
It's fun looking back at old update stuff. This page archives all the site updates posted on the main page.


From there to here...

-- Nov. 28, 2024

I have to go to the most awkward Thanksgiving of my life later today, so to take my mind off it I put together a collection of fanfiction. 50% of them are porn. They're all labeled, with the SFW ones in their own section at the top of the page and the NSFW ones in a labeled section further down. All have warning labels. There are more I'll add later once I have time.

Check it out on the new page: Fanfiction Collection

-- Nov. 23, 2024

New translation: Guilty Gear Xrd Series Official Artworks, SPECIAL EPISODE: A Brief Respite. Updated the footnotes code on the Sol Overture MC story too, so you can read the footnotes on mouse hover instead of jumping up and down the page like a clown.

-- Nov. 20, 2024

Added mobile view and alt text to the Heterosexual Ky Kiske essay in celebration of his birthday.

-- Nov. 6, 2024

Masterpost 3.0 is now online. Check it out.

-- Nov. 2, 2024

Over the boring part of redoing the Masterpost (making a spreadsheet) and figured out how to code something like a search engine. The Internet Archive is mostly back up now too, I was even able to login. Still gonna rehost a few of the lighter things in the archive directly on Neocities where I can though. Hoping to have it done soon-ish now that Soltober is over.

-- Oct. 21, 2024

Internet Archive is back up in read-only mode but the PDF viewer's still kinda fucked, which sucks for the GG archive. I've been plugging away at the code for the new masterpost and reuploading things but there's so much stuff it's slow going. The new Xrd artbook scans are up over on my Tumblr. They'll be in the masterpost once I re-code it and get it online. Whenever that'll be.

-- Oct. 15, 2024

Internet Archive's been down for like 4 days now. I'm scrawling profanity and ancient curses upon the walls of my prison. Makes me realize how fragile the GG archive is without it.
Finished scanning the Xrd art book, cleaning the scans now. Will finish the HOS short story in it after that, then the Chara Design article. Those two translations are both really close to being done. Just gotta get this book outta the way. Will probably host it on instead of Archive this time. Gotta cover my ass.

-- Oct. 06, 2024

Overture stories are now entirely on the new layout. I wanna try tackling the masterpost next.

-- Oct. 05, 2024

Order Sol got a short story in the new Xrd art book that just came out. My copy is shipping from the proxy warehouse any hour now. Translation in progress.

-- Sept. 29, 2024

Started moving the GG2OMC stories over to the new layout. Some were still on layout 1.0 (like Ky's) and are going to take some untangling... Got the directory for them and then Sol's and Izuna's stories on layout 3.0 today. Sol's is still the only one that's had a new translation done though. I don't think I'll have time to retranslate the others for a long while, but I can at least get them on to the new page code until then. Soltober in 2 days, also.

-- Sept. 24, 2024

Sitemap, update archive, GIFs page, and GIFs page: rotating, are all updated to the new layout now. The sitemap page got the biggest update. The little links were hard to click on mobile, so they've got boxes and a bit more space around the links now to make them a bit easier to click. The remaining pages will probably take a while longer to move over because there's a lot of stuff I've been procrastinating adding to them that I'll do while also changing the code.

-- Sept. 20, 2024

LAYOUT 3.0!!!!!!!! For now it's only going to be active on the main index page while I squish out any strange bugs or errors that will inevitably pop up that I missed while testing it in my editor's debugger. With this layout I really tried to improve aesthetic appeal, readability, and accessibility. Most of the images on this page have alt text now. I reference my own site a lot on both mobile and desktop devices, so things like font sizes and colors will likely be the main things that get adjusted. Hope everyone likes it, it was a lot of work haha! The Masterpost will probably be the last page to get updated to layout 3.0 because I'd like to clean up the overall code of that giant ugly thing while I'm at it.

All of the stylesheets have names. This one is Garlic Bread, the previous one was Spaghetti, and the sheet for my About page is Ingredients. Sorry the dark/light theme toggle still doesn't persist across pages. I need a way to store a cookie for that in the browser of the user clicking it, but that seems to be disabled for free Neocities accounts.

-- Sept. 12, 2024

New doujinshi over in Archives: ARMAGEDDON by SUMIHEI from 1999. Thanks Kat!

-- Sept. 2, 2024

Added a link to the Spotify playlist for TAPE VI. on my mixed tapes page finally. Added a note to the LtA progress thing up above aboud magicalgirlfia picking up the English translation.

-- Aug. 2, 2024

Added the ASW/GG anniversary article from Famitsu No.1811 to the Archives and Masterpost. Scanned that a while ago but kept forgetting to actually clean and upload the scans. It's just Japanese raws.

-- July 31, 2024

I'm burnt out and taking a break from Guilty Gear to focus on some other stuff. Only thing in the IN PROGRESS section I plan on working on right now is the Character Designer article, which I've been poking at for a few months now and forgot to add onto there. Might work on fixing/doing some of the things I've been meaning to do to this site too.

-- July 18, 2024

Chapter 10 of the Missing Link Comic Anthology, THE GREAT ILLUSION - EPISODE 1: CATS WALK ALONE, is translated. PDF in the Archives, webview over on Mangadex. Next project is finishing the Character Designer article I should've done back in like February. Thanks to kaialone and Bramble for help with Johnny's nightmarish accent this chapter. Still not entirely sure I translated his lines right but w/e close enough lol

-- July 14, 2024

Added a FAQ page. Cleaned up the code on the hentai doujinshi page and added Noblesse Oblige, an English translated doujinshi featuring Slayer (hairy!!) and Axl. Thanks to Oka Desu for sending it to me! Also, the first draft of the English translation of chapter 10 of the '98 Comic Anthology is done. Finally. Just need to read it over one more time, timeset the text, and redraw the small handful of SFX. Hoping to have that online before the end of the week.
Btw I've got some Jack-O' keychains up for preorder on my Ko-fi shop until the 24th. Please check it out, I'm really happy with them.

-- July 3, 2024

Vaporbabe finished the English re-localization of Night of Knives!!! Send him some thanks over on Twitter for the hard work!!
=== Vol.1, Vol.2, Vol.3 // Guilty Gear Wiki mirror

-- June 27, 2024

HELIOGENOMS 2.0 scans in the Archives. Thanks Tillman for sending me that issue!! Only missing 3.0 now... Also, I'm almost done with the JP manuscript for chapter 10 of the Missing Link Comic Anthology.

-- June 19, 2024

Found a huge archive of Arcadia scans. Might make weeding through these for GG content my next big update. These are referenced in a lot of the Artworks 2007 captions and in other interviews elsewhere; being able to have them all in one spot would be awesome. It'd be cool somehow linking back the Artworks '07 illustration captions to the matching magazine article but that'd be a nightmare of a page to work with lol

-- June 16, 2024

Added my new GG2Overture Material Collection scans and the Strive Digital Artbook from the Deluxe Edition on Steam to the Masterpost.

-- June 14, 2024

Added giant buttons and moved some shit around because it was hard navigating my own site with my old man eyes. Also added some alt text to a few of the graphics on the index, this page. None of the stuff in the sidebar on the right has it though but that whole thing gets vaporized when squished into mobile view anyway.

-- June 12, 2024

Oh shit it's the Guilty Gear GameFAQs Archive!! This took months to do. I had to write summaries for over 100 guides, write the code to keep it easier to edit them later if I fucked up, and I had to make sure I didn't accidentally forget something. Check it out! I'm pretty pleased with it. Links to it in the future are in the Archives and Sitemap.

-- June 2, 2024

There was a fat .ZIP in the Masterpost with a bunch of guide books + 1st Gig in it that I recently separated into individual uploads. Added links to Vaporbabe's Night of Knives translations too, which he very graciously let us host on the wiki. Added scrollbar code for Firefox (pain in the ass) and made some of the longer boxes in the Masterpost have scrollbars too. They're disabled on mobile because scrollbars on a mobile device are shitty and annoying. Bunch of minor tweaks to the site CSS. That's about all, I think.

Vaporbabe's Night of Knives translations: Volume 1, Volume 2
Volume 3 is in the works. I'll add it once it's online too. Shoutout to Vaporbabe.

-- May 31, 2024

Updated the Outrage shrine a bit today with a section on the 3D printed Outrage I made. Still has a ways to go, but it's less unfinished than it was before.

-- May 28, 2024

Back from my trip. It was fun. Fixed an issue in the site styling code where boxes using "center-textwall" were busted on mobile. Realized that while I was away.

-- May 11, 2024

Gonna be out of town for most of the last two weeks of this month for a convention. Been working on my cosplay pretty much nonstop, but once the con's over I'm gonna get back into translating. The new Overture Material Collection scans are almost done and I've got another HELIOGENOMS issue to scan.

-- May 3, 2024

Merged the stylesheet I wrote for the GG2OMC short stories with the main stylesheet I use on almost every other page. Some pages with a lot of text will now have a theme toggle button. I want to try to increase the accessibility of this site and a theme toggle is a big step. Changed some links on the Archives and Masterpost pages. Also added a link to Vaporbabe's English translation of Night of Knives to the Masterpost too. Shoutout to him for letting us host it on the new wiki.

-- April 18, 2024

Added a bunch of new music to the Webamp player on my About page. Enjoy some genre whiplash.

-- April 12, 2024

New newsletter after 4.5 months: Substack. This compiles my recent GG projects with art and whatever else I've done lately that I like.

-- April 10, 2024

Added HELIOGENOMS INSPIRE scans to the Archives. Will be scanning HELIOGENOMS 2.0 soon (Thanks Tillman!!). Only missing HELIOGENOMS 3.0 now and I'll have them all...

-- April 9, 2024

Added Videos section, bigger 10th Memorial Book scans, Strive Anthology, Digest Comics Archive link, Sign Codex to the GG Masterpost. Cleaned up the code on that page too.

-- March 26, 2024

The new Guilty Gear Wiki is live!! It went public yesterday (after 5 months of work!!) but I was fried and forgot to post the update on here. Oopsie!! Shoutout to the staff for helping us with this, particularly PCJ and to Mr Pie, who coded our kickass site layout.

This wiki is a fork of the Fandom wiki, meaning a lot of the guts are the same. There's an add-on for web browsers to redirect from Fandom wiki pages to the new hosted ones. It can be installed here:

If you had an account on the Fandom wiki, it can also be reclaimed on the new wiki. All your edits and stuff will/should transfer over. The migration page is here:

There are some links on here, Neocities, that direct to the old Fandom wiki that I need to find and update but I'll have to do that later, got some plans today. Now that the wiki is public I'd really like to get back into doing some more translations and cleaning this massive pile of scanned images too. The wiki was really time consuming, I didn't get a whole lot done that wasn't related to it these past few months haha. I wanna make a smaller banner for the wiki to put on here eventually, so please excuse the giant wiki logo at the top of the page for now. I'm very excited about it, I can be annoying with giant images for a little bit as a treat.
Ok that's all for now until I get those links fixed or scans cleaned. Thank you everyone for the nice comments and congratulations on the launch!!! We all really appreciate it ^^

-- March 18, 2024

Added a link to Illym's 4koma translations Tumblr tag to the Masterpost. Check 'em out, they're fun: Tumblr tag

-- March 11, 2024

Font is now Cambria but if that doesn't work it should default to Georgia (mobile & desktop both). Forgot to make the fire divider on the GG2OMC pages flex so that doesn't stretch the layout to infinite in mobile view anymore either lol. I also got HELIOGENOMS INSPIRE by Denki Akiba for my birthday today. Will get that scanned and uploaded soon. Only two issues left before I have them all!! HELIOGENOMS 3.0 is continuing to be the most elusive...

-- March 10, 2024

Got Sol's story from the Material Collection updated to the new page layout. Also found some super cool code by Kitty Giraudel over on sitepoint to add in the footnotes from the .PDF version of the story and new ones I added while cleaning up the translation. Really happy with how these pages are turning out. For some reason the font turns to Arial when in mobile view and I'd like it not to do that, but it's a minor enough thing that I can't be bothered fixing it at the moment.

-- March 9, 2024

Finally, finally, started the code for redoing the Overture short stories pages. It has a toggleable dark/light theme! Still kind of tweaking stuff and I wanna clean up the story translations themselves here soon when I'm not doing a thousand other things, but it's there, it's going, and I'm very proud of that wicked theme toggle. Check it out.

-- March 7, 2024

I don't know why I moved my WIP list to Dreamwidth and not here, my site that gets significantly more traffic. Well, it's on here now.

-- February 14, 2024

Translated chapter 15 of the GGCA, MEET AGAIN. Download in Archives, webview on Mangadex. This is the chapter the pic at the bottom of this update log is from. Denki Akiba, my love.

-- February 1, 2024

Tiny update to the Lightning the Argent PDF.

-- January 26, 2024

Mild housecleaning. Finished writing the GG "canon" page and slapped a guide for how to even get into the lore at the end too. Check it out over here. Working away at translating the Character Designer magazine article with the prototype GG sketches in it right now. Forgot if I mentioned that on here already. Really need to get the Overture short stories on here updated. That's my next big site project, I think. They're so bad.

-- January 15, 2024

Big update to the Masterpost page. Added a section for official media, which has now started it towards being an actual masterpost instead of just fanworks. Still a work in progress but it's getting there. It has a dropdown button now!! It doesn't work on Edge browsers though RIP. Working on another big page that I'll be posting soon once I get more feedback on it.

-- January 14, 2024

GG Comic Anthology chapter 09, LOVE PHANTOM, is up. CW for a brief/implied depiction of sexual assault on page 68. Download in Archives, webview over on Mangadex.

-- January 11, 2024

Added scans of the GG article from Character Designer magazine, issue 1, to the Masterpost. Thanks, Kat!! Currently working on an English translation of this article around other projects. Has lots of text; it's slow going.

-- January 8, 2024

Tillman found a new book we didn't know about today (GG Terminological Concentration) so I added that to the MISSING section in the masterpost alongside the LtA chapter 1 EN translation, which I'd forgotten to do. Chapter 09 of the GGCA is translated. Just need to place the text and then it'll be online. Hoping to get it out there before the end of the week.

-- January 1, 2024

Happy new year!! First draft of Lightning The Argent's first chapter is up over in the Archives. Finally! I wanna do a chapter of the Comic Anthology before starting chapter 2.

-- December 10, 2023

Added Vastedge design document scans to the Masterpost. They're in ""Misc." between the "Magazines, Etc." and "Guide Books" sections of the Manga & Illustrative Works section.

-- December 6, 2023

Very recently found some cleaner scans of the Dengeki PS Oct. '95 GG article on the Dengeki Online website of all places. Right under my nose this whole time!! It's clean enough that I can finally read the few parts I was unable to when I translated that article earlier this year. Hoping to get the updated translation and the cleaner images upscaled then added to the document soon.

-- December 1, 2023

Added a new page for the Dengeki PlayStation GG articles, both missing and scanned/translated. It's linked in the Masterpost and Sitemap. Still missing photos of the table of contents for most pages, but it's functional.

-- November 24, 2023

New Guestbook running off of VIRTUALOBSERVER's Google Sheets/Forms code. I can reply now lol. Thank you to everyone that ever sent nice messages through the old Guestbook. Still need to adjust how it looks, but it works for now.

-- November 19, 2023

Added Guilty Gear -Strive- Artworks Archive art book to the Masterpost and Archives. This is the book that came with the Strive GG 25th Anniversary Box set.

-- November 17, 2023

Added GG Unaired Drafts Collection art book to the Masterpost.

-- November 9, 2023

Major update to the GGMasterpost. Added jump navigation, better organization, and some other light editing. Added a link to this section of Index to lead to the Masterpost. Probably gonna update that a lot in the future. Also, a new Guilty Gear wiki is in the works. Goodbye, Fandom Wiki.

-- November 1, 2023

Happy November. Merged the information in CREDITS to BACKYARD, added Applsidra's Sol/Ky doujinshi scans links/navigation to DOUJINSHI/TITTYMAGS, tweaked overall site code, added some navigation links to ABOUT. Throughout October, I did the Soltober challenge for the 3rd year in a row. This is essentially Inktober but with Sol Badguy. You can see all the drawings I did for it in this gallery folder on my Ko-fi page: link to gallery. I also got the GGXX Complete Guide, GGXX #RELOAD Complete Guide, and the GGStrive season 3 cover issue of Weekly Famitsu in the mail today. The two guides kinda suck, but I'll be scanning them all eventually with the Famitsu issue being the first on the list. Hoping to get back into the swing of translations again here soon, too.

-- October 28, 2023

GGXX Slash Beat Enyclopedia scans added to the Archives.

-- October 21, 2023

Fixed the corruption in the Night of Knives Vol.1-3 text files and uploaded them. Added links to the Dropbox directories for the NoK: Slayer Side Tales Robo-Ky and A.B.A. stories, uploaded and added the .PDF for Slayer Side Tales Axl Low story. The formatting on that one's rough, will fix later. Added a compiled .PDF of all the Drama CD translations. These files are all in Archives.

-- October 20, 2023

Cleaned up some formatting in Archives, added jump navigation to Archives, rehosted some of the English translations and added them to Archives. The Night of Knives text file has some glyph corruption that I'll have to fix another time. Seems like quotation marks got garbled at one point or another when the original file was hosted.

-- October 5, 2023

Scanned HELIOGENOMS LIMITED by Denki Akiba. In the Archives. Johnny/Sol in this one hehe. Got some work done on Lightning the Argent too, though it's not ready to be shared yet. Instead of announcing every update down here in the changelog, be sure to check IN PROGRESS at the top of the page

-- September 28, 2023

Translated HELIOGENOMS VER.4.0 by Denki Akiba. In the Archives and webview over on Mangadex.

-- September something, 2023

Forgot to update this. Added the (fully translated, English) "Christ" doujinshi to the erotic fanbook archives. It's a Sol/Ky doujinshi that's quite poetic. Thanks to Tillman for finding it. Also added the bones of Mixed Tape VI to the tapes page.

-- September 21, 2023

Chapter 08 of the GGCA, DIARY OF A SUPER!! SIMPLE SOUL, completed. Archives. Webview on Mangadex

-- September 17, 2023

New About page layout. Updated some stuff on the rest of the site too. It should be a little easier to read now. 40% of the way done applying the translated GGCA 08 text to the pages too.

-- September 5, 2023

Finally overhauled and updated the Japanese learning resources page. Added a bunch of new things and changed the organization of it to make it a little easier for completely new learners to dive into it.

-- August 28, 2023

There was a tornado Thursday (24th) that left me without power, water, and internet for almost 4 days lol Started working on another book scan though: the GGXX SLASH Beat Encyclopedia. Made a little progress recently (before the tornado) on the JP manuscript for chapter 08 of the GGCA too, but the translation for that is still a ways off since I'd like to work on LtA more. Bunch of shit I've pre-ordered recently that I'm excited about: GG Strive 25th Anniversary Box, the demo deck for Level 99's Strive board game, Ume's (Giselle circle) new Sol/Jack-O' doujinshi, Jack-O' Good Smile plushie (ETA: 2nd quarter 2024 — agony!), and the cassette release of Gunship's latest album. The only thing here I'll be scanning and sharing online is the art book the GGSt 25A Box is supposed to come with. That'll be shipping mid-November. Very excited for all of this though. My wallet, on the other hand, is crying blood and begging for mercy. Really hope Channel 3 Records isn't planning on dropping the Strive vinyl preorders anytime soon hah!

Alright, that's all for this update. Next update should have the scans for the SLASH Beat book and progress on either LtA or GGCA 08.

-- August 21, 2023

Started making a shrine for the Outrage MK.II (Sol's sword from Strive) for the hell of it. It's a work in progress so it's only linked on the Sitemap page at the moment. Here's a direct link.

-- August 14, 2023

New scan: GGX Anthology Comic by Bros. Comics. Different from the GGX Comic Anthology by DNA Media Comics. Yeah, I know. The Archives page is getting really long so I added a box to the top for new shit. Good problem to have, at least. Also got the first part of the first chapter of LIghtning the Argent translated. Once the first chapter's done, I'll post it on here. In the meantime, Volcanic finished his Spanish translation of LtA: Dropbox Link. Also been busy translating a bunch of 4koma strips. Wanna try to find a way to share those on here too. Eventually.

-- July 26, 2023

New scan: GGX SLASH Encyclopedia. In the Archives.

-- July 17, 2023

Added a mirror of my giant Tumblr fanworks masterpost to here. Just in case. The page is GGMASTERPOST.

-- July 11, 2023

Happy 7/11 day. Chapters 06 and 07 of the GGCA are finished. They're in the Archives. Also on Mangadex, where they can be read in-browser without downloading: MANGADEX. Chapter 08 is the longest one that I'll have done so far at—something like 10 or 12 pages—and I have other things I wanna finish so it'll be a while before the next update on this.

-- July 2, 2023

Got a bunch of pages updated to the new layout. Still need to update the Japanese, gifs pages, credits page, all 8 GG2OMC story pages, H-doujin page, and my about page but it's getting there. I wanna code a different layout for the about page so that'll probably be the very last one that'll get updated.

-- June 30, 2023

Woah almost a whole month passed since my last changelog update?! Been busier than I realized... Anyway, got a "new" Daisuke Ishiwatari interview cleaned up and put in the Archives. The pages for chapter 06 and 07 of the Comic Anthology are cleaned and the JP manuscript is compiled and ready for translating. Hope to have that done soon. Last update was so far off because I was 3D printing a 1:1 scale Outrage MK.II. Check out this post about it over on my Tumblr: LINK. I painted an Order Sol resin kit from 1999 by Eiji Nakayama too: Another Tumblr LINK. Now that these two giant projects are out of the way, I should have more focus for my other giant projects lol. I'd really like to get the rest of the pages on my site here converted over to the new layout code I wrote so maybe I'll get that done before the end of July.

-- May 21, 2023

Chapter 5 of the GG Comic Anthology is done. It's on Mangadex and in the Archives. Chapter 6 will be next and will hopefully be easier. The screentones cleanup in 5 killed me lol

-- May 21, 2023

HELIOGENOMS 4.0 is scanned, cleaned, and in the Archives. Only missing four of these doujinshi now but it's going to be a long time before I buy more of them. Got too many other projects going on.

-- May 21, 2023

Scanlations for chapters 3 and 4 of the Missing Link Comic Anthology are done. I updated the .PDF hosted here to combine these two new chapters with the previous two into a single file instead of having four .PDFs floating around cluttering things up. They're also on Mangadex, where they can be read without downloading them: MANGADEX. Archives.

-- May 8, 2023

Finished the Dengeki PlayStation October 1995 prototype Guilty Gear 1 article translation. It's in the archives. This project was a nightmare. Next project will be chapters 3 and 4 of the GG1 Comic Anthology. They're both 4 pages each and I already cleaned the pages so hopefully it won't be very difficult. I had to take on extra work this month to help pay for my dog's insulin and these new chapters might not be completed until the end of the month. They'll get done when they're done, as they say.

A few pages with the new site code have some minor aesthetic issues. Fixing those is also in my goals for this month. Oh yeah I also started 3D printing a 1:1 scale Outrage MK.II. Once the next piece is complete sometime Wednesday, I'll show a picture of it here. It'll be 25% of the way done by then.

-- April 27, 2023

Added HELIOGENOMS A•D and IRREGULAR BOUND to the Archives, which also had its layout updated to the new code.

-- April 22, 2023

Got the website links page (Backyard) updated to the new layout and added some sites to it.

-- April 17, 2023

Fixed the mobile view for the main page. Still has some minor aesthetic issues but it's now entirely functional both on desktop and mobile. Would like to roll this code out on the other pages on this site as soon as I figure out stylesheets. Some other day...

-- April 15, 2023 II

Didn't think I'd get this done today so here's two updates:
== HELIOGENOMS AWAY (SFW, 46p) - Japanese
- Neocities - Yet another Denki Akiba (Zanzibar circle) doujinshi from 2003. Some Dizzy and Johnny stuff in the beginning with some I-No, followed by Johnny and Potemkin with a little May. There's a story with Anji and Axl too. Sol fighting a Gear comes up here and there. Raven and Slayer have a conversation. I-No kicks Ky's ass. A pretty eventful book overall.

This doujinshi is also in the Archives with the others

-- April 15, 2023

Here it is, a layout designed and coded entirely by me. I'll be rolling it out on the other pages using Repth or sadgrl layout code next, but probably not for a while yet because I want to try to figure out how to get the navigation bar on the left not to overlap everything when the browser's shrunk (and other issues that are sure to pop up lol).

-- April 3, 2023

Chapter 2 of the GG Comic Anthology, SAKKAI MEMOIR, is done and in the Archives. Also on Mangadex, where it can be read in-browser: Mangadex. Chapter 3 will be a while. I promised to translate the October '95 Dengeki PlayStation article on the Missing Link prototype and I wanna get these other Denki Akiba doujinshi cleaned and compiled into .PDFs. Still picking away at that damn layout for here too. I have a newsletter now, too. If you'd like to keep up with my scanlation and art projects without having to remember to check on here or Tumblr, you can sign up for that (free, just needs an email) and read about it at the end of each month. March's is up already. Check it out: GUNFIRE GUILLOTINE.

-- March 21, 2023

HELIOGENOMS/SPLINTER By Denki Akiba (Zanzibar circle) is in the Archives. 22 page doujinshi featuring Sol and Johnny. It's safe for work. Sometimes the coding on pages using the layout as the homepage put a linebreak after links and it drives me crazy. Working on a new layout that fixes this. I'm tired of dealing with it.

-- March 19, 2023

The GGCA is on Mangadex now. The second chapter's manuscript is compiled too, so I'll be translating it when I can. I got a bunch of doujinshi by Denki Akiba/Zanzibar recently and scanned one of them, HELIOGENOMS/SPLINTER, which features Sol and Johnny. Once the scans for those are cleaned I'll get it into the archives. Some of the doujinshi have tight binding and I don't want to skin them for clean scans so I need to figure out how to get those digitized without ruining the binding. Next update shouldn't be too far in the future, hopefully.

-- March 4, 2023

First chapter of the Guilty Gear Comic Anthology, SLAVE TO THE GRIND, is completed and uploaded to the Archives. This was in credibly tedious. It was probably be a while before I get the next chapter done, I'm not going to push myself as hard for it as I did for this first one.

-- February 23, 2023

Added scans of Magic In Your Eyes, a Sol/Ky doujinshi from 2004 by Rima Setsura, to the Archives.

-- February 18, 2023

I've been busy. Finished the English translation of the Dengeki PlayStation April '96 article for Missing Link. It's hosted on and on my Archives page here. Also found a bunch of 20 year old GG hentai manga, which I converted to .PDF and hosted here. These are for adults; they're porn. There's a link to them in the Archives but I made a new page for them too, just to kinda keep the spicy a lil separate from the sweet. Here's the link: eggplant emoji
Also put together a sort of otherkin resources page. At the moment it's only accessible through my sitemap because I don't know how to work it into my site yet. Joined a 'kin/alterhuman webring, which is now on the main index page, too.
Eventually I'd like to make my own page layouts and stop using these pre-made ones but I haven't had a lot of time to really sit down and dig into the meat of HTML/CSS. Some day. Once I'm done playing with my 3D printer, probably. Anyway, that's all for now. Next update will probably be about Lightning the Argent (which I have started) or the Missing Link manga. Oh yeah. I did finish four chapters of the Begin fanfiction and put it on Archive of Our Own. Working on chapter five/whatever comes next now. It's been fun.

-- January 23, 2023

Anthology manga scans are on now. Next: Translating.

-- January 22, 2023

BIG update. Cleaned the formatting up on the Overture stories index as well as the older stories' pages. Some of the older stories (especially Sin's) had their translations cleaned up a bit too. These new pages have been added to the Archives page alongside a Neocities host of the .PDF. I uploaded the .PDF for the Begin translation too, which is also on the Archives page.

Recently I skinned the Missing Link Anthology manga and the GGX 4koma Kings manga. The Missing Link one has been fully scanned and I should be finished cleaning the scans soon. I'll also finally be starting on the Lightning the Argent translation very soon. My ass hurts from sitting all day. Until next time.

-- January 3, 2023

Happy new year!!! I finished the Dengeki PlayStation scans and got it uploaded today. Here's the link ( and description that I wrote for it on the archives page here on my site:
Full scan of an issue of Dengeki Playstation. It has an article on an early/beta build of what would become the first Guilty Gear game, Guilty Gear: The Missing Link. There are also articles on Final Fantasy 7, Tekken 2, Street Fighter ZERO, Samurai Shodown III, Darkstalkers, Sailor Moon Super S., and numerous reviews for other games that released around 1996. Archive has a webview mode for the .PDF so it can be flipped through without downloading. I'd like to translate the Guilty Gear article but that's all I have plans to translate from this issue.

-- December 12, 2022

Oh My God It's A SITEMAP. Added some new cool sites to backyard.html too. Finished translating Ky's story today so here that is: JUSTICE FOR WHO?

-- December 10, 2022

UGH so long between updates again!!!!! Finished two more of the Overture short stories and put them up on here: INTRODUCTION TO METAPHYSICS (Paradigm) and THE FIRST ONE (Valentine). I figured out how to get text to display how it looks in the code too so I didn't have to slap P tags on every single line by hand. Seems to have some issues with text properties, like italics, that I haven't figured out how to fix yet but it's a minor thing and I'm not too worried about it. The next Overture stories are all apparently pretty easy and I got the Japanese manuscript for Ky's compiled today. Just 3 left!

The Dengeki PlayStation issue is also fully scanned and I'm (slowly) working on cleaning up those pages now. I also got a copy of the Missing Link manga (Guilty Gear Comics Anthology) that I'll also be scanlating some day, and two of the 4koma manga in the mail. Would really like to start working on Lightning the Argent soon but we'll see how it goes lol. Since Duolingo shat the bed recently with its latest update, I've been messing around with alternative Japanese study materials and am planning an overhaul of my JP studies page for whenever I have time to move all those giant blocks of text around.

I completed the first draft of the fanfiction mentioned last update. It's just under 19,000 words. Unfortunately, I'm sick of looking at it and don't feel like cleaning it up. Maybe one day.

Might get at least Ky's story translated before the new year gets here but, if I don't, happy holidays and happy new year!!

-- October 27, 2022

Been a while, huh? I've been super busy lately but the Missing Link vinyl came in at the beginning of October and I finally got around to scanning it. Here's the information box I typed about it up above that I very tactfully am pasting down here: Channel 3 Records Guilty Gear: Missing Link Vinyl Art & Book: Scans of the short art booklet included with Channel 3 Records' release of the Guilty Gear: Missing Link soundtrack on vinyl. The booklet also has a brief interview with series creator and composer, Daisuke Ishiwatari. There's a page on here with the scans and text transcription but I also uploaded it over on

I also got in a copy of Dengeki Playstation F2 April Special Issue, Volume 19, April 10, 1996, which has some information about Missing Link when it was still in the beta stage and used 3D models. This issue has some stuff about Tekken 2 and what looks like an early build of Final Fantasy 7, too. I'll scan this whole thing for everyone some day but it's a big issue so it'll take a while. REALLY want to work on finishing up those Overture short stories here soon so I can move on to the GGX Anthology manga. Work picks back up in November though, on top of general holiday stuff. Not sure when my next update here will be but I'll try my best!!!

I've also been writing a GG fanfiction that takes place between chapter 6 and the epilogue of Begin; the 6 months where Frederick was a Gear but didn't have his limiter yet. It's currently at about 12,000 words. I'm having a lot of fun with it. Might post that over on here too once it's done but I'd like to build a layout that's easier to read big blocks of text on first. In any case, it will definitely be posted over on Archive of Our Own. If I finish it.

Until next time

-- September 29, 2022

Artworks Of Guilty Gear X 2000-2007 is now fully scanlated!! It's been added to the Archives page. I'll be working on a gallery page for it like how I have for the GG2Overture scans when I have a moment. For now, here's a link to the upload. It has a webview mode so you can flip through it without downloading anything but here's what's in the zip folder, in case you do want to download it:

  • High resolution scans of all 160 interior pages of the book as well as the dustjacket, hard cover, and obi.
  • PDF of the art book with captions.
  • PDF of just the captions with additional translator notes (for quick reference, mostly).
  • PDF of How To Draw Illustrations The Daisuke Ishiwatari Way.

I also finally got around to compiling the PDF for the How To Draw section and gave it its own Archive page too, since people have expressed interest in that part of the book, so people don't have to download like a 3gb folder just for that part. Its page is through this link

My next goal is going to be finishing up the 5 remaining Overture stories and then starting cleanup on the Anthology manga. I miss messing around here on Neocities too so I'd also like to clean up some pages and code new ones but, alas, I can only do one thing at a time... Until then, I need a short break after finishing the GGX art book lol.

-- September 24, 2022

The poll to decide what I'll work on after the GGX art book ended today with the Anthology manga beating Lightning the Argent by two votes! Thank you everyone who voted. There are also only 18 captions left to translate from the GGX art book now too. ALMOST DONE!!!

-- September 21, 2022

Been a while since the last update! Sorry about that. I've been super focused on both work and finishing up the GGX art book lately. Only 31 captions left to translate!!! All the pages, the dustjacket, cover, and obi (book details band) are scanned and cleaned. Nearly finished with my September work too, then I've got October "off" (moving platforms from Patreon to Ko-Fi for work stuff) so once this is all done, I'll be able to finish this book at long last... I've made a poll that ends on Friday (Sept. 23rd, 2022) to decide which project I work on after the GGX art book, the Lightning the Argent light novel or the GGX/GGXX Anthology manga. You can vote on it over here. I'll post another update after the poll ends to announce what's coming next.

OH!! One more thing. I was able to snag a copy of the Dengeki PlayStation magazine issue from 1996 that's got the GG Missing Link beta preview in it! I had to use a proxy service to buy it from the site and it's not going to be here for a long while yet, but I am very excited to scanlate this thing. There are scans of the GG parts online already except they're low res and difficult/impossible to read. This issue was my white whale. Still can't believe I was able to get a copy... I'll update here once it comes in too. See ya Saturday after that poll ends!

-- August 29, 2022

Wow, 20,000 views... Thank you all so much!! I have no idea how 20,000 people have found this page, but I appreciate it so much I drew a picture of Sol with the Neocities cat.

-- August 25, 2022

Izuna's story is finally finished!!! This is probably the most difficult thing I have ever translated. So many cultural nuances... Check it out: OYABIN'S TALE OF PAST & PRESENT

-- August 23, 2022

Been working on getting a big batch of GGX art book captions done lately and started work on Izuna's GG2Overture short story too, which is currently sitting at about 1/3rd of the way done. Cleaned up the site a little bit too and started getting the code together for the GGX captions pages. It'll be a while before I start importing those in, but it's good knowing that my code is somehow clean enough to run 50 instances of the Javascript to make the images pop out when you click on them lol. Some of the code on my site's still kinda buggy on Chromium-based browsers so I've been trying to smooth that out too. Firefox seems to be the best way to view it all at the moment by far. Also, wow!!! Passed 20,000 views recently! Thank you everyone. Imagining 20,000 people looking at my site blows my mind...

-- August 11, 2022

Congrats to Bridget! Sorry for slow updates. Been working on some more GGX captions/scans on top of the new month getting here (with new work) and the start of this month in general being kinda rough!! I'm currently making a red leather jacket and reading up on HTML/CSS still to optimize the gallery captions page code. It loads kinda janky on Chromium browsers still... hmm... I'll figure it out eventually.

-- August 3, 2022

Back to work today. But I procrastinated a bit and made a page for all the mixed cassette tapes I've put together for funsies. Still working on some GGX captions and cleaning up the GG2O captions page on here before putting together the one for the GGX captions. Poking away at Izuna's story too. It's gonna take a while though.

-- July 29, 2022

FINALLY I have completed a gallery page for the illustrations and translated captions for the GG2OMC art book. Got the JP manuscript for Izuna's story from the same art book edited and ready for translating into English too. Check out the gallery page!! I used JAVASCRIPT for the first time on it!!:

-- July 26, 2022

I've been working on pages using Komodo Edit instead of spamming Neocities with updates every time I wanna check my code changes and it's been going pretty good so far! The Gallery page for the GGX2k2k7 caption scanlations is almost done and ready for information to be input into it. The biggest thing left to do with that code is putting on a header/banner, a bar for links under that, a header box with a little space for page information, and then a footer with links to the next page of scanlations. There are about 150 pages in the GGX art book so I think I might limit it to 50 per page to minimize browser explosions. I'm currently debating how I want to do the directory for these pages though. There is an order to how they're put in the actual art book but it's esoteric and doesn't help much when looking for something specific within the art book. The order of them in the book will be preserved on my site's pages for them, but I'm worried about difficulty of navigation. There are also the illustration scans from the GG2OMC art book. Now that I think about it, it might be better to do those first and THEN do the GGX scans. There are only like 12 of them and I already have the translations for all the ones that had captions completed. Also debating if I should make an archive for these update posts. They're starting to make the index page pretty long...

-- July 24, 2022

My HTML5/CSS3 book came in the other day!! I've only read a little bit but have flipped through it and I'm really excited to get to put some of this new knowledge to use! I added some new gifs to the gif pages (mostly rotating swords) and added a couple more things to the Credits page. I really need to organize that page when I have a moment...

-- July 21, 2022

Started work on a Gallery page for the GGX2k2k7 caption scanlations and also added something like an actual welcome/about section on the main index page. There's a page for some gifs I've made too, which can be viewed over here: Unrelated to this update, but I just drank like 120mg of caffeine in one sitting and I can feel the lightning in my blood trying to vibrate out of my bones.

-- July 19, 2022

Cleaned up the Archives page some more (made it a bit wider and easier to read). Added a Places page with some Neocities sites that I like as well as off-site pages with cool GG archives and some other neat things. I might have some time next week to start translating the next GG2OMC short stories too, Izuna and Dr. Paradigm, but it all depends on how much work I get done this week. I also ordered a book on HTML5 and CSS3 and would really like to figure out how to make an aesthetically pleasing gallery page to host my artbook translations here too. There's so much I remember about HTML/CSS from when I used to do it in 2004-2006, but so much I can't remember anymore...
I also got Photoshop again so look forward to a page with some GG sprites soon!!

-- July 17, 2022

Crossposted the Guilty Gear 2 -Overture- Material Collection art book short stories on to here and made an index for the stories. Cleaned up the Archives page a little bit and added a section on that page for translation projects I'd like to do in the future. Also created a general credits page for the site since putting credits for everything on a page is hard. Added some new Sol sprites to the About page (thanks Kennedy).

-- July 15, 2022

Added a page for Japanese study materials since people seemed interested in knowing what stuff I used for translating. You can check it out over here or via sidebar link on the homepage of this site.

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