizontal angles, while H releases I-No at a straight horizontal. FRC Timing Throw: 2-frame window 16 frames after attack HS Taiboku wo Sasuru Te: 3-frame window starting 7 frames BEFORE attack begins; 22 frames after movement starts Kouutsu Onkai: 2-frame window 4 frames after green note first appears Kyougen Jikkou: 3-frame window as I-No begins to fall Chemical Aijou: 2-frame window 9 frames after glow first appears ****************************************************************************** Changes from GGXX #Reload Basic Property Dash momentum maintained on landing, jump and air dash possible during dash, tension gain during dash 15->18, vulnerable box during crouching larger Throw FRCable (18-19F after hit), prorating 40% far S Two hits, damage 18+22, air guardable, wall bounces on CH D Recovery 9F->7F c.S Recovery 17F->23F, travels forward further j.H Startup 14F->12F, damage 46->35, untechable time 14F->21F, hitback increased f+H First hit removed, cancellable to K Chemical Aijou (horizontal) (hcb, f+K) Damage 50->45, untechable time ->20F, hit box larger behind Chemical Aijou (vertical) (hcb, f+S) New move, midair possible Kyougen Jikkou (P) (j.qcf+P) Untechable time 26->36F, landing recovery on whiff 8F->15F, does not knockdown on hit, bounces back when connects, bounceback cancellable to special attack or air dash from 6F Kyougen Jikkou (K) (j.qcf+K) Damage 44->50, landing recovery 11F->12F, knocks down on hit, ground bounces on CH Kyougen Jikkou (S) (j.qcf+S) Damage 44->50, landing recovery 13F->14F, knocks down on hit, ground bounces on CH Kyougen Jikkou (H) (j.qcf+H) Landing recovery 8F->10F ****************************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ JAM KURADOBERI ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Height: 163 cm Bloodtype: B Weight: Unknown Birthplace: China Birthday: February 8th Eye Color: Brown Likes: Cooking, Watching, Research Important Things: Kitchen, Youth, Beautiful Boys Dislikes: Indecisive Men, Ignorance Voice Actress: Komori Manami Story: "Kiyuumaro" and "Hanagata". Every cook aspired to be able to work for these two restaurants, but neither interested Jam. To her, each of their policies were nonsense. The most important thing was to create good- tasting food for everybody, and "process" taught by these restaurants was inadequate. She resolved to create her own restaurant and aimed for the bounty. After Dizzy's departure, she reports that she took care of it and received the money for herself. Thus, she was able to get her dream fulfilled. Basic Moves Command C Damage Punch P R/J 12 Kick K R 12 Slash S (close) R/J 34 Far Slash S (far) R/J 34 Hard Slash H R 24x3 Dust D R/X 16 Crouching Punch c.P R 6 Crouching Kick c.K R 8 Crouching Slash c.S R 26 Crouching Hard Slash c.H R 20x2 Sweep c.D R/F/J 28 Jump Punch j.P R 11 Jump Kick j.K R 14 Jump Slash j.S R/J 28 Jump Hard Slash j.H R 35 Jump Dust j.D R 16+28 Forward Punch f+P R 18x2 Forward Kick f+K R/J 16+26 Forward Hard Slash f+H R/X 30x2 Dead Angle Attack (GC) f+two R 20 Throw (T) f/b+H R/F 85 Air Throw (T) j.f/b+H - 60 Normal Moves Asanagi no Kokyuu *1 d, d+K/S/H - - Ryuujin *5 (j.)qcf+K R 58/59 Gekirin *5 (j.)qcb+K R 40/30 Kenroukaku *5 (j.)dp+K R 14x4/12x4 Bakushuu qcf+S - - --> Mawarikomi *2 --> P - - --> Ashiharai --> K R 30 --> Hyappo Shinshou --> S R 50 --> Senri Shinshou --> H R/F 50 Hachifu *3 (GC) f/b - - Houeikyaku j.d+K R 16+8x3 Choujin *4 (j.)qcf+P F - Tension Moves Renhoukyaku hcb, f+H - 18x13 Choukyaku Hououshou hcb, f+S R 20+9x10+120 Geki: Saishinshou qcf, qcf+H R/F 50+105 Instant Kill Gasenkotsu qcf, qcf+H - All *1 Powers up her kick attacks. K powers up Ryuujin, S powers up Gekirin, H powers up Kenroukaku. Powered up attacks do more damage and cannot be air recovered from. Ryuujin does 70/69 in midair, Gekirin does 32x5/28x5 in midair, and Kenroukaku does 15x8/16x8 in mid air. *2 Puts Jam behind opponent. *3 Guard cancels standing only. This allows immediate counterattack. *4 This is a flip that moves Jam forward. If b is held, Jam will not travel as far, while is f is held Jam will travel further. This move can be used to cross over the opponent. *5 Jam can cancel a kick attack into a different kick attack up to 3 times. FRC Timing Sweep: ?-frame window before kick connects Throw: 2-frame window from when Jam's hands touch the ground after the throw Senri Shinshou: 4-frame window just before and as hit connects Choujin: 3-frame window as Jam's feet point up Geki: Saishinshou: 2-frame window as first hit connects ****************************************************************************** Changes from GGXX #Reload Air Dash Wait time 4F->6F Throw Damage 60->85, forced prorating (70% on throw, 50% on kick) Air Throw Forced prorating 50% K Startup 4F->5F, Recovery 6F->7F far S Active 3(1)1(1)1F->5F, recovery 9F->10F j.S Startup 5F->4F j.H Startup 5F->7F j.D Active 3(6)6F->3(4)6F, horizontal hitback smaller f+K Attack Level 2,4->3,3 f+H Automatically gains jump properties Ryuujin (ground) (qcf+K) Damage 64->58 Ryuujin (powered up ground) (qcf+K) Damage 100->70 Ryuujin (air) (j.qcf+K) Damage 66->59 Ryuujin (powered up air) (j.qcf+K) Damage 98->69 Ryuujin (followup) (qcf+K) Damage 28->25 Ryuujin (powered up followup) (qcf+K)Damage 66->44 Gekirin (ground, followup, and powered up) (qcb+K) No invincible time Kenroukaku (followup and powered up followup) (dp+K) Automatically gains jump properties Hyappo Shinshou (S during Bakushuu) Dizzy rating x2.0->x1.25 Senri Shinshou (H during Bakushuu) Dizzy rating x2.0->x1.375 Senri Shinshou (back) (H during Bakushuu) Dizzy rating x2.2->x1.5 Choujin (qcf+P or j.qcf+P) New move Geki: Saishinshou (qcf, qcf+H) FRCable (3-4F) ****************************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ JOHNNY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Height: 184 cm Bloodtype: O Weight: 72 kg Birthplace: America Birthday: October 24th Eye Color: Blue Likes: Finding good women Important Things: Prized guitar collection Dislikes: People who don't get jokes Voice Actor: Wakamoto Norio Story: For Johnny, saving those in solitude, whether human or animal, is his duty. Even if that person is a Gear. And then, hearing about the Gear which did not want to hurt humans, Johnny set forth to offer his help once more. Upon arriving at the "Devil's Living Place", he found Dizzy, who had been defeated by Sol. Finding her solitude extreme, Johnny extends a helping hand, and invited her into his pirate force. Basic Moves Command C Damage Punch P R/J 12 Kick K R/J 16 Slash S (close) R/J 26 Far Slash S (far) R 34 Hard Slash H R 42 Dust D R/X 22 Crouching Punch c.P R 10 Crouching Kick c.K R 12 Crouching Slash c.S R 30 Crouching Hard Slash c.H R/X 48 Sweep c.D R 25+25 Jump Punch j.P R/J 12 Jump Kick j.K R 20 Jump Slash j.S R/J 32 Jump Hard Slash j.H R 40 Jump Dust j.D R 44 Forward Punch f+P R/J 25 Forward Kick f+K R/F/X 30 Forward Hard Slash f+H R/J 64 Dead Angle Attack (GC) f+two R/X 25 Throw (T) f/b+H - 40 Air Throw (T) j.f/b+H - 60 Normal Moves Mist Finer qcf+[P]/[K]/[S] F - --> Zenpou Idou --> f - - --> Kouhou Idou --> b - - --> Dash --> f,f/b,b - - --> Kamae Cancel --> H - - --> Iainuki *1 --> release R Varies --> Jackhound --> qcb+H R 38 Glitter Is Gold *2 qcf+H - 10 Ensenga j.hcf+H R 6+62 Bacchus Sigh *3 qcf+P F - Midair Divine Blade j.qcf+S F 50 Divine Blade dp+S, S F 50 Jackhound qcb+H R 38 Tension Moves Sore ga Ore no Na Da hcb, f+H R 20+65+65 Instant Kill Joker Trick *4 qcf, qcf+H - All *1 P is an upwards slash; K is a mid-level slash; S is a low-level slash. Damage can be increased if used in conjunction with Glitter is Gold. At Lvl. 1, does 35/32/29. At Lvl. 2, does 38/40/35, and opponent cannot air recover mid and low versions while high version causes wall bounce. At Lvl. 3, does 20x9/18x9/17x9. Only Lvl 1 Low Mist Finer is FRCable. *2 If coin hits, the next Mist Finer will be upgraded. Two consecutive hits must be obtained for Lvl. 3 and performing Mist Finer, regardless of whether it hits or not, resets back to Lvl. 1. *3 While mist is in contact with the opponent, they will be unable to block any Mist Finer. *4 Is in the form of a card projectile. The projectile WILL NOT hit shorter characters (Bridget, May, Zappa) unless it catches them in midair. FRC Timing Forward Kick: 2-frame window 3 frames before kick thrusts out Divine Blade (dp+S): 3-frame window 3 frames after Johnny raises his hand; must use P+K+HS. Divine Blade (during dp+S, S): 2-frame window from when flames first appear Midair Divine Blade: 2-frame window from when flames first appear Mist Finer: 2-frame window just after attack ends Bacchus Sigh: 6-frame window as sword is sheathed. ****************************************************************************** Changes from GGXX #Reload Dash If followed with a jump Johnny maintains dash momentum close S Hit box extended to right next to Johnny far S Recovery 23F->25F H Recovery 32F->34F D Startup 26F->28F c.S Recovery 10F->12F, hit box larger down c.H Recovery 28F->29F c.D Startup 12F->9F f+K Recovery 11F->16F, untechable time 30F->35F, no prorating f+H Damage 78->64 Glitter is Gold (qcf+H) Total 19F->20F Bacchus Sigh (qcb+P) FRCable (37-42F) All Lvl 1 Mist Finers Tension gain on hit 4.8->7.2, clashes with projectiles Mist Finer (Lvl 1, Low) (qcf+S) FRCable (13-14F) All Lvl 2 Mist Finers Tension gain on hit 9.6->12.0, beats projectiles Mist Finer (Lvl 2, High) (qcf+P) Damage 50->38 Mist Finer (Lvl 2, Mid) (qcf+K) Damage 50->40 Mist Finer (Lvl 2, Low) (qcf+S) Damage 50->35 All Lvl 3 Mist Finers Tension gain on hit 1.8x9->2.9x9 Mist Finer (Lvl 3, High) (qcf+P) Untechable time 40F->80F Mist Finer (Lvl 3, Mid) (qcf+K) Untechable time 40F->60F Mist Finer (Lvl 3, Low) (qcf+S) Untechable time 40F->50F Mist Finer Stance Can followup with Jackhound Mist Finer Forward Dash Can followup with Jackhound, recovery can be cancelled into Mist Finer Dash or Mist Finer Mist Finer Back Dash Recovery can be cancelled into Mist Finer Dash or Mist Finer Jackhound (qcb+H) New move ****************************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ KY KISKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Height: 178 cm Bloodtype: AB Weight: 58 kg Birthplace: France Birthday: November 20th Eye Color: Blue-green Likes: Teacup Collection Important Things: Smiles Dislikes: Sol Voice Actor: Kusao Takeshi Story: From the message of Justice at the last tournament, he learned that his own definition of justice was limited to humans. His own philosophy of "Gear = Evil" he could neither throw away nor keep completely, and began looking for the truth. Then, he heard about a Gear which had no intention of hurting humans. Now, in order to search for his own "justice", he takes the Fuuraiken in hand once again. After meeting Dizzy, his answer is... Basic Moves Command C Damage Punch P R/J 8 Kick K R/J 12 Slash S (close) R/J 28 Far Slash S (far) R 28 Hard Slash H R 42 Dust D R/X 15 Crouching Punch c.P R 8 Crouching Kick c.K R 14 Crouching Slash c.S R 25 Crouching Hard Slash c.H R 28x2 Sweep c.D R/J 30 Jump Punch j.P R/J 12 Jump Kick j.K R 16 Jump Slash j.S R/J 28 Jump Hard Slash j.H R 38 Jump Dust j.D X 40 Forward Punch f+P R 30 Forward Kick f+K R 36 Forward Hard Slash f+H R/J 36x2 Dead Angle Attack (GC) f+two R/X 25 Throw (T) f/b+H R/F 60 Air Throw (T) j.f/b+H - 60 Normal Moves Stun Edge *1 qcf+S/H F 40 Stun Edge Charge Attack qcf+D F 20x3 Midair Stun Edge j.qcf+S/H F 33 Midair Stun Edge Charge Attack j.qcf+D F 20x3 Vapor Thrust (j.)dp+S/H R 48/52/48 Stun Dipper qcf+K R/F 12+32 Greed Sever qcb+K R 30 Tension Moves Ride the Lightning (j.)hcb, f+H R 36x5 Sacred Edge qcf, qcf+P F 27x5 Instant Kill Rising Force qcf, qcf+H - All *1 Only air version is FRCable. FRC Timing Throw: 2-frame window as slash occurs Stun Edge (air): 3-frame window immediately before landing Stun Edge Charge Attack: 2-frame window from when ball of light first appears (before projectile released) Stun Edge Charge Attack (air): 2-frame window from when ball of light first appears and 3-frame window immediately before landing Stun Dipper: 3-frame window 3 frames after first attack finishes Sacred Edge: 2-frame window 6 frames after sword of light appears ****************************************************************************** Changes from GGXX #Reload Stun Edge can be inputted as f, qcf+S/H Dash Initial speed 8.56->8.96 Throw FRCable (2F after hit) Air Throw Wall bounces Close S Hit box larger vertically Dust Startup 22F->23F, recovery 22F->18F c.S Recovery 15F->13F c.H Startup 13F->11F, active 2,4F->1,4F, guard balance decrease 6->10, JCable j.S Hit box larger j.D Total 31F->29F, landing recovery 8F->11F, floats opponent on grount hit S Stun Edge (qcf+S) Speed 1600->1400, total 46F->40F H Stun Edge (qcf+H) Speed 1600->2100, startup 10F->13F, total 46F->52F Stun Edge Charge Attack (qcf+D) Changed input, can also be done in midair Vapor Thrust (ground) (dp+S/H) Landing recovery 9F->13F Vapor Thrust (air) (j.dp+S/H) Landing recovery 9F->13F, untechable time 35F->45F, hit box larger horizontally
Greed Sever (qcb+K) Untechable time 36F->38F, hit box larger behind ****************************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MAY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Height: 158 cm Bloodtype: B Weight: 47 kg Birthplace: Japan (?) Birthday: May 5th (date adopted) Eye Color: Black Likes: Thinking about Johnny Important Things: Johnny Dislikes: Baldness Voice Actress: Koorogi Satomi Story: After her reunion with Johnny at the last tournament, she lived in happiness. As his birthday drew near, the crew decided to get together and give him a present. However, to May, she wanted to give him a present not as "a member of the crew" but as "a single woman". Needing the money, she heard of the "bounty". But then, the target Dizzy had somehow been invited to join the crew by Johnny, and now May had a new friend, but... Basic Moves Command C Damage Punch P R/J 10 Kick K R/J 20 Slash S (close) R/J 30 Far Slash S (far) R/J 33 Hard Slash H R 50 Dust D R/X 22 Crouching Punch c.P R/J 10 Crouching Kick c.K R 14 Crouching Slash c.S R 26 Crouching Hard Slash c.H R 44 Sweep c.D R 30 Jump Punch j.P R 14 Jump Kick j.K R 24 Jump Slash j.S R/J 30 Jump Hard Slash j.H R 40 Jump Dust j.D R/J 38 Forward Punch f+P R 44 Forward Hard Slash f+H R 70 Dead Angle Attack (GC) f+two R/X 25 Throw (T) f/b+H - 55 Air Throw (T) j.f/b+H - 60 Special df+K R/X 24 Special j.d+H R 41 Normal Moves Iruka-san Yoko [b], f+S/H R/F 50 Iruka-san Tate [d], u+S/H R/F 50 Restive Rolling *1 (j.)dp+S R/F 30 --> Hou'i Tenkou --> S+direction R 14xn Hakushu de Mukaete Kudasai *2 (C) hcf+P/K/S/H R/F 20+22xn Overhead Kiss (T) hcb+K R 40 Tension Moves Kyuukyoku no Dadakko hcb+H R 25+20x8 Great Yamada Attack qcf, qcf+S R 110 Chouzetsu Monzetsu Kirimomi Daisenpuu hcb+S R 18x10 --> Deluxe Gosho Kawara Bomber --> P R 48 Instant Kill May to Yukai na Nakamontachi *2 hcf, hcf+H - All *1 Only ground version is FRCable. *2 The longer it's charged, the more dolphins appear. FRC Timing Restive Rolling: 2-frame window just as attack begins. Hakushu de Mukaete Kudasai: 2-frame window 2 frames after she raises her hand Iruka-san Yoko and Tate: 6-frame window 6-frames after hit connects. Unlike other FRCs this move must connect with opponent in order to FRC. ****************************************************************************** Changes from GGXX #Reload Instant Kill Mode Total 50F->70F f+H Staggers on CH, can be charged, hits mid at max charge df+K Vulnerable box smaller j.d+H Damage 34->41, attack level on guard 3->4 Restive Rolling (dp+S/H)H version added, tension gain on hit 3.6->4.2, untechable time 35F->40F, FRCable (13-14F), first hit's hit box larger horizontally Restive Rolling (air S) (j.dp+S) Untechable time 35F->30F Restive Rolling (air H) (j.dp+H) New trajectory, hits mid, attack level 3->4 Hou'i Tenkou (direction+S/H) H version added, Damage 20->14, untechable time 24F->28F, tension gauge on startup 0.5->0.6, tension gain on hit 3.0->3.4 All Restive Rollings Landing recovery 9F->15F Iruka-san Horizontal (S) ([B], f+S) Distance travelled shorter, active 14F->10F Iruka-san Vertical (S) ([d], u+S) Necessary charge time shorter, vertical speed 600->960 All Iruka-sans Bounceback larger, guard balance decrease 7->10 ****************************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MILLIA RAGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Height: 169 cm Bloodtype: B Weight: 48 kg Birthplace: Russia Birthday: Orphaned so unknown Eye Color: Blue Likes: Chasing cats Important Things: Chastity Dislikes: Zato, fallen-out hair Voice Actress: Sumitomo Yuuko Story: Finally, Millia gained peace and freedom. She lived her new life both as a person and as a woman. However, there was still some fear left in her heart. That was her thoughts of Zato. The "master" she had followed in the Organization was now a curse... and she lived with the fear that Zato may once again appear before her. These emotions created a complicated feeling within Millia. Finally, she resolved to defeat Zato, and set forth. Then, she learned that he had fallen to the shadows he himself summoned. Basic Moves Command C Damage Punch P R/J 18 Kick K R/J 12 Slash S (close) R/J 22x2 Far Slash S (far) R 28 Hard Slash H R 30x2 Dust D R/X 12 Crouching Punch c.P R 9 Crouching Kick c.K R 8 Crouching Slash c.S R/J 26 Crouching Hard Slash c.H R/J 40 Sweep c.D R 26 Jump Punch j.P R 10 Jump Kick j.K R/J 12 Jump Slash j.S R 26 Jump Hard Slash j.H R 32 Jump Dust j.D R 36 Forward Punch f+P R/F 22x2 Forward Kick f+K R/F 25 Forward Hard Slash f+H R 60 Dead Angle Attack (GC) f+two R/X 20 Throw (T) f/b+H - 65 Air Throw (T) j.f/b+H - 55 Normal Moves Command C Damage Lust Shaker *1 SSS.../qcb+S R 18xn Tandem Top *2 qcf+S/H F 40/50 Bad Moon j.qcf+P R/F 24x3 Kousoku Rakka *3 j.qcf+K F - Zenten *4 qcb+K - - Iron Sabre qcb+P R/F 36 Secret Garden *5 qcb+H - 30xn Silent Force j.qcb+S R 20 Tension Moves Winger qcb, hcf+H R 40+25x4+80 Emerald Rain qcf, qcf+S - 36x3 Instant Kill Iron Maiden *6 qcf, qcf+H - All *1 Range has been decreased from GGX *2 Only H version may be False Roman Cancelled. *3 Brings Millia down to the ground quickly. *4 Forward roll. Avoids high attacks. *5 H+lever direction may be used to control direction of orb. *6 Homes in on opponent's location, but can still be blocked. FRC Timing Forward Punch: 2-frame window as flower begins to shrink Forward Kick: 2-frame window as Millia is vertical HS Tandem Top: 3-frame window 14 frames after movement starts; before green disc appears Iron Sabre: 6-frame window 6 frames after hair sword first forms Bad Moon: 3-frame window just as Millia bounces back Kousoku Rakka: 2-frame window as Millia begins descent ****************************************************************************** Changes from GGXX #Reload Throw Damage 55->65, dizzy rating x1.0->x1.5, untechable time 60F->15F f+P FRCable (24-25F) f+K Attack level 5->4, FRCable (13-14F), hitback increased c.S Gatling to stand P possible j.H Graphics and properties changed Silent Force (j.qcb+S/H) Untechable time 24F->40F, H version added, H version startup 11F->14F and total 16F->19F Kousoku Rakka (j.qcf+K) Landing recovery 8F->9F, landing recovery cancellable into special move, FRCable (14-15F) Lust Shaker (qcb+S or SSS...)Cancellable into Iron Saber (qcb+P) or Forward Roll (qcb+K) Secret Garden (qcb+H) Cancellable with D on 16-33F ****************************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ORDER SOL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Height: 182 cm Bloodtype: Unknown Weight: 74 kg Birthplace: America Birthday: Unknown Eye color: Red-Brown Interests: Listening to Queen Important Things: Queen's "Sheer Heart Attack" Dislikes: Effort, Trying Voice Actor: Ishiwatari Daisuke This is the version of Sol that was in the Holy Order in 2172 A.D., 8 years before the time frame of GGXX. Basic Moves Command C Damage Punch P R/J 10 Kick K R/J 14 Slash S (close) R/J 32 Far Slash S (far) R/J 28 Hard Slash H R/J 30x2 Dust D R/X 20 Crouching Punch c.P R 8 Crouching Kick c.K R 12 Crouching Slash c.S R 24 Crouching Hard Slash c.H R 32 Sweep c.D R 28 Jump Punch j.P R 11 Jump Kick j.K R/J 16 Jump Slash j.S R/J 26 Jump Hard Slash j.H R 34 Jump Dust j.D R 42 Forward Punch f+P R 32 Forward Kick f+K R 30 Forward Hard Slash f+H R 70 Dead Angle Attack (GC) f+two R/X 25 Throw (T) f/b+H - 60 Air Throw (T) j.f/b+H - 60 Normal Moves Charge *1 hcb+[D] - - --> Charge Burst *2 --> H - 10 Action Charge *3 * F - Gun Blaze *4 qcb+S F Varies Blockhead Buster *5 qcf+P R/F Varies Storm Viper *6 (j.)dp+H R Varies Bandit Revolver Prototype *7 (j.)qcf+K R/F Varies Rock It *8 qcf+S R Varies Tension Moves Savage Fang *9 hcb, f+P - Varies Tyrant Rave ver. Omega *10 hcb, f+H R Varies Dragon Install *11 hcb, hcb+S - 30 --> Sakkai *12 * - 10x8+180 *Order Sol has a system similar to the system present in GG1, the Charge system. Above his tension gauge is a charge gauge. This Gauge has 3 levels. Whenever he does a special move, the properties change based on the status of the charge gauge. There is no way to 'save' charge; a Blockhead Buster performed while the Charge Gauge is at level 3 will always be a level 3 Blockhead Buster. *1 The Charge Gauge fills during this move. Alternatively, if D is tapped in the correct rhythm (about 4/second) then flames will appear near Order Sol's feet and the charge gauge fills up much faster. *2 This has nothing to do with the Burst gauge. Like a real Burst, this causes a wave that knocks the opponent back. It cannot be performed while being hit like a real burst, but unlike a real burst it does do a littl edamage. *3 An alternate to regular Charge, by pressing D after Blockhead Buster, Storm Viper, Bandit Revolver, or Rock It, Order Sol can gain about 80% of a Charge Gauge back. *4 Does 40 damage at Level 1, 30x2 damage at Level 2, and 30x3 damage at Level 3. *5 Does 10x2 damage at Level 1, 10x4 damage at Level 2, and 10x7 damage at Level 3. *6 Does 25x2 damage at Level 1, 30x3 damage at Level 2, and 25x4 damage at Level 3. *7 Dpes 24 damage at Level 1, 26+29 damage at Level 2, and 30+42 damage at Level 3. Only ground version is FRCable. *8 Does 30 damage at Level 1, 30+20 damage at Level 2, and 30+25+20 damage at Level 3. *9 Does 60 damage at Level 1, 40x3 damage at Level 2, and 60x3 damage at Level 3. *10 Does 80 damage at Level 1, 50+60 damage at Level 2, and 50+60+128 damage at Level 3. *11 This move can only be performed with Level 3 Charge and 100% Tension. Staggers opponent. *12 Can only be performed if the first part hits. The input for this portion of the move is S, P, K, S, H, D, K, S, f, b, f, hcf+H with rather strict timing. FRC Timing Blockhead Buster: 2-frame window 11 frames after the flames appear Gun Blaze: Level 1 - 2-frame window 12 frames after first pillar appears; Level 2 - 2-frame window 14 frames after first pillar appears; Level 3 - 2-frame window 8 frames after second pillar appears Bandit Revolver Prototype: 2-frame window 6 frames before attack begins Action Charge (ground): 2-frame window 6 frames after blue spark appears Action Charge (air): 2-frame window 12 frames after blue spark appears ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ POTEMKIN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Height: 245 cm Bloodtype: O Weight: 656 kg Birthplace: Floating Continent Zepp Birthday: October 18th Eye Color: White Likes: Drawing Important Things: Pencil box that won't break even if trampled by a dragon Dislikes: Pencils that can't stand 4 tons of pressure Voice Actor: Kondou Takashi Story: With the change of his country's government and his own freedom, both Potemkin and his government enjoyed a sense of peace. Then, one day President Gabriel, his former mentor, sent him a secret order. His command was to take the Gear which had the bounty on it back to Zepp, away from the bounty hunters. However, before he made contact that Gear had already found her own place. Potemkin imitated Gabriel's stoicism on the matter. Basic Moves Command C Damage Punch P R/J 11 Kick K R/J 22 Slash S (close) R/J 40 Far Slash S (far) R/J 36 Hard Slash H R 58 Dust D R/X 30 Crouching Punch c.P R 12 Crouching Kick c.K R 16 Crouching Slash c.S R 36 Crouching Hard Slash c.H R/F 66 Sweep c.D R/X 35 Jump Punch j.P R 18 Jump Kick j.K R/J 16 Jump Slash j.S R 32 Jump Hard Slash j.H R 40 Jump Dust j.D R 45 Forward Punch f+P R/J 35 Forward Kick f+K R/J 23 Forward Hard Slash f+H R 90 Dead Angle Attack (GC) f+two R/X 35 Throw (T) f/b+H F 60 Air Throw (T) j.f/b+H - 70 Normal Moves Megafist Front qcf+P R/F 50 Megafist Back qcb+P R/F 50 Slide Head *1 qcf+S R 40/0 Hammer Fall *2 [b], f+H R/F 60 --> Hammer Fall Break *3 --> P R - F.D.B. *4 hcb+S R 40 Potemkin Buster (T) hcb, f+P - 140 Heat Knuckle dp+H R 0+15+15+40 --> Heat Extend --> hcb+H R 0+15+15+90 Judge Gauntlet *5 hcb+H R 85 Tension Moves Gigantor hcb, f+H R 45 --> Gigantic Blid --> hcf, hcf+P R 126 Heavenly Potemkin Buster *6 qcf, qcf+S - 170 Instant Kill Magnum Opera qcf, qcf+H - All *1 Only inflicts damage if Potemkin's head actually makes contact with the opponent. Otherwise, causes an earthquake which causes opponent to fall down. Earthquake is unblockable; headbutt can be blocked crouching. *2 Has super armor; Potemkin can withstand one hit. *3 Brings Potemkin to a stop. *4 Can also reflect projectiles; does 16x2 in this case. *5 Has super armor; Potemkin can withstand non-overdrives during the move. *6 Anti-air throw. FRC Timing Throw: 5-frame window after Potemkin tosses opponent Crouch Hard Slash: 3-frame window as Potemkin pulls fist back Forward Hard Slash: 2-frame window from when he thrusts forward Megafist Front and Back: 2-frame window from when punch first comes out Hammer Fall: 2-frame window from when he punches his hands together ****************************************************************************** Changes from GGXX #Reload Throw Recovery increased, knocks opponent down, FRCable (41-45F) far S Startup 11F->13F Dust Recovery 8F->6F c.S Recovery 20F->16F, vulnerable box smaller j.P Startup 7F->5F, Active 6F->9F j.K Hit box larger behind, attack level 2->3 j.D Startup 13F->11F, landing recovery 9F->8F, trajectory changeable with lever f+P Cancellable, jump cancellable, floats opponent on CH f+K No longer staggers, no longer upper-body invincible, attack level 4->5, prorating 70%->85%, hitback decreased, gatling to c.H and D possible F.D.B. (hcb+S) Initial vulnerable box and projectile reflecting box larger vertically, projectile reflecting window 4-20F->4-14F, cannot reflect Tension super projectiles Megafist Forward (qcf+P) Startup 25F->22F, lower body invincibility larger Megafist Back (qcb+P) Startup 25F->21F, lower body invincibility larger Judge Gauntlet (hcb+H) New move ****************************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ROBO KY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Height: Unknown Bloodtype: Unknown Weight: Unknown Birthplace: Unknown Birthday: Unknown Eye Color: Unknown Likes: Unknown Important Things: Unknown Dislikes: Unknown Voice Actor: Kantaro Basic Moves Command C Damage Punch P R 25 Kick K R 16 Slash S (close) R/J 30 Far Slash S (far) R 38 Hard Slash H R/F/X 41 Dust D R/X 15 Crouching Punch c.P R/X 20 Crouching Kick c.K R/X 12 Crouching Slash c.S R/X 34 Crouching Hard Slash c.H R/F/X 50 Jump Punch j.P R 18 Jump Kick j.K R/J 12 Jump Slash j.S R/J 34 Jump Hard Slash j.H R/X 28 Jump Dust j.D R 12x12 Forward Punch f+P R/X 55 Forward Hard Slash *1 f+H F/X 12 Dead Angle Attack (GC) f+two R/X 25 Throw (T) f/b+H R 55 Air Throw (T) j.f/b+H - 55 Normal Moves Kurattoku Ky? *2 qcf+S - 10x3 Ky-Genshou *3 qcb+S R 30 Ky-Maku Home Run *4 dp+H R/F 30 Chounai-Ky Bargain *5 j.qcf+S - 20 Ita-Ky-geki *6 f,[f]+P/K/S/H F 50 Ky-Denpa *7 (T) hcb+K - 8xn+35 Zadan-Ky *8 c.D - 0 Power Moves Dame na Yatsu wa Nani wo Yatte mo Dame qcf, qcf+SSS... R 6xn --> Headbutt *9 --> qcf+S R 75 Gen-Ky Lovers *10 qcf, qcf+P - 12x27 Ky Kokoro no Ichigeki *4 - R 30+110 Instant Kill 13 Ky-dan qcf, qcf+H - All *Instead of tension, Robo Ky has a "Power Gauge" system. The Power Gauge and the associated Heat Gauge are shown in place of his Tension Gauge. As Ky moves, he may begin to heat up. As he does so his Heat Gauge fills and his face turns redder. If the gauge fills to max, he overheats and takes damage. This can be prevented by using his forward Hard Slash, which serves as an exhaust sytem. The Power Gauge is divided into ten blocks. There are three different 'levels' to this Gauge that affect the damage moves do and their properties. When the Gauge is completely empty, some moves do very little damage. When the Gauge has at least one block, these moves do more damage, but they consume one block. When the Gauge is at least half-full, these moves do even more damage (and consume one block). *1 Exhaust. Does more damage if Robo Ky is more heated (30 or 50). *2 With one power block, does 14x4 damage. With half power, does 18x5. *3 With one power block, does 40. With half, does 50 and is much faster. *4 With one power block, does 30+50. With half, automatically links to Ky Kokoro no Ichigeki as long as the first hit hits a grounded opponent. *5 With one power block, does 60 and homes. With half, does 25x4 (splits into many missiles and homes. *6 If not cancelled, Robo Ky gains power while recovering. Note this move must be done while in a full dash. *7 Sucks the tension from an opponent and gives power to Robo Ky. Number of hits dependent on how much tension opponent has (the more the better). *8 Lays a mat on the ground. Robo Ky gains power while standing on the mat. *9 Mashing S causes Robo Ky to gain heat. If headbutt is performed precisely at 98-99 degrees, it does 95 damage, wall bounces, and reduces Robo Ky's heat by 100 degrees. *10 Starts a countdown. During the countdown Robo Ky's power fills slowly automatically. After the countdown a shockwave goes off (the attack part of the move) and Robo Ky's power drops to zero. FRC Timing Hard Slash: 4-frame window from immediately when attack hits Crouching Hard Slash: 3-frame window from when Robo Ky begins to recover from crouch Forward Hard Slash: 2-frame window as steam first appears Ky-maku Home Run: 2-frame window at peak of jump Ita-Ky-Geki: 3-frame window from just as attack hits ****************************************************************************** Changes from GGXX #Reload Basic Property Heat gauge increases when guarding P Recovery 4F->3F close S Startup 7F->9F far S Startup 9F->11F, recovery 19F->20F H Startup 4F->5F, damage 51->41 c.S Cancellable into H 2F faster j.H Hit box moved higher, hit box present at base of hammer f+H Lvl 2 startup 16F->19F, Lvl 3 startup 16F->22F, FRCable (2F after steam comes out) Zadan-Ky (c.D) Startup 28F->38F, field placed slightly forward Delayed Wakeup Opponent gains 5% tension, Robo Ky loses 5% power Ky-Denpa (hcb+K) Prorating 50% Ky-Genshou (qcb+S) Lvl 2 landing recovery 3F->6F, Lvl 3landing recovery 2F-> 3F Ky-Maku Home Run (dp+H) No strike invincibility, FRCable (2F after flipping), automatically gains jump properties Tona-Ky Bargain (j.qcf+S) Recovery 2F shorter, disappears if Robo Ky is hit Kurattoku Ky? (qcf+S) Does not increase guard balance, Lvl 3 disappears if Robo Ky is hit Ita-Ky-geki (attack button during dash) Startup 19F->13F, floats lower on hit Gen-Ky Lovers (qcf, qcf+P) Final electric attack fills power gauge (3 per hit or 2 per guarded hit) Dame na Yatsu wa Nani wo Yatte mo Dame (qcf, qcf+SSS...) Startup 11+5F->2+2F, invincibility 3-14F->2F, damage 10x18+50->6xn, S can be mashed for more hits, while mashing heat gauge rises Headbutt (qcf+S during Dame na Yatsu...) Final headbutt is separate command input ****************************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SLAYER ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Height: 185 cm Bloodtype: Special so unknown Weight: 70 kg Birthplace: Transylvania Birthday: October 31st Eye Color: Brown Likes: Haiku, fights, observing humans Important Things: Sharon Dislikes: Unromantic humans Voice Actor: Kayumi Iemasa Story: With the loss of Zato, the assassin's Organization lost its axis, and set out to reclaim Slayer. Even though he had no interest in the Organization, he felt that he had to settle things with the Organization he created, and so he descended to the Earth to finish things. Basic Moves Command C Damage Punch P R/J 16 Kick K R/J 28 Slash S (close) R/J 28 Far Slash S (far) R/J 32 Hard Slash H R/J 50 Dust D R/X 22 Crouching Punch c.P R 14 Crouching Kick c.K R 16 Crouching Slash c.S R/J 28 Crouching Hard Slash c.H R/X 52 Sweep c.D R/X 30 Jump Punch j.P R 13 Jump Kick j.K R/J 24 Jump Slash j.S R/J 20x3 Jump Hard Slash j.H R 36 Jump Dust j.D R/J 40 Forward Punch f+P R/F/X 34 Forward Kick f+K R/X 22 Forward Hard Slash f+H R/F 50 Dead Angle Attack (GC) f+two R/X 25 Throw (T) f/b+H - 63 Air Throw (T) j.f/b+H - 60 Normal Moves Feint f+[K] - - Dandy Step qcb+P/K F - --> Pilebanger --> P R 80 --> Crossways Heel --> K R 23+27 --> Under Pressure --> S/H R 36 --> It's Late --> S/H R 52 Mappa Hunch *1 qcf+P/K R 40 Chi wo Suu Uchuu *2 (T) hcb+H - 30 Undertow *3 hcb, f+P R 60 Footloose Journey j.qcb+K R 36x3 Tension Moves Dead on Time hcb, f+S R/F 140 Eien no Tsubasa qcf, qcf+H R 88 Chokkagata Dandy j.qcb, qcb+S R 100 Instant Kill All Dead qcf, qcf+H - All *1 P/K can be held to perform a feint version. *2 Causes opponent to stagger. *3 Has super armor; Slayer can withstand one hit. FRC Timing Forward Punch: 3-frame window 3 frames after shoulder comes out Forward Hard Slash: 2-frame window before foot descends Dandy Step: K version, 4-frame window from when forward motion first starts. P version, 4-frame window 3 frames after forward motion first starts. Dead On Time: 2-frame window as descent begins ****************************************************************************** Changes from GGXX #Reload Basic Property Jumping during dash maintains momentum, maximum invincibility time during JC of backdash 12F->7F, air dash total 24F->16F, air backdash total 10F->6F far S Recovery 7F->9F c.H Recovery 27F->22F, floats and pulls in opponent on CH c.D Distance travelled halved, active 21F->14F, attack level on guard 5->3 j.D Recovery 18F->19F, untechable time 26F->10F, hitback increased f+K Startup 16F->20F, recovery 3F->1F, landing recovery 4F->3F f+[K] Total 25F->26F, landing recovery 4F->3F f+H Untechable time 32F->25F, FRCable (15-16F) Chi wo Suu Uchuu (hcb+H) Prorating 75%->60%, dizzy rating x1.5->x1.0, maximum stagger time 47F->40F, whiff animation 18F->28F, hitback increases by hits in corner Undertow (hcb, f+P) Not unblockable, attack level 3->5, recovery 30F->13F, super armor for one hit from 4-31F, ground bounces on CH Mappa Feint (qcf+[P]/[K]) New move Pilebanker (P during Dandy Step) Dizzy rating x1.0->x0.0, startup 4F->3F Crosswise Heel (K during Dandy Step) Damage 27+32->23+27, second hit forced prorating 70% Under Pressure (S/H during Dandy Step) Recovery 13F->15F Dead On Time (hcb, f+S) FRCable (26-27F) Chokkagata Dandy (j.qcb, qcb+S) Startup 10+3->7+2, maximum stagger time 36F->41F, floats higher before spark, knockdown on air hit guaranteed ****************************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SOL BADGUY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Height: 184 cm Bloodtype: Unknown Weight: 74 kg Birthplace: America Birthday: Unknown Eye Color: Reddish Brown Likes: Listening to Queen Important Things: Queen's "Sheer Heart Attack" Dislikes: Exerting himself, trying his best Voice Actor: Ishiwatari Daisuke Story: After the death of Justice, the other Gears of the world lost their own free will and stopped their own movements. But, rumors of a Gear which still had free will came to Sol. For this unknown Gear, was there despair, or...? Finally, at the "Devil's Living Place", he met a girl that had been born with the power of a Gear. Despite his victory over her, for some reason he did not kill her, and left the forest. Basic Moves Command C Damage Punch P R/J 10 Kick K R/J 14x2 Slash S (close) R/J 30 Far Slash S (far) R 30 Hard Slash H R/J 40 Dust D R/X 17 Crouching Punch c.P R 8 Crouching Kick c.K R 12 Crouching Slash c.S R 25 Crouching Hard Slash c.H R/J 36 Sweep c.D R 28 Jump Punch j.P R 13 Jump Kick j.K R 22 Jump Slash j.S R/J 28 Jump Hard Slash j.H R 24x2 Jump Dust j.D R/J 44 Forward Punch f+P R 32 Forward Hard Slash f+H R 40x2 Dead Angle Attack (GC) f+two R/X 25 Throw (T) f/b+H - 60 Air Throw (T) j.f/b+H - 60 Normal Moves Gun Flame *1 qcf+P F 50,42,30,30 Gun Flame Feint qcb+P - - Volcanic Viper (j.)dp+S/H R 46+30 --> Tatakiotoshi --> qcb+K R 16 Grand Viper qcb+S R 8xn+24+18+19 Bandit Revolver *2 (j.)qcf+K R/F 24+36/22x4 Bandit Bringer qcf+[K] R/F 50 Riot Stamp qcb+K R/F 40 Bukkirabou ni Nageru (T) dp+K - 40 Fafnir hcf+H R/F 70 Sidewinder *3 qcf+H R 40 Tension Moves Tyrant Rave version Beta hcb, f+H R 80+60 Dragon Install *4 qcb, qcb+S - - Instant Kill Napalm Death qcf, qcf+H - All *1 Damage decreases as flame extends. *2 Only air version is FRCable. *3 If performed close and at the same height as the opponent, this move does a "clean hit" that wall bounces the opponent. *4 Active time depends on remaining health, 360F above 50%, increases as health decreases to a maximum of 569F; tension increases automatically, performing DI again not allowed, ends automatically if knocked down; after finishing tension goes to 0, tension balance decreases, Sol near Negative Penalty state, dizzy rating up, dizzy resistance down. Most moves faster and powered up during DI. FRC Timing Gun Flame: 2-frame window 7 frames after flams extend Bandit Revolver: 2-frame window as first hit ends Bandit Bringer: 3-frame window from when flame effect first appears in hand Riot Stamp: 4-frame window frome when kick comes out after bouncing off wall Fafnir: 4-frame window from when punch thrusts forward ****************************************************************************** Changes from GGXX #Reload Bandit Bringer can be inputted as f, qcf+K Air Throw Untechable time 14F->34F c.HS Cancelling can be delayed j.S Startup 10F->8F j.H Hitback reduced, untechable time 14F->17F j.D Damage 44->40, untechable time 30F->23F, guard balance decrease 8->6, cancelling can be delayed f+P Cancelling can be delayed f+H Tension gain on hit 3.8->5.7 Gunflame (qcf+P) Tension gain on hit 1.2->2.4 Gunflame Feint (qcb+P) Puts Sol in CH state Gunflame (DI) (qcf+P) FRCable (21-22F) Fafnir (hcf+H) Forced prorating 60%->70%, feet vulnerable box smaller Bukkirabou ni Nageru (dp+K) Hitback increased Volcanic Viper (ground S) (dp+S) Damage 40+25->46+30, second hit untechable time 18F->26F, strike invincibility 1-12F->1-13F, hit box larger, window for followup attack 2F longer Volcanic Viper (ground H) (dp+H) Damage 40+25->46+30, second hit untechable time 45F->36F Volcanic Viper (air S) (j.dp+S) Damage 32+20->36+24, second hit untechable time 45F->27F, window for followup attack 2F longer Volcanic Viper (air H) (j.dp+H) Damage 40+20->46+26, second hit untechable time 45F->36F Tatakiotoshi (qcb+K during VV) Untechable time 60F->19F, guardable in midair with FD only Bandit Revolver (ground, including DI) (qcf+K) Second hit knocks down, automatically gains jump properties Bandit Revolver (air) (j.qcf+K) Active 4(6),4,2,2,2F->3(7),4,2,2,2F, FRCable (9-11F) Bandit Bringer (qcf+[K]) Tension gain on hit 3.6->5.4 Riot Stamp (qcb+K) Tension gain on hit 4.2->6.0, automatically gains jump properties Sidewinder (j.qcf+H) New move Dragon Install (qcb, qcb+S) Active time depends on remaining health, 360F above 50%, increases as health decreases to a maximum of 569F; tension increases automatically, performing DI again no longer allowed, ends automatically if knocked down; after finishing tension goes to 0, tension balance decreases, Sol near Negative Penalty state, dizzy rating up, dizzy resistance down ****************************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TESTAMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Height: 185 cm Bloodtype: Unable to determine Weight: 73 kg Birthplace: Switzerland Birthday: May 9th Eye Color: Red Likes: Thinking Important Things: the late Kliff Underson, Potatoes Dislikes: Sol, old Itou-ryuu Martial Arts Voice Actor: Kobayashi Katsuaki Story: After regaining his own will after the death of Justice, he realized the things he had committed and despaired of living as a human. Living on without any purpose, the self-destructive Testament finally came to the "Devil's Living Place". There, he met Dizzy, who had separated herself from the world. Her story pulled at him strongly, and he became determined to protect her. Now that Dizzy has found her own place, what does Testament think? Basic Moves Command C Damage Punch P R/J 9 Kick K R/J 18 Slash S (close) R/J 24 Far Slash S (far) R 28 Hard Slash H R 36 Dust D R/X 15 Crouching Punch c.P R 8 Crouching Kick c.K R 12 Crouching Slash c.S R 26 Crouching Hard Slash c.H R 38 Sweep c.D R 38 Jump Punch j.P R 10 Jump Kick j.K R 18 Jump Slash j.S R/J 28 Jump Hard Slash j.H R 34 Jump Dust j.D R 44 Forward Punch f+P R 24 Forward Kick f+K R 28 Forward Hard Slash f+H R/X 55 Dead Angle Attack (GC) f+two R/X 25 Throw (T) f/b+H - 60 Air Throw (T) j.f/b+H - 60 Normal Moves Phantom Soul *1 qcf+P/K - 5 Grave Digger (j.)qcb+P R 40/36 Exe Beast *2 hcf+S F 36 Warrant *3 qcb+K R 10 HITOMI *4 qcb+S - 30 Zeinest (j.)qcb+H - 10 Tension Moves Nightmare Circular *5 hcb, f+H - 60 Master of Puppet *6 qcf, qcf+H R 30+30 Instant Kill Seventh Sign *7 qcf, qcf+H - All *1 P version is a horizontal skull; K version is higher in the air. If skull hits, it also adds marking to the opponent. Marking stays on until Testament is hit. While marking is active, Succubus will attack the opponent in one of three ways. In crow form, she can thrust forward for 40 or shower the enemies with feathers for 5x3. She may also transform into her regular form and hit the opponent with her scythe for 50. *2 Unlike GGX, Exe Beast will only appear from behind the opponent now. *3 Counterattack stance. Poisons the enemy for 9 seconds or until Testament is hit. *4 Creates a plant mine-type weapon. If Testament is hit, the mine disappears. Activates when opponent gets close, but is slow enough that a quick opponent can avoid it. *5 Adds poison to opponent, similar to Warrant. *6 If it hits, three marks appear above Testament's tension bar. These voodoo doll marks can power up HITOMI or Zeinest. HITOMI executes much faster and poisons the opponent, similar to Warrant, as well as becomes much bigger. Zeinest does a special hold where the opponent is held in place even if hit for awhile. *7 Seems like it hits low but can also be blocked standing. FRC Timing Forward Hard Slash: 5-frame window as Testament pauses at bottom of swing Exe Beast: 3-frame window from when his face first is unable to be seen Warrant: 3-frame window after he emerges from ground Master of Puppet: 5-frame window as he thrusts key forward ****************************************************************************** Changes from GGXX #Reload Basic Property Air guard graphic changed Air Throw Followup possible P Vulnerable box upwards smaller D Untechable on air CH c.H Invincible 7-12F->6-12F j.H Active 2F->5F, recovery 18F->15F, hit box behind larger downwards f+P Startup 15F->17F, hit box larger horizontally f+K Startup 7F->8F, recovery 20F->23F, guard balance decrease 7->10, gatlingable to H, hit box and vulnerable box larger upwards, travels forward Gravedigger (ground) (qcb+P) Damage 45->40, landing recovery 5F->9F, floats shorter on hit Gravedigger (air) (j.qcb+P) Damage 40->36, landing recovery 5F->9F, floats shorter on hit All Phantom Souls Tension gain on hit 1.2->4.8, can be performed while marking is active (eliminates marking), can be performed while skull still on screen (eliminates skull) Phantom Soul (K) (qcf+K) Active 100F->150F, marking active 720F->1440F Crow Horizontal Attack Speed up, homes on opponent if they are high on the screen HITOMI (qcb+S) Attack level on guard 3->1, tension gain on hit 1.2->4.8, placement on 23F->26F, placement performed half a character length forward, disappears if Testament is hit, prorating 75%->90% Zeinest (qcb+H) Guard balance decrease 12->15, tension gain on hit 1.2->4.8, can use voodoo doll from Master of Puppet to perform powered up version Warrant (qcb+K) Reversal window 5-19F->4-19F, tension gain on hit 7.2->9.6 Nightmare Circular (hcb, f+H) Hit box larger behind Master of Puppet (qcf, qcf+H) Two hits, damage 60->30+30, attack level 5-> 1,5, first hit staggers, prorating 90%, FRC window 11-13F ->17-21F, reaches longer ****************************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VENOM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Height: 179 cm Bloodtype: A Weight: 66 kg Birthplace: England Birthday: Orphaned so unknown Eye Color: Blue Likes: Reading, Chess Important Things: Zato, Sympathy Dislikes: Blood, those who bother Zato Voice Actor: Yaeda Mikio Story: After Zato's escape from the Dimensional Prison, no one knew what became of him. No one knew if he had been reimprisoned, or indeed if he were even still alive. Rumors that he had died or that he had given up his position spread through the Organization. There, Venom, who had long been by Zato's side, did not believe anything. Then, learning about a possible location for Zato, he set forth. At the end of his journey, he realized Zato's death. Basic Moves Command C Damage Punch P R/J 6 Kick K R/J 12 Slash S (close) R/J 16x3 Far Slash S (far) R 24 Hard Slash H R 42 Dust D R/X 20 Crouching Punch c.P R 7 Crouching Kick c.K R 8 Crouching Slash c.S R 22 Crouching Hard Slash c.H R 20+20 Sweep c.D R 20+20 Jump Punch j.P R 10 Jump Kick j.K R 12 Jump Slash j.S R/F/J 24 Jump Hard Slash j.H R 36 Jump Dust j.D R 40 Forward Punch f+P R 28 Forward Hard Slash f+H R 52 Dead Angle Attack (GC) f+two R/X 24 Throw (T) f/b+H - 5x7 Air Throw (T) j.f/b+H R 5x7 Normal Moves Stinger Aim *1 (C) [b], f+S/H F 30/42 Carcass Ride [d], u+S/H - 36/50 Ball Seisei *2 (j.)qcb+P/K/S/H/D - - Devious Curve *3 rdp+P/K/S/H/D R/F 25 Double Head Morbid dp+S/H R 17x4/21x4 Mad Struggle j.qcf+S/H - 12x3/15x6 Shunkan Idou *4 dp+K - - Tension Moves Dark Angel qcb, hcf+S - 12x28 Red Hail j.qcf, qcf+H - 26x8 Instant Kill Deimvolger qcf, qcf+H - All *1 May be charged up. Charging produces more hits, but the damage per hit decreases to 22 for S and 25 for H. Max charge is 6 hits. *2 Creates a ball in midair. Multiple balls may be created at the same time. The pattern created by the balls depends on the button used. When a ball is hit by a striking attack from Venom, it takes the damage properties of that attack and travels forward. If it hits another ball, ricochets occur; if it hits the opponent, the damage inflicted is the same as the attack used to move the ball. *3 Creates a Ball. If it hits the opponent, the ball is automatically a 3-hit powered ball. *4 Venom teleports into the air directly above the nearest billiard ball. If no balls are present on the field, Venom merely teleports to directly above himself. FRC Timing Jump Slash: 2-frame window as attack ends Stinger Aim: For S version, 4-frame window 4 frames after cue stick hits ball For H version, 4-frame window 6 frames after cue stick hits ball Devious Curve: 3-frame window just as attack ends ****************************************************************************** Changes from GGXX #Reload Basic Property Vulnerable box during crouching hit larger upwards
Dead Angle Startup 13F->11F, recovery 24F->19F, damage 20->24, untechable time ->28F, wall bounces on hit P Hit box larger downwards D Ball speed on hit increased c.H Hitback decreased, ball speed on hit increased c.D Startup 4F->7F, recovery 14F->17F, ball speed on hit increased, vulnerable box larger, second hit easier to connect if first hit hits j.S FRCable (10-11F) j.H Startup 10F->11F, untechable time 14F->16F f+P Vulnerable box larger f+H Ball trajectory on hit changed, ball hit comes before attack Balls Balls can be rehit with a different move Stinger Aim (S) ([b], f+S) Startup 15F->13F, total 40F->37F Stinger Aim (H) ([b], f+H) Startup 10F->9F, total 45F->48F, FRC timing delayed Ball Seisei (qcb+button) D version gained, ground version can be cancelled into itself after 22F Devious Curve (rdp+button) D version gained, active 6F->1F, recovery 9F->20F, travels forward, floats higher on hit, FRCable (20-21F), creates a 3-hit lightning ball on hit Mad Struggle (S) (j.qcf+S) Startup 16F->18F Double Head Morbid (S) (dp+S) Recovery 18F->16F Shunkan Idou (dp+K) Automatically gains jump properties ****************************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ZAPPA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Height: 180 cm Bloodtype: A Weight: 66 kg Birthplace: Australia Birthday: June 16th Eye Color: Blue Likes: Finding a wife, Diaries Important Things: Good Health charm Dislikes: Anything scary Voice Actor: Ueda Yuuji Story: Through bad luck, Zappa became possessed by S-ko. S-ko used Zappa's body and began observing the actions of humans. During this time Zappa would often lose consciousness and awake with wounds. Fearing that he suffered from some unknown illness, he worried constantly. Then, he learned of a famous doctor who could heal any disease, "Faust". However, he learned that Faust did not stay in one place. Some even said that Faust had died. Zappa set out to pursue the disappearing traces of the doctor... Note: S-ko is an homage/reference to Sadako, a character from the Japanese horror film/novel trilogy "Ring" (1998). Zappa's Instant Kill is also a reference to Ring. An American remake of Ring is currently in production. **Zappa's moves are dependent on what Mukade is currently supporting him. Basic Moves Command C Damage (No Mukade) Punch P R/J 9 Kick K R 22 Slash S (close) R/J 26 Far Slash S (far) R 30 Hard Slash H R/F/X 20x3 Dust D R 17 Crouching Punch c.P R/J 12 Crouching Kick c.K R 16 Crouching Slash c.S R 26 Crouching Hard Slash c.H R/J 60 Sweep c.D R 30 Jump Punch j.P R/J 13 Jump Kick j.K R 22 Jump Slash j.S R/J 32 Jump Hard Slash j.H R 28 Jump Dust j.D R 44 Forward Punch f+P R 24 Forward Hard Slash f+H R/X 50 Dead Angle Attack (GC) f+two R/X 25 Throw (T) f/b+H - 50 Air Throw (T) j.f/b+H - 60 (Ghost) Slash S (close) R/J 36 Far Slash S (far) R/J 22 Hard Slash H R/J 50 Crouching Slash c.S R 20 Crouching Hard Slash c.H R/X 32 Jump Slash j.S R 50 Jump Hard Slash j.H R/X 32 Forward Hard Slash f+H R/X 36x3 (Sword) Slash S (close) R 36 Far Slash S (far) R 30 Hard Slash H R 25x2 Crouching Slash c.S R 22 Crouching Hard Slash c.H R 40 Jump Slash j.S R/X 26 Jump Hard Slash j.H R/F/X 32 Forward Hard Slash f+H R 29+15 (Raou) Slash S (close) R 40 Far Slash S (far) R 36 Hard Slash H R 48 Dust D R 30 Crouching Slash c.S R 36 Crouching Hard Slash c.H R 68 Jump Slash j.S R/X 35 Jump Hard Slash j.H R/X 45 Forward Hard Slash f+H R 76 Normal Moves (None) Konnichiwa Sanbiki no Mukade *1 qcf+P R 20 (Ghost) Sono Mama Kaette Konaide Kudasai *2 j.qcf+K/S/H/D F 24 Banana *3 - - 0 Hachiue *4 - - 25 Golf Ball *4 - - 40 (Sword) Itasou, tte Iu Ka Itai *5 qcf+S R 20 --> Followup Attack *6 --> H R 45 Ochitoite Kudasai *7 dp+H R 30 Chikazuku to Yukimasu *8 hcb+H R 30x2 (Raou) Darkness Anthem qcf+S - 30x2 --> Followup Attack --> P - 50 Last Edegy qcb+S R 100 (Dog) Inu Kougeki D - 25 Inu Kougeki *9 d+D - 60 Inu Kougeki f+D - 25 Inu Kougeki *10 u+D - 30 Inu Kougeki b+D - - --> Dog Followup Attack --> D - 30 Tension Moves Umareru *11 hcb, f+H R 40x4 (Raou) Bellows Malice hcb, f+S - 40x10 Instant Kill Kowai Yo~ (T)qcf, qcf+H - All *1 This move can only be performed if Zappa is not supported by any mukade. This move adds three souls to Zappa and summons the ghost, sword, or dog mukade at random. If Zappa has 5 or more souls around him, this move will also do damage to near opponents. If Zappa has 8 or more souls around him, he will summon the Raou mukade instead. Raou will support Zappa for 16 seconds, at the end of which it disappears, as well as any souls around Zappa. *2 K makes a ghost bounce along the ground, S shoots one forward, and H shoots a ghost in an arc. D does all three trajectories at once, with S > H > D in priority if Zappa has fewer than 3 ghosts. If this move hits the opponent they are put into 'possession' mode. *3 Randomly occurs during possession. Knocks opponent down. *4 Randomly occurs during possession. *5 Adds one soul to Zappa. *6 Adds three souls to Zappa. *7 Adds one soul to Zappa. *8 Adds one soul to Zappa per hit. *9 Adds three souls to Zappa. *10 Adds one soul to Zappa. *11 This move banishes whatever Mukade is supporting Zappa. FRC Timing Hard Slash (none): 2-frame window as attack ends Jump Hard Slash (sword): 3-frame window as attack ends Sono Mama Kaette Konaide Kudasai: 2-frame window 2 frames after attack begins Ochitoite Kudasai: 4-frame window as large barrier forms Chikazuku to Yukimasu: 4-frame window as sword completes arc ****************************************************************************** Changes from GGXX #Reload Basic Property High jump higher No Spirits H FRCable (40-41F) D Startup 23F->21F j.D Damage 40->44 Dog Dog Basic Property Sleeps after awhile, wakeup requires 30F Dog Attack (D) Active 6F->8F, recovery 31F->36F, hitback if opponent in corner Dog Attack (f+D) Startup 13F->17F, landing recovery on hit 4F longer, speed up, bounce back increased Dog Attack (b+D) Bounceback increased Dog Attack (d+D) Hitback if opponent in corner Sword close S JCable far S Air guardable, JCable H Air guardable, reach and speed increased c.S Reach and speed increased c.H Recovery 12F->9F, angle steeper, reach and speed increased, two hits, damage 40->30x2, air guardable, JCable j.S Recovery 23F->18F, speed up, angle increased, JCable j.H Angle decreased, speed down, FRCable (15-17F) f+H Hits mid then low, damage 32->29+15, Attack level 5->4, 2 active 20F->24, 6F, recovery 12F->2F, first hit air guardable Itasou, tte Iu Ka Itai (qcf+S) Sword placement far after recovery Ghost All moves other than f+H Pressing button repeatedly can cause 2nd/3rd ghost to follow close S Recovery 19F->12F far SRecovery 17F->7F H Recovery 21F->13F c.S Recovery 16F->6F, cannot cancel into c.S c.H Recovery 15F->11F, ghost gone for 75F->90F j.H Ghost gone for 75F->90F f+H Startup 14F->16F Sono Mama Kaette Konaide Kudasai (qcf+K/S/H/D) K and D versions added, posession mode active 360F->480F, ghost cannot be picked up for 100F Raou H Startup 16F->13F c.S Recovery 21F->9F Darkness Anthem (qcf+S) Hits 3+2->2+1, damage 28x3+35x2->30x2+50, startup 29F->25F, speed increased ****************************************************************************** 5. MISCELLANEOUS TIPS/TRICKS M.O.M. Mode By holding down all five attack buttons before hitting start, you can start the game in "Medal of Millionaire" mode. This mode works basically as a combination of Medal and Survival modes from GGX; the more hits you inflict on your opponent, the more a "medal gauge" on the screen fills up. You gain points by collecting medals and filling up the medal gauge, which will let you gain more high scoring medals. Once you defeat 20 opponents, the mode is over. You do not gain health back between rounds, but every set number of points a life item will pop out which will restore a small amount of health (5-15%) if you pick it up. Voice Select You can control to an extent which set of quotes your character will use during the fight. While the fight is loading (after the Vs. screen, but before the actual background pops up) hold down P, K, or S. I don't have which buttons correspond to which quotes for a character, so experiment. Win Pose Select As soon as "Slash" or "Destroyed" appears, hold down P, K, or S. Not all characters have three win poses so not all of these buttons will work. I don't have which buttons correspond to which win poses for each character, so experiment. Quick Staff Roll The Staff Roll can be sped up by holding down any button. 6. CREDITS Thanks go to: Enterbrain publishers for the GGXX Slash Mook, a source of valuable information Sammy, ArcSystem Works, and Ishiwatari Daisuke for another great game This FAQ copyright 2006 to Edward Chang. Retransmission in any form without express permission of the author is strictly forbidden.