
Where the weird shit that doesn't fit in the other archives goes.


Archive Contributors //

People that have contributed at least a few things to the GG archives in some way or another.

In alphabetical order. Give me a poke if you're not on here and you feel you should be. A lot of people have contributed to this and I know I'm forgetting some.

Livio Alberto Nava (Aegis High)

Notable projects: Many Spanish translations, webmaster of the Mexico-based Ride The Lightning fansite.
Referred to as just "Aegis High" on here, but sometimes with his real name on the documents themselves.

Blade (or Blade Highwind or Gear Project)

Notable projects: The first Night of Knives translation, assistance/proofreading on old documents, misinformation.
I was hesitant to include Blade here but he is, despite it all, a name you will see often. Collaborated on older stuff with both Ed Chang and later with Volcanic Fighter. Known for inserting weird headcanons or personal agendas into works, transphobia, homophobia, comparing Venom (and other people of color) to cheese (?), and arguing that Nagoriyuki isn't black. Just avoid him.


Notable projects: Video media preservation (DVDs, VHS), the Guilty Gear Wiki, the Wiki's socials.
Socials: Neocities (personal) - Neocities (wiki) - Tumblr

Edward Chang (or just Ed Chang)

Notable projects: GGX and GGXX Drama CD translations, many of the first fan-made lore documents.
One of the first, and most prolific, JP>EN translators in the GG community, as well as a popular GameFAQs author for the old GG games. Used to have a personal website that hosted his works but it only survives on Wayback Machine now. A name you will see often in old archived works.

Justice Revival Project (aka Longshotte)

Notable projects: Guilty Gear Xtra
Socials: Twitter - Mangadex
Formed solely to translate the GG Xtra manga.


Notable projects: GG TCG scans, unusual Missing Link documents, the Guilty Gear Wiki, Testament.
Socials: Tumblr

Sol Radguy

Notable projects: Artworks of Guilty Gear X 2000-2007, GG Begin, the Guilty Gear Wiki. This.
Email: junkyarddogmkii [at] gmail [dot] com
Socials: - Tumblr - Mangadex
Just in case. Separate archive for just stuff I've done over on this page


Notable projects: Vastedge XT asset rips, several manga and guidebook scans, the Guilty Gear Wiki, Millia Rage.
Socials: Neocities - Tumblr -

Volcanic Fighter (aka Nincopyjasb)

Notable projects: Spanish translations, collecting and maintaining a significant portion of what would become these archives.
Socials:Twitter - Youtube
We owe a lot to Volcanic for how many files here would be lost without him. A name you'll see often.

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Misc. Art/Documents //

Things that aren't really books but aren't really translations either. Loose art pages or leaked model sheets. Weird stuff.

Channel 3 Records Guilty Gear: Missing Link Vinyl Art and Interview Book

Raws: Sol Radguy
Translation: Official/in-house localization
Scan quality: Good
A 2LP that came with a short booklet containing some ML era GG art and a brief interview with Daisuke himself. The music was not ripped from the records, this is just the book.

A.B.A. Design Documents

Raws: famiccha
Scan quality: Good
Original analog sketches used for A.B.A.'s design and for the design of her moveset.

Vastedge Design Documents/Concept Art

Raws: Tillman
Scan quality: Good
43 pages of what seem to be printouts of scans of official design documents for the Vastedge dev team.

Asura System Guilty Gear Trading Cards

Raws: lesbiangiratina
Scan quality: Good
Link also has scans of cards from the Guilty Gear Hybrid Card Collection (Broccoli TCG). Cards are in Japanese. These scans are also uploaded to the Guilty Gear Wiki: Asura System - Broccoli TCG

Various Guilty Gear DVD covers and booklets

Raws: CryptideTR
Scan quality: Good
Exactly what it sounds like. The upload will update whenever Cryptide does new scans, so check back with it once in a while.

Missing Media/Scans //

Things we don't have scans, rips, or whatever of.


These are missing raw (ie., in their original Japanese) manga scans, not translations.

  • Guilty Gear Isuka Comic Anthology (DNA Media Comics)
  • Guilty Gear Isuka Yonkoma Kings - 4koma
  • Guilty Gear X Plus Comic Anthology (DNA Media Comics)
  • Guilty Gear XX (Ohzora Comics)
  • Guilty Gear XX Slash Comic Anthology (DNA Media Comics)
  • Guilty Gear XX Slash Yonkoma Kings
  • Guilty Gear XX ♯Reload Yonkoma Kings


It's difficult finding information about the guides/encyclopedias. Drop me a message if you find one that's not listed.

  • Guilty Gear X Official Guide - Dreamcast-specific guide
  • Guilty Gear X Plus Official Guide
  • Guilty Gear XX Complete Guide - (I have this one, just need to get off my ass and scan it)
  • Guilty Gear XX ♯Reload Complete Guide - (also have this one)
  • Guilty Gear XX Slash Complete Guide
  • Guilty Gear XX Λ Core Break Encyclopedia
  • Guilty Gear XX Λ Core Complete Guide
  • Guilty Gear Isuka Outlive Encyclopedia
  • Guilty Gear Isuka Technical Guide
  • Guilty Gear 2 -Overture- Complete Guide

Video media

Huge mystery just how many of these there are. Keep your eyes peeled over on cryptidetr's Neocities in case I forget to update here.

  • Guilty Gear XX EMBLEM - VHS - Published by FANTASY MAX in 2002. Cover has May and Bridget on it. May be unofficial? Only listing found so far was posted for us$700...

Miscellaneous missing things

  • The EU special edition release of GG Accent Core Plus. Came with what's likely to be an official English translation of the 10th Memorial Book OR a book called The Lost Archive, which seems to include artwork for Overture but additional information is unknown. Which book it came with depended on which version of the SE was bought. These were limited to 200 copies (100 each) and are very expensive (>us$450). (thanks to Renexuz & Tillman for this info)
  • Arc System Works 25th Anniversary Memorial Booklet - A Japan-exclusive limited-edition artbook that was available at the Arc System Works Festival 2013 to commemorate the company's twenty-fifth anniversary.
  • Guilty Gear 2 Overture Secret Gig & Secret Gig Neo - Two different booklets. Neo was given out at Tokyo Game Show (2006?) and they both have some Overture art in them that wasn't included in the GG2Overture Material Collection art book, mostly of Valentine and Chimaki. Neo has art by guest artists, including a Valentine body pillow... Neo also seems to be the rarer of the two, but both are pretty hard to find. The standard Secret Gig book appears to have been an Aksys USA online store exclusive.
  • Guilty Gear Terminological Concentration - Isuka? era book that seems to be like a printed version of the moden in-game encyclopedia feature, Guilty Gear World. There were two editions published and it seems they have the same information in them. One has Ky and Order Sol on the cover and the other has just Order Sol. Published late 2004.
  • Guilty Gear Backyard Rev 2 - Rev2 era book from Comiket 97. The cover says it's just frame data, but it may have more in it besides that.
  • This mystery fanbook - Has concept art sketches in it that (seemingly) haven't been published anywhere else. Appears to be from the early GGXX era. Might be a fanbook?
  • Guilty Gear X Beat In End Combo Collection - Combination Analysis - Approx. 84 page book that may or may not have come bundled with the VHS tape of the same name. Seems to have been just dry technical data, combo lists, and things like that. Not extremely vital to get scanned, but could be interesting.
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