
This is the archive for all unofficially translated Guilty Gear media. Including but not limited to: art books, novels, manga, guide books, and magazines.


Please contact me if there are translations in other languages (or I missed something) and I will add them to this post.

Wanna help out but have never scanned a book before? Here's a guide I wrote on book scanning: Tumblr Link

See this page for a guide to the "canon" of Guilty Gear as well as how the hell to get into it all.


Art books

- Artworks of Guilty Gear X 2000-2004 - Daisuke interview
- Artworks of Guilty Gear X 2000-2007

Novels/short stories

- Guilty Gear Begin - English
- Guilty Gear Begin - Spanish

- Guilty Gear X: Lightning the Argent - Main
-- Lightning the Argent - Spanish
-- Lightning the Argent - Summary (Spanish)
-- Lightning the Argent - Chapter 1, English (Radguy)
-- Lightning the Argent - Chapter 1, English (Volcanic Fighter)

-- The Butterfly & Her Gale - Summary (Spanish)
-- The Butterfly & Her Gale - Chapter 1, English (Volcanic Fighter)

- Guilty Gear 2 Overture Material Collection - Main
-- All 8 short stories, Spanish
-- All 8 short stories, English
-- Izuna, Dr. Paradigm, Valentine short stories, English (Volcanic Fighter)

- Guilty Gear Xrd The Unseen Sign - English
- Guilty Gear Xrd The Unseen Sign - Spanish

- Guilty Gear Comic Anthology (Strive) - Main
-- The Miracle of Illyria - English
-- Paper Bags Are Neat - English
-- Drifting Mirror - English
-- Night at the May Ship - English
-- Street Light - English

- Guilty Gear Xrd Series Official Artworks - Main
- SPECIAL EPISODE: A Brief Respite - English
- SPECIAL EPISODE: Breakdown! - English
- SPECIAL EPISODE: The Reminiscent Gale - English

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- Guilty Gear Comic Anthology (1998), English

- Guilty Gear Comic Xtra, English
- Guilty Gear Comic Xtra, Spanish

- Various 4koma strips (English)

- Guilty Gear X Plus Anthology Comics Vol.1 (Bros. Anthology Comics) - Chapter 1, English

Drama CDs

- Guilty Gear XX Drama CD Night of Knives
-- Volumes 1-3, English (Vaporbabe)
-- Volumes 1-3, Spanish (Volcanic Fighter)
Slayer Side Tales
-- Robo-Ky, English
-- Robo-Ky, Spanish
-- A.B.A, English
-- A.B.A, Spanish
-- Axl Low, English
-- Axl Low, Spanish

- Guilty Gear X Drama CD
-- Volume 1, English
-- Volume 1, Spanish
-- Volume 2, English (includes Dizzy side story)
-- Volume 2, Spanish
-- Dizzy & Testament side story, Spanish

- Guilty Gear XX Drama CD Red/Black
-- Side Red, English (includes "Living Dolls")
-- Side Black, English (includes "Letter From Dizzy")
-- Sides Red & Black, Spanish
-- "Living Dolls," Spanish
-- "A Letter From Dizzy To Testament," Spanish

Game scripts

- Guilty Gear Petit 2: Fanny and Faust arcade dialog
- Guilty Gear Petit 2: Fanny win/lose quotes


- Dengeki PlayStation F, Volume 10 (October 13, 1995), English
- Dengeki PlayStation F2, April Special Issue, Volume 19 (April 10, 1996), English
- Character Designer Magazine, Issue 1, Fall 2003, English
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art books //

Books with words.

Artworks of Guilty Gear x 2000-2004 - Daisuke interview, English

Raws: Unknown, probably fairymisao
Translation: fairymisao
Editing: Sol Radguy
Scan quality: Poor
Decently long interview with Daisuke where he talks about his childhood, character design/story inspirations, and music. The original document had some typos and punctuation errors that I fixed. The translation itself isn't bad, but I'd like to double check some areas one day.

Artworks of Guilty Gear X 2000-2007

+ English translation
Raws, translation: Sol Radguy
Scan quality: Good
Art book collecting (most) of Daisuke's work going from GGX through to Isuka. Does not have anything from Overture, despite it being in production around the time this book was published. The webview file is the one with English translations attached; loose file scans are in the .ZIP download.

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Novels/short stories //

Books with words.

Guilty Gear Begin - English

Raws: Sol Radguy
Translation: Sol Radguy
Proofreading: Asuka, PDB
Rubber Duck: Dakota R.
Light novel focused on Frederick (pre-Gear Sol Badguy). The current earliest point in the lore.

Guilty Gear Begin - Spanish

Raws: TooManyMetaphor, Gear Project, Theadvicetroll
Translation: Volcanic Fighter
Proofreading: Black Skull, Incamaya
Host: Dropbox

Guilty Gear X: Lightning the Argent

Light novel focused on Ky. Currently only has a full translation into Spanish, but an English one is in progress.

Complete, Spanish
Raws: Volcanic Fighter
Translation: Volcanic Fighter
Proofreading: Black Skull, Incamaya
Host: Dropbox

Summary (Spanish)
Raws: Volcanic Fighter
Translation: Aegis High
Editing: Fedeternum
Additional editing: Volcanic Fighter
Extra information: Blade
Host: Neocities
Based on an English document by Ed Chang.

Chapter 1, English
Raws: Volcanic Fighter
Translation: Sol Radguy
Proofreading: Everyone That Read The Draft Documents
Rubber Duck: Shottie, Raven, Sydney, the Library of Illyria server, those that have offered constructive feedback, and to everyone that's listened to me complain.
Host: Neocities
Abandoned project.

Chapter 1, English
Raws: Volcanic Fighter
Translation: Volcanic Fighter
Proofreading: Blade
Host: Dropbox
Unknown status, probably abandoned.

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The Butterfly & Her Gale - Summary (Spanish)

Translation: Aegis High
Editor: Fedeternum
Visual formatting: Volcanic Fighter
Host: Dropbox
Light novel focused on Chipp. This is a summary of its story. The Guilty Gear Wiki has a basic summary of its story in English.

The Butterfly & Her Gale - Chapter 1, English

Raws: Volcanic Fighter
Translation: Volcanic Fighter, BrainChoco
Host: Dropbox
Progress on a full translation of Butterfly is unknown, but it may be an abandoned project.

Guilty Gear 2 Overture Material Collection

This art book had 8 short stories in it that were focused on a character from the game. Sol, Sin, Ky, Valentine, Raven, Izuna, Dr. Paradigm, and That Man.

All 8 short stories, Spanish
Raws: Gear Project
Translation: Aegis High (EN->ES; Sol, Sin, Ky, Raven, That Man); Volcanic Fighter (JP->ES; Paradigm, Izuna, Valentine)
Special Thanks (from Volcanic): Aegis High, rednecked_crake, José Manuel, mentalblack34, Black Skull, Incamaya
Host: Dropbox
Ky, Sol, Sin's stories were translated from Japanese into English by Noa with editing by Kitsoru & Nainsoo. Raven and That Man's stories were translated from Japanese to English by Shuzaku. Japanese raws for Paradigm, Izuna, and Valentine's stories by Blade. Full file was edited by Volcanic Fighter.

All 8 short stories, English
Raws: Sol Radguy (Sol, Sin, Izuna, Ky, Raven, That Man); Volcanic Fighter (Paradigm, Valentine)
Translation: Sol Radguy
Special Thanks (from Radguy): Dakota R., Sydney, Raven, and my Tumblr followers.
Host: Neocities

Izuna, Dr. Paradigm, Valentine, English
Raws: Blade
Translation: Volcanic Fighter
Special Thanks: rednecked_crake
Host: Dropbox

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Guilty Gear Xrd The Unseen Sign - English

Raws: Blade
Translation: Volcanic Fighter
Proofreading: Blade
Special thanks: rednecked_crake, José Manuel, Incamaya
Host: Dropbox
Intro? story to Guilty Gear Xrd included in the Arc System Works 25th Anniversary Official Character Collection art book

Guilty Gear Xrd The Unseen Sign - Spanish

Raws: Blade
Translation: Volcanic Fighter
Proofreading: Blade
Based on translations by: Aegis High, mentalblack34
Special thanks: rednecked_crake, José Manuel, Incamaya
Host: Dropbox

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Guilty Gear Comic Anthology (Strive)

A short anthology comic briefly released for April Fool's 2024. It has a mix of comics, short stories, and illustrations.

The following credits apply to all 5 short stories.

Raws: Sol Radguy
Translation: kaialone

The Miracle of Illyria - English

Host: Tumblr

Paper Bags Are Neat - English

Host: Tumblr

Drifting Mirror - English

Host: Tumblr

Night at the May Ship - English

Host: Tumblr

Street Light - English

Host: Tumblr

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Guilty Gear Xrd Series Official Artworks - English

The official art book for Xrd contained 3 short stories, titled as "SPECIAL EPISODE".

SPECIAL EPISODE: A Brief Respite - English

Text Raws: Shmuel
Translation, Editing, Art Scan: Sol Radguy
Special thanks: Dunium, kaialone, and the Guilty Gear Wiki server for feedback and untangling the GG timeline.
Host: Neocities
One of three short stories included in this art book. Features Sol and Ky with some flashback stuff to the Crusades during the Battle of Rome.

SPECIAL EPISODE: Breakdown! - English

Raws: Sol Radguy (probably)
Second of the three short stories from the Xrd art book. This one is focused on Elphelt and Jam. Currently untranslated.

SPECIAL EPISODE: The Reminiscent Gale - English

Raws: Sol Radguy
Translation: kaialone
Proofreading: Sol Radguy, (?)
Host: Tumblr
Third of the three short stories from the Xrd art book. This one is focused on Answer and Chipp.

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manga //

Books with pictures with words.

Guilty Gear Comic Anthology (1998), English

Raws: Sol Radguy
Translation: Sol Radguy
Scan quality: Good
Host: Mangadex
The first anthology manga published for GG. This is a collection of isolated stories, both original to the volume and recaps of parts of the lore. Chapters 1 - 10 + 15 have been translated.

Guilty Gear Comic Xtra, English

Typesetting, editing, cleaning: LONGSHOTTE (Justice Revival Project)
Scan quality: Good
Host: Mangadex -
A single volume manga that introduces two new characters that never get brought up again. Has significantly cooler panels with characters from the games, reminding us that the artist was held at gunpoint to draw Tyr and Mizuha.

Guilty Gear Comic Xtra, Spanish

Based on English translation by: RALLAMAJOOP and JASEROQUE
Translation: Aegis High, Fedeternum
Scan quality: Poor
Host: Dropbox
Very crunchy scans.

Various 4koma strips (English)

Raws: Various
Translation: Illym
Proofreading: Various (sometimes Sol Radguy)
Scan quality: Good
Host: Tumblr
Funny strips from the 4koma (four panel strips) manga translated by Illym. These rely heavily on machine translation, which isn't always accurate, but Illym verifies the translated text with other translators and dictionaries. Open to critique and suggestions.

Guilty Gear X Plus Anthology Comics Vol.1 (Bros. Anthology Comics) - Chapter 1, English

Raws: FlareHabanero
Translation: Renexuz
Scan quality: Serviceable
Host: Google Drive
Abandoned project.

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drama cds //

Audio dramas like how they used to do on the radio.

Guilty Gear XX Drama CD Night of Knives

Mainly focused on Zato and Millia with some Venom and Slayer. Has side stories with Robo-Ky, A.B.A, and Axl Low. Volumes 1-3, English (no side stories)
Raws: Vaporbabe
Translation: Vaporbabe
Proofreading: Renexuz
Host: Google Documents
- Volume 1
- Volume 2
- Volume 3
Host: Guilty Gear Wiki
- Volume 1
- Volume 2
- Volume 3 (currently missing)
Transcribed and translated by a professional Japanese/English translator.

Volumes 1-3, Spanish
Raws: Blade
Translation: Volcanic Fighter
Host: Dropbox
This translation is based on Blade's English translation, which has a ton of errors. I've been told that those errors unfortunately made it into Volcanic's Spanish translation too. Drop me a line if someone does a new Spanish translation of this, please.

Slayer Side Tales //
Robo-Ky, English
Raws, original Spanish translation: Mei
Translation: Volcanic Fighter
Proofreading: Blade
Assistance: Honnou
Host: Dropbox
Based on a Spanish translation of the Japanese original.

Robo-Ky, Spanish
Raws, translator: Mei
Editor: Volcanic Fighter
Additional editing: Black Skull
Assistance: Honnou
Host: Dropbox

A.B.A, English
Raws, original Spanish translation: Mei
Translation: Volcanic Fighter
Proofreading: Blade
Host: Dropbox
Based on a Spanish translation of the Japanese original.

A.B.A, Spanish
Raws, translator: Mei
Editor: Volcanic Fighter
Additional editing: Black Skull
Assistance: José Manuel
Host: Dropbox

Axl Low, English
Raws: Unknown, probably Anji Mito Chou
Translation: Anji Mito Chou
Proofreading/assistance: "An old friend"
Host: Neocities

Axl Low, Spanish
Translator: Aegis High
Editor, visual design: Volcanic Fighter
Host: Dropbox
Based on Anji Mito Chou's English translation.

Guilty Gear X Drama CD

A bunch of the cast have a big fight over some Old War Technology (black tech).
There are significant errors in Ed Chang's translation (& possibly in Aegis High's & Volcanic's, which worked off of Chang's text), the biggest of which is the infamous "Johnny Sfondi" last name mistranslation. Cross-reference information presented in these texts with more recent confirmed canon before using it as a source or citation. The errors weren't made in bad faith and are just honest mistakes.
Volume 1, English
Raws: Ed Chang
Translation: Ed Chang
Special Thanks: Calico, Kintaro
Host: - Neocities
- Volume 2: - Neocities
Dizzy side story included at the end of volume 2.

Volume 1, Spanish
Raws, original English translation: Ed Chang
Translation: Aegis High
Editor: Volcanic Fighter
Host: Dropbox
- Volume 2: Dropbox
- Dizzy & Testament side story: Dropbox

Guilty Gear XX Drama CD Red/Black

Side Red, English
Raws: Ed Chang
Translation: Ed Chang
Host: - Neocities
Includes "Night of the Living Dolls"

Side Black, English
Raws: Ed Chang
Translation: Ed Chang
Special Thanks: Bungiefan
Host: - Neocities
Includes "Letter From Dizzy"

Sides Red & Black, Spanish
Raws, original English translation: Ed Chang
Translation: Aegis High
Editor: Volcanic Fighter
Host: Dropbox
- "Night of the Living Dolls": Dropbox
- "A Letter From Dizzy To Testament": Dropbox

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game scripts //

Translations of text from the games themselves, such as arcade modes or victory dialog, etc.

The Guilty Gear Wiki has nearly a complete log of translated game scripts and quotes too. I won't reinvent the wheel by listing them all here.

Guilty Gear Petit 2: Fanny and Faust arcade dialog

Raws: MysticPyroFreak
Translation: Volcanic Fighter
Special Thanks: Honnou (for Faust's arcade route)
Host: Dropbox

Guilty Gear Petit 2: Fanny win/lose quotes

Raws: kaialone
Translation: kaialone
Host: Tumblr

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magazines //

Books with words.

Dengeki PlayStation F, Volume 10 (October 13, 1995), English

Raws: Unknown, Dengeki Online
Translation: Sol Radguy
Scan quality: Poor
Volume 10 of the Japanese gaming magazine, Dengeki PlayStation. Has an article on what appears to be the first printed appearance of any sort of Guilty Gear 1 material. Very early prototype stuff in this. Will be getting a revamp soon now that I have some better scans to work with.

Dengeki PlayStation F2, April Special Issue, Volume 19, English

Raws: Unknown, Dengeki Online
Translation: Sol Radguy
Scan quality: Poor
Another article with an early prototype build of Missing Link. Not quite as interesting as the Vol.10 article, but still pretty cool.

Character Designer Magazine, Issue 1, Fall 2003, English

Raws: lesbiangiratina
Translation: Sol Radguy
editors & whatever else: tbd
Scan quality: Good
Magazine article showing super early concept art for characters with an interview with Daisuke in the back.

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