Millia -++- GUILTY GEAR XX #RELOAD -++- Technical FAQ SECTION 1- INTRODUCTION I. INTRODUCTION II. DISCLAIMER III. VERSION HISTORY SECTION 2- GENERAL INFORMATION IV. CONVENTIONS V. CHARACTER DATA VI. MOVELIST SECTION 3- BASIC STRATEGY VII. COMBOS VIII. OKISEME & MIX-UPS IX. RUSHDOWN & POKING SECTION 4- ADVANCED STRATEGY X. SPACING & ZONING XI. FEINTING & BAITING XII. MATCH-UPS SECTION 5- CREDITS XIII. FAQ XIV. LINKS XV. CREDITS -=SECTION 1=- _______________________________________________________________________________ I. INTRODUCTION _______________________________________________________________________________ Hi, welcome. This is essentially a project to keep me from getting bored. Do note that is isn't a regular character faq. I'm not going to bother with her alternate costume colors, or her background story from the game and other such nonsense. This faq is purely a technical analysis of the tools she has at her disposal during competitive play, and as such will be updated as new millia tech is discovered. _______________________________________________________________________________ II. DISCLAIMER _______________________________________________________________________________ This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. _______________________________________________________________________________ III. VERSION HISTORY _______________________________________________________________________________ Version 1.0? I guess so. Actually, it's more like .5 or something because it isn't exactly finished... but who cares. It's going to updated constantly anyway, so why bother with version #'s? -=SECTION 2=- _______________________________________________________________________________ IV. CONVENTIONS _______________________________________________________________________________ Directionals: 7 8 9 4 5 6 1 2 3 This is the setup of the numpad on your keyboard. It is used to describe directionals that make up special moves that require motions, and movements liking jumping, ducking, dashing, etc. All motions described assume that your character is facing the right side of the screen. So, a fireball motion would be 236, a shoryuken motion would be 623, etc. 1 = diagonal down-back 2 = down 3 = diagonal down-forward 4 = back 5 = neutral (no direction) 6 = forward 7 = diagonal up-back 8 = up 9 = diagonal up-forward Buttons: P = punch K = kick S = slash H = hard slash D = dust Conventions: j. jump - modifies attack (ie: j.S, jump slash) hj. high jump - modifies attack (ie: hj.S, high jump slash) dj. double jump - modifies attack (ie: dj.S, double jump slash) (c) close - modifies attack (ie: S(c), close slash) (f) far - modifies attack (ie: S(f), far slash) d. dash - modifies attack (ie: d.K, dash kick) ad air dash - modifies attack (ie: ad.K, air dash kick) iad. instant air dash - modifies attack after a jump cancel (JC) (ie: 2H -> JC, iad.S, instant air dash Slash) [ ] "Hold" - hold button indicated. -> Cancel - used in combo explanations, cancel first move to second /\ Homing Jump - used in combo explanations, hold up direction after Dust launch FD Faultless Defense - press 4+P+K to perform (requires Tension) IB Instant Block - press b as a move is about to strike (also known as Just Defend) RC Roman Cancel - press any 3 buttons during attack (hit or blocked) FRC False Roman Cancel - press any 3 buttons during specific attack (hit, blocked, or whiffed) JC Jump Cancel - press any up (9,8,7) direction during jump cancel-able move (unless noted, assume 9) HJC High Jump Cancel - press down then any up direction during jump cancel-able move JI Jump Install - press any up direction during jump cancel-able move during a string or special ID Impossible Dust - refers to Impossible Dust technique CH Counter Hit - abbreviation for Counter Hit (move interrupts an attacking opponent) IAD Instant Air Dash - perform quick air dash close to ground (used outside of combos) DM Damage - total damage the move inflicts TG Tension Gauge - amount the Tension Gauge increases when move is performed (whiff/hit) LV Level - determines how much guard/hit stun move inflicts (see: Attack Effects) F Frames - GGXX is 60 frames per second. 20F means "20 frames" or 1/3rd of a second (#) # of hits - Let move hit only as many times as mentioned before canceling (NC) Non-consecutive hit - Even though the move can be gatling'ed or canceled into, the startup of the move has a longer duration than the hit-stun from the previous move. AKA, it can be blocked. (CH) On counter hit - Move will only connect if the previous move was a counter-hit. (FH) First hit - only the first hit can successfully be comboed out of/into. (CS) Character specific - any attributes assigned to this move are character specific, and may not work on all characters. (A) Airborne opponent - can only be a consecutive hit if opponent is in the air. (W#) Whiff - the duration between active frame windows in multi-hit moves. Guard Guard - how to guard move. H: high guard, L: low guard, F: FD in air, A: basic air guard Cancel Cancel - how move can be canceled: c (cancel to self), C (2-1), R (RC), F (FRC), J (Jump) EX Execution - move begins hitting on indicated frame AC Active - how long move will actively hit for Gatling Combination - used in combo explanations, moves on either side are part of a gatling (ie: S-S-2S) SD Static Difference - advantage / disadvantage when move is guarded. First value corresponds to the earliest point at which the move can connect, and the second value corresponds to the latest point at which the move can connect. Both values are based on standard ground block. Any other values based on something other than standard ground block can be found at GCC, even though I may discuss them here(see links section) _______________________________________________________________________________ V. CHARACTER DATA _______________________________________________________________________________ Most of these measurements are either frames(like duration times), dots(the velocity and acceleration), and multipliers (which is the percentage of damage taken compared to a set variable, which is sol at 1.00, or some other measure based on a set variable). For more info on these, go to GCC. Weight: x1.05 Damage Modifier: x1.21 Stun Resistance: 55 Guts Rating: 3 Forward Walk: 4.50 dots Backward Walk: 3.50 dots Forward Dash Initial Velocity: 11.80 dots Forward Dash Acceleration: 0.45 Forward Dash Resistance: x1.11 Back Dash Velocity: 14.0 dots Back Dash Invincibility: 6F Back Dash Duration: 10F Jump Vertical Initial Velocity: 28.0 dots Jump Gravity: x1.60 Jump Start-up: 3F Jump Duration: 35F Pre-Jump Horizontal Velocity: 4.70 dots Post Jump Horizontal Velocity: 4.50 dots High Jump Vertical Initial Velocity: 29.0 dots High Jump Gravity: x1.10 High Jump Duration: 53F Pre-High Jump Horizontal Velocity: 8.00 dots Post-High Jump Horizontal Velocity: 7.00 dots Forward Air Dash Velocity: 20.0 dots Forward Air Dash Duration: 10F Back Air Dash Velocity: 15.00 dots Back Air Dash Duration: 10F Gravity Balance Defense: x1.25 Gravity Balance Resistance: late face-down knockdown duration: 34F Face-up Knockdown Duration: 36F All gatling and cancel charts are based on a standing/crouching Sol dummy. Heres a chart on different hit stuns and their durations: =============================================================================== Hit Type | L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 | Standing Hit | 10F 12F 14F 17F 19F Crouching Hit | 10F 13F 15F 18F 20F Air Hit | 10F 12F 14F 16F 18F Standard Guard | 09F 11F 13F 16F 18F Faultless Defense | 11F 13F 16F 19F 21F Instant Block | 07F 08F 10F 12F 14F Air Standard Guard | 10F 12F 14F 17F 23F Air Faultless Defense | 12F 15F 18F 24F 27F Air Instant Block | 04F 06F 08F 10F 12F Ground Counter Hit | +0F +2F +04F +08F +12F Air Counter Hit | +6F +9F +16F +18F +21F =============================================================================== Note: Ground Counter Hit and Air Counter Hit add the indicated frame amount to the Static Difference. Example, if L3 attack normally has a SD of +3 on Standing Hit, when a Counter Hit is scored, the move will now have a SD of +7 (+3 standing hit added to the +4 Ground Counter Hit). Since standing guard is the variable GCC based all their SD data on, just add/subtract the difference between the different stun types (if they instant blocked millia's 6K(lv5), the SD is now +3/+6 - (18 - 14) = -1/+2). _______________________________________________________________________________ VI. MOVELIST _______________________________________________________________________________ P DM TG LV Guard Cancel EX AC RE SD 18 1.4 1 HLF cCJR 5 5 6 -1/+3 Gatling Chart: ------------ P 2P 6P K 2K S(c) S(f) 2S H(FH) 2H(NC) 6H(NC) D(NC) 2D(NC) ------------ Cancel Chart: ------------ 236S(NC) 214P(NC) 214S 214K(NC) 236H(NC) 214H(NC) ------------ Notes: P is your main anti-air with millia, and is almost completely safe on whiff. When you connect with a P on an airborne opponent, the follow up is the same as when you combo off millia's throw(see combo section). Don't be afraid to mash it a few times to make sure it connects. 2P DM TG LV Guard Cancel EX AC RE SD 9 1.4 1 HLF CR 5 2 6 +2/+1 - Base damage correction: 85%. Gatling Chart: ------------ P 2P 6P K 2K S(c) S(f) 2S H(first hit) 2H(NC) 6H(NC) D(NC) 2D(NC) ------------ Cancel Chart: ------------ 236S(NC) 214P(NC) 214S 214K(NC) 236H(NC) 214H(NC) ------------ Notes: This move is a pretty average poke, and only has a handful of uses that the 2K or P doesn't exactly satisfy. For instance, 2P is a part of her universal throw combo (see combo section). 2P also hits any crouching opponent, where as most characters can duck a P. It's also used for poking out of throw setups since it activates so quickly, and has a pretty tall hit-box. Other than that, stick to 2K as your ultimate low poke for high/low and tick throw mix-ups. 6P DM TG LV Guard Cancel EX AC RE SD 22x2 2.6 3 HLF CR 7 9, 3 20 -9/-7 - Stagger on CH. Gatling Chart: ------------ S(c) S(f) 2S H 2H 6H(CH) D(CH) ------------ Cancel Chart: ------------ 236S 214P(CH) 214S 214K(NC) 236H(NC) 214H(NC) ------------ Notes: 6P is your strongest anti-air, so use it against huge startup jump-in attacks. 6P is also used to stop high priority ground pokes, and because it causes stagger on CH, you can get creative with how you punish people. Canceling into a 2H for an air-combo works, or gatling to knockdown (6P-H-2D) also works if you are too far away to connect with a 2H. Sometimes, I'll cancel into 5D just for the fun of it, or if I want to turn the opponent around with an ID combo. 6P is also an alternative to S(c)/S(f) during relaunches or combos off of millia's throw. K DM TG LV Guard Cancel EX AC RE SD 12 1.4 1 HLF cCJR 5 6 14 -10/-4 - EX for upward part 7F. Gatling Chart: ------------ 6P K 2K 6K(NC) S(c) S(f) 2S H(first hit) 2H(NC) 6H(NC) D(NC) 2D(NC) ------------ Cancel Chart: ------------ 236S(NC) 214P(NC) 214S 214K(NC) 236H(NC) 214H(NC) ------------ Notes: K is basically 5P, but with more mix-up potential and less damage potential. With K, you can cancel into a high (6K), a low (2K/2S), itself, or a jump. In effect, if someone blocks a K, the chances of them blocking the next hit are pretty low as long as you don't get predictable. This move sees heavy use in millia's okiseme (see trap section). And, like 2P, it has a much taller and lower hit-box than P. It also executes in 5 frames, and has the longest reach out of her 3 fast pokes, so is good for poking at short/mid range. 2K DM TG LV Guard Cancel EX AC RE SD 8 1.4 1 L CR 5 2 7 +1/+2 - Base damage correction: 75%. - 3-11F Millia is considered crouching. Gatling Chart: ------------ 6P(first hit) K 2K S(c) S(f) 2S 2H(NC) 6H(NC) D(NC) 2D(NC) ------------ Cancel Chart: ------------ 236S(NC) 214P(NC) 214S 214K(NC) 236H(NC) 214H(NC) ------------ Notes: 2K is millia's best mix-up tool. It's her quickest low hit, it can gatling into K and 2S, it can be used to tick throw, it can be recovered quickly into 6K to dodge tick throw punishment, and it even makes pizza. This move is really important to millia's arsenal, so get used to using it and learn to connect it's small active frame window in her okiseme. 6K DM TG LV Guard Cancel EX AC RE SD 25 3.8 5 HF CR 17 4 12 +3/+6 - 1-18F lower body invincibility. - 19-20F foot invincibility. - Base damage correction: 80%. - No Gatling Combinations. - Hits crouching opponent on 19F. Cancel Chart: ------------ 236S 214P 214S 214K(NC) 236H(NC) 214H(NC) ------------ Notes: 6K is millia's main overhead. It can be canceled into 214P and 236S, making non-tension follow-ups possible in the corner. It's also a level 5 attack, so if it connects on CH, you can dash in and link it into an air-combo. It's main use is in her rush-down and mix-up, but it sees equal power in her okiseme. S(c) DM TG LV Guard Cancel EX AC RE SD 22x2 2.6 3 HLF CJR 7 3, 3 17 -6/-4 Gatling Chart: ------------ 6P S(f) 2S H 2H D(NC) ------------ Cancel Chart: ------------ 236S 214P(CH) 214S 214K(NC) 236H(NC) 214H(NC) ------------ Notes: S(c) is used solely for the purpose of comboing. It's mainly used as a lead in to 2H off ground pokes, off of traps, and on her relaunches because it pushes back much less than any other link into 2h, and has a low but VERY tall hit-box. For the same reasons, it's also a great gatling into H-2D or S(f)-H-2D for knockdown. Against some moves that come in at something greater than 85 degrees, it can be used as anti-air. S(f) DM TG LV Guard Cancel EX AC RE SD 28 2.6 3 HLF CR 7 2 16 -4/-3 Gatling Chart: ------------ H 2H D(NC) ------------ Cancel Chart: ------------ 236S 214P(CH) 214S 214K(NC) 236H(NC) 214H(NC) ------------ Notes: This move has really good reach, speed, and damage. This and 2D are her staple midrange pokes, since they have more reach than K, and more height than 2S. It's fairly safe on block, and can lead to either 2H, or H-2D for knockdown. It can also gatling into 2S for mix-up and iad options. In combo's, it takes the place of S(c) during relaunches that are farther out, and is used during her more damage throw follow-up combos. 2S DM TG LV Guard Cancel EX AC RE SD 26 2.6 3 L CJR 9 2 15 -3/-2 Gatling Chart: ------------ H 2H D(NC) ------------ Cancel Chart: ------------ 236S 214P(CH) 214S 214K(NC) 236H(NC) 214H(NC) ------------ Notes: 2S is millia's most reliable low hit, since it is jump cancel-able, combos immediately into 2H, and a lot of millia's normals can gatling into it. it also cancels into anything S(f) can. It's main use though, is in her more elaborate okiseme setups and cross-ups with her jump cancel options. Don't let it's telegraphed nature deceive you, it's active frames window is the same size as 2K. H DM TG LV Guard Cancel EX AC RE SD 30x2 3.8 5 HLF CR 6, 12 4(W2)2 21 -4/-3 Gatling Chart: ------------ 2D D(NC) ------------ Cancel Chart: ------------ 236S 214P(CH/FH) 214S 214K(NC) 236H(NC) 214H(NC) ------------ Notes: This move is filler to get to her 2D, and to cause damage getting there. It's main use outside of combos though is to cancel it with a 236H or 2D-> 236H, and start her zoning game. It also has some very character specific uses which I'll mention later(see combo and rush-down section). 2H DM TG LV Guard Cancel EX AC RE SD 40 3.8 4 HLF CJR 11 7 12 -2/+4 - Floats. - Knocks down on CH. Gatling Chart: ------------ 2D(CH)(CS) D(CH) ------------ Cancel Chart: ------------ 236S 214P(NC) 214S 214K(NC) 236H(CH) 214H(NC) ------------ Notes: 2H is THE launcher for millia, and the main facilitator for dealing damage during said combos. At a lovely 40 damage, you will see more of this move in the combos section. Other than that, you can use it on okiseme if you like, since it is extra meaty. I prefer to stick to 2K/2S/etc. for my meaty hits. If you time it early enough, it can also be anti-air. 6H DM TG LV Guard Cancel EX AC RE SD 60 3.8 5 HLF CR 16 3 25 -9/-7 - Knocks down. - No gatling combinations. Cancel Chart: ------------ 236S(A) 214P(A) 214S(A) 214K(NC) 236H(NC) 214H(NC) ------------ Notes: Oh the damage, 6H does very nicely in corner combos (see combo section). But alas, that is all it can do. Sometimes you can use it to snuff out attacks, but having no follow-ups on ground takes away any usefulness it might have. D DM TG LV Guard Cancel EX AC RE SD 12 2.6 3 HF R 25 3 23 -16/-14 - No gatling combinations. - Not cancel-able. Notes: Millia's dust is 27 frames of start-up. But, during most of those frames, she is at the same height as her crouching kick. Millia's dust isn't all that important to her game, since she has better overhead options, but it certainly adds to her mix-up game, and has a few very specific uses. 2D DM TG LV Guard Cancel EX AC RE SD 26 2.6 3 L CR 13 3 12 -1/+1 - 10-21F foot invincibility. - No gatling combinations. Cancel Chart: ------------ 236S(CS) 214P(CS) 214S(CS) 214K(NC) 236H(NC) 214H(NC) ------------ Notes: 2D is the lower partner to S(f) as her mid-range poke. Learning your distance with this move is very important, because her sweet spot range on this allows her to go through the opponents low attacks because of the foot invincibility. Learn the sweet spot and take advantage, good spacing with 236H and 2D and j.D is how you make her zoning game effective. DM TG LV Guard Cancel EX AC RE SD 10 1.4 1 HA cCR 5 6 8 -4/+1 Gatling Chart: ------------ j.P j.P j.P j.H j.D(CH)(A) ------------ Cancel Chart: ------------ 236P(CH)(A) 214S(CH)(A) ------------ Notes: j.P is a filler move for combos and strings, and is her main stuffer of air-throws and such because of it's good execution and the angle of the hit-box. It sees moderate use in zoning because of this(see zoning section). A nice spam move in air, and a good air-dash buffer for tension gaining tactics. This is also your main air-to-air close range poke. DM TG LV Guard Cancel EX AC RE SD 12 1.4 1 HA CJR 4 9 9 -8/+0 Gatling Chart: ------------ j.P j.S j.D(CH)(A) ------------ Cancel Chart: ------------ 236P(CH)(A) 214S(CH)(A) ------------ Notes: Ok, j.K is millia's fastest executing normal. An "ok" snuffer of air-throws, a necessity to connecting her universal throw follow-up combo, and a great way to tick into a 236K(air) for cross-ups and throw setups as well as a few character specific uses and okiseme options. For the most part, it's important because it's her only air normal that is jump cancel-able, and recovers quickly from whiff. A very flexible move that sees most of it's use in chaining into the j.S in cross-up strings/air-combos, and secret garden traps(see traps section). A good "tagging" move like j.P. DM TG LV Guard Cancel EX AC RE SD 26 2.6 3 HA CR 10 6 12 -4/+1 Gatling Chart: ------------ j.P j.H ------------ Cancel Chart: ------------ 236P 214S ------------ Notes: This is not a jump-in move. It is too easily punished, and comes out too slow for it's low LV. It's ok for air-dashing in with, and for crossups... but it's use comes as a follow-up to iad.214S, and as millia's most damaging filler/positioner in her regular combos(see combos section). DM TG LV Guard Cancel EX AC RE SD 22x3 2.6 3 HA CR 8 4(W2)6(W2)4 17 -21/-4 Cancel Chart: ------------ 236P(CS) 214S(CS) ------------ Notes: This is the move that makes millia's beautiful combos work the way they do(see combo section). It hit's 3 times, and hits both in front and behind her, so it's good for jump-ins and catching people who try to escape millia's disk. It tends to send people to the ground as well, so it sees some use in spiking the opponent for Medium Knockdown. Other than that, remember on cross-ups and jump-ins to link into a K/2K on landing so that it actually connects. Connecting a j.H on a grounded opponent and being able to combo with a S(c) on landing is very fickle, so stick to K/2K. DM TG LV Guard Cancel EX AC RE SD 36 2.6 3 HLA CR 11 7 9 -1/+4 - Knocks down. - Wall bounce on CH. - 6F recovery on landing. Cancel Chart: ------------ 236P 214S ------------ Notes: Millia's zoning game in a nutshell. IAD'ing around with this can seriously put a hamper on any opponent's offensive angles. This move lets you control the air game from an un-heard of distance. It wall bounces and knocks down on CH, so you can land, run up, and air-combo someone after the fact. The 6 frames of recovery on landing doesn't affect much other than make it so you can't use it to hold them down while you iad in for free after landing from it due to stun. <236P(air)> DM TG LV Guard Cancel EX AC RE SD 24x(1-4) 1.5/1.8 3 HA R 11 - - -12 - Base damage correction: 80%. - FRC on 6-8F after connecting with opponent or touching the ground. - 7F recovery recovery on landing. Notes: 236P is basically your instant overhead when it is "TK'ed" (2369P). If you need a cheap easy overhead, this will get the job done, but in order to combo off of it, you need to set it up correctly. <214P> DM TG LV Guard Cancel EX AC RE SD 36 2.0/4.8 3 L RF 17 - - -13 - Millia is considered airborne 7F+. - Floats. - Downs. - FRC on 17-22F. - 8F RE on landing. - Base damage correction: 90% Notes: 214P initially is just like 236p in how it's applied (combos and traps and rush-down) but because of it's FRC, it has some interesting, and more elaborate uses(see traps section). This move has the ability to inflict quite a bit of damage in the corner. <236K(air)> DM TG LV Guard Cancel EX AC RE SD - 2.0/- - - - - - - - - RE 8F after landing. - Can cross-up the opponent. Notes: This move is mainly for okiseme and throw setups(see misc. tactics section). This move is cross-up city, and is better than the 214K because it's execution frames aren't spent in an easily ground throw-able state. <214K> DM TG LV Guard Cancel EX AC RE SD - 2.0/- - - - - - - - - 16-24F Millia is considered crouching. Notes: There are 2 uses for this: dodging moves that have high hit boxes, crossing up during specific situations where it's safe and can be used for tick throw setups. Other than that, this move is incredibly punishable, so don't spam it ...TOO much ...hehehe. <236S> DM TG LV Guard Cancel EX AC RE SD 40 1.3/1.2 3 HLA - 11 13 - -1/+13 - Duration: 38F. - Wall bounce. - Millia is in CH state until end of move. - Move disappears if Millia is damaged. Notes: Millia's "get off me" move. One of her 3 good close range moves. Also used in some of her more interesting corner combos. Pay close attention to the reach of this move in zoning and traps. <214S(air)> DM TG LV Guard Cancel EX AC RE SD 20 1.5/1.2 2 HLA - 11 2(w1)xn - - - Duration: 16F. - Guard damage set to 10. - Stagger on CH (max 49). - Millia is in CH state until end of move. - Distance to retrieve needle 100 dots. - Base damage correction: 80%. Notes: The move millia uses to get back in on her opponent. IAD in(or jump forward, whatever), 214S, and then rush down. More specific uses of this move are seen in her traps and mid-rush-down strings. <214S> DM TG LV Guard Cancel EX AC RE SD 18xn 1.5/3.0 3 HLF R 10 1(w3)xn 8 +5 - You can mash the slash button for more hits. Notes: This isn't a move you will use often. Some may disagree, so i will explain: This move cannot be linked out of, and does not knock down. It also causes less damage as a combo ender than millia's air combo, which DOES knock down. It's only advantages are tension building and RC for high/low/throw in mid string. The first one is negated by the second, and the second is negated by the fact that millia has much more effective and tension efficient mix-ups. Always good to have though. The reason you see people abuse this though is because it is extremely easy to use. <236H> DM TG LV Guard Cancel EX AC RE SD 50 1.3/1.2 3 HLA F 60 33 - - - Duration 32F. - Wall bounce. - Millia is in CH state until end of move. - Move disappears if Millia is damaged. - FRC on 14-16F. Notes: Millia's main trap starter, and one of the key moves in her zoning game. Has quite a few miscellaneous uses as a tick throw tool, an air-throw setup tool, rush-down, etc. A very important move which you will see a lot, since it is best adapted to nearly every part of millia's game. <214H> DM TG LV Guard Cancel EX AC RE SD 30x5 3.0/1.2 3 HLA - 56 - - - - Duration 74F. Notes: This move is very good for okiseme, and going from zoning to rush-down from far away. The mix-ups that are possible off this move make it a top priority for setting up traps with it. <236236S> DM TG LV Guard Cancel EX AC RE SD 36x3 - 3 HLA - 4+2 - - -3 - Duration 75F. - 5F inv from strikes. - Knocks down. - Wall bounces. Notes: This overdrive can be comboed into, and out of. It's main use is setting up reclaiming your pin in mid-combo, or as connector in combos that would have died otherwise. Good examples of both are in the combos section. <2141236H> DM TG LV Guard Cancel EX AC RE SD 40+25x4+80 - 5 HLF R 5+1 - 10(10)15 -22 Notes: The most damaging option millia has after a 2h at mid-screen is to connect with this, and look for a follow-up. Positioning can be finicky, but there are generally 2 hot spots on the ground where this move becomes easy to combo after. It's a good idea to learn it; IAD relaunches after this overdrive can lead to some easy damage. It can also be used in some of the same places 236236S can be used. Like always though, save tension for mind games and killing blows. DM TG LV Guard Cancel EX AC RE SD 55 - - - - - - - - - Base damage correction: 40% Notes: Millia's ground throw is very important to her offense, as it adds a crucial angle to her mix-up game, and she can combo off of it into a knockdown, doubling, even tripling the damage in some cases, and moving the opponent to the corner. She can even use it during long ground strings or IAD loops in conjunction with 214S as a reset (though that's a very minor/flashy use). A very powerful tool for millia. DM TG LV Guard Cancel EX AC RE SD 55 - - - - - - - - Notes: Not as useful as her ground throw, but her air-throw does serve some purpose. Despite her bad range, she has many setups for her air-throw which can extend crucial damage onto the end of a combo, and setup for traps even if it doesn't kill. If the opponent flies far away after the air-throw, it's best to set up a secret garden before moving in. DM TG LV Guard Cancel EX AC RE SD 20 2.6 3 HLA R 7 6 33 -20 - 1-12F invincibility. - Knocks down. - No gatling combinations. - Not cancel-able Notes: Her DAA knocks down, so it puts you immediately in a good position if you land it. If you DAA the opponent while they are high enough in air, you can even air-combo off it for better positioning/knockdown/damage. _______________________________________________________________________________ VII. Combos _______________________________________________________________________________ Theory & Application Millia combos usually follow a set pattern. Combo into 2H somehow, and then air-combo into a knockdown and go for a trap. Before we Dissect her combos down to their constituent parts, lets see what a few whole combos would look like... mid-screen vs. Ky - 2D(knockdown) -> 214K, 236H, 2S-2H -> JC, iad.S-H(1), land, S(c)-2H -> HJC,iad.S-H(2), land, S(c)-2H -> JC, iad.H(2-3), land, 236H - That was a triple relaunch, ending in a trap, and with plenty of tension gained in the process. Using IAD variations only means more damage. mid-screen vs. Ky - 2D(knockdown) -> 214k, 236H -> FRC, D /\ 8D -> 8D -> 236K, land, 2H -> JC, iad.S-H(2), land, S(c)-2H -> HJC, hj.S-P-S-H(3), land, S(c)-2H -> HJC, iad.S-H(1) -> 214S, land, 6H -> 214H(2H 8H 2H 8H) - Dust launch into triple relaunch into 214S, land, 6H knockdown for a secret garden trap (214H, see trap section). corner vs. Jam - air-combo knockdown, 236H -> FRC, 6K(connects) -> 236S, S(c)-2H -> HJC, iad.S-H(2), land, S(c)(2)-2H -> JC, iad.H(3), land, K-S(f)-2h -> JC, iad.H(3), land, K-S(f)-2h -> JC, iad.H(3), land, 236H - The lightweight iad loop in the corner. mid-screen vs. Jam - 6P-2H -> HJC, hj.S-P-S-H(3), land, S(c)-2H -> HJC, hj.S-P-P-H(3), land, S(c)-2H -> HJC, hj.S-P-P-H(3), land, 236H - just a random combo off the ground. mid-screen vs. Dizzy - j.D(CH), land, d.2H -> JC, iad.S-H(2) -> 214S, land, 6H -> 236236S, retrieve pin, S(c)-2H -> JC, iad.S-h(1) -> 214S, land, 6h -> 214H(2H 8H 2H 8H) - Counter hit to combo (this one will happen a lot), and then a double relaunch with a pin pick-up to 214s, land, 6h combo ender. mid-screen vs. Testament - air-combo knockdown, 236H, 2K -> 214K, d.2K(connects)-S(c)-2H -> HJC, hj.K-P-K-S-H(3), land, 236H - An HJC combo for the less floaty characters. Combo Construction Now it's time for the different parts that make up those combos... Lead-ins(combo starters): (K-)S(c)-2H -> Just a normal lead-in for the 2h off a successful close poke/trap. There are many ways to reach the 2h, but as a whole this portion is rather obvious and rudimentary. Just check the gatling charts, really. j.(S-)H, land, K-S(c)-2H -> j.P can be substituted for j.S in most cases. j.S, land, S(c)-2H -> j.S has longer stun than j.H, so this is most times possible. You can still add the K in there if it's needed. Air Combo Strings: <2H -> HJC> 2H -> HJC, hj.S-P-S-H -> This is used for low launches, like on or near the ground. It also deals the most damage. 2H -> HJC, hj.S-P-P-H -> This one is for launches that occur slightly higher off the ground. 2H -> HJC, hj.K-P-S-H -> This is for throw follow-up combos, and can replace S-P-P-H in most cases. It's also a better lead-in to a relaunch because it ends as an S-H. 2H -> HJC, hj.K-S-H -> For when your opponent was really high when you nailed them with a 2H. 2H -> HJC, hj.K-P-K-S-H -> This is the same height wise as S-P-S-H, but hit's heavier characters where an S-P-S would miss them. It does crap damage though, but it's good for positioning. 2H -> HJC, hj.S-P-P-P-H -> This one is specifically for setting up secret garden traps on male characters, and is a good fake-out for one of millia's air-throw setups. <2H -> (H)JC, iad.> 2H -> (H)JC, iad. S-H -> The standard iad relaunch. Very good damage and setup for a relaunch, and hits the least number of times, so it's great for cramming a lot of relaunches in. Remember this can be used where ever hj.S-P-S-H or hj.K-P-K-S-H can be used. This is the standard repetition for the iad loop on heavier characters. 2H -> (H)JC, iad.P-(P-)H -> This variation is better timing wise, and is easier to catch on most characters than a straight up S-H. The downside is the obvious lack of damage that results from damage scaling on the punches. 2H -> (H)JC, iad.H (corner only) -> This is used in the corner when the opponent is really high. The hit-boxes for h are rather tall, and spread out so that the opponent will "fall" onto those hit-boxes as you dive to the ground, like a skipping stone. This keeps them nice and high for relaunches. This is the standard repetition for the iad loop on light characters. Notes: Remember that if anything ends with a "S-H", then the h can most times be delayed to give better positioning for relaunches or long knockdown. Also, when ever j.K is used, j.P can be used to substitute it. Relaunches: land, (K-)S(c)-2H -> This is the most common relaunch, and the best one for mid-screen. land, (K/2P-)S(c) -> If 2H won't connect, you can do a non-2H launcher into an air-combo as well. This is just one way to do it, you can include as many or as few hits as you will, but the concept is basically "bring them high enough for a HJC air combo". It's actually much more reliable than any 2H -> HJC combo, just not a whole lot of damage. <214S(air)> 214S, land, 2H -> Pretty much an easy mode relaunch for most characters after a HJC or IAD combo. 214S, land, 6H -> 236S, S(c/f)-2H (corner only) -> One of Millia's most damaging non-tension relaunch. Again, S(c/f) and 6P are interchangeable, and in some cases, 214P -> FRC, d.S(c/f)-2H can be used instead after the 6H. 214S, land, 6H -> 236236S, d.S(c/f)-2H -> Good mid-screen damage for killing people. You Need to do it quite low, and you need to wait for lighter character to fall a bit before you do the 6h. Use this explicitly for when it will kill, or in the corner for when you want to recover your pin in mid-combo for a Secret Garden trap(see traps section). Also, you can tack on K incase you need to, or take away the S(c/f) if you don't need it. <236P(air)> 236P, land, S(c)-2H -> Most of the time, you won't want to use this. Though in some cases where you can't do a regular relaunch because you are too far above them on your way down from an air-combo, a full 4 hits of 236P will generally give you the time to relaunch them. That being said, it's somewhat on the finnicky side. Dust Combos: D -> /\ 8D -> 8D -> 236K, land, S(c)-2H -> The only ID combo millia really needs. For timing, you can replace the air dusts with air slashes, and it will work just as well. The great use for millia's dust is that it can be used to pick up a pin in mid-combo, since 236K puts you on the ground in time to crouch to pick it up and continue the combo. There are other, flashier things you can do with millia's dust, but they serve almost no purpose what-so-ever (not even enough to be properly listed). D -> /\ FD, falling D, land, 6H -> 236S (near corner only) -> The corner only variation, which does more damage. Throws: throw, d.2P-P-P -> Millia's universal ground throw combo that works on every character. Does the least damage of all her throw combos. And because theres no 2h, you have to use a HJC combo that starts with kick. throw, d.S(f)-2H -> Millia's average ground combo throw. Works on MOST people, but is quite a bit harder to time than her universal combo on most characters. One character where this combo starter is preferable is axl. Does more damage than the universal one, and is open to other relaunch options besides HJC combos that start with kick. Also, for some characters, you can tack on a K or 2P before the S(f) for height/timing. throw, 2H -> Works on very specific characters (faust, anji, eddie, and potemkin), but is the most damaging throw combo millia has, and is dirt easy compared to most of her other variations. For all characters mentioned, you can do an iad follow-up after the 2H. throw, d.K/2P-S(f)-2H -> Works on johnny and ky best, but can work on a few others (not usually worth on anyone but those two). Has the same advantages that a 2H ending combo has, but with the ease of execution you get from a d.2P-P-P combo starter. _______________________________________________________________________________ VIII.OKISEME & MIX-UPS _______________________________________________________________________________ (unfinished) after an air-combo knockdown at mid-screen... -236H, 2K -236H, 2369P -236H, 6K -236H, 214P -236H, 2369K(crossup) -236H, 214P -236H, 214P(whiff) -> FRC, falling j.K (this is the best mix-up in the game) -late 236H -> FRC, 2K -> roll(cross up) -236H -> FRC, iad, 236K(single or double crossup/bait) -(optionally late)236H -> FRC, (forward)hj.P(whiff), air dash back, 214S, air-dash foward(bait/crossup) -late 236H -> FRC, back dash -> mix-up/combo of choice -late 236H -> FRC, 2369P -late 236H -> FRC, 6K -236H, 2369P -> FRC, falling 214S, low air dashing K-P-K -236H, 2369P -> FRC, falling 214S, land, 2K -236H, 2369P -> FRC, land, throw _______________________________________________________________________________ IX. RUSHDOWN & SAFE STRINGS _______________________________________________________________________________ coming soon _______________________________________________________________________________ X. POKING & ZONING _______________________________________________________________________________ coming soon _______________________________________________________________________________ XI. SPACING & BAITING _______________________________________________________________________________ coming soon _______________________________________________________________________________ XII. MATCH-UPS _______________________________________________________________________________ This is a whole can of worms that will take awhile to get up, so this spot will also be bare for the time being. _______________________________________________________________________________ XIII.FAQ _______________________________________________________________________________ Well, until I actually get questions, this spot will remain bare. _______________________________________________________________________________ XIV. LINKS _______________________________________________________________________________ This is the place for guilty gear strats and recorded matches. Look for them in the forums, strats are found in the character section of the forums, and vids are usually in the guilty pleasures section. This place is great for finding tournaments and places where players for almost any competitive fighting game gather. Where you go if you want recorded matches and combo videos. This site is updated everyday atleast once, so keep yourself up to date. _______________________________________________________________________________ XV. CREDITS _______________________________________________________________________________ Um, yeah. Arcsystems for making a cool game. GCC for the conventions. SRK for being SRK. Video Opera for linking all that pro ish. Those japanese and korean guys for being way too good at this game and providing alot of the insight in their matches and vids that's used in this guide. All the people who yelled at me to finish this stupid thing too. Copyright 2005 Chris Olson