Books with words.
Guilty Gear Begin - English
Raws: Sol Radguy
Translation: Sol Radguy
Proofreading: Asuka, PDB
Rubber Duck: Dakota R.
Light novel focused on Frederick (pre-Gear Sol Badguy). The current earliest point in the lore.
Guilty Gear Begin - Spanish
Raws: TooManyMetaphor, Gear Project, Theadvicetroll
Translation: Volcanic Fighter
Proofreading: Black Skull, Incamaya
Host: Dropbox
Guilty Gear X: Lightning the Argent
Light novel focused on Ky. Currently only has a full translation into Spanish, but an English
one is in progress.
Complete, Spanish
Raws: Volcanic Fighter
Translation: Volcanic Fighter
Proofreading: Black Skull, Incamaya
Host: Dropbox
Summary (Spanish)
Raws: Volcanic Fighter
Translation: Aegis High
Editing: Fedeternum
Additional editing: Volcanic Fighter
Extra information: Blade
Host: Neocities
Based on an English document by Ed Chang.
Chapter 1, English
Raws: Volcanic Fighter
Translation: Sol Radguy
Proofreading: Everyone That Read The Draft Documents
Rubber Duck: Shottie, Raven, Sydney, the Library of Illyria server, those that have
offered constructive
feedback, and to everyone that's listened to me complain.
Host: Neocities
Abandoned project.
Chapter 1, English
Raws: Volcanic
Translation: Volcanic
Proofreading: Blade
Host: Dropbox
Unknown status, probably abandoned.
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The Butterfly & Her Gale - Summary (Spanish)
Translation: Aegis High
Editor: Fedeternum
Visual formatting: Volcanic Fighter
Host: Dropbox
Light novel focused on Chipp. This is a summary of its story. The
Guilty Gear
Wiki has a basic summary of its story in English.
The Butterfly & Her Gale - Chapter 1, English
Raws: Volcanic Fighter
Translation: Volcanic Fighter, BrainChoco
Host: Dropbox
Progress on a full translation of Butterfly is unknown, but it may be an abandoned project.
Guilty Gear 2 Overture Material Collection
This art book had 8 short stories in it that were focused on a character from the game. Sol,
Sin, Ky, Valentine, Raven, Izuna, Dr. Paradigm, and That Man.
All 8 short stories, Spanish
Raws: Gear Project
Translation: Aegis High (EN->ES; Sol, Sin, Ky, Raven, That Man); Volcanic Fighter
(JP->ES; Paradigm, Izuna, Valentine)
Special Thanks (from Volcanic): Aegis High, rednecked_crake, José Manuel,
mentalblack34, Black Skull, Incamaya
Host: Dropbox
Ky, Sol, Sin's stories were translated from Japanese into English by Noa with editing by Kitsoru
& Nainsoo. Raven and That Man's stories were translated from Japanese to English by Shuzaku.
Japanese raws for Paradigm, Izuna, and Valentine's stories by Blade. Full file was edited by
Volcanic Fighter.
All 8 short stories, English
Raws: Sol Radguy (Sol, Sin, Izuna, Ky, Raven, That Man); Volcanic Fighter (Paradigm,
Translation: Sol Radguy
Special Thanks (from Radguy): Dakota R., Sydney, Raven, and my Tumblr followers.
Host: Neocities
Izuna, Dr. Paradigm, Valentine, English
Raws: Blade
Translation: Volcanic Fighter
Special Thanks: rednecked_crake
Host: Dropbox
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Guilty Gear Xrd The Unseen Sign - English
Raws: Blade
Translation: Volcanic Fighter
Proofreading: Blade
Special thanks: rednecked_crake, José Manuel, Incamaya
Host: Dropbox
Intro? story to Guilty Gear Xrd included in the Arc System Works 25th Anniversary Official
Character Collection art book
Guilty Gear Xrd The Unseen Sign - Spanish
Raws: Blade
Translation: Volcanic Fighter
Proofreading: Blade
Based on translations by: Aegis High, mentalblack34
Special thanks: rednecked_crake, José Manuel, Incamaya
Host: Dropbox
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Guilty Gear Comic Anthology (Strive)
A short anthology comic briefly released for April Fool's 2024. It has a mix of comics, short stories, and illustrations.
The following credits apply to all 5 short stories.
Raws: Sol Radguy
Translation: kaialone
The Miracle of Illyria - English
Host: Tumblr
Paper Bags Are Neat - English
Host: Tumblr
Drifting Mirror - English
Host: Tumblr
Night at the May Ship - English
Host: Tumblr
Street Light - English
Host: Tumblr
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Guilty Gear Xrd Series Official Artworks - English
The official art book for Xrd contained 3 short stories, titled as "SPECIAL EPISODE".
SPECIAL EPISODE: A Brief Respite - English
Text Raws: Shmuel
Translation, Editing, Art Scan: Sol Radguy
Special thanks: Dunium, kaialone, and the Guilty Gear Wiki server for feedback and
untangling the GG timeline.
Host: Neocities
One of three short stories included in this art book. Features Sol and Ky with some flashback stuff to the Crusades during the Battle of Rome.
SPECIAL EPISODE: Breakdown! - English
Raws: Sol Radguy (probably)
Second of the three short stories from the Xrd art book. This one is focused on Elphelt and Jam. Currently untranslated.
SPECIAL EPISODE: The Reminiscent Gale - English
Raws: Sol Radguy
Translation: kaialone
Proofreading: Sol Radguy, (?)
Host: Tumblr
Third of the three short stories from the Xrd art book. This one is focused on Answer and Chipp.
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