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This is an archive of stuff done by just me. A masterpost of the GG community's collective scan/translation efforts is over here


LAST UPDATED: 2025 Feb. 23

Last update was to formatting and adding things that have been in the masterpost for a while.

New uploads are marked with this thing:

== Guilty Gear: The Missing Link Comic Anthology - Japanese
01-10 + 15 - English: Neocities .PDF - Mangadex (webview) - Chapter 10. The Great Illusion - Episode 1: Cats Walk Alone completed.

A teal button that reads 'The best proofreading happens right after you hit send.'

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Click the section title text to jump to it. Return to navigation with your back button.

  • Art Books - Any book with a focus on Daisuke Ishiwatari's art specifically or the game's music goes in this section.
  • Novels & Magazines - Books that are majority text or artwork, such as the light novels, Dengeki PlayStation magazine issues, and the Encyclopedias.
  • Manga & Doujinshi - Comic books. Manga volumes are the officially published comics and doujinshi are unofficial fan comics.
  • = Heliogenoms - The Heliogenoms doujinshi by Denki Akiba (Zanzibar circle).
  • Rehosts - Rehosted files from the site.
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Collections of illustrations, sketches, or text material contained in the illustration books.

== Guilty Gear Xrd Visual Book - English (official)
- - Original scan by BirthdayTrain via Tumblr. Scan of the mini art book that came with the European and Japanese special editions of Guilty Gear Xrd -Revelator-, this scan being the European version.

== Channel 3 Records Guilty Gear: Missing Link Vinyl Art & Book - English (official), Japanese
- Neocities - - Scans of the short art booklet included with Channel 3 Records' release of the Guilty Gear: Missing Link soundtrack on vinyl. The booklet also has a brief interview with series creator and composer, Daisuke Ishiwatari. This archive does NOT include rips of the soundtrack from the vinyl records (or the flexidisc included with it) and I have no plans to make them.

== Artworks Of Guilty Gear X 2000-2004 - Daisuke Ishiwatari Interview, English (unofficial)
- Neocities - Mirror - Translation of an interview in the back of the Artworks 2004 art book. The original translation was by fairymisao but was missing some parts that I was able to find the original Japanese text for and translate. I also included the images that accompanied the interview in the art book.

== Artworks Of Guilty Gear X 2000-2007 - English (unofficial)
- - Full scanlation of Daisuke's main illustrative work from Guilty Gear X through GGXX Accent Core. Includes the following: High resolution scans of all 160 interior pages of the book as well as the dustjacket, hard cover, and obi; PDF of the art book with captions; PDF of just the captions with additional translator notes; and a PDF of How To Draw Illustrations The Daisuke Ishiwatari Way. The Archive page also has a webview of the main PDF so it can be browsed without downloading.

- How To Draw Illustrations The Daisuke Ishiwatari Way - Separate upload for just the walkthrough of Daisuke's art process at the back of the GGX art book. Also has a webview version.

== Guilty Gear 2 -Overture- Material Collection - English (unofficial):
- - Neocities Mirror .PDF (64.2mb) - This is a .PDF of all of the illustrations and their captions plus the short stories translated into English. The Archive page has a webview too, as well as a folder of the full resolution scans.

- Short Stories Neocities Index - Translations for the 8 short stories in the Overture art book. Neocities pages for the stories, in order of appearance in the book:
= Sol
= Sin
= Izuna
= Dr. Paradigm
= Valentine
= Ky
= Raven
= That Man

== Guilty Gear -Strive- Artworks Archive - Japanese
- - This is the small art book that came with the Guilty Gear -Strive- 25th Anniversary Box. Has a lot of the same character concept art that can be unlocked in the game, but a few characters have some new pieces too. There is also a gallery for NPCs, story mode/stage props, and concept art for the stage. I also included scans of the little notecard with a message from Daisuke Ishiwatari.

== Guilty Gear Xrd Series Official Artworks
- - Very decently sized art book collecting a ton of Xrd era Daisuke illustrations, some guest art, concept/design work for every playable character up to Rev2, stage design stuff, the chibis, transcripts of in-game spoken lines, and three short stories. The short stories feature Sol/HOS and Ky; Answer and Chipp; and then Jam and Elphelt for the third one. Translations over in masterpost.

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Books that are mostly text go in this section, including the encyclopedias.

== Guilty Gear Begin - English (unofficial)
- - Includes PDF and EPUB formats. Can also be read directly off the site. This is the light novel that covers Asuka's betrayal of Frederick (Sol) and Frederick becoming a Gear.

== Guilty Gear X: Lightning The Argent - Chapter 1 - English (Unofficial)
Neocities .PDF - First draft of the first chapter of the Lightning The Argent light novel by Kaihou Norimitsu. This has a focus on Ky Kiske, but Sol Badguy, Raven, and Asuka make frequent appearances. Dropped project. NOTE: Contains a decent amount of gore, blood, and violence, even by GG standards.

- Neocities .PDF (13.4mb) - Neocities mirror of the Begin .PDF.

== Dengeki PlayStation F, Volume 10 (October 13, 1995) - English (unofficial)
- - Translation of the Guilty Gear article from an early Dengeki PlayStation issue. The scans I had to work with were pretty rough/old, I didn't put the English text over the Japanese pages like I did for the April 1996 article. This appears to be the first printed preview of Guilty Gear in any magazine. The English translation starts after the 8 pages in Japanese.

== Dengeki PlayStation F2, April Special Issue, Volume 19 ( April 10, 1996) - Japanese
- - Full scan of an issue of Dengeki Playstation. It has an article on an early/beta build of what would become the first Guilty Gear game, Guilty Gear: The Missing Link. There are also articles on Final Fantasy 7, Tekken 2, Street Fighter ZERO, Samurai Shodown III, Darkstalkers, Sailor Moon Super S., and numerous reviews for other games that released around 1996. Archive has a webview mode for the .PDF so it can be flipped through without downloading.

== Dengeki PS Vol.19, Guilty Gear: Missing Link Beta Preview Article - English (unofficial)
- - Translation of the GG article from the April '96 Dengeki PS mag. The .PDF includes the pages from the magazine with the English translation applied as well as a text transcription of the translation.

- Neocities .PDF (29mb) - Neocities mirror of the DPS mag English .PDF.

== Guilty Gear X SLASH Encyclopedia.
- - Thank you to dizzyrobo (Tumblr, Twitter)for sending me a copy of this to scan. This volume has the usual fighting game guide book stuff (combos, frame data, etc) but it has an interesting several-page fanart gallery, an interview, and some other cool stuff.

== Guilty Gear XX SLASH Beat Encyclopedia.
- - A.B.A. and Order Sol were introduced in XX Slash, so this guidebook has a lot of stuff featuring them. Intro/win dialog transcriptions + Slayer haiku table, too. Note: This is different from the GGX Slash Encyclopedia. It's confusing for all of us.

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Comics & independently published fan comics.

== Guilty Gear: The Missing Link Comic Anthology - Japanese
- - Full scan of the anthology manga released for the first Guilty Gear game. This volume has 16 short stories by guest artists.

01-10 + 15 - English: Neocities .PDF - Mangadex (webview) - Chapter 10. The Great Illusion - Episode 1: Cats Walk Alone completed.

== Guilty Gear X Anthology Comic (Bros. Comics) - Japanese
- - This is a different volume than the Guilty Gear X Comic Anthology, which was published by DNA Media Comics.

== Guilty Gear x 4koma Kings, volume 1 (DNA Media) - Japanese
- - 4-panel funny strips with GGX characters.

== Guilty Gear x PLUS 4koma Kings (DNA Media) - Japanese
- - 4-panel funny strips with GGX characters.

== Magic In Your Eyes (Japanese, BL doujinshi, SFW, 32p) - Japanese
- Neocities - Sol/Ky doujinshi from 2004 by Rima Setsura. Its plot revolves around cooking, shenanigans, and amazing facial expressions; overall very lighthearted. A lot of the rest of the cast also make appearances. Will eventually be translated.

== Guilty Gear Hentai Doujinshi Archive (18+) - Japanese
- Neocities - Hentai doujinshi are pornographic fan-made comics.

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The following are doujinshi by Denki Akiba and the Zanzibar doujinka circle. They mostly focus on Sol but have stories with other characters too.

== HELIOGENOMS (SFW, 30p) - Japanese
- Neocities - 1998, November 11. Features Sol and May with appearances by Millia and various others on some sketch pages. As far as I can tell, this is the first of the Denki Akiba/Zanzibar HELIOGENOMS series of Guilty Gear doujinshi.

== HELIOGENOMS VER. 2.0 (SFW, 36p)
[SCANS COMING SOON] - 2000, December 29 - Referred to in the back of HELIOGENOMS '98 as "HELIOGENOMS II." Has a really nice recycled paper cover. Starts with a brief chapter by Gobanjima featuring Sol and Johnny, then a longer Denki Akiba chapter also featuring them. Akiba's art style in this issue is tighter than it usually is, which is interesting. Has some sketch pages featuring Dizzy, Testament, and smaller sketches of the rest of the GGX roster. Shout out to Tillman for kindly sending me this issue!!

== HELIOGENOMS A•D (SFW, 27p) - Japanese
- Neocities - 2001, February 11. Starts with a Jellyfish Pirates story by GOBANJMA featuring Dizzy. The rest of the art seems to be by Denki Akiba and has Johnny, Anji, Chipp, Millia, and May, then a short story featuring Sol and Axl. It concludes with a story about Order Sol and Ky. The doujinshi supplier I bought this book from included what seems to be a convention flyer by Akiba, dated 2001, May 05th, for Comiket, featuring a sketch of Mystina (Meltina in Japanese) from Valkyrie Profile.

- Neocities - 2001, December 29 - Johnny and Sol swap spit on like page 1 in this volume. Very nice. The cover of this one has a really satisfying texture to it, almost like a thin pleather feel.

- Neocities - 2002, August 10 - Starts with a chapter by Gobanjima featuring Sol and Johnny, then two chapters by Denki Akiba; one with I-No and Sol, the other with Sol and Johnny with a brief Dizzy cameo at the end. I-No's vest flies open in a few parts so this issue is a little risque, but her nipples aren't defined clearly enough to really call this issue NSFW.

== HELIOGENOMS VERSION 4.0 (SFW, 30p) - Japanese, English
- Neocities (JP) - Neocities (EN) - 2002, December 29 - Has a story with Ky and Axl and then another with Sol and Johnny where Sol licks Johnny's throat before ripping a chunk out of it. Spicy! Not actually NSFW though. English scanlation by me.

- Neocities - 2003, February 04. Starts with a page by a doujinka that isn't Denki Akiba whose handwriting I'm too lazy to read at the moment that has Johnny, Zappa, and S'ko. Has some funny stuff with Sol, Axl, Johnny, May, Anji and Chipp with some Ky. The next chapter has a pretty heavy Missing Link recap with Sol, Justice, That Man, and some Raven. Ends with some character sketches. The pages of this one are off-white, they aren't sun damaged.

- Neocities - 2003, June 15. Features Sol and Johnny with some sketches in the back.

== HELIOGENOMS 5.0 (SFW, 30p) - Japanese
- Neocities - 2003, August 15. Most of it is a fight between Sol and Johnny but there's a little bit of the Jellyfish Pirates, Testament, and a short sketch gallery in the back.

== HELIOGENOMS AWAY (SFW, 46p) - Japanese
- Neocities - 2003, December 28. Some Dizzy and Johnny stuff in the beginning with some I-No, followed by Johnny and Potemkin with a little May. There's a story with Anji and Axl too. Sol fighting a Gear comes up here and there. Raven and Slayer have a conversation. I-No kicks Ky's ass. A pretty eventful book overall. This doujinshi is unusual compared to the others both for its length and for having printed, versus hand-written, text. The art style is also a bit more focused than the other books. I wish I knew more about it...


== HELIOGENOMS VER. 3.0 (SFW, 24p)
- 2001 - Currently sold out on otakurepublic but it has a Sol painting on the cover. Mentioned in the back of 2.0 with a "2001?" release date teaser.

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Some of the earliest Guilty Gear English fan translations are still hosted only on However, this domain is blocked in some countries or networks and cannot be accessed easily without a VPN, so I have rehosted them. You can view the original webpage these were hosted on here: These files are currently presented as they are on with minimal editing to fix formatting or file corruption issues. They are listed here in the order they were officially published.

This .PDF contains all three Drama CD stories together in one place for easier downloading and sharing.
= Download .PDF

== GUILTY GEAR X DRAMA CD - Official Release: 2001
Translator: Ed Chang
NOTE: There are significant errors in this translation, the biggest of which is the infamous “Johnny Sfondi” last name mistranslation. Cross-reference information presented in these texts with more recent confirmed canon before using it as a source or citation. This text is 20 years old and the errors were not made out of malice.
= Disc 01
= Disc 02
+Dizzy & Testament side story.
== GUILTY GEAR XX DRAMA CD RED & BLACK - Official Release: 2003
Translator: Ed Chang
= Side Red +Night of the Living Dolls extra story (feat. Zappa).
= Side Black +Letter extra story (a letter from Dizzy to Testament).

== NIGHT OF KNIVES - Official Release: 2004
Translator: Blade (Volumes 1-3), Anji Mito Chou (Slayer Side Tales: Vol.3 Axl Low).
See Dropbox documents for Side Tales Volumes 1 & 2 credits.

NOTE: The Volume 1-3 translations are done by Blade (aka Blade Galewind, Mimeblade, gear-project), who is known for purposely misinterpreting lore and inserting headcanons into translations, and may contain inaccuracies. The original three files for these translations had some minor glyph corruption, which have been fixed to the best of my abilities. A new translation is currently in progress by Vaporbabe.
= Volume 1
= Volume 2
= Volume 3
Slayer Side Tales
= Volume 1: Robo-Ky - Dropbox .PDF
= Volume 2: A.B.A. - Dropbox .PDF
= Volume 3: Axl Low

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