Here is a walkthrough to obtain the J-U-D-G-M-E-N-T Letters to unlock the secret Character Judgment in Story/Survival Mode. Level 6-1[Castle] First walk straight and defeat the enemies. Break the Treasure chest on the right side of the elevator. Pick up whatever comes out of it. Take the first elevator up to the next floor. [good] Walk over the two flame gates and fight the enemies on this floor. Take the next elevator down to the next floor. [good] Kill those two monsters, one before and after the first flame gate. There are Three Flame Gates, 1 far apart then 2 surrounding the treasure chest. Break the Treasure Chest and Pick up the "J". Walk past the flame gate, and finish off the rest of the monsters from that floor. When you see the row of spikes, Jump up and press/tap Right twice to glide. Hit the next treasure chest, grab up those goodies and get on the elevator going up to the next floor. [good] Walk straight and kill that monster ahead of you. Hit the Treasure chest on the right side of the elevator. Then take the elevator down to the next floor. [good] Kill the enemies on the right and left side of you. Go to the left side from the elevator. Break open the 4 Treasure Chest's and within one of them, you will recieve the "U".Walk all the way to the right, kill whatever enemies you see at first sight. Walk straight out of the door. [good] Walk up the stairs and defeat whichever monsters comes in your way. Break open the treasure chest. Walk straight out of the door. [good] Walk straight, for the monsters that crawl on the floor use a hard or low attack to get rid of them. Then you will come up upon an elevator and a row of spikes to your right. Jump up and press/tap Right twice to glide. Land in that gap, directly inbetween both spiked rows. Then Jump up and press/tap Right twice to glide. Land directly in the gap inbetween the spiked rows with a chest. Pick up the "D" which comes out of the chest. Jump up and press/tap left twice to glide over each row of spikes. Go over by the elevator and take it down into the next level. [good] Go straight and get rid of the monsters and walk over the flame gates.Then Jump up and press/tap Right twice to glide over the row of spikes.Watch out for the flame walls, Break open the treasure chest which are surrounded by the flame walls and pick up the "G". Walk out of the room.[good] Walk up the stairs and defeat the monsters lying within that section. Walk out of the room. [good] Hit the treasure chest and pick up what comes out of it. Go on the right side of the elevator, break open the chest and pick up whatever comes out of it. Go left Then take the elevator up to the next floor. [good] There should be a chest directly in the center by the elevator. Break it open and pick up whatever comes out of it. Go the left, Jump up and press/tap left twice to glide over the row of spikes. Land in the gap and Jump up, press/tap left twice to glide over the row of spikes. Break open that treasure chest and pick up the next letter "M". Jump up and press/tap Right twice to glide over the row of spikes. Land in the gap and Jump up and press/tap Right twice to glide over the next row of spikes. Walk right and head out of the room. [good] Walk up the stairs and destroy whatever monsters stand in your way within this section and walk out of the room. [good] Walk to the right and kill the monsters near you. Then there is an elevator, go up the elevator.[good] Kill whatever monsters you see. Break the treasure chest on the right side of you, pick up whatever comes out of it. Then go to the left and pass the elevator that you entered the floor on and go left. Walk pass the flame wall, break open the treasure chest and pick up the "T".[good] Walk on the right side, walk past the flame wall and the first elevator you see and continue walking right. Break open both treasure chests and continue walking to the right and see the next elevator. There is a treasure chest on the right side of it, break it open and pick up whatever comes out of it. Then take it up onto the next floor [good] If you got on the right floor, you will see a blue monster behind a treasure chest. Go to the left and kill the two blue monsters, you will come upon an elevator, take it up. [good] Then walk all the way into the far right of the floor and break open the treasure chest closest to the corner. Pick up the "E" and walk back to the left. Go into the first elevator you see and take it down into the next floor.[good] Walk right and take the elevator you see furthest of the room, which is close to the end right near the treasure chest. If you took the right elevator, you will go up and go onto the next floor and see two rows of spikes and a green monster. [good] Walk all the way to the right, jump and press right twice to get over the row of spikes. Land and jump and press right twice to get over the row of spikes, while executing an aerial attack to knock away the green monsters. jump and press right twice to get over the row of spikes. Break the treasure chest open and pick up the "N". Go to the left, jump and press left twice to get over the row of spikes and get on the closest elevator you see, the elevator will go down. [good] Go to the right, jump and press right twice to get over both rows of spikes and land properly. Walk out the door and go up a set of stairs. [good] Go through the stairs and walk out of that section. If you've appeared in the right place, you will come upon a Green Monster and a Golden Eyeball thingy with a chain. Kill all the monsters upon that floor and walk out of the exit you see right before you. Level 6-1 Castle Done with All The Judgment Letters collected. The Order in which I gathered the letters to Spell "J-U-D-G-M-E-N-T" while going through this stage. "J-U-D-G-M-T-E-N" Hopefully this helped all the gamers with Gatering the letters to unlock Judgment. After you start story mode, he will appear right above Sol-Badguy towarda the upper diagonal right direction. If you need any help with anything, E-Mail me on or If you have myspace, message me on my link on Or if you want to IM me, my screenames are BlazedXSincerity or GRevolutionRebel. This is my very first FAQ that I've made. I may not be good like the others, but I try to get through the point.